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the anunnaki?

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posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:24 AM
Luckily I've hidden Harte, so I don't have to read any of his disinfo twoddle, except for those sad (though unavoidable) occasions when I see his posts quoted by other ATS users.

I am quite simply fed up to the back teeth of reading the BS he plants here on ATS. He has a passion for trying to look intellectually superior on the issue of Annunaki/ Nibiru, and continually makes the same points over & over. "Sitchin is a liar", "they had no knowledge of planets in the outer solar system" etc etc etc YAWN ad nauseum.

I can only think Harte is paid to work on disinfo full time, given the profusion of postings he makes. No-one doing it for free could possibly spend so much time on such a narrow remit of subject matter, or be so vehement in their dismissal & deliberate brushing over of non-standard theories & evidence within that narrow subject area..? Either that or he's extremely bitter for some unknowable reason, and his complex psyche has decided that debunking those who hold that the Annunaki might in fact exist is a good way to vent his frustrations

Just my two cents.

It's important to note that Sitchin isn't a liar, he's a sharp-minded intellectual who (as a result of familial location and culture) has been a linguist since childhood. He's been a lot more courageous than people like Harte will ever be, and is no more commercially-minded than any other author. He is not trying to "steal a buck". He has valid info, evidence and theories / interpretations, which the open-minded intellectual will appreciate for their innate ability to cause one to question the world & its mysteries. Well worth the very low price they cost (as an example, it's less than £5 UK money for a brand new copy of "The 12th Planet"). In my humble opinion, he deserves an honorary PhD in Advanced Mesopotamian Studies from one of the key universities in the US or UK; one day his contributions will be fully recognised, of that I'm certain. He's not the only author I read, but he is a very interesting and well-informed author, who causes me to dig deeper for info from beyond the 'official' line.

As for the BS regarding the ancient's apparent lack of astronomical knowledge, I'll be putting together a thread at some point soon which will deal with clear points and linked reference material; to (hopefully) prove beyond reasonable doubt that the ancients had knowledge of the outer planets, as well as astronomical data that traditional history holds they didn't.

"Beyond reasonable doubt" can put a man to death in the USA, so it should be adequate for studies of ancient history too.

Keep searching.... Don't be put off.


posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by NoahTheSumerian

I am sorry you have chosen to hit the ignore button on old Harte, he does make a point occasionally, and it would be a intellectual sin to miss it. It does sadden me that Harte has to use personal insults to make a point, and to this, it lessons his credibility.

Noah, I am also saddened to agree with you on Harte's position, its illogical. He seems to stretch any argument back to the status Qu's position. I am very mindful not to call people names such as dis-info agents and the like, but their comes a time when one must call the kettle black. Harte may or may not be paid by some unknown benefactor to keep us all in line with the "Institutional" view of things, or, a more sinister operator.

In the least Harte has convinced me that caution should be taken when dealing with the subject of ancient intelligence, and at the most, exposed himself to have a covert agenda. In either event, I have very little doubt left that the "Anunnaki" are not, and never were a myth, but are based in covert (occult) fact.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by NoahTheSumerian
As for the BS regarding the ancient's apparent lack of astronomical knowledge, I'll be putting together a thread at some point soon which will deal with clear points and linked reference material; to (hopefully) prove beyond reasonable doubt that the ancients had knowledge of the outer planets, as well as astronomical data that traditional history holds they didn't.

And you'll be ignoring any factual information to the contrary that I will provide.

Which is, of course, typical.


posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Kernoonos

I am currently pursuing this theory myself.... any links you could recommend?

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by hill 10

what a question!
nice one!

i thought of it as well!

here is what i came up with:

1)the dates of when they were actually here( if they left) are disputed.

2) if nibiru passes every 3600 years( i think this is completely wrong if nibiru is a planet) it means that it would have passed already well over 800,000 times!

3) would you really want them to come back??

as history of the sumerians etc state...they basically made us as a slave that very different from what the PTB are doing to us?

4) i beleive there is constant contact throughout the ages with these it the anunnaki or any other alien thing that remains "aliens " exist!

i am unsure if the annunnaki are the most benevolent of races.

it all goes back to biblical satan,whose correct translation means simply "the adversary", the good or the bad guy? he , apollo , satan ..whatever you want to call him, the one that "liberated us with knowledge?

see i beleive what thebible and other books say a story that ALREADY happened...not something that is still to happen.....i cant find much that "satan" did bad to humanity....all the killings seem to have been done in Gods name and for god...or BY this case of course i refer to god as one of these beings.

analyze cain and abel...the sons of adam and eve....they were who??!?!? if adam and eve, our genetically modified ancestors, were the ONLY humans....and they procreated and had cain and abel....who the hell did they marry?? air? a rock?

very doubtful!

cain was a farmer....abel was a shepherd...when told to sacrifice something to God....cain gave the best he could..lentils....and abel...being a farmer , gave a lamb.

God, REFUSED cains offering....and acceppted abels lamb!

thus pissing cain off and making him jealous....etc etc...

if God, the anunnaki being, did such things...and constantly looks for praise etc....would we really want him to come back?

is satan really so bad....?
read all the books...he doesnt do squat!!...except make us eat from the tree of knowledge and , enter into a bet with god....with gods permission....

i beleive the sumerians had it right...but i alsoi beleive they were subservient.
do you really want to ne subservient...or would u rather, for a change e FREE!

these anunnakis fight with each other...a lot and badly according to the tablets.

as far as nibiru is not entirey sure that its a planet at all.

Nasem harameins lecture where he talks about the possibility of the sun having a black hole inside and that its used for interstellar travel by huge planet sized spaceships....lights a bulb in my head.

these giant ships have been photographed...they are huge...and details are very visible on it.

so in effect...nibiru...could be a giant planet size ship...who really knows...

just a thought.

i definitely beleive that there is a such a race of beings...i also beleive that we are a huge experiment...

and just like scientists kill off all the rats of a botched could they...

perhaps we have a little too much free will for their liking..

put itthis way...i would rather hav ethe anunnaki come back that helped us de enslave us..

call him what u like...apollo, satan, lucifer whatever....i allude to the alien being ...not the red guy with horns that christianity invented to scare kids into obedience...

hope this was somewhat helpful...

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Bingobongo


The difficulty you might have with this is you are starting with the assumption that Sitchin was right about the Annunaki.

He wasn't, at that point your whole argument collapses

You may wish to look at what the Sumerians actually wrote not what Sitchin (and others who followed him) are telling you to believe.

Do your own research, much of Sumerian literature is now on line, I would suggest you do your own research and not rely on fringe writers.

Sumerian literature

Sumerian dictionary

edit on 24/11/11 by Hanslune because: Added correct link

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

well actually...i agree with you!

i am VERY unsure that sitchin had it all right..

i however also am extremely sure that mainstream history ,theology etc etc has it wrong.

Do i beleive we were genetically manipulated?


do i beleive that we were enslaved in order to mine gold....


i dont go just on what sitch said...its more of a mixture of analyzing ancient egyptian temples,religious books, works of Michael Tsarion,Jordan Maxwell, and the list goes on..

the thing that really cliked with sitchin, for me, was the Gold.

Why is gold precious?

i mean, today we find gold precious because we make jewelery out of it etc etc...

however...why , on all separate continents even when they supposedly had NO contact with each other , was gold considered precious?

there is actually no reason for it at all....except that we were told it was.

from china to amrica to africa, europe was sought after...


ther must have been a practical use for it...apart jewelery...

alos, the other thing was the genetic engeneering:

we humans...are really "out of place ".

we dont seem to really belong here....if you look at it this way:

we need clothes to cover ourselves in the cold....or we die

we need clothes to cover ourselves in the heat..or we die

we cant stay in water very long...or we die

we have no real defensive abilities....sure, our adrenaline spike , breathing becomes more efficient and rapid and we gain strength in moments of danger....but so does every other living thing on the planet.
what i mean is, our nails are utter rubbish...our teeth really arent designed to shread...

our pupils dont dialate enough in the dark to see well
we cannot run naturally for very long distances( unless with years of training )...
we cannot run very fast compared to all other NATURAL beings on the planet- with this of course i mean the animals that we purpousley these tiny dogs etc..

we dehydrate very quickly
we need large quantities of food....yet we are not good hunters at all!
i wanna see someone kill a buffalo with his hands...

our sense of smell is absolutely useless in large picture...
our sense of hearing is way inferior to other more "natural beings"

our fat, does not insulate us efficiently at is different from other animal is not efficient.

we are the only species that destroyes the environment in order to live...
with "destroy" i really mean destroy!

we make concrete housing...chop down entire trees...eradicate forests..etc..

it seems we are totally out of place....its as if we are in a bit of a limbo.....

sitchin isnt really the first or the only one with that all..

the bible...has numerous hints....adams rib?...bone marrow extracted from a rib.....i know for sure as hell we werent made from clay...!

basically we were made....

made from what was naturally here on earth mixed with some of their own milkshake.

we look like them...they dont look like us...

so many things guide me to think that way...

all the most ancient temples...still impossible to build today...stones weighing 100s and 100s of tonnes...that still today we cant move...even with our biggest cranes...

so yeah...if sitchin was totally wrong....which i dont think he was....also not totally right of course....then yeah it would all crumble on my head...

but there is no way at all that evolution, would de evolve us to a point of not being able to survive in the wild if we truly evolved to what we are through natural selection and evolution.

We are also prone to so many deseases...cell mutations etc....other species dont suffer the things we do to the extent we do...its as if dna is deteriorating ...and causing all types of cancers, physiological problems etc etc...

so yes...i beleive we are engeneered.....and not very well at all....mind wise we are doing great compared to all other species...but physically we are very inferior..

would i want the annunaki to i mentioned...personally i dont know if it would be the greatest idea...

most sumerian stuff is written with veneration as they regarded them as we know better...

i think many previous experiments were wiped out....we are just the latest one....

i personally dont wanna have to revere or pray or be subservient to any one ....its bad enough with todays governments!

ill shortly post the michael tsarion perspective on things...its a long video but very good....some things i dont swallow at all...but some points he makes are remarkable.

i disagree with the dates he gives and with sitchin dates as well...

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 02:49 PM

You will hear of wars ... " It seems clear that we will not all perish in this final apotheosis. A portion of mankind will remain alive, purified to live in peace in a world of praise to God. Perhaps Zechariah who else is committed to the magnitude of a disaster, ensuring that "three parts of earth, two will completely disappear." St. Matthew (24: 1-13) in respect of a passage in which Jesus responds to those who will be the sign of the end of the world and when it will happen, "Beware that no one deceive you. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not alarm, because it must happen, but not yet the end. For people will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, there will be famines and earthquakes in various places, but all that is only the beginning of sorrows. " A prophetic vision of history The prophet Daniel gives us an explanation of the different steps that must precede the end of our day: "... four huge beasts, different one from another, leaving the sea. The first was like a lion with eagle's wings. I was looking and saw that tore the wings, raised the land and incorporated as a man and gave him a human heart. After this, came another beast, a second, like a bear, was raised on one side, and had three ribs in jaws between his teeth and told him: "Come, devour much flesh" Then I saw another beast like a leopard with four wings of a bird on its back, also had four heads, and he was given the power. Then I saw a fourth beast, dreadful horrendous, incredibly strong. It had huge iron teeth, gnawed and ate the rest trampled with its feet. " Each of these four beasts the prophet Daniel's vision correspond successively to German imperialism of Bismarck and Hitler, the Russian Communism and its expansion, whose symbol is the bear in the prophecy, the British Empire, whose symbol is the leopard, and finally with the appearance ment of the fourth beast, more monstrous, Danielde provides a world conflagration, or a group of allied nations, which could be, for example, the United States, the communist world, NATO, etc.. This type of grouping of nations, first for purposes of war and destruction, and very powerful The last step assumes that produces the end of time. The Apocalypse of John Starts this book revealed to the Apostle John to the seven letters to churches, the reputed experts led them all the same, but at different stages of history, which perfectly agree with its contents. The first is addressed to Ephesus, which means momentum, and refers to the initial spread of the gospel. The following, Smyrna, bitterness, indicates the time of great persecution. The third was sent to the Church of Pergamum and corresponds to step enrichment of knowledge and the flourishing religious landscape. The fourth is directed to Thyatira, triumph, and covers the most brilliant career of Christianity from the Holy Roman Empire until the French Revolution. Then, include a period of accumulation of wealth, which coincides with the letter sent to the church of Sardis, where Croesus reigned. The lack of religion is being imposed among men due to the little credit they deserve the church's ministers, as reflected in the letter to Philadelphia, which means love between brothers. Only failure to fulfill the contents of the seventh, Laodicea, Judgement of God, which without doubt means a near end. Satan roams freely Later John tells us the coming of Satan to the world after being "chained a thousand years", a phrase that gave rise to millenarian theory and in which, to be repeated two times, however rely those who think the planet will not pass the year 2000. It seems obvious that the Devil sat down on Earth, or at least say that the theologians and other scholars of the subject. Although we do not have evidence of the arrival of the Antichrist, as heralded as the beginning of the end, there is no doubt the relaxation of morals, lack of religiosity, the escalation of conflicts, the flourishing of new religious sects and an accumulation of circumstances that usually are predominantly associated with a Satanic influence, among whom it would also be highlighting the increasingly proliferating appearance of false prophets and deceivers. The reign of the Antichrist Apparently, both the prophet Daniel, Revelation and 3 are placed according to grant a period of reign of the Antichrist on earth three and a half years, which leads us to think that this is not a more or less opposite the Church such as communism, which has undoubtedly led many years in force. Finally, St. John tells us of the arrival of seven angels sent by God, who have shed the seven bowls of wrath in the form of diseases, pests, land and sea, planetary collisions, an endless wars and disasters, which in However, they should not have compared to the last one and 'the same sky tells you presumably mute the magnitude of its horror. A careful reading of Revelation in mind would bring more and more details of the nearness of the end of our world, we prefer to omit, being mostly repetitions of calamity and destruction, which were already sufficiently referred to. Not all men perish in the end times, but the Earth will be so devastated and so empty of animals and life, the few survivors who, as St. John wrote, "will seek death but will not find it" will have to start again the reconstruction of their own species and the evolution of a distinct culture that eventually, perhaps inevitably, lead to the same annihilation. Be re-cultivated fields, and this is also prophetic, the deserts will be orchards, there will likely be longer and happier, until it comes in an inexorable way, the Last Judgement. What do the seers Most often sighted religious people who in the midst of a mystical ecstasy include a "flash" which later translate into words. Are becoming more frequent Marian apparitions or orally or by images convey a message of unrest by announcing a major catastrophe prior to the total destruction preceded the coming of Christ and then the short or long term doomsday. There is talk of a signal, usually the cross, which will appear in heaven, according to Polish religious Faustina Kowalska, who had accurately predicted the beginning of the second world war eight years before it occurred, or the stigmatic Therese Neumann, the famous German prophesied the end of the economic misfortunes of the German people, and also tells us that the signs in heaven before that, it will be a doomsday in miniature. Curious signs presents St. Vincent Ferrer, who will bring with celestial phenomena so as not to distinguish men from women. If we stick in his prophecy, the end of the world can happen at any time. A star fall from heaven However, beyond the signs, which for most humans must pass unnoticed, the truly appalling is what happens afterward. The apparitions of Garabandal gives off that "fall from heaven a great star burning like a flame" Almost mesna augured in the U.S. Veronica Lucken referring to a "big ball of redemption," like a burning sun, and also that is to be precipitated upon the earth, as one of the comets that might collide in the next year if God did not cure. Conveys a message that speaks of burning cities, lack of oxygen, earthquakes, large watery, with winds of hurricane force, plant and animal diseases, wars and revolutions such as those referred to vulnerable Porsat Magdalena, who died in 1843. Antichrist Antichrist ("opponent of Christ") is a common name in the New Testament to describe those who oppose Jesus Christ, and also designates an eschatological character, which according to Christian tradition dominate the world in the last days before there is the second coming of Christ. The term antichrist occurs only four times in the Bible, all the letters of the apostle John Tickets are 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3 and 2 John 1:7, where the term is defined as an antichrist " spirit of opposition "to the teachings of Christ. Christianity believes, however, that this "spirit" is a personification of a "demonic messiah" who will come in the last days. For this reason, Christians believe that this anti-christ is described elsewhere, such as the book of Daniel, Paul's letters (such as "man of sin") and the Book of Revelation as the "Beast that rules the world ". For the Catholic Church as the beast came to be personified by the Roman emperor Nero. Throughout history, many mainstream Christians have accused each other or their enemies attributed to the term "antichrist", and examples of use of such arguments, the use by supporters or opponents of the Reformation, during the Papal Schism, the Crusades (reference to the prophet Muhammad) and several other events. Today the term is quite popular especially among evangelical Christian who believes in the birth of the Antichrist as a person who will oppose the commandments of the Bible and organize a society based on values ​​previously assigned to paganism, where all citizens can be controlled through a mark in the hand or forehead like the brand that the Romans imposed on their slaves. Most evangelicals who believe in the doctrine, however, believe they will not suffer at the hands of the Antichrist as they will have been raptured. This Antichrist will ultimately be defeated by Christ at his second coming, when he set up his millennial reign. Other observers believe that the term Antichrist may be linked to modern satanic movement

edit on 24-11-2011 by dogtalesfrom2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Bingobongo

i however also am extremely sure that mainstream history ,theology etc etc has it wrong.

Hans: Why? Evidence

Do i beleive we were genetically manipulated? yes

Hans: Why? Evidence

do i beleive that we were enslaved in order to mine gold.... yes.

Hans: If super aliens wanted gold manufacturing humans to do it stone age tools would be one of the most inane ways to do it, why not obtain it from asteroids? Why didn't they gather up all the alluvial gold – how did they have people ‘obtain’ gold without leaving any traces?

Why is gold precious? however...why , on all separate continents even when they supposedly had NO contact with each other , was gold considered precious? there is actually no reason for it at all....except that we were told it was. from china to amrica to africa, europe was sought after... why?

Hans: Not all cultures value gold, its shiny and if you look at jewelry you’ll find people go for that which is ostentatious, not bland, its also easy to work and it doesn’t corrode and its rare

alos, the other thing was the genetic engeneering: we humans...are really "out of place ".
we dont seem to really belong here....if you look at it this way: we need clothes to cover ourselves in the cold....or we die we need clothes to cover ourselves in the heat..or we die
we cant stay in water very long...or we die

Hans: Chimpanzees and Bonobos seem to be able to do this – tribal groups in certain climates don’t need clothes, think Africa, Polynesia and South America

we have no real defensive abilities....sure, our adrenaline spike , breathing becomes more efficient and rapid and we gain strength in moments of danger....but so does every other living thing on the planet. what i mean is, our nails are utter rubbish...our teeth really arent designed to shread... our pupils dont dialate enough in the dark to see well

How to apes survive? We survive by being social and hunting in groups - we have brains

we cannot run naturally for very long distances( unless with years of training )...
we cannot run very fast compared to all other NATURAL beings on the planet- with this of course i mean the animals that we purpousley these tiny dogs etc..

Hans: Nope Humans can run down any animal on this planet, our ability to sweet through the skin allows us to do that

we need large quantities of food....yet we are not good hunters at all! i wanna see someone kill a buffalo with his hands...

Hans: They learned to scare them off cliffs and into traps – how do you think tribal groups hunt? Not good hunters - reality seems to say differently

our sense of smell is absolutely useless in large picture...our sense of hearing is way inferior to other more "natural beings" our fat, does not insulate us efficiently at is different from other animal is not efficient. we are the only species that destroyes the environment in order to live...

Hans: We have binocular vision and can throw accurately

basically we were made....

Hans: Based on what evidence do you think that? We are poorly adapted to dig gold out don't you think - can you provide archaeological evidence for these mines.....?

all the most ancient temples...still impossible to build today...stones weighing 100s and 100s of tonnes...that still today we cant move...even with our biggest cranes...

Hans: Complete Sitchin nonsense, the heaviest weight ever moved was 1250 tons and the Russians did that in historic times without mechanical power….you really shouldn’t believe such ridiculous claims from fringe writers –do some of your own research. We can move such rocks today. How did the Romans move obelisks from Egypt and set them up, twice, in Rome?

but there is no way at all that evolution, would de evolve us to a point of not being able to survive in the wild if we truly evolved to what we are through natural selection and evolution.

Hans: Not just us but many ‘cousins’ who failed to survive although some last until just recently and we mated with them

most sumerian stuff is written with veneration as they regarded them as we know better...

Hans: You’ve been told to believe that, do your own research not on fringe sites. Be skeptical, Sitchin made up those dates

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by dogtalesfrom2011


Oh my a wall of text; I would suggest you learn how to summary and use paragraphs

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by capzzz
I have heared that once Annunaki made us as a slaves but they have grown spiritually since then and are more "good"

Yes. That does appear to be the case. It's the only thing I can come up with as to the difference between what they did in the past and the fact that they want to help now.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Bingobongo
reply to post by Hanslune

we need clothes to cover ourselves in the cold....or we die

I'm absolutely not picking on you and I like a lot of what you said, but I've got to disagree with you on this one.

While watching TV once....(I don't happen to remember what I was watching. I would guess it was probably on PBS, though...could be wrong) something came on talking about some kid that I believe was called the "wild boy" or something like that. It was about this boy that was found by "civilized" society (I think it was in the 1800's?), who had lived thus far in the wilderness. They put clothes on him and tried to teach him to be "civilized". Anyway, If I remember right, they sort of made a study out of this boy, and one day someone let him out in the snow naked, because......well, I think it was that he knew that's what the boy wanted. Anyway, this allowed them to see that he could be naked in the snow and it did not bother him, because he was used to it.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:50 AM
I have posted this before regarding Zecharia Sitchin:
Sitchin was not a scholar of Hebrew, Sumerian or Aramaic. His translations failed to recognize the difference a word can mean when attached to another word: Example : Bone. Bone-idle. Bone-dry. Or words written in what can only be described as 'local slang': Example : Yorkshire: Owt (anything), Nowt (nothing) or Summat (something).
The learned scholar, Micheal Heiser has a website where he explains these thoroughly.
On the subject of Nibiru, which Sitchin clearly describes as a planet orbiting every 3,600 years, this would make it an ice-ball at it's farthest point away.
I feel that Sitchin has set back the translations of the Sumerian Tablets by many years as some are not treating them seriously through his misinterpretations.
Others, who have translated them less flowery, have posed very thought provoking questions that IF these translations are true then how come they tell very, very similar stories of Genesis some 2,500 years before Moses.
Some have reported that there are millions of the Sumerian Tablets whilst others say thousands. Surely a concerted effort between all the universities/museums throughout the world who have specimens could get together and give us an irrefutable translation.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by OzTiger
urely a concerted effort between all the universities/museums throughout the world who have specimens could get together and give us an irrefutable translation.

This has already been done, by the University of Oxford:

Electronic Corpus of Sumerian Literature


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:55 AM
Its amazing but time is strange. If the Annunaki were here imagine they use a craft that can "jump" extreme far distances and they require fueling post in certain jump regions. Now deeper, imagine they came here say 8340 years ago, well there last out in the open on a mass visitation not scout or recon and they left or jumped but when they jumped to them the time they left EA to todays date is only a few seconds but to man is 8340 years see how time is non existent potentially. SO many say stuff like why wuld they travel waaaaay over here to get gold or supplies like its a long period but to them it may be just a few seconds from the other side of the universe????? With that they may not have been gone that long to them but to manking it seems like long periods. It will be nice to see the return tho as the world is out of control. But waaaay outta box to some here who are considered elite or tptb the goal may be to harvest human energy and then the wars drugs hate rich and poor make sense as it is producing souls. I hope the Annunaki are not about soul harvesting in a negative way if its a positive harvest where those souls who are vibrating well enough are PLUCKED then I can understand. Deep.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
I hope the Annunaki are not about soul harvesting in a negative way if its a positive harvest where those souls who are vibrating well enough are PLUCKED then I can understand. Deep.

I think you can rest assured that you don't need to worry about this.

If it happens, Mighty Mouse will save us.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
I hope the Annunaki are not about soul harvesting in a negative way if its a positive harvest where those souls who are vibrating well enough are PLUCKED then I can understand. Deep.

I think you can rest assured that you don't need to worry about this.

If it happens, Mighty Mouse will save us.


Shows what you know Harte - it'll be Gamera that will save us all

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Harte

reply to post by Hanslune

Mighty mouse = mammal
Gamera= reptile

Would it be a combined genetic help from a super mammal/reptile

edit on 1/18/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by Harte

reply to post by Hanslune

Mighty mouse = mammal
Gamera= reptile

Would it be a combined genetic help from a super mammal/reptile

I'm not sure but I think the recipe for Hostess twinkies came out of that melange
edit on 18/1/12 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Hanslune

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by Harte

reply to post by Hanslune

Mighty mouse = mammal
Gamera= reptile

Would it be a combined genetic help from a super mammal/reptile

I'm not sure but I think the recipe for Hostess twinkies came out of that melange
edit on 18/1/12 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

Or what would be considered modern or updated versions of Earth Annunaki or HUMANS mammals with reptile blood mix -hybrids

edit on 1/18/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

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