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Wil American's be able to Handle the Next Great Depression

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posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 07:59 PM
Are Anything Like This Guy

Will Americans be able to handle the next Great Depression? The truth is that most Americans today simply do not possess the strength of character to handle losing their jobs, their homes and the inflated lifestyles that we have all enjoyed by spending beyond our means. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, things were different. Family units were much stronger, people knew how to rely on each other and most Americans possessed enough morality and inner strength so that they did not freak out when things went from bad to worse.

But that is not the case in the United States today. Instead, Americans have become a bunch of spoiled brats who come apart at the seams at the first sign of trouble. We pushed prayer and the Ten Commandments as far out of public life as we could and instead we filled our minds with literally thousands of hours of character-rotting entertainment. Now our families are falling apart, we've raised entire generations who expect the world to be handed to them on a silver platter, and we've got tens of millions of crybabies who don't have any concept of how to respond to hard times.

But hard economic times are coming. In fact, for many Americans they are already here. So how will most Americans respond when they start losing their jobs and their homes? Well, the truth is that we are already seeing a lot of people "go postal" because they simply do not know how to handle these setbacks. Just consider the video below. It is footage of one of the greatest office freakouts of all time. If you were to get fired tomorrow, would you react like this guy?....

The reality is that an economic collapse does not have to be the end of the world. The guy in the video above could have gone out and tried to get another job or start his own business. But instead he treated it like it was the end of his life and he threw a massive temper tantrum.

Unfortunately, we are likely to see an increasing number of spoiled Americans throw temper tantrums as the economic collapse goes from bad to worse in the years ahead. The U.S. financial system is literally coming apart at the seams, and at this point there is very little that can be done to prevent a total economic breakdown.

So we are going to see more Americans trash their homes when they are foreclosed upon, we are going to see more Americans commit insurance fraud, we are going to see more Americans "go postal", we are going to see more Americans freak out in public and we are going to see more Americans turn to crime.


Because the collective morality of America has experienced a catastrophic collapse. People care very little about what is right or wrong anymore. What they care about is what is going to make themselves happy and comfortable.

The only thing that has been keeping the entire U.S. from turning into New Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina is the relative level of affluence that we are all still experiencing. Yes, things are not as good as they were, but the United States still has one of the highest standards of living in the world.

For now.

If you want to get an idea of where the U.S. is headed, go spend a few days in Detroit. Once one of the shining examples of the American Dream, today many areas of Detroit resemble a war zone. The real unemployment rate in Detroit is somewhere up around 45 or 50 percent and the crime rate is shooting through the roof. Vandalism is rampant and some houses in the worst areas are virtually unsellable because they aren't even worth the taxes that must be paid of them.

When people get desperate, their true character comes out. When the U.S. financial system completely fails one day, the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted will evaporate in a matter of days.

At that point we will all wish that we had paid a lot more attention to teaching our kids about "character" and "morality".

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:08 PM
This is going to be an increasing problem in every country, but probably more so in America than anywhere else.

I believe we will see a vastly increasing number of suicides.
And we are going to see a lot more crime and murders too.

It is not just a financial collapse, but a moral and social collapse.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:10 PM
In my opinion NO they cant handle this one I know its bad but people still have some money left and they are screaming its the end. if the dollar is devalued more and hyper inflation kicks in (hope not) then we will see the worst of the worst. People are going nuts now look at the new one msm outlet says its over and the other say its going to get worse. If the people cant handle a decline in value then the cant handle a complete fall of the economy.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:21 PM
Great post.

Just wanted to drop in and tell you that your recent threads are the only important information I see right now.

But that is not the case in the United States today. Instead, Americans have become a bunch of spoiled brats who come apart at the seams at the first sign of trouble. We pushed prayer and the Ten Commandments as far out of public life as we could and instead we filled our minds with literally thousands of hours of character-rotting entertainment. Now our families are falling apart, we've raised entire generations who expect the world to be handed to them on a silver platter, and we've got tens of millions of crybabies who don't have any concept of how to respond to hard times.

Sou rce

Watch that source though, as its very doom and gloom.
Hard facts are sometimes just that, hard to swallow.
Lots of people won't survive, that, alone.

Keep up the good threads.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:27 PM
there wont be an america after the next depression. all you're top politicians, scientists, doctors will be moved to israel, i mean you're army is already being deployed in the middle east... soon more troops will arrive as tensions will grow with iran, then more as war starts with iran, syria and lebanon, then more to protect israel as the 3rd world war starts... before you know it there is martial law and fema camps are put to work, then nukes are hitting major cities, this will be followed by natural disasters... i'm only saying

but the survivors will have fun as they start a new life!

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by havok

Ty sir.

I,ve been looking through links to links lately, found some interesting sites.

I try to avoid the far out Doom and Gloom, mostly stick to unreported news , if I can.

Have a good night.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:51 PM
S&F for you!

I don't give them out nearly as often as I probably should but you are 110% correct. People have no clue how to take care of themselves anymore at all.

It is very sad that so many younger wives and mothers and many no so young ones, don't even cook for their families. Opening up a frozen entree and pouring salad out of a bag is not cooking! It really scares me how much these younger, I am 52 btw, woman eat take out food and feed it to their families, either that or like I said precooked, packaged food that really isn't much food. LOL

How many people do you know that mend their clothes? How many people under the age of 35-40 even know how to mend a ripped seam or sew a patch on a pair of jeans? Darning socks, learning to make their clothing stretch. What will they do if the economy and manufactured items from overseas don't get here when they get holes from wear in their clothes?

How many people do their own home maintenance? Most of the younger men I know call a "handy man" to clean the gutters and do even simple repairs that I could do! There are just too many guys out there that have no clue how to hunt or garden or provide food for their families if things go really bad.

You are so right that my generation has somehow raised some rotten helpless young people. I consider myself fortunate that my mother taught me this stuff when I was a kid, and my depression era grandparents taught me the value of not wasting a thing.

I worry about this nation. I am glad that I have a bit of food stored up and once I get my little Sterno stove I am fine. I know how to manage if the power goes off for an extended period of time, how many others do we know that really do? not many

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:02 PM
"We", as Americans, will not "disappear".
We will re form, re confabulate, re integrate, re invent,
re do whatever we do to re TAKE our nation back from the asses that run us now.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:19 PM
Why should I blame that guy for going postal?

I damn near did it myself when I lost my job, not because of the fact of losing the job - but when they denied me unemployment and I realized that I wouldn't be able to survive, I kind of snapped inside but I got over it.

How can you say he could have just "moved on and got another job"? Look at the date. There were no jobs then... there are no jobs now. People hear so much about their friends, family, fellow coworkers - all without work and all struggling to get by. Of course that is going to hit somebody hard at this point in time.

But don't blame it on our lack of teaching of morals. Who are the ones that removed the crap from the public eye? Who are the people who feed us the propaganda and the entertainment to keep us stupid and expecting more?

It should only fuel the hate for this body we call our government even more. It is all because of them, their corrupt, their lies - that we have gotten this far. It is because of their "save myself" values that we are going to sink even lower.

It makes me sick but that is reality. It is only going to get darker before the dawn.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Sean48

I've seen that before. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the guy in that vid either British or Russian?

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by LAUGHING-CAT
"We", as Americans, will not "disappear".
We will re form, re confabulate, re integrate, re invent,
re do whatever we do to re TAKE our nation back from the asses that run us now.

Noble ideas.
But the armed gangs of robbers and plunderers will not allow you to rebuild anything.

Many Americans are stocking up on guns and ammo, with the sole idea of taking whatever they feel they need away from someone else by force, when TSHTF.

Every American already knows this to be true, and has already bought a gun for protection from other Americans.
There will be no rebuilding, just shooting.

[edit on 20/2/2010 by Silver Shadow]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 04:04 AM
If/when everything does hit the fan, there will be a lot of people hurtin' for certain.

Too much of our current way of life is taken for granted, far too much. People are far too used to being able to obtain whatever they want or need within minutes if not hours.

Imagine when grocery stores aren't restocked. Where will people obtain food? People can learn how to grow food but you can't grow it year round. You have to learn how to preserve what you do grow without the benefit of refrigeration. If you had to, could you kill a squirrel or rabbit, skin it and prepare it for dinner?

When the power is cut off, how do you heat your home in winter if you live further north unless you have a fireplace or wood burning stove? When gasoline is unavailable, how do you get from place to place? With some families sprinkled across different parts of the country, how do you keep in touch with loved ones? If water isn't pumped, how do you obtain it?

The people who lived during the great depression were, in general, far better equipped to deal with the hand they were dealt. They were more well versed in self-sustenance, less dependent on modern conveniences and less removed from a time when things were just available to them. They also had the knowledge of their parents and grandparents to fall back on.

Could people even deal with the sort of rationing that happened during WWII? I doubt it. In general, they're far too spoiled. Even some of the homeless in some places today have shelters where they can stay for periods of time or get something to eat. Where would the funding or the people to run those places come from when they themselves are in a precarious situation?

I don't think many people can imagine a world where it's literally every man for himself, but it certainly isn't outside the realm of possibility. The prosperity of the last 50 years isn't a given by any means, after all, as the saying goes, what goes up most come down. While I don't think the collapse of our culture as we know it is inevitable, it's certainly possible and it's folly to believe otherwise.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 04:35 AM
The Great Depression that is coming is a deliberately created one. It has a purpose and method.

Once you lose your home and your employment, you end up in the welfare line. Social services can only do so much. So you end up supplementing needs by approaching charities, which are religion based.

The homeless shelters are beginning to require fingerprints and have spent a lot of money for bioscan equipment. This is how the new system of religious Kingdom Dominion intends to get your intimate genetic information.

When the tipping point is reached, those who are running "God's Kingdom" will decide if you are good enough to qualify for a house or food. They will even determine whether you get hired for a job. If you do not go along with their dictates you will be out in the cold. This is how they will take control. This is why they call it the age of god's judgement and they believe they are ordained to speak for this god.

They will take all you have and then make you grateful for the crumbs they give back.

What? You don't understand how religions can be behind taking what you have? Try this on for size. Some politicians told people to remain in their foreclosed homes. They did. One day the movers came...sent by the mortgage companies...and took their furniture out of the house while people were still in their homes. Guess where the furniture ended up? In the religious charity thrift stores!

Many people have seen through the lies of religion and have left the churches. They have to make up the money somehow. It is supporting a lot of people at the top.

The religious charity thrift stores do not give clothes to homeless people. They are in business to sell. Maybe they sponsor one soup kitchen for every 500 stores they run. Who else could have a business where merchandise is given to them for free and they just sit back and resell it? Easy pickin's, huh?

The plan is first to demoralize people, then make them destitute. Next step is orchestrated dependency and the only ones offering to "help" them will be god's charitable kingdom.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 05:00 AM
Hard fact is that all through humanities history it has been a roller coaster ride, and I can't really say many have ever prepared for the downward drop when it happens, and now is no different to all the other times.

Americans are no different human being than anyone else else and are as just as capable of surviving or falling to the events that surround then.

In my neck of the woods we have a spot that that is pretty notorious across Britian as the suicide spot of choice, and some of the earliest records (1,200 years ago) show South Saxons throwing themselves the cliffes to excape starvation.

Not exactly the people one would assume were anything but perpared and able to deal with most situations.. While some responded that way the South Saxons survived as will America and Americans..

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