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Forum Gang Activity On the Rise on Ats?

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Proto, I have had posters attack me and my topics also, and it is always the same ones,

Do they U2U each other, I would guess yes.

I need a gang BTW.

[edit on 013131p://bMonday2010 by Stormdancer777]

Well I know you have confided in me about this from time to time StormDancer and experienced a lot of greif over it as I think we who post frequently all have from time to time.

Hopefully this thread will make some more people aware of the issue and a bit more considerate in their posting habits.

If I join your gang can I stop paying taxes as a native American Indian?

Can my new name be Dances with Protoplasm?

Hang in there, better days are bound to be ahead!

[edit on 1/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I often am concerned that mine or other Pegasus members activities could be construed as a "forum gang". Due to this, i go to great pains to conduct my business without regard to any other member, regardless of how i know them. Stormdancer is an excellent example of someone that i knew before coming to ATS (i think i actually got her to come here, can't remember for sure). But i rarely even see her in the vast expanse of ATS. Having said that, it is obvious that i have similar interests to other Pegasus members, and will gravitate towards not only their threads, but to threads that attract them. Speaking of which....i sure wish Zorgon would come back around. Miss having him active here.

Well I have seen some of your posts around and I have starred them because they actually added to the discussion and gave me a little insight. Some of them I actually laughed about. I never felt as if you were belittling my point of view or those of others.

Stormdancer has some great stuff too but I see a reluctance on her part to contribute at times and I have starred her stuff as well. I never thought that her or you were part of gang though. Having a similar interest in topics is good and I'm sure you guys participate together to enjoy one anothers comments and help the discussion along. I see nothing wrong with that.

What is this Pegasus you speak of? As for Zorgon, he was awesome and you are right I haven't seen him around. Him, and another member blew my mind in a thread I started about a secret rocket blasting off. Man, I still get chills thinking about that incident!

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

That I have seen on many threads. Continuous comments by several posters and instantaneous numerous stars.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

That I have seen on many threads. Continuous comments by several posters and instantaneous numerous stars.

Kind of strange how that always works out for some people isn't it?

Posts of almost no topical substance 20 seconds later its been starred 6 times even when there hasn't been movement on the thread for hours and sometimes days.

Crazy world we live in!

Thanks for posting.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTravelerDo they show up within short time periods of one another, do they play off of one another, do their posts get a similiar number of stars post after post no matter how unrelated, off topic or unsubtantiated and unfactual?

I don't belong to any "ATS gang", primarily because none want me.

But seriously, ever think that they got stars because they actually said something a passer by of the thread liked? Why does it absolutely have to be some kind of "ATS gang"?

I can't claim to know exactly what you're talking about, as I've not paid much attention to it all, so keep that in mind when reading this post.


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:41 PM
I think you may be seeing a pattern where none exists.

from ATS 'About' page.

186,236 members of ATS lets say only 1% of members ( due to not being on , abandoned accounts actually read a single Post.

that's 1862 members .. lets just say after reading a single post only 1% of these members decide to post. 18 people decided to post .

now lets say out of these 18 people 40% have one sort of view 40% another and 20 % are whacked out posts , trolls or 'other' point of view.

Thats 7 with one type of view

7 with another

and 4 'other' views.

Out of these 7 on either side lets say 3 of them decide to star each other all the time would that be an organised gang? coz the odds of them organising it before hand on a random post is slim.

i know sometimes it feels like it and of course there will be groups from other forums / other sites that come on and stick together but i think that is the minority rather than the majority.

it just all seems that way because there is a lot of people posting and this increases the odds for a lot of people with the same view to congregate.

so no i don't think there is a problem with organised gangs .. in fact sometimes i hope for backup from people with similar views when debating in a thread.

regards QS

[edit on 1/3/10 by Quantum_Squirrel]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I admit it. I am a part of a Gang. The ATS Gang. A gang that allows me to flag whichever thread I want, start whichever post I want, and to take a stand on whichever side of the issue I so desire. I can star you or anybody night and day.

This gang is great. Maybe next time you get seven stars on a post for saying basically nothing, you can think of me. Maybe I gave it to you for free, or because what you said meant something personal, made a mistake or it was funny, maybe puzzling or because of a million other reasons.

Who cares if somebody gets 20 or 40 stars for saying nothing out of the ordinary.

It doesn't mean they are a part of a gang. It just means the star system doesn't work the way you think it should.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

That I have seen on many threads. Continuous comments by several posters and instantaneous numerous stars.

Kind of strange how that always works out for some people isn't it?

Posts of almost no topical substance 20 seconds later its been starred 6 times even when there hasn't been movement on the thread for hours and sometimes days.

Crazy world we live in!

Thanks for posting.

don't quote me but it is my belief that mods read the posts and some (not all) starter flags come from them .. i mean if they send you applause in the U2U then you probably got flagged as well.. or the owners or from old time members that always like to read friends posts..

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Frontkjemper

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTravelerDo they show up within short time periods of one another, do they play off of one another, do their posts get a similiar number of stars post after post no matter how unrelated, off topic or unsubtantiated and unfactual?

I don't belong to any "ATS gang", primarily because none want me.

But seriously, ever think that they got stars because they actually said something a passer by of the thread liked? Why does it absolutely have to be some kind of "ATS gang"?

I can't claim to know exactly what you're talking about, as I've not paid much attention to it all, so keep that in mind when reading this post.


Well announcing your availability is the first big step!

Statistics are an amazing thing when you understand how numbers play into trends. People like forensic accountants can annalyse all sorts of numbers and predict with a very narrow margin of error future scenarios based on them.

When you are observant to logistics and numbers and look for patterns in them, which many good detectives, gamblers and accountants do you see real patterns in them that are predictable based on variables that are predictable through repeditive observation.

Sometimes those numbers don't play out the way they would over the averages and then you look for the variables that are causing the numbers to play differently.

Why is a scenario that normally yields a 10 now yielding a 15? What are the variables causing them and are they establishing a trend through that on their own.

Its not about posts being starred its about posts being abnormally starred based on normal patterns.

Sometimes there are real variables.

For instance normally someone might say Elvis was the greatest performer that ever lived and when you look at 100 threads and a 100 posts where someone said that and add them all up and they average three stars well you expect when ever anyone says Elvis was the greatest performer that ever lived to get around 3 stars.

Based on never getting more than 5 and never less than 1 over occurence after occurence for an average of 3 stars.

You wouldn't be alarmed if it got 5 stars based on that track record or 1 star based on that track record but if all of a sudden it gets 15 stars something externally that's not normally at play has skewered the results.

It its the anniversary of Elvis's Birthday, one a day where the International Elvis Presley Look Alike Contest was on CNN and FOX on the day that Elvis Presley's Birthday was announced as a national holiday for the first time by the President of the United States now you have some explainable factors of why its running so far off the trends.

But if nothing like that exists to create a natural explanation for the shift in trend, a drastic shift in trend, well now something unnatural is at play.

So you look to identify that. What unnatural occurence could cause such a drastic difference in the normal results?

Tracking numbers and establishing trends is very important to all kinds of advertisers, accountants, gamblers, detectives etc., etc., and numbers are very predictable as our trends based on numbers.

2 +2 always equals 4 and when all of sudden the result is coming back as 10, well something is up.

Those involved in those kinds of forum gang tactics shouldn't kid themselves, Elvis is the Greatest Performer that ever lived is a three star affair. contrive to turn into a 15 star affair and then do it post after post and allow a pattern to be detected and well your busted.

It's real simple numbers never lie, and neither should ATS Members!

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:09 PM
I learned a good while back to stay clear of anything ME...I am not a politically correct person by any means... so rather than get banned or something... I avoid it and ignore the ramblings of morons (there are many) .... besides I personally have no use for any part of the ME...

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

That I have seen on many threads. Continuous comments by several posters and instantaneous numerous stars.

Kind of strange how that always works out for some people isn't it?

Posts of almost no topical substance 20 seconds later its been starred 6 times even when there hasn't been movement on the thread for hours and sometimes days.

Crazy world we live in!

Thanks for posting.

don't quote me but it is my belief that mods read the posts and some (not all) starter flags come from them .. i mean if they send you applause in the U2U then you probably got flagged as well.. or the owners or from old time members that always like to read friends posts..

Excellent observation and I have had some mods make my stars go up instantly on a post in conjuction with a round of applause.

Usually by 3 to 5 stars. Yet most things are trackable and identifiable. If the posters profile shows 80 rounds of applause and he keeps getting half a dozen stars within seconds for posts that are deragatory and inflamatory with no real points or no real substance that is basically just an attack on a poster and there is no new round of applause on the posters profile who keeps getting those stars thats not the mod squad at work.

The mods will encourage and reward posts with the gifting of stars and applause but they typically aren't posts that go right up to and even over the border of Terms and Conditions, but great well thought out, well presented posts that add some real content to the thread.

Unless you are debating another mod they don't like and then all bets are off!

Life's a funny old dog, thanks for posting.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Quantum_Squirrel

Out of these 7 on either side lets say 3 of them decide to star each other all the time would that be an organised gang? coz the odds of them organising it before hand on a random post is slim.

Ah a numbers man and a great point and post, one I have been trying to expound on at the same time.

Its numbers not adding up along those logical well thought out lines and normal patterns that has me concerned.

You factor in those three as a given (at least I do) then another 3 for a great post when its got some kind of substance to it. When those predictable numbers are coming in twice that, and nothing externally or internally occured that would justify the shift, and there is a pattern in that shift, Houston we have a problem.

When you get trends based on mathematics and something is drastically skewering well researched and established numerical trends something is up.

When those numbers are jumping off the chart and the posting environment is detoriating with it and the quality of posts dubious at best getting them...

Well I am sure you get the picture.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:23 PM
After reading through the thread. I have to say there are many great and some questionable comments.

Has anybody considered that many "Like Minded" posters live within the same Time Zones? That they may log on and check the same types of subjects since they are like minded? and therefor respond about the same time? I know that a few of my closest ATS friends either get off of work or out of classes around this time. For me, depending on the quality of the recent threads posted today I'll either be on for an hour or a few hours.

I just logged on a few minutes ago and I began my normal routine of checking the latest replies on threads of interest, reading through the responses. Starring as I go with the ones I agree with. I'm sure many who visit ATS fairly often do something similar.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I admit it. I am a part of a Gang. The ATS Gang. A gang that allows me to flag whichever thread I want, start whichever post I want, and to take a stand on whichever side of the issue I so desire. I can star you or anybody night and day.

This gang is great. Maybe next time you get seven stars on a post for saying basically nothing, you can think of me. Maybe I gave it to you for free, or because what you said meant something personal, made a mistake or it was funny, maybe puzzling or because of a million other reasons.

Who cares if somebody gets 20 or 40 stars for saying nothing out of the ordinary.

It doesn't mean they are a part of a gang. It just means the star system doesn't work the way you think it should.

Once again its not about the stars its the posting environment sometimes involved with very starry situations.

I average 2 stars a post with over 6000 posts under my belt. It's about lots of stars appearing in rapid succession for someone making negative, derisive, off topic posts that attack a poster not the subject or the posts.

I can respect you believe no forum gangs exist. I and a lot of other posters do believe they exist.

I have had a couple of members try to recruit me into their forum gangs, others who have gangs who are ganging up on me frequently even U2U me and tell me that will all change and I will be loved if I go after such and such poster on such and such thread, who said such and such thing.

I am firmly convinced there are forum gangs working and that a couple of them are getting more brazen.

I am calling attention to it.

Why? Because I believe they exist and they are dragging down the quality of the forums for all the wrong reasons.

Thanks for posting, oh and by the way I could have posted this in a forum where stars were in play.

Not looking for stars just for people to consider this and do a check up from the neck up and be honest in how they post and why.

Thanks for your post, appreciate it!

Can't star you but how about a smile?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:37 PM
I wanted to add that several times in the past I was going to call it quits here, because of my perceptions that I was being ganged up on.

Now, I do not get pushed out of things very easy.

I do wear my heart on my sleeve so to speak, I am working on that though, yesterday wiped my nose on my sleeve and it gave me a mild heart attack.

I am just saying though, how many here have felt the same way I did. I have already noticed one person in this thread besides me, say they do not post in some threads because of it.

I of course tend to be very individualistic, so I find ganging up on anyone to be abhorrent.

Also, was asked once to gang up on someone, that another member felt that they were being personally persecuted by. So, it is very likely that people are doing it.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:59 PM
Of course there are 'gangs' here on ATS, they are everywhere that human beings interact.
It is natural for like minded people to group together.

I have seen some quinte unsavoury 'ganging up' since I joined, usually when a 'senior' or established member feels threatened, however, I don't think it has ever happened to me.

I'm happy to be in a gang of one.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Truly it's one thing when people band together because they share the same passion for an issue or perspective or agenda.

It's another thing though when they band together to go after a fellow member.

This is where it crosses the line in my humble opinion.

You make some great posts and I would hate to see you go.

Some of the people who have posted to this thread who have complained they feel its a problem too are people I only agree with half the time, but they always make well presented posts all the time, I would hate to see them go.

Some of the people who have posted to this thread who have complained about this problem I only agree with 25% of the time, but their posts are well presented all the time, they are polite and on topic all the time.

I would hate to see them go.

I would hate to see any poster even ones who are 100% on the other side of the coin than me 100% of the time feel reluctant to post or leave if they put real quality effort into their posts and are polite to other members.

When forum gangs target posters because they view that poster as some kind of threat to their posting agenda then its crossed the line.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Since I first joined ATS, I have had friendswhom i talk to. We differ from topic to topic, subject to subject. I post a thread ask them to take a look at it... The do or dont... And if they have a thread I take a look at it, and let them know what I think. As far as Gangs go I doubt it I dont agree with everything they post, I let them know that. We are like minded people and the same goes for another group of people who coe to my threads or post and attempt to discredit it... t happens if we all agreed on everything then ATS would be a very dull place

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Freeborn
Of course there are 'gangs' here on ATS, they are everywhere that human beings interact.
It is natural for like minded people to group together.

I have seen some quinte unsavoury 'ganging up' since I joined, usually when a 'senior' or established member feels threatened, however, I don't think it has ever happened to me.

I'm happy to be in a gang of one.

Love it, I like to say an army of one.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
After reading through the thread. I have to say there are many great and some questionable comments.

Has anybody considered that many "Like Minded" posters live within the same Time Zones? That they may log on and check the same types of subjects since they are like minded? and therefor respond about the same time? I know that a few of my closest ATS friends either get off of work or out of classes around this time. For me, depending on the quality of the recent threads posted today I'll either be on for an hour or a few hours.

I just logged on a few minutes ago and I began my normal routine of checking the latest replies on threads of interest, reading through the responses. Starring as I go with the ones I agree with. I'm sure many who visit ATS fairly often do something similar.

All this takes place but once again numbers over a long period of time establish identifiable trends that hold up over long periods of time.

When something starts to scewer those numbers a statistician starts looking for the factors that are making the trands not hold true.

Not everyone has a head for numbers or statistics or logistics, in fact most people don't.

Numbers though never lie!

When the numbers are off and way off and a trend can be established in those isolated occurences when they are way off then well, it is what it is.

I can't prove space aliens exist because I have never enountered one/any.

I can't prove they don't exist either though!

Some people might be protesting just a wee bit much.

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