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Wild Animals In Captivity, PAY ATTENTION

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posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:08 PM
Tigers Are cute, Lions Are Cute, Bears Are Cute, OH my! lets keep them as pets, what a great idea, how about chimps? cougars? wolves? can they be tamed, ABSOLUTELY NOT

people all over the world seem to think its ok to keep wild animals as pets, because its "cool" "cute" or whatever you think these amazing animals are, they are NOT TAME, and no matter what anyone says they cannot be TAMED. humans somehow get the idea worked up in their head that if they raise a wild animal from a baby it will be loyal to them, that it will lose its instinct, and become tame, this of course is very wrong, every year humans are killed when they decide to keep wild animals as pets, or as tools for other peoples entertainment,

take the killer whale story for example, she trained with the whale every day, had a great relationship, everything was wonderful, until her ponytail fell in the water and somehow set the whale off,

this link provides information on so called "TAME" PETS who have attacked their owners

people need to leave nature alone, and let wild animals be wild, they are not pets,

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by l neXus l

I am not trying to burst your bubble or anything, but say the bengal tigers right?!> well the local villagers kill them, I pay wwf money a month to look after them as there is so few left, I would rather them in fenced fields being looked after rather than being poached by locals.
whales should not be kept in pools no i do not agree with that.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:14 PM
there is the flip side to the argument that anyone dumb enough to think a wild animal won't snap should be allowed to keep said animal with the understanding that, when the animal kills you, the rest of the world won't see a tragedy, unless the animal is euthanized. Instead, we will see nature as it was intended to be seen and the lesson to be passed on to the next generation is the same as the one being ignored now, that, perhaps, wild animals should remain wild.

lest you want to find out why not.

hell, pit bulls snap. doberman pincers and german shepards have been known to snap if you stare at them too long. it's an innate survival mechanism that cannot be untrained.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

seriously I don't think man really cares enough about wild animals, sure I would like something to be more done, seriously who gave the
to putting a whale in a bath tub to us and making them perform tricks is seriously not an animal lover so why are they allowed to keep doing this?.
If I ever had the chance to i would work with tigers etc whether they ripped my arm off or not.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:35 PM
It's just common sense, though, all wild animals. are wild, and I pay to the WWF as well, um not talking about tigers behind a fence protected, I'm talking about sigfreid and roy, or tigers kept in cages in the back yard

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by l neXus l

there's a big difference between animal preserves and trained monkeys and house pets. you're dead on about it. would I work with tigers? no. do I support efforts to protect animals, in as close their natural habitat as possible, absolutely.

Granted, I keep a small reef tank in my apartment but I only buy captive bred animals for it.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by l neXus l

I have an issue with things like Seigfreid and Ray as well...

These animals are predators, and certain behaviour is hardwired into them...and no amount of "petification" (a word?) will change that.

Unfortunately, if they do "snap", they're doomed.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by l neXus l

Well, if the animal really wanted to, or was meant to, be with you it would some to you willingly and would stay inside or around your home willingly, with no leash or cage or whatnot. In such a case, I say the person should be allowed to keep it. If you take an animal captive (or pay some jerk to do it for you), you can't really be fooling yourself that you "like animals" or "love" this pet. No one really loves anything that they are keeping tied down.
(Unless she wants to be tied today.)

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

It is not well to make any comment with the basis of a blind biasness. There should be logical aspects. There are many people who even do not know the positive features of animals to be kept in zoos, but still make arguments in tea-table. According to me, the zoo is the safest place than the wild for the endangered as well as for the others who would get their lunch and dinner time to time provided their enclosure is very large like a sanctuary or park.

In captivity, animals live longer and apart from all, they can breed safely to save their race from being extinct. In zoos, we can take our children to get proper knowledge about the animals, to learn more about them by seeing them from a very close distance. These are the good factors, but as everything there is a bad side to it as well.

Consider you being kept in a cage, no freedom at all! You all are allowed to go everywhere, so you may think that this is a minor problem, but kept in a cage where people always are annoying you, this sucks!

Also, these breeding programs may work, but it is useless. If animals won't start doing things you think animals would. They just lye down and wait for zoo keepers to feed them. Their life has became boring because of your selfishness! Nature has its own rules. Dinosaurs were extinct millions of years ago.

Some animals were too weak too survive. Anyway, we humans started this extinction problem! We should stop destroying animal's homes and stop hunting animals to let them survive rather than locking them in cages! There is also natural parks for animals to be protected and be free to roam around, zoos in compare are useless! I AM TOTALLY AGAINST IT! Zoos aren't healthy for animals, they can't do exercise because they are trapped in a cage.

I am completely against even bird cages. That is inhuman.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

I agree up to the point where you threw dogs in the discussion. I would be willing to wager if you did more research in these dogs that "snapped" then there would be a reason for it. Domesticated dogs do not belong in this disucssion. I would bet more than likely any dog that snaps probably was abused and/or trained to be nasty. If you give dogs love, they will love you back, specially if you have had them since they were a puppy like the op is referring to.

In fact, now that I'm thinking about it I would even go a step further. Wild animals should remain wild, but that does not mean there have been cases where they have been pets their entire lives and we have never heard about them because they never did "snap." That being said, I am 100% against people putting wild animals in cages for personal use.

I think most people have heard this story already, but I just wanted to use it as an example and if you have not heard the story, it is pretty amazing. These 2 men bought this lion basically because they wanted to save it. It was a cub and living in cramped, bad conditions. Well, I'll just throw in a video that tells the story.

Christian the lion

I think animals are a little bit more intelligent than we give them credit for. I truly believe that if you have an animal and treat it as your friend and not YOUR pet, that lots of great stuff can happen with wild animals - for the right people and the right situation, such as Christian the lion. So I guess I completely agree with the op, unless perhaps you were like these guys and saving an animal.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:06 PM
First thing I thought of when I heard about the whale incident was, that's what you get for messing with "killer" whales. They do not call them that for nothing.
It was not the whales fault, it is a wild animal at heart. I felt they should have immediately released it back into the habitat it was supposed to be in. I think it would adapt very quickly. Instinct is instinct. Even if it did not make it it would know some freedom.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:09 PM
Have you ever seen the condition of caged animals, just imagine yourself in place of them 24/7 365 days a year for your entire life.

[edit on 26-2-2010 by December_Rain]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Pimpish

I wasn't saying we shouldn't keep dogs as pets. I was merely pointing out that even domesticated animals have been known to "snap."

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

Fair enough, though I still think those dogs probably had stories behind them and were not good dogs and just snapped.

Anyway, that is kind of off topic at any rate and we both agree with the op so I will shut up on that now!

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by timewalker

Agree with you completely. Whales, dolphins etc should not be kept as caged at all. Any sort of wildlife should never be kept in a enclosed cage or zoo, a animal or bird sanctuary or parks are different thing.

Also the poster who mentioned dogs, dogs are not kept in cages and shouldnt be at all ( I dont keep mine),I take him everyday three times a day to a very big park and let him have fun. At home also I never keep him on leash, he is free to roam anywhere in the house or in garden. There is difference between domestic and wild animals.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by December_Rain

I mentioned something similar, but as he had already replied that really was not his point. There ARE people out there who do keep their dogs chained up and in cages and such though, unfortunately. I would not have a problem at all plopping a wager down on those being the types of abuses that cause animals to go nuts, wild or domestic.

Really, no one should own any animal that they are not prepared to take care of. If you have an animal then you have responsibilities. If you have a dog, its your responsibility to get the dog excercise and the other things any dog needs to have a happy life. The same goes for any animal. Too many people get animals without thinking it through, because its cute, or their kid begged them, or whatever. It disgusts me when people neglect their animals. The animal did not ask you to buy it or obtain it however you did.

I had typed a lot more, but I didn't want to derail the op's thread too much.

I hope one day people will realize that many animals are much smarter than we give them credit for.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by December_Rain

I disagree with your statement about caged birds, I have a Senegal parrot that I hand raised from a chick, he is my, best friend and like my son, he absolutely loves his cage, its not just a cage to him, its home, he doesnt know any different, he is out of his cage most of the time anyways, he is as happy as he can be, being in a cage doesn't necessarily mean they aren't happy

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by l neXus l

he is out of his cage most of the time anyways

I think there may be your answer. If the bird isn't spending a lot of time in the cage, then it isn't exactly a caged animal. I wouldn't call my moms new puppy caged just because she keeps it in a crate at night while its being house trained, as the rest of the time she can cruise wherever she wants around the house.

My aunt had a bird that they kept in the cage basically all the time. The bird was the meanest bird I have ever been around. It hated people and would attack anyone dumb enough to put their fingers in the cage. Now, maybe it was just a bad tempered bird, but I am more inclined to believe it just hated being caged up and wanted to get back at anything it felt was responsible. That is just my opinion though and perhaps I am projecting onto the bird.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:48 PM
In order to live in peace with nature, one must become one with nature...

Animals have a greater sense of the world than humans do..



posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by tribewilder

you know who else felt that way, the dude who thought living with bears wouldn't wind up one day having his name changed to the dude who was eaten by bears.

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