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Sen. Bunning blocks unemployment benefits extension

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Janky Red
Dude killer
Obama thread OP!

That son of a bitch blocking unemployment benefits, how dare the president do that when
he caused the economy to fail
If the last president oversaw the worst economic disaster in history people would be fighting mad. But nooo, Lord Messiah gets a pass because he speaks so well.

--just blinks--

sarcasm, right? (text = not a great identifier of toungue in cheek stuff)

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Sorry, my blue photo-receptors must be on the blink!

From THAT article-

Last Updated: February 21, 2009: 11:46 AM ET

Of course what filers' save on their federal taxes under stimulus may be muted by the fact that their cities and states -- facing steep budget shortfalls that will be lessened but not eliminated by stimulus funding -- may end up raising taxes and fees.

So, the SUPPOSED tax cuts are negligent because the Fed Gov is giving less back to the states, telling the states to do more, hence the states have to raise taxes.

SO, the total sum game is a RISE in taxes.

OOOOHHH that is how that works!

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:28 PM
Take a breath and think before you post...

Talk about the OP, the subject, and things which you believe are related to the subject....

Not the people, not the poster, not the [ insert group of people here ]

Follow that simple guideline, you will avoid the trashy reputation that comes with name-calling, insulting, pejorative, behavior.

This is a friendly reminder.... and manners are not a 'choice' here - it's currency ... rudeness is debt.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Maxmars]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

You know what, nevermind, all the logic and facts on earth wont change your viewpoint. You will see what you want to see. Yes, Obama now runs your state...if coke decides to spike up its cost for a can its Obama raising your coke tax...sure, whatever.

I quite enjoy a spirited discussion, and a different view on facts, but when you simply make stuff up is when I drop out. Your right, Obama made your state have budget issues...mhmm..sure, whatever. We are done here.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars

Not the people, not the poster, not the [ insert group of people here ]
[edit on 27-2-2010 by Maxmars]

What if its the [ insert group of people here ] and the philosophy as of late of those damned [ insert group of people here ] which is a critical issue of the problem here.

the [ insert group of people here ] are blind to facts, simple logic, and have become stooges to the [ insert group of people here ]'s agenda.

Anyhow, I am done, I said my piece, let the archives hold the its just a headbutting motion.

Down with [ insert group of people here ]!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
My family relies on unemployment and my mom will only be receiving 3 more unemployment checks and then she can not get any more. We live in Florida and the unemployment rate is nearly 12%. There are about 3 jobs every day in the newspaper at most! What are we going to do? What are millions of people like us going to do?

Sure millions of Americans can be homeless, starve to death, and die of illnesses but as long as we can continue with our nation building and $700 some billion dollar military budget its all fine right!? You know why this son of a b*tch is doing this, it's because he is not seeking re-election so he decided he wants to f*** up as many peoples lives as possible before he goes. This is typical of the Republicans, let the Americans suffer so we can slaughter more and more innocent muslims! These politician need to be taught a lesson, a lesson they will never forget! Let's hang this s.o.b. and let it be a warning to all politicians who decide its better to screw over Americans to collect corporate cash than do what they are supposed to. REVOLUTION! REVOLUTION! REVOLUTION!

Edit to add: Let's hang Glenn Beck too and let that be a lesson to FOX News and all other right-wingers!

[edit on 2/26/10 by Misoir]

I hope you are not being serious. If you are, check yourself into a mental health facility until you calm down.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:41 PM
[edit on 27-2-2010 by johnny2127]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by David9176

Problem, reaction, solution. That's what David Icke keeps warning about.

I wouldn't worry though. I'm sure they'll extend it. They're probably just threatening not to to distract people and give them a semblance of a healthy political bickering so they won't suspect they're not living in a democracy.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

So I have no logic, and do not listen to facts. C'mon, we were having a good discussion. No need for attacks.

I feel that ANY federal (income tax) is wrong, so of course I am going to be against any (income) tax increases or manipulations.

As another stated, I guess people like me do not smoke. The largest tax increase in US history happened last year and the previous year thanks to Bush and Obama administrations.

The bailouts of these corrupt banks and corps cost us probably a 25% decrease in the value of the dollar!


Now the gov is talking about seizing 401k's and raising taxes (carbon credits) with an EPA ruling!

Yeah, Obama is different!

[edit on 2/27/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX would represent a 30 buck savings from the previous administration.

Are you not following this or just really bad at math...

you pay 100 bucks under GWB
Obama comes in, year 1, you pay 60 bucks, year 2 you pay 60 bucks, year 3 you pay 70 bucks...your still paying less than the 100, and thats what he said.
if you were paying $99.99 on year 3, your still with a tax cut from the original tax he spoke about.

get over it...just admit that your numbers are incorrect but you still dont like the guy because he is a kenyan muslim antichrist maoist stalinist yadda yadda yadda and let this thread get back on topic.

Way to divert the topic. I'll let you get on with your fictional Obama tax cuts, and telling people you only use facts.

Your posts probably wouldn't even wash in BTS.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:53 PM

Small minds deal in small details. Firstly zero lies without shame, he's a narcissist and sociopath and has no problem killing off whitey, except for those that sponsored him, a nobody, to the pinnacle of power, intended to be wielded wisely. How's that wisdom? piting the haves against the have nots?
How about each and every american person is in debt at least 340K dollars. That number increases by interest and zero intents to increase it dramatically, and the funds will flow through the hands of the public to pay the corruptocrats in exchange for further IOU'S to the public who will have the chinese to answer to for the actual repayments.
There is a whirlwind to be reaped by giving power to the fed who prints money incessantly and charges for the privilige and collects interest on money not even created yet. There is no tax cut regardless the numbers because the dollar is being continually devalued, most peoples investments are being continually devalued and their real estate values are being continually devalued. And there's more loss to come. Boomers try to sell their investments to survive and the value plummets because there is nobody there to buy them. The country's cooked, the the rulers are in the last stages about padding their nest at your expense, that's shy they are shameless in their blatant efforts at double dealing for themselves, nothing will be in place to stop them or take it back, and no mechanism for righteous punishment to look foreward to. You are cooked, we're all dead maen walking, and likely to get run over by Al's limo on the way to collecting payments for CO2

[edit on 27-2-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 27-2-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Here's my take (because I am sure you have all been waiting for me to chime in no? LOL)

One) I am totally embarrassed by "senator" Bunning. Being from the only really center left leaning area of the commonwealth of Kentucky we in Louisville must suffer the mental perturbations of Bunning with increasing levels of "OH MY GOD HE SAID THAT?"

Two) Our loverly government does not give a rats patoot about the middle class on down the class scale. Only the wealthy really matter since they are the main contributors to political campaigns (since they are only ones who can afford it!).
Oh and the wealthy... they run those companies/banks that lost our money, so if the gov does not step in and save them, the money men will no longer have the funds to contribute to the campaign. (I am seeing a pattern develop!)

Three) My take on our parties: The Dems are far too fractured and weak-kneed to actually DO anything so they instead dither and perform half measures to placate their bases. The Repubs seems to have purchased some odd theo-fascistic ideology that is neither conservative, nor sane; war is always ok, only Christians need apply (which, as one myself, deeply offends me) and they love handing money to corporations. But actual flesh and blood people can go to hell.
Dems = hapless Repubs = heartless the rest of us = royally hosed

I am blessed to be employed (thus far) but have many many friends who are not, and not of their own desire. Many more friends are being abused at work (doing the jobs of 2-3 people, working 70-80 hours a week) and do it for fear of saying no and finding themselves on unemployment. This market is great if you are the EMPLOYER, you can pay pretty much what you want, demand what want and no one can do anything.

Bunning's little stunt I hope will be thwarted. He is retiring from the senate so he does as his early onset dementia demands at this point.
People are hurting and actually need the help.

Here's to brighter days!
Obs out

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by thatredpill

Small minds

Firstly zero lies without shame,

and has no problem killing off whitey,

Really Dude?

Thats your stand?

And your trying to enlighten us.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:08 PM
If you want to re-up for permanent unemployment payments just dont do it with my money and dont do it by devaluing my money, property or increasing my debt, Its nothing but charity, and should be left to those that make a voluntary consious decision to take on new family members. What part of we're all really actually broke dont you get?

[edit on 27-2-2010 by thatredpill]

[edit on 27-2-2010 by thatredpill]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by thatredpill
If you want to re-up for permanent unemployment payments just dont do it with my money and dont do it by devaluing my money, property or increasing my debt, Its nothing but charity, and should be left to those that make a voluntary consious decision to take on new family members. What part of we're all really actually broke dont you get?

Let me ask you, are you saying that all the money I've paid into the unemployment benefit system over the last 25-30 years doesn't cover me, should I lose my job through no fault of my own? I mean, it's not like I had a choice but to contribute, but they would not consider it a tax because its final disposition was supposed to be to cover me in just such an event.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Originally posted by thatredpill

Small minds

Firstly zero lies without shame,

and has no problem killing off whitey,

Really Dude?

Thats your stand?

And your trying to enlighten us.

If you really want to know, (and I doubt that you do)
The point is that fools get distracted by small sparkly objects of dubious value and are so proud all the while unaware of the bus about to run them over. FIrstly zero's tax cuts are not cuts, but targeted deferrals and have negative tax consequences for those that take them. They are not cuts, they are gonna be considered income and taxable. Zeros policiies intentionally devalue everyones net worth and increase everyones net obligation, and nobody gets any added value because the amount is too small to make a substantial investment, simply a short reprieve. No manufacturing left, no profitability except for the lawyers and gov't which profit from chaos, so what made the wealth of the country is gone, and what's left will be tied up in litigation or self defense, and no hope or a return to normal. After hyperinflation kicks in even the poor will be in the millionare tax bracket. Clever huh? In essence those 'public servants that squirreled it away and bought cover from their friends will be ok, everyone else loses, because the proles live on the cash flow, not on any residual accrued value of ownership. The banks own everything, they'll either get paid or get their property back, can't lose deal.
Maybe you don;t agree, and that's ok, but I know and you can agree now, or later, same same to me...

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:27 PM
Listen, the crappy thing is, some sort of reform concerning unemployment benefits is needed. I know multiple people that are out of work and either not looking for work or choosing not to accept part time jobs because they can get their govt check and do nothing. They even admit this is wrong. Of some people are actually looking desperately, but there is a huge portion of people not looking and just being lazy right now. Those choosing not to look for work, or choosing not to work because they get their govt check need a kick in the a$$. Some deserve the help for sure, while many don't.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by thatredpill


But how about Bunning not supporting Unemployment Extensions.

That is the thread, its not your Soapbox

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by johnny2127

That posts was just but a slight example as to why I am, and always have been, against unemployment (and refused to ever file for it)

People will become complacent receiving free money from the State.. take it away and they feel as if some entitlement, some God given right, as been pulled out from under them.

Unemployment was NEVER supposed to last more than a total of SIX WEEKS. We are now nearing 90+ weeks and more.
The last extension of 78 weeks was far more than enough.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 03:40 PM
And while supposedly everybody...Republican and Democrat...are upset at Sen. Bunning's move...I have noticed a huge silence from the Republicans...I have not heard one say Senator...stop this its making us look bad.

It would be nice if I were wrong...and I hope so.

But then they ALWAYS oppose unemployment extensions.

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