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ATS website mentioned to me by FBI agent today...ON A TRAFFIC STOP![UPDATE]

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posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by 911stinks
This thread gives me the chills.

This website is full of threads giving plenty of evidence that cops and the FBI are doing things that are completely illegal, immoral and detestable.

For example, cops beating the hell out of harmless, unarmed citizens.
Cops planting drugs, bringing guns to snowball fights, etc.

We have case after case of the FBI doing stuff that goes against the constitution.

Americans have the right, straight from the constitution, to NOT be warranted to illegal, immoral SEARCH and then seizure.

The American citizen also has the right to own and carry weapons, form militias, and oust (abolish) the government should we so feel it necessary.

And here, we have a cop saying he posts and authors thread on ATS, meeting up with and FBI agents who says he's monitoring ATS.

Now, who is paranoid sir?

[edit on 25-2-2010 by 911stinks]

If you feel this way maybe the government needs you to be more active in government matters. Maybe your morals are the ones it needs. I hate it when people feel it is ok to go all neurotic after the reach their boiling point, by then its too late. Cops/Government arent perfect... its a work in progress... but it doesn't get perfected if the people who need to do something do nothing. That does not mean revolt it means follow the proper channels and talk to the right people. If you and your friends can prove a case, there are lots of people willing to listen.

There isnt much of a conspiracy to a cop being asked if he knows about ATS. I asked someone what they thought about religion being created to just guide society along just like laws since it enters deeper into their moral centers. Does that make me an angel here to test folks? No. Does that make me an Agent of Government looking to arrest non believers? No. It makes a simple conversation that can go anywhere. Parnoia and Fear are a humans worse enemies... unless you happen to work in the Government of course

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
The biggest thing to remember, and this was his point, was that ATS has ALOT of members all over the world. If a rumor, fact, lie, out there, SOMEONE will post it. That in turn will get others who MAY know more to state their claim, and so on, which COULD break open and give the absolute truth. It could be that whistleblower thing that just makes the walls come crashing down. OR, it could be something stupid, commented on by really weird individuals, and other then for entertainment, no one cares.

Bottom line is you have members here who are in ALL areas of life, career fields, cultures, education levels, it CAN definitly be a place worth visiting for them.

I think this is the point most people will miss. The whistleblower thing is true. People do not know exactly how many FBI agents, HONEST agents are doing hard time for exposing the CIA drug running and the like. I have read about 14 agents who were set-up and prosecuted and are doing 10-20 years to life. Sad really. My father was a detective, I have studied law a great deal. Common law, not what the schools teach, which is commercial law. Thanks for the post, honest cops are very hard to find. I hope you understand the oath of office and the Common law rights of man to travel without restriction, i.e. licensure. S&F, and again, thank you.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
I'm glad to hear that the FBI reads ATS. If we can help to actually stop a crime by just doing what we do I'm all for it. Just so long as what we post isn't used as an excuse to put us on the terror watch list with 7 and 8 year olds.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by projectvxn]

Hmm, why is that so familiar? Oh yeah, I watched that movie called
the "Minority Report". Have you seen it?

What people write and people do can be two totally different things.

Trying to stop crimes before they happen is illegal SEARCH, and is unconstitutional.

In the book 1984, who was the one that was paranoid? It was the government (big brother) who was paranoid of losing control, power, wealth, and all other things greed and corruption drive mankind to want to enslave, control other human beings, animals, etc.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:08 AM
Maybe he had one of those covert earpieces in, and there was another fbi agent in another car close by who was watching you and running your details through the system and he just relayed something to fbi guy #1 through the earpiece to the effect like ' nothing on this guy , some conspiracy nut who goes to a site called ATS occasionally'. Maybe.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by rjmelter

Originally posted by 911stinks
This thread gives me the chills.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by 911stinks]

If you feel this way maybe the government needs you to be more active in government matters.

I AM being active in government matters by writing in this thread, on this website, on this internet.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:15 AM
Ah, Yes I definitely think ATS has gained both serious credibility and some unforseen scrutiny through the years. The debates on issues by members are always healthy and robust and I enjoy reading them. Members from all over the world respond and I am not surprised that individuals from various organizations (law enforcement, media, education and extremist philosophies) scrutinize the web-site. I feel this is one of the few, true, open forums out there on the net. Does a little scrutiny bother me? No.
Would a lot of scrutiny bother me? It would depend upon what I am doing.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:19 AM
The major concept being missed here is that when the constitution talks about the people, it means people who ARE NOT employed by the government.

Why? It's because the people fund the government. Therefore, we that DO NOT work for the government are the rulers of this country.

The government WILL do what the people want and demand, because WE THE PEOPLE still have legal Sovereignty.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:52 AM
Cool! If there monitoring, id like a job please!!

Anyway, i suppose like others suggest, that they may be on here just looking for general infomation.
If anything, when you read the Survival topics and the Gun nut talk, that would get my attention..
Also, with the conspirecys, it would be a good way to see where the cracks in their ''cover-ups'' are, or even with the whistleblower, they'd be able to reverse track them by giving some disinfo on the top end, and see if any filter's down to here, with the rest of the Tin foil hat folk.
But nether the less, good topic.

P.s. - Where do you spooks get your glasses from? Id like a pair! Since there quite 'nifty' looking on the T.v.!

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:00 AM
Spoken like a good little Trotskyite. How's that Gulag of yours doing, anyway?

An judging by some of the anti-gay, anti-semite, anti-religious, racist comments here, is it possible they would be worried about some hate crimes or organised protest with the potential to become violent?

Just a thought

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by jbmitch
Couple of things about this incident..
NationaL Security and the scmubag the FBI'er was looking for..and in the middle this the topic of ATS pops up by a poster who happens to be a cop..a lot of incidental varibles there.

No one is innocent..everyone has a dark spot in their remain "not prosecuted" because you know nothing the governement wants or needs.
Should that change, you all of a sudden learn something of vital interest to the governement and you can go from no one to public enemy #1 post haste.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by jbmitch]

National Security...OMG you guys ARE alittle overboard. They weren't LOOKING for him, they knew where he as I said over and over...I ARRESTED THE GUY secrets here...

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:12 AM
Unless this FBI guy is assigned a case with ATS in it or he comes here for his own amusement, I doubt he has the time at the office to get on ATS.

1. They are usually understaffed for the case load.
2. In court.
3. Maintaining their weapons proficiency at the range.
4. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork.
5. On temporary assignment away from home.
6. Have computers from the dark ages.
7. Might even have a teletype in the comms room.
8. Usually are investigating cases with loads of reading in boring accounting.
9. Underpaid compared to middle and upper management.
10. Afraid to have an accident because of the paperwork involved.
11. Must follow procedure.

These guys are just doing their job and want to come home to the family at night like any other person.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by alien
reply to post by Mr Mask

Even going so far as putting in his personal opinion that sites such as this should be removed from the Internet as they feed peoples Mental Illness...

It's people like this that bug the crap out of me. They like to state that they think it should be removed from the internet and expect people not to be paranoid about an internet blackout. We have congress approving citizen assassinations and REX84 camps and expect people not to think the government isn't out to get them?

These types of people FEED paranoid delusions. I think they should be removed from people's lives so that their mental health might be improved.

How many people suffer from paranoid delusions? 1%? Maybe 3% of the population? I'm inclined to think it'd be less than either of those percentages. Yet, someone has the audacity to say such a statement. Unbelievable that the other 97% of people that are perfectly "sane" should not be able to surf entertaining topics of interest because they might start to become part of that 3% that have trouble separating reality from delusion.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by McGinty attack, but did you leave something out of your recollection of the conversation..? 'Cause it seems to me that the question about being an ATS member was rather didn't follow the context of the discussion as you presented it.

Sorry but again I don't view this site the way some of you do. A fellow COP is the reason I am on here. Had a fellow COP not mentioned it to me, I wouldn't have ever looked for it. So does that mean he was hired by the feds to get me to join to set me up for a guys...geez

I echo the 'no attack' sentiment, but i have to agree that something's wrong with this flow of conversation. Whether shooting the bull or not, it was pretty odd to ask about ATS out of the blue (if indeed nothing has been accidently omitted from the conversation that may have lead into it).

I still can't believe a website that is worldwide with MILLIONS of members/visitors is shocking when mentioned....and I don't care what the profession is...but again, your assuming the flow of a conversation, I am giving you the brunt of the conversation that ATS was a part of...

Perhaps, as you suggested, it was on the agent's mind for other reasons (maybe because of the crim he was visiting). But even if this was the case, then surely you must have wondered why the agent just came out with that question and would've enquired as to why he was asking.

Again i personally don't care why he asked. I am NOT afraid to say i come here and apparently he wasn't either...OMG STOP THE PRESS right...but again WHY would I wonder or enquire...its NOT A BIG DEAL to me me...only to the paranoids who think its some kind of government plot to get us all and lock us up for being on the internet...

It would be inexcusable to write dialogue in a script in such a way, since it appears implausible for the above reasons - it just wouldn't ring true for the film-goer. I know life can often be weirder than fiction, but you don't recount this as being a weird turn in the conversation. In fact you insist it was totally normal. It certainly doesn't read as 'normal' - it reads 'contrived' if i'm to be totally, honestly blunt here.

Implausible to someone who lives life in a box or looking over their the normal common sense member, NO ISSUE...and I do insist its as normal as me asking someone if they visit prisonplanet or listen to Alex read into more simply means your paranoia is growing...

Anyhow, however authentic the situation recounted, there's no offense intended by my doubts and questions, as it's lead to an interesting thread about who visits ATS and why, so well done on that score. But i had to say it the way i see it (or read it)

No offense takin, I just can't believe how many people think ATS is some secret society website only known to current and past members...and that when its visited by another human being..who happens to be a fed...the world must be coming to an

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:19 AM
The voice of reason can be like a breath of fresh air. My mind can be like a bad neighborhood at times so it's good to take some "reason" with me when I go there. Thanks and stay safe. Peace

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by hadriana sounds like we live VERY CLOSE to each now I'm wondering - because you said biggest scumbag in the county....if they were going after my sister-in-law....again.

HAHA...nice to hear from a fellow Georgian...and no, he was a male, so your sister-in-law is in the clear.....for now!

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Phlegmi
Let me get this straight. So out of the blue the fed goes "have you ever heard of ATS"? How many people here had a short conversation with a total stranger and asked them if they have been on ATS. I dont know if this is a joke but I smell bull...... small world you must live in. Funny, I even seen ATS on national tv...JESSE VENTURAS show....and to think...even after that NO ONE would ever mention this site right.....seriously, people are losing it!

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by fisheye
Just a thought rcwj1975 - most of us who visit or post, hide behind an anonymous curtain, but your story now identifies your avatar and your face to an agent. He also has your business card and name. Unless he gave you his ATS id you do not know when he is posting or anything about him. Don’t you find that a little unsettling?

No...again I am a LEO...the feds have my name, addy, social, background, prints, etc....nothing to hide, nothing to concern me, and by the way they have all your stuff

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by marcusroyce

not sure why you would contact ncic for a tag reg. ncic [ national crime information center] is usually used for records checks ,for wonted people or warrants, i never used ncic for a tag check , but hey what do i know i am the 300 lb gorilla in the room. [retired police Lt.]

Well its GCIC/NCIC...GCIC is the state run database, but its linked to NCIC as well...just most people have no idea what GCIC is so NCIC is kinda of the catch all for people to be familiar with.

Thanks your gonna have members asking me about

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Redhead6971

It might have been that way in the past, but now the level of critical thought on this board is at an all-time low. It's pathetic. People trot out all kinds of baseless conjecture, then stamp their feet if people point out their many logical fallacies, to the point the old sceptics have simply left the board, while the rest of us watch it sink into the depths of lunacy.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by locster

The recruitment has begon!

Weird how they never just send you a letter asking if you are interested.

[edit on 25/2/10 by locster]

Like I said before...I can't afford the pay These guys who get assigned to the Atlanta office as rookies are NOT making enough to even live in the city....

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