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Forum Gang Activity On the Rise on Ats?

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posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I have learn to ignore the trolling and post as I wish, when somebody targets my post if I find it worth of of attention I will reply, if I don't I careless how many times they address whatever I post.

Plain and simple, never feed the trolls

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by angeldoll
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You don't have to thank me. Actually the line between "fans" and "gangs" remains blurred, in terms of the given definition.

There is actually no way for a member to determine whether a "conspiracy" is being developed via U2U to form a gang, so if that's a part of the criteria, it is moot one, as it is only guess work and conjecture.

It actually depends on motivation of the poster(s), and this is not something verifiable. The motivation aspect is intangible, as long as U2U's are private.

It is in fact a very blurry line, one that the more often someone steps over it the more inclined they feel to do just that, pretty soon there is no line left at all.

A lot of people on ATS are more or less political hacks in a sense, they have a cause and they have an agenda that is important to them personally or an organization that they belong to.

There are however some very fine conspiracy theorists on ATS who are in fact phenomenal detectives and are great at annalysing, data, trends, clues, and discovering sources of information to support their theories.

No communications system is secure, which is why I myself still use carrier pidgeons with stealth cloaking and teflon body armor to deliver my most secure messages!

I sure wish they would stop crapping on my ledge though, fortunately they work for chicken feed!

In fact any body guilty of being in a forum gang knows what they are doing and why they are doing it.

Is it worth it? Is that what a person really needs to do to try to make an argument, pursue an agenda, or collect a paycheck?

We have seen some really great posters on this thread state clearly they avoid certain topics or rarely post because of organized forum gang activity.

Lets make ATS a nice place! Lets stay on guard for this type of thing. Let's encourage people to deny ignorance, do quality research, and have open minds.

It's pretty simple, guilt is obviously heavily weighing on some people regarding some of the responses to the thread, but the truth is a persons road to a higher sense of self is filled with many pitfalls and difficult soul searching moments.

This thread is a chance for us all to learn something, share, and become wiser for the effort.

Well those who are so inclined anyway!

Thanks for posting.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by marg6043

That's the ticket. This is a talent we all need to develop. Troll Starving and Deprivation. I don't often post, but I can see it's easier said than done.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I have learn to ignore the trolling and post as I wish, when somebody targets my post if I find it worth of of attention I will reply, if I don't I careless how many times they address whatever I post.

Plain and simple, never feed the trolls

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:20 PM
well, if your call to examine personal, troll-like behavior is heard, perhaps I will then venture into the 9/11 sub-forum. Until than... 'meh... just call me "lurker"...

[edit on 2-3-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Makes sense right? isn't that the reason we get trolling?, when those that have something meaningful and intelligent to say (post) gets targeted by trolls or (Gangs) and they actually answer back losing the entire purpose of what brought them to post on a particular forum.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:22 PM
link it...

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 3/9/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by angeldoll

Trust me is takes time and practice, It has taken me many years to stop feeding the trolls without pushing the Panic button, I mean the ignore, just because I don't answer back it doesn't means I don't read the none sense once in while.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet

Originally posted by OddTimeSignature
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

If you name the issue Organised might get better reaction from moderators...well i dont know just an proposal...

He cant and wont because he doesnt know but has a suspicion. And you created this thread to stir up trouble, thats all you know you keep throwing Rocks at a Hornets Nest your going to get stung.

Not to bust horns or anything, but I am going to ask you again to clarify what exactly was meant by this reply. If it was just rambling, or you really don't know that is fine. If you don't want to further explain it that's alright too. Just let me know one way or the other. I guess if you don't reply back to me, I will never know.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
well, if your call to examine personal. troll-like behavior is heard, perhaps I will then venture into the 9/11 sub-forum. Until than... 'meh... just call me "lurker"...

[edit on 2-3-2010 by LadySkadi]

The truth is the most recent posts from the staff and owners on threads of their own is that they are heavily reliant on us members and encouraging us to settle our own problems to keep the site productive and civil so they don't have to step into it.

I think we are doing a great job at this in these and other attempts because the staff has really well...left this thead alone.

It's been on top of Board Issues for the past three days and I think we should all take a bow that they believe we are handling this discussion in a civil and productive enough way for them to allow it to take its course.

I can only speculate that makes them happy because they sure aren't saying it makes them sad, and would like to see discussion like these so that the forums all the forums can become more productive places where everyone feels safe and encouraged to post their own opinions, views and facts.

Thanks for particpating!

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by jackflap

He cant and wont because he doesnt know but has a suspicion.

You see everyone, I am alarmed by this reply because I can see visible anger and frustration in it. In the above sentence the poster does not even know who he is replying to. He thought he was replying to someone who must have asked something different, but in his anger he quoted and addressed the wrong poster. He is referring to Proto and claims that Proto does not know but has a suspicion. As if what Proto has started a thread about has no merit, but I can assure you all, it does.

And you created this thread to stir up trouble, thats all you know you keep throwing Rocks at a Hornets Nest your going to get stung.

In this sentence He is obviously addressing Proto and acknowledging that there is indeed a hornet's nest. Well if it is all just a suspicion, where did the hornet's nest come from? Not only that but the poster says to Proto that he created this thread to stir up trouble. Well if it is all suspicion than who is troubled?

He then goes on to say quite blatantly that Proto will get stung. Now this all because of a non existent problem that obviously has upset him. To me this is alarming and I wanted to address it a couple of times to make that post stand out as something that should be explained by the poster. I'm not beating a dead horse here and I hope that the poster will explain.

Edited for spelling.

[edit on 2-3-2010 by jackflap]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 03:57 PM
Okay, everyone has ventured to a component that I have been contemplating for awhile.

Let me ask everyone, what happens if a troll CROWD or GANG wants to shut down a thread or to disperse conversation.

Ignoring the trolls or gang will get EXACTLY what they want.

This comment is for everyone, please deny my truth.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by jackflap

I wouldn’t stress this too much JackFlap because the truth is I am not out to get anyone in trouble or anyone banned but to get people involved in Forum Gangs to rethink their participation in them and to encourage them to become better quality posters in keeping with the spirit of ATS.

There is no doubt that some of the people posting to this thread are doing so because they feel various elements of quilt or concern because of their own past or present participations in forum gangs.

When criminals suspect they are being investigated they love to sniff around the heels of an investigation that could potentially affect them. After all they have a vested interest, and an even stronger interest in trying to appear innocent of any wrong doing.

Need an alterantive theory for the crime, chances are the criminal has one handy to sell!

If they can influence that investigation, intimidate witnesses, tamper with evidence, etc., etc., they have a powerful motivation to do so.

Further forum gangs are all about intimidation tactics, veiled threats, peer pressure, and emotional based condemnations based on the prerequisite wholesale categorization into the ‘you are for us’ or ‘you are against’ us camps that always represent the two sides to every issue.

As I had hoped we are seeing some of the preferred forum gang tactics being used in this thread, which has in fact been quite helpful in displaying for people just what some of these tactics are those forum gangs’ uses.

A lot of people have confused this to be about stars. They imagine its just a star wars issue, but the inordinate starring of off topic, ad hominid attacks, and people ganging up on a poster making it about the posters character they are ganging up to attack on with out addressing the substance of their posts or offering any substance to the topic themselves in the process, are just a sign a symptom if you will of a forum gang working.

The issue is about tactics, the tactics employed when forum gang groups target posters and go after the poster in behind the scenes coordinated efforts to bait the poster, insult the poster, and derail the thread from the actual topic so the substance of the topic can’t be discussed.

We do though have to keep in mind that we all have that little bit of Roman in us that loves gladiatorial sport and that thumbs up or thumbs down for their favorite gladiator. Gladiatorial combat is about barbaric displays of brute strength which does little to educate people or deny ignorance. Witty snipes, petty insults, and character assassinations become the trade craft of online Gladiators, and just like in the Coliseum people will naturally find a similar fascination and lust in those intense confrontational exchanges and take sides too.

The question is are you staging the events and then selling tickets to it for your fans!

Are you or your friends out to turn a thread aimed at discussing issues and educating people and denying ignorance into a confrontational sport instead by looking for those most effective and persuasive at debate to personally pit other gladiators against them who are not there to educate or deny ignorance but rather just to slay an opponent.

If you are part of such a network of likeminded people you are in a forum gang! The star rating system is the closest thing ATS provides to thumbs up or down, some people use it to signify a post they agree with, some people though use it to signify their love or allegiance for a gladiator who has posted nothing of substance beyond providing spectacle, the spectacle of counter productive confrontation.

I posted this in board business so the gladiators amongst us wouldn’t be encourage by ego or sport and the weaker amongst us wouldn’t be influenced by a peer pressure based rating system but if they have a genuine interest will read the posts each contributor makes and decide for themselves.

The post isn’t about singling people out or getting anyone in trouble, the thread is about helping people do a check up from the neck up so they don’t have to even be singled out and get in trouble.

You can lead a horse to water Jackflap but you can’t always make them drink. I am not out to persecute or punish anyone though some people in fact might end up incriminating themselves regarding their own involvement in forum gangs sniffing around the thread trying to determine what its all about.

Its about asking every ATS Member to do a check up from the neck up, examine your own posting tactics, affiliations and associations and mode of operation and determine yourself if you are a forum gang gladiator or if you are a quality ATS poster here to deny and not propagate ignorance because furthering your own personal or group agenda requires it being done over the backs of the ignorant.

[edit on 2/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
Okay, everyone has ventured to a component that I have been contemplating for awhile.

Let me ask everyone, what happens if a troll CROWD or GANG wants to shut down a thread or to disperse conversation.

Ignoring the trolls or gang will get EXACTLY what they want.

This comment is for everyone, please deny my truth.

This is what they are after to promote an agenda that can only be promoted based on emotional manipulation of the ignorant.

They don't want people to learn, they don't want people to discuss, and they don't want people to consider.

They want people to listen, and listen to them and do as they say and not question and by gosh if you don't you are anti this, or anti that.

Anti of course being a negative term. These are of course people who see the glass half empty in life and usually its a glass that they want to drain the rest of the way as part of their agenda.

They have trouble with pro labels, those who see the glass half full who would like to fill it all the way up so there is plenty for everyone to enjoy a drink.

The gangs and trolls operate always on a might makes right principle they want to dominate and in fact they need to dominate in order to often sell an agenda that really is not in anyone's interest but their own.

Threads can be kept alive though and productive if you don't swallow the bait. They want you to react emotionally and not respond intellectually.

They travel in packs because they know that their arguments are weak and that they need each other to validate them. To validate them in hopes that people will follow the herd that appears to be the most dominant not because its the best or safest herd to be in, but because they have conspired to uneven the playing field to make it appear like its the winning herd and therefore the best and safest to be in.

The fact that they are so viral and agressive to those not in the herd makes that even appear to be truer.

Funny things about herds though is when the Indians hunted buffalo they didn't shoot them, the herded them right off a cliff in mass to their own deaths.

Be your own boss, your own thinker, avoid the herd! Stampedes are after all ugly and dangerous things!

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Let me ask everyone, what happens if a troll CROWD or GANG wants to shut down a thread or to disperse conversation.

I think what might be a good thing to do is maybe quote all or part of the content of what it is they are spouting off about. Then point out that what they are doing is considered trolling or it's off topic or that it is just plain stupid and ask that they cease and desist further attempts to disrupt the thread.

Ask a couple of times if you have to and then if there is no other option tell them that you have hit the alert button on all of their off topic, trolling or stupid replies. Usually confronting it works though. I think.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You said middle eastern boards right...

Never seem to invoke them....

Going to look over and maybe put in my three cents

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by ripcontrol
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You said middle eastern boards right...

Never seem to invoke them....

Going to look over and maybe put in my three cents

Nothing like adjustment's for inflation.

Myself I joined ATS because I love conspiracies.

For some strange reason the Middle East is fought over like no tomorrow.

It literally invites people to conspire to ways to dominate it.

Sadly the region is split into two bitterly opposed sides with neither very interested in compromise.

So bitter they refuse to allow anyone to be objective or neutral in the pursuit of hunting down conspiracies.

They prefer that you either be with them or with us. Wanderers with open minds are frowned upon. Please do be careful!

Should you not choose a side, a side shall be assigned to you.

Should you not adopt a label one will be assigned to you.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
For some strange reason the Middle East is fought over like no tomorrow.

It literally invites people to conspire to ways to dominate it.

It's a whole lotta desert and scrub land, with very little water.. Limited resources = conflict/war.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by clay2 baraka

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
For some strange reason the Middle East is fought over like no tomorrow.

It literally invites people to conspire to ways to dominate it.

It's a whole lotta desert and scrub land, with very little water.. Limited resources = conflict/war.

Employing these standards Palm Springs California should be an exceptionally violent place then!

The people of Las Vegas should be determined to take over Phoenix too!

Why oh why can't we all just get along!

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:21 AM
Since there are those of us who are still in the dark concerning this reported "ATS gang activity", lol, I think it might be a good idea, to back up the comments in this OP, by providing a link to the reported "gang activity", so we might better be able to decide if it is real, or imagined.

Now, I'm not talking about individual trolling, we all know that exists.
A gang would need to be at least two people working together to achieve a common goal, other than to prove a mutual point.

Please show us what you are referring to.


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