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New Israeli Law Forbids Palestinians From Mourning Or “Showing Signs Of Sadness”

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

Thank you for the compliments, I am blushing! You are right that I am not an anti-semite, but I am not going to let political correctness get in the way of the truth. Stormfront, awful and loathsome as it is, still offers an invaluable alternative perspective on history. is similarly vile and valuable. My attitude is that all perspectives and theories are equally true, but they are selectively true and it is up to us to piece the whole story together.

Do you know any online articles that talk about the war debts? It sounds fascinating. As far as the Black Jews topic goes, I have this cool link about the whitewashing of European history.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by SmedleyBurlap

This link discusses the use of debt as a weapon of war.
You will notice that this article makes very little mention of the state of Israel and focuses instead on the money trust that runs the US, and consequently the state of Israel (actually, in my opinion, it is the other way around).

The gentleman that wrote the article is a professor at UNC, so I doubt very highly that he would tread on such controversial turf as to overtly tie anyone who claims to be of Jewish descent to the act of using debt and war to enslave a country.

I would like to point out, once again, that the people of whom we are criticizing are not actually ethnic Jews.
We are discussing Khazars who intermarried into the Pharaoh/True Jewish bloodline in order to seize power.
What we are talking about are individuals who masquerade as true Jews in order to validate their behavior by hiding behind the false history concerning the supposed Jewish "holocaust".
These individuals now go by the name of Zionists and their M.O. is infiltration, destabilization, revolution, and finally completion or consummation of takeover.
They first did this to the original Jews and the Torah by the substitution of the Talmud, then the move to Christianity through the first council at Nicaea, and then finally onto Islam and the radical beliefs of martyrdom.
They defeat the enemy by becoming the enemy.

These Zionists practice a religion based on the Talmud and the study of the Kabbalah. This is straight up occultist humanism. It is also known as the Luciferian Doctrine.

Here is link discussing a true Torah Jew's perception of the supposed Jewish "Holocaust".
You will notice that the only Jews who died as a result of being in concentration camps were abandoned by their Zionist "brothers and sisters".

Yes, millions died in concentration camps, but this was only after the war had taken its toll on the psyche of the leadership of the 3rd reich.
The concentration camps were initially set up as work camps for the production of goods for the German war machine and they were intended to rehabilitate the prisoner into an idealistic German citizen.

It is totally possible that those who died in the concentration camps were "collateral damage" from Allied bombs.
Bombs who's destructive power was the direct result of a method of synthesizing acetone that was developed by Chaim Weizman, the first president of Israel. (Germany had a monopoly on the creation of acetone at the time)
This "collateral damage" is strikingly similar to the million plus Iraqis killed since the invasion of Iraq by the US and a few other countries.

The Nazi state was intended to be something of a Utopia for German citizens.
Not unlike the Zionist endgame view of the Middle East.

What happened after war was declared that resulted in complete depletion of the German resources is a matter of controversy and not truly known due to an overload of historical propaganda from both sides, but what is known, without a doubt, is that initially concentration camps were not meant to be death camps, but work camps.

This link goes into great detail regarding the creation of Israel, the use of debt as a tool of enslavement, and the Balfour Declaration.

I have yet to read all of the information, but it is definitely a good place to start.

Much appreciated on the links that you provided.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by Josephus23]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Josephus23
This link of yours is very difficult to believe, but it explains some definitely anomalous things I have noticed regarding these issues.

It has always seemed strange to me that evangelical Christians (whom I think generally blame Jews for the murder of Christ) would work together with Zionists in the political arena. Presenting a united front for theocracy doesn't seem adequate to explain this, or else Evangelicals would have embraced their Taliban bretheren.

Nietzsche identified Judaism as a slave morality, a moral system which is useful to people under the rule of some greater power, and I have always seen that in what little I know or see of Jewish culture: the Jews are a people who persevere and endure the insults and injuries laid upon them. Zionism is an unapologetic master morality, which seeks to destroy and dominate others. This militancy has always seemed incongruous to me.

Militant Zionism is, however, very compatible with the master moralities of the White Supremacist empires of the 19th Century. It was made a priority of imperial policy in Britain, where the state and the Anglican Church are inseparable. It seems to me that Zionism would have begun and remained a fringe ideology or would have fizzled out if it had not been so useful to a militant Christian state.

It also seems to me that Zionism is an ideology which serves to bring about a single condition for the Biblical eschaton; the return of [nominal] Jews to the land of Israel. It seems that Zionism is part of an even bigger and more complex plan to bring about the end times. This is why American Evangelicals are so fascinated with it, isn't it? They fetishize the conflict in the Middle East as a precursor to Armageddon.

The Western obsession with occupying the Holy Land, and their total disregard for actual Jewish lives, reminds me of the similar barbarism visited on Palestine by the Crusading Christians. Romanticising the Crusades and the Orient were popular intellectual pursuits in the days of the creation of Zionism; they whitewashed history and mysticized Dar al-Islam in order to make it an appealing and magical imperial adventure. It seems to me that a new Crusade began with the Balfour Declaration. (Note how the petty kingdoms carved out of the Ottoman Empire are eerily similar to the scattered city-states of the Crusading period; Damascus-Syria, Tripoli-Lebanon, Baghdad-Iraq, Jerusalem-Israel. Israel and Jerusalem were both ruled by people of European descent, as well).

It is my opinion that Britain is a theocracy (the Monarch is also head of the Church) that wanted to revisit the glory days of King Richard Lion-Heart and his great Crusade, and so they used Zionism as a pretext for conquest that worked in a modern setting of Humanism, not Christianity; Human Rights, not Divine Right. During the religious awakening in 1970s America, Evangelists who were ignorant of the politics involved saw the State of Israel as a sign of the end-times. This is, I think, the goal of the British conquests in Palestine; to awaken religious fervor and signify to the world that the end is nigh, and Britain is its harbinger.

If I may be so bold, I suggest that this is a bit of ancient papal politics; the Anglican Church seceded from the Roman Church centuries ago and began to compete with the Catholics to see who would reclaim the Holy Land first. Note that the Levant Company was chartered around the same time as the East India Company, in order to extend Britain's trade empire into the holy land

I think that if the Anglicans succeed where the Catholics failed - bringing about Armageddon and the New Jerusalem - then they will be universally acclaimed as the true leaders of Christendom on Earth. That seems to be the prize.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by SmedleyBurlap

It has always seemed strange to me that evangelical Christians (whom I think generally blame Jews for the murder of Christ) would work together with Zionists in the political arena. Presenting a united front for theocracy doesn't seem adequate to explain this, or else Evangelicals would have embraced their Taliban brethren.

The Zionists (I personally believe that they are actually the Mystery Schools spoken of by Bill Cooper) have hijacked Judaism, and now they use it as their call to arms, and it is only after one sees the practice of a Torah based Jew versus that of a Talmud based Jew that this becomes crystal clear.

Once again the Zionists have played the game of deception by creating the idea of Orthodox and Reformed Judaism.

Your view of Judaism that is congruent with Nietzsche's is the correct view of a Torah based Jew.

Christianity was essentially a revolt against the oppression of the Sadducees and the Pharicees, which were the first divisions initially created by the Zionists (Mystery Schools) who infiltrated the ranks of Judaism in order to divide and conquer.

This is their method of destabilization (infiltrate, divide, and conquer), and it is apparent in ALL of the Abrahamic faiths.

Just as Christianity has been radically changed due to the infiltration of the Mystery Schools/Zionists, the same happened to Judaism before it happened to Christianity. This infiltration is exactly what Jesus is said to have been preaching against.

The story of Jesus that is found in the bible that speaks of his only act of anger in the temple against the money changers exemplifies this message, but it is no longer the focus of modern Christianity.
This passage is usually distorted in the modern church and interpreted to mean that gambling is a sin.

Christians are the target of the Mystery Schools.

Modern Christianity has been fractured to such a degree that it is not even a shadow of its former self. I do not claim to be a Christian, so please, do not think that I am preaching the Gospels.
In my opinion, the closest modern belief to what Christianity was supposed to have been is Black Liberation Theology.

Militant Zionism is, however, very compatible with the master moralities of the White Supremacist empires of the 19th Century. It was made a priority of imperial policy in Britain, where the state and the Anglican Church are inseparable. It seems to me that Zionism would have begun and remained a fringe ideology or would have fizzled out if it had not been so useful to a militant Christian state.

Zionism however dates back to the late 1800's. The movement that created Zionism is several millennia (I would guess probably even longer than that) in the making.

It also seems to me that Zionism is an ideology which serves to bring about a single condition for the Biblical eschaton; the return of [nominal] Jews to the land of Israel. It seems that Zionism is part of an even bigger and more complex plan to bring about the end times. This is why American Evangelicals are so fascinated with it, isn't it? They fetishize the conflict in the Middle East as a precursor to Armageddon.

You just hit the nail on the proverbial head.

The goal of the Mystery Schools has always been to immanentize the eschaton.

As I said before, I do not claim to be a modern version of a Christian, but the people in power of whom we are speaking...

Well the rumor is that they actually worship Lucifer and...

If you haven't taken the time to listen to this series, then I highly recommend it.
It is about 40 hours in total.

Bill Cooper is a very controversial figure. He was a hothead and I feel confident that he was fed some disinformation, but he acknowledges this fact and he continually tells people to investigate this for themselves. He is a very polarizing individual and usually people either agree with him, or they do not in any way agree with him.
Have a listen to the first broadcast in the series and decide for yourself what you wish to believe. I was blown away.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:37 PM
I wanted to give all of the readers of this thread a little more ammo backing up what I have been typing regarding Israel and its blatantly racist laws regarding citizenship.

This link goes into great detail regarding Israeli citizenship laws, and it points to several reasons why these said citizenship laws are unquestionably racist.

These laws were deemed so by Israel's own court system.

Israel is illegally occupying land that was settled and developed by another culture. A culture that has been the predominant culture in the Middle East for centuries.

Money and power does not give any state the right to simply take land from people.
Money and power may facilitate the ability to take land from people, but it does not give any state the right to do this.

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