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I'm pissed!! (political trolls and hacks)

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posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:35 PM
I will not be shaped, defined or confined, nor will I be told how to think by political news hacks and ATS trolls.

Nothing personal.... Literally!

We can all get along always and forever... The day after our bitterly divided and completely conquered country is no more.

I suppose that makes me a pessimistic troll eh?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by starwatcher1
I would say that we here, and I speak only for myself,, would be much better off if you did away altogether with anything related to politics and religion.

A couple years ago, when we had political discussion separated from ATS on, I may have agreed with your sentiment. However, now, I do not.

I count myself among those who believe that this toxic environment of politically-inspired hate directed at opposing ideologies is a viable and very dangerous contemporary conspiracy. Back in the early 1990's I was part of the three-person team that ran the "Political Discussion" form on CompuServe (pre-Internet dial-up discussion arena). At that time, we thought the political atmosphere was more virulent than ever before. But now, the current environment is butterflies and lollipops compared to back then. This is an important conspiracy that deserves our attention.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts

This was going to be my response, but since it's already been said, I'll just say "thank you", SkepticOverlord, for taking a devastating stance against these trolls.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by TheDudeAbides

ha...nice link kind of looks like ol SO.....LOL......

um.....I'm banned now aren't I?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:39 PM

Okay, I have been guilty of trolling and other questionable behavior at times, I know that.

This past while I've really been making an effort to contribute only quality and not be combative with people.

So I really hope you guys can forgive me. Punish the bad, forgive the remorseful, reward the good, you know?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:39 PM
Hi Jackflap and everyone else,

Firstly, you've proved the point of the thread by bringing to the thread a personal attack, in this case against yourself 'being dumb'. I don't believe this either.

What I believe SkepticOverlord is saying, talk about absolutely anything of interest to you and other members, have an opinion, debate, discuss, disagree and to some point argue BUT just don't bring the language down to the level of derogatory words attacking someone personally.

Lets just assume we both like Fruit, I like Apples and you like Pears. But we both disagree on which is better. We could argue our opinion until the next millennium and it doesn't matter. It's the whole point of the discussion to discuss it. But if it's personal and you say like 'Well your mum looks like an Apple and your bad to the core...' Then the discussion has become a slagging match rather than a discussion. And this is the reason for the post and why many people forget.

Just my thoughts, enjoy the fruits of this site with all the other members.
(and I like Pears just as much as Apples in fairness)

Best regards,

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

It's not feigned. I may have used the wrong word, bias. Apparently this has gone over my head, I usually like these threads you do. This one, I believe I'll sit back and watch to see if what I'm confused about is addressed. Yes, chalk me up to being dumb.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:41 PM
Might I interject a singular point-

This is where most problems start. An attempt to correct a perceived problem is very laudable, but in the end it will lead to disaster.

It will reach a point where someone is thrown off for there beliefs. Say a viewpoint that is not liked or appreciated. Try as you human nature will succeed and eventually moderators will remove people with different ideologies.

I hate to say this but you have to have the trolls, as in society they are the yeast and contribute more then you realize. It is a very educational experience.

I do however offer a solution.

You have several options with creativity that can be used.

One the moderator clears them for a trolling debate? In the debate thread. Where two members can go at it outside the normal restrictions. Say Yourself the moderator that sent them and one of the debate forums moderators can after say X post declare the troll winner. IT stays in that forum. Others can have say about two days after a troll debate, (one on One) before you post the results or tell anyone the winners.

Your setting up a dueling arena with words. Let them have it out, or if its one a moderator feels but no one else feels he can duel em.

Now what if someone refuses to accept.

Every poster is allowed one act of rudeness against them. A shutup, go to HE)), ect with no punishment. If the troll is a coward he will leave, on his own. He comes back and post the same treatment till he accepts the duel.

Why I think this will accomplish your goal better?

Most of them have a psychology of wanting to be bad@$$ and do a drive by.

Say they win by yalls judgement. Someone else can challenge them (please limit it to one duel at a time at least). They will learn quickly and everyone else gets entertained. After all everyone hates losing.

I hope I explained what I was thinking clearly. I enjoy the free thought here and the non judgmental atomosphere.

What worries me is this. My own topics such as psychic warfare as several try to post is full of garbage. I would much rather have my chance to defend myself rather then have someone who doesn't think the same way I do be able to just say later dude.

I know one web site where the owner is very liberal and has banned a lot of individuals who are conservative because they disagreed with his world view.

Please dont let it become like that here.

Best said feed the trolls, but feed them to the other members of ats and bts.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by ripcontrol]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:43 PM
Obamanation=Bush the Dictator
AGW=Warp speed

Wait, where was I going with this!

All hail SO

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:44 PM
Well said. Well said. I love this thread.

For those who feel like they need examples. The endless Obama threads and posts are one example. Instead of posting something intelligently disagreeing with the President with a reason why, we get endless threads filled with insults. This isn't about threads (Still using the Obama threads as one example) about The President's Birth Certificate and how valid or invalid it is. It's about the insulting tone of so many posters and posts. Period. This is something that Liberals and Conservatives are both guilty of.

I rarely go into any thread with President Obama in the Title. I probably miss some good information and dialogue but I just can't stand the insults and hatred inside.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by eclectic.thoughts

Thank you eclectic.thoughts. I thought personal attacks and things along these lines were frowned upon in any of the forums here and I believe I am right. I guess the political forums need some special attention brought to them. In that case, I guess I get what you are saying Skeptic. I do right?

[edit on 25-2-2010 by jackflap]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by ripcontrol
Your setting up a dueling arena with words. Let them have it out, or if its one a moderator feels but no one else feels he can duel em.

You assume we may show some level of concern for those who parrot about the ideological insults of political hate toward members here on ATS.

We do not.

Such actions demonstrate anti-social tendencies that are not compatible with the goals of ATS: meaningful dialogue on the issues our members feel are important.

I appreciate your well-intended thoughts toward finding a solution, but there is not but intolerance toward the intolerant.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:47 PM
Here is my 2 yuans ;

Trolls & Hacks also exist in real life .

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:52 PM
I was with you all the way S.O. until you wrote this:

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Please do not pretend to be confused by this…The only people expressing confusion by this will be those feigning bafflement… If you honestly are confused…

The sad part is that the vast majority of them are honestly confused. Politics has become the new religion for many and their political ideology has morphed into dogmatic zealotry. For many, politics have taken on a religious fervor in which the opponent is not seen as merely a misguided advocate but a minion of pure evil.

I’m not saying you have to like it but you should at least be willing to acknowledge it. Complaining too much about it makes you sound like an old curmudgeon (like me). Now, I understand your rant because I have felt exactly the same way. I just don’t know how you can fix it because I believe you are going against a growing social trend. At least, I don’t see how you are going to fix it without limiting the political discourse on ATS so much that it won’t be in the spirit of ATS anymore.

My two cents: Being a Libertarian is one of the hardest things to do because it really requires the most tolerance of any ideological belief system. I know it’s hard; but if you’re really willing to stand by your belief in freedom of expression (with certain obvious exceptions) you are going to have to put up with a lot of stupidity.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

I think the political forum has a good bit to offer ... but that good bit is often diluted by people who really have no other purpouse but to push a political agenda... I mean it happens on both "political sides" but the real issue is that it happens way too often... making an argument over absolutely nothing... spiraling the thread into a sea of insults disguised as political rally cries.

I just happen to agree with the OP here it happens too frequently.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:58 PM
I care a lot about ATS and enjoy the site and respect it and the Staff.

I sure do manage to get into some very heated debates at times and have thrown a few barbs here and there back when people start dishing them out.

I try not to do it specifically at the person but in a broader ‘some people’ way but that’s just a way to not be guiltier than sin in doing it, the inference is there.

I try my level best to keep it civil, level headed, and not be baited, and there are times its pretty hard as I have been called just about every name and thing in the book on some of the threads where I have been known to play Devil’s advocate and or strongly believe people are missing some key points in passionate topics.

I never alert the staff because I figure if I am going to deliberately involve myself in extremely controversial subjects that the subject alone has pressed people’s emotional hot buttons to begin with before I begin advocating a position they don’t even want to consider let alone agree with, that the name calling, and barbs are going to come with the territory.

Over 200 members have selected me as a friend, but there are a few members who if they could, would likely put out a mafia hit on me they seem to dislike me so bad.

I usually put such people on ignore, but I have to confess it’s been getting worse lately, and I have been trespassing over that line where it gets personal more often as a result.

I sure hope I am not part of the problem, or at least not a big part of the problem, but as I have said, I do respect the site and the staff and if anyone on the staff feels I am part of the problem I sure would welcome there advice on how not to be part of the problem.


posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:59 PM
If only this concern and discernment applied to all forums. I know you cant be everywhere, but things have gone way downhill for a while. Othe4r forums need attention too. But, thank you for the effort, it is not unnoticed !

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by conspiracyrus

Agreed, I usually leave them pretty quickly. I try to push my ideas as everyone should.

We just need to just avoid that type of vitriol and they will disappear.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by passenger

I have to agree with you. I see more and more Alinsky style tactics here and when frustrated by these it's hard not to voice your outrage. There is no simple middle ground anymore on any board on the internet. I think you have a hard row to hoe SO. I fear the ill will from both sides will take time and patience to subside !


posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:02 PM
Some trolls are very good at playing the objectivist. They will even make threads that are toned down or up with construction to hide their smell as it were.

With that new tone noted and understood.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

but with a forum named political conspiracy ... and every tom dick or harry comes up with his revolutionary cry foul on a political push from the other side, It inevitably becomes a thinly veiled political insult thread... I really have no place to speak on it because i get trapped into debate often about a great many a thing ... but i TRY really hard to keep decorum and keep information to fact rather than a political rant on perceived fact.

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