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Cops & Judges Caught Using Secret Codes On Tickets

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+20 more 
posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:16 PM
A Florida newscast has revealed that some cops put secret messages on the backs of their tickets characterizing the driver's attitude with smiley faces, frowny faces and "burning a-holes".

Drivers only receive a copy of the front of the ticket and most never know of the unfair characterization which may be influencing the judges decision in their case.

More proof that cops and judges are in cahoots?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by FortAnthem
More proof that cops and judges are in cahoots?

I'm not really sure how any legal system could work if they weren't in cahoots...

But this is a rather disgusting revelation in any case.

+31 more 
posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:23 PM
Atleast I put my "codes" on the front of the ticket...

I only use codes if your acting like an idiot. Sorry but if you blow a stop sign, are doing 85 in a 50, or pass on a double yellow making other motorists swirve, etc....I have NO sympathy for you and definitly will note on the ticket if your being an AH driver. Blows my mind how some people have complete disregard for not just the law but fellow drivers....then have the nerve to act like the cops are in the wrong.

Are some tickets BS and should never have been written? YES I agree 100%, but I cannot speak for those officers. As for me, you have to have blantant disregard, and when you do, don't complain and be a whiney a@@, just take your ticket and face YOUR wrong doing.

p.s. AH stands for Aggressive & Hostile, not AHOLE...haha...for all of you assuming...

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:23 PM
It's not really fair, but I get it.

If you and your friends were cops you would devise a way to get back at A-Holes as well.

I don't know why anyone would be rude to a cop, .... the only difference between more charges, and being let off is your attitude.

The only way to get ahead is play the game I say.

+13 more 
posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:27 PM

n. pl. con·spir·a·cies
1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
2. A group of conspirators.
3. (Law) An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design

The question now becomes, a) is it illegal, and b) was this a 'common' agreement between law enforcement and the judiciary?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
p.s. AH stands for Aggressive & Hostile, not AHOLE...haha...for all of you assuming...

I wonder how many people have seen that on their ticket and assumed it meant A-hole.

You may want to find another notation.

I remember when, I believe it was Chicago police (not sure though), were accused of using the term UNIT to describe a suspect and it was alleged UNIT stood for Unwanted N-word In Town. I believe there was a federal investigation and everything.

Little things like this can blow up in a big way.

[edit on 1/3/10 by FortAnthem]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Usually those who get codes on their citations KNOW why they are there. Almost ever AH citation I ever wrote was fought by the driver. Then my dash cam video was shown in court and the driver just hung his/her head and USUALLY apaologized for how they acted on scene. I have come to find out that those who act like that on stops are people who "know people" or are VERY self absorbed and tend to be quite spoiled in life. Just the way it is I guess.

As for the UNIT one from Chicago, I agree that would be wrong. Race and Sex really means NOTHING when it comes to a ticket....just your attitude and violation.

+49 more 
posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:55 PM
Why would a cop even bother to put unofficial notes on their citations? If the driver is a complete asshole and violates several traffic laws, then I think it would speak for itself in the citation. The offender is supposed to be held accountable in court for the violations he or she committed, not the "passing judgment" of the cop.

Frankly, that's not the job of a cop, and it only serves to establish more unrest and distrust in the general population. Cite them for their violations and let them be accountable for that. So what if they're "sneaky" or "snotty", etc., that doesn't really matter, there are no laws to bind them to not being 'sneaky' or anything. If a cop wants to protest people they don't like, they can take off their uniform and go pick up a picket sign and picket against "snob drivers".

This just only goes to prove why people seriously distrust cops and "authority figures" in general. Just about every one of them tweak the rules in some way,however insignificant or great, either to satisfy grudge-lust with someone they simply don't like, or for other nefarious means. Just stick to the law, it's really quite simple.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
Atleast I put my "codes" on the front of the ticket...

I only use codes if your acting like an idiot. Sorry but if you blow a stop sign, are doing 85 in a 50, or pass on a double yellow making other motorists swirve, etc....I have NO sympathy for you and definitly will note on the ticket if your being an AH driver. Blows my mind how some people have complete disregard for not just the law but fellow drivers....then have the nerve to act like the cops are in the wrong.

Are some tickets BS and should never have been written? YES I agree 100%, but I cannot speak for those officers. As for me, you have to have blantant disregard, and when you do, don't complain and be a whiney a@@, just take your ticket and face YOUR wrong doing.

p.s. AH stands for Aggressive & Hostile, not AHOLE...haha...for all of you assuming...

You must really like driving fast Mr. Police, if you can do it, why shouldn't everyone else?

And even if you are driving crazy does not in any way mean you are aggressive or Hostile. If that is what you were saying..

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
You must really like driving fast Mr. Police, if you can do it, why shouldn't everyone else?

I have NO idea what you mean by this....please clarify

And even if you are driving crazy does not in any way mean you are aggressive or Hostile. If that is what you were saying..

No what it means is AFTER I stop someone for the violation, they freak out on the side of the road saying they didn't do it, they call me names, they refuse to sign the citation, they rip up the citation, threaten law suits, and all sorts of other entertaining things.....usually a whole lot of cussing and useless babble.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by SyphonX

Because when people fight the ticket, one of the first things they do is try to make the judge believe they were somehow wrongly pulled over and cited. The attitude and behavior displayed on the side of the road during the incident ODDLY enough is NOWHERE to be found and then they tell the judge that they were being intimidated, OUR NOTE lets the judge see that they were the ones AH. Then when the person lies about that we call into evidence the dash cam video.

Why we don't just watch the damn video right away I'll never know, but thats the courts for you.

+9 more 
posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:12 PM
I wonder what codes they use for "retired cop, firefighter?"

This is a form of corruption. The accused should face their judge without bias. With that principle absent, the system is broken.

Apparently "blind justice" is a fairytale. And we wonder why our system is so corrupt.

[edit on 3/1/2010 by clay2 baraka]

+9 more 
posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
Atleast I put my "codes" on the front of the ticket...

I only use codes if your acting like an idiot. Sorry but if you blow a stop sign, are doing 85 in a 50, or pass on a double yellow making other motorists swirve, etc....I have NO sympathy for you and definitly will note on the ticket if your being an AH driver. Blows my mind how some people have complete disregard for not just the law but fellow drivers....then have the nerve to act like the cops are in the wrong.

So you have someone that breaks that many laws and the tools to stop them and report the broken laws to a court and you still feel the need to relate secret information to the judge based on your perception of their attitude? That is not your job. You job is to enforce the law. If he broke all those laws then you get to cite him for breaking them. The driver's attitude towards you is either relevant enough to make a very bold clear note about or it does not matter. If you need to use secret codes to punish people then apparently there is a problem with the laws you are supposed to enforce.

p.s. The bottom line is, if you think their attitude matters so much then why do you have to use a secret code to the judge for that? Just write it down on their copy.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by K J Gunderson]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
reply to post by SyphonX

Because when people fight the ticket, one of the first things they do is try to make the judge believe they were somehow wrongly pulled over and cited. The attitude and behavior displayed on the side of the road during the incident ODDLY enough is NOWHERE to be found and then they tell the judge that they were being intimidated, OUR NOTE lets the judge see that they were the ones AH. Then when the person lies about that we call into evidence the dash cam video.

Why we don't just watch the damn video right away I'll never know, but thats the courts for you.

So why does it have to be a secret code that the driver is not made aware of?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

Well, that's court. Someone represents themselves, or with a lawyer, and tries to waive the citation. "Secret Messages", or anything like it, is simply not needed. I would think that if it were to come up, the officer could explain how the person was belligerent, but it's not needed before hand.

And how often does a person successfully defend themselves from a traffic citation anyway? It's pretty standard that a ticket is nearly written in stone, and that a court-show is just that, a show, to entertain people for a few moments, for the sake of it.

Also, the person's demeanor does not suggest guilt for their original citation. Just because the person was a "flaming asshole", it doesn't mean they are somehow "automatically guilty" of their alleged violation. Suggesting otherwise just eliminates the point of court, because the case goes from the person defending themselves on a traffic violation and then magically transforming to a case where, "They weren't very nice".

So, all that said, what is the point of a traffic citation? To stop an offender from breaking traffic laws, or to make a person respect police no matter what?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:20 PM
I was once stopped and know for sure that the car that should have been stopped was the car that passed me on the left at extreme speeds. I could have easily argued with the cop, but knew he was human and prone to mistakes. I explained it the judge and he said he couldn't do nothing without proof.

I asked for deferred adjudication and it was granted. The only ticket I have ever gotten.

IMO, the faces aren't that much of a big deal. Usually, the judge will take the officer's word anyway.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

OK, but my question to you is, can this not be considered attempting to influence the judges decision? I would even suggest tampering with evidence but that is a bit of a stretch....

From the sound of that chief judge and those lawyers, this does not appear to be legal.... Now I am not saying that is the case, but when it raises red flags like that to lawyers and chief judges, then maybe it is not such a good idea to do...

And yeah, you know, of all people that I stand up for cops most of the time. I often recommend that people consider the facts, and I often state that like every other profession, there are bad apples, but most of them are great...

So I ask, even if some one is being a complete jerk... And even if it is legal, why do something like this, that would paint the police in an even worse light than they already are?

It makes people think that there is something not right going on, and it makes people question the validity of their ruling... So why do something like that?

I honestly just do not get it... There must be better and less controversial ways to deal with jerks... Like ignoring them..... and going about your day after you write the ticket....

It is not against the law to be a jerk, so why do something that makes it look like you are trying to punish them for it?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:44 PM
Seems to me that a review of tickets with such codes on them matching codes to fines would speedily uncover illegal collusion or disprove the theory.

If there were significant correllations then every officer and judge involved should be arrested and charged with obstruction of justice, violation of oaths, and conspiracy, as well as any other charges that may apply, including RICO. If convicted, none should be allowed to work in law enforcement, the legal system or the judiciary ever again. All such traffic convictions affected by the illegal behavior should be expunged and any monies extracted returned.

It is not a police officer's place to pass judgments on a citizen, or to attempt to influence a court of law. This sort of behavior is immoral, unethical, unprofessional, and, most importantly, illegal. It should be punished extremely harshly, for this sort of behavior rots the very fabric of society in ways far beyond that of normal criminal activity.

edit for clarity

[edit on 1-3-2010 by apacheman]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:52 PM
Wow real shocker, cop abuses power and position in society, News at 11. There are some good cops, but they only seem to show up in the occasional movie. Almost every cop I've encountered is an ass topped off with a overbearing case of megalomania.

Case in point. I was driving through a very small town last summer and traffic was blocked. Waited and waited then saw the flashing lights up ahead. No big deal, probably an accident, hopefully nobody is hurt. Not the case. As I get closer the town pigs had setup a road check for some form of charity. I have no problem with charities, great stuff, but how you can arbitrarily just setup camp on a main road to do that is beyond comprehension. When I got to the pig he had his charity paper in hand ready to give me (there were other citizens with big signs for this particular charity as well). I refused to roll down my window, wanted no part of but I eagerly pointed out blocking traffic in this manner was wrong. Pig gave me a bad look and away I went.

Back to the topic, I think this only scratches the surface. There's no doubt of far worse but hey they're pigs so they must be telling the truth....right


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:07 PM
Its the same as when someone comes to customer service and flips a lid or freaks out. Make a scene and then soon as you leave those you cast your anger at will pass it on to others that said person has issues. Same thing here.

My AH doesn't mean they WILL be found guilty, it doesn't sway a judge IMO. It simply lets the judge know that ON SCENE the person DIDN'T WANT TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LAW(S) THEY CHOOSE TO BREAK...and decided to focus their immaturity on me. Thats all...

In ANY profession you expect to have some dialog in a mature way. When you KNOWINGLY violate the law in such a manner as to NOT care about others on the road, just simply be man or woman enough to sign the ticket and move on.

Regardless of what I write on the ticket DOESN'T supercede the law you broke in such a careless way. Oh and the AH I put on my tickets is on the front, so the driver gets it on their copy too.

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