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Rape? It's the fault of the victims, say 50 per cent of women

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posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 10:26 AM
There is nothing sadder than watching the sons of this time missing out on all of the traditional male teachings,do these mothers not see that they can NEVER GIVE THIS TO THEIR SONS,that they NEED the natural father in their childrens lives,and that any old man WILL NOT DO.Stop believing the lie,the world is not fair and you cant demand or force equailty when you already have it at birth.The new man YOU love and choose to present to your children as a role model if you are divorced[yes silly you are supposed to feel like you failed at something when you have been divorced,both you and your ex should feel like you have failed,not go have a party and remarry in 6 months to really screw wiith your kids heads],DOES NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO INSTINCTIVELY STEP IN FRONT OF A CAR TO SAVE YOUR CHILDRENS LIVES,so stop expecting and demanding the impossible,you are hurting your children by this misguided path.

You expect your sons to behave properly when they dont even have gender identification abilities because there is no defined societal role for them to fill?

Rape and violence are crimes,the crime rate spirals out of control when the family unit is fractured,these little people arent learning HOW TO CARE ABOUT THE RIGHT THINGS.

You just dont get it do you??If a woman teaches a male child everything she hurts him,its simple,men are at their best when they are constantly motivated and rewarded,when they are GIVING WHAT THEY CAN GIVE AND IT ISNT BLOODY BREASTMILK.A woman is by nature a giver,but she isnt designed to freely give of her lifetime for just money,she is designed to give of her heart,if she is forced or convinced to not follow her maternal path then she will remain torn her entire life.A woman that has no male helping her to give her son a solid male perspective on the world ,will teach her son TO BEHAVE LIKE AND BE LIKE A WOMAN WETHER SHE LIKES OR KNOWS IT OR NOT,STOP WHINING.We are not all equal so why would you teach your son to behave like a woman when he doesnt have the tools to live that way??Then in a defensive posture you will teach him to be tolerant of gays and to fight against anything that will define his gender because you will feel guilty that you didnt provide him with it,so to cover up you teach him that it is ok to act like a woman ,and if people call that behaviour gay then you teach him that it is ok to be gay ,because you know dam well how he is behaving,tell the truth,say son your dad and I werent able to make our marriage work,our happines was more important than your future ,as a result I had to teach you everything myself so you might be a little screwed up but dont worry about it,YOU CAN BE ANYTHING YOU CHOOSE TO BE.

What a goddam lie,we cant be ANYTHING WE WANT TO BE!!We are born who and what we are and we experience our lives from there on.You are supposed to be gay like you are supposed to breath underwater,it just isnt so,and if you try you will HURT YOURSELF.People still swim dont they,but they sure dont try to breath the water.

You cannot redefine humanity to fit your personbal desires.Or your failures as a parent,or your childrens confusion over gender identification.

You want crime to be reduced then spend more time properly raising your children,face the fact that you need to be A WOMAN when you raise your kids because the man in your life needs your perspective to temper his own teaching to your kids.Dont allow yourself to be impregnated by a less than desirable mate,you know it is your own body right??And if you do find yourself with a less than desirable mate,to dam bad,raise your kids like your great grandma did and shut up ,grandma was smarter than you are.I wish I had a Porsch every time I see one on the street to.This is part of your own gender identification as a woman,if you fulfill your true womanly role YOU HAVE TO BE MUCH MORE PICKY ABOUT CHOOSING YOUR MATE,it might be like a real JOB if you take it seriously.Stop trying to hang on to the "everyone is equal B.S"put a little pressure on yourself and stop looking for the easy way out of your gender.

The reason that what I am saying will fall on deaf ears is simple,there is no jail time for irresponsible parents.I mean both moms and dads.If you dont fulfill your contractual obligation to properly cre for and raise your kids,YOU GO TO BLOODY JAIL.And no you fool,you cant get married again and have even more children until you finish your first contract.

Thats right Mr. Stud,after you screw up the lives of your first experiment ,you DONT GET TO REPEAT YOUR MISTAKE,and thats right whiner ,I said MISTAKE--FAILURE--YOU GET IT RIGHT?You failed the first time so you dont get a second chance until you care for the lives you created.Jail time or pay pal,and your stupid ex who wants to undermine her own childrens future by allowing you to not pay and still see your kids should go to jail for child abuse,a child cannot comprehend starvation and hardship and MOMMY AND DADDDY at the same time.Divorced women are responsible for ensuring their children are provided for and if that means jailing good old dad and recieving support from the community then so be it,wear your scarlet letter and take it off when your children are raised ,AND THEN TRY IT ALL AGAIN IF YOU HAVE THE ENERGY IN YOU FIFTIES BECAUSE BY THE TIME YOU ARE DONE YOUR JOB AND AVOIDED JAIL FOR 18 OR MORE YEARS ,you probably wont have the energy.

I love the sound of that and I can hear all the bloody crying and whining already,I love it.

Thats right you fools ,no more weddings and children until you care for the first ones you made,no fun,no lovers,no new spouse,no bloody drama,or simply turn yourself in to jail and serve your 18 yrs.

You see I have identified the problem for you,its us the parents,we are the reason for the rapists and the murderers,so lets be responsible for our actions already and quit running.

Lets tell the truth,we create these monsters when they are children,it isnt drugs or alcohol,or the goddam devil,its US,we are not doing our jobs,we can either blame our parents as they did before the 60's revolution and hide the problem again,or we can become more educated than our parents and fix what the Boomers did to our culture.And shut up boomers because for all the good things your generation brought the world the progress came at the cost of your very own culture and families,your children paid the price ,what few children and grandchildren you have,right?

I live in Canada and I often wonder how it feels for my culture to watch the world continue to grow and prosper while own culture is disappearing before their very eyes.

The immigrant families coming to Canada are having LARGE families and are being very sucessfull at it.Ask yourself why the Philipino woman at the mall has a gaggle of four or more kids with her just like all her peers??

Because she didnt spend her most productive childbearing years trying to change her gender.Or trying to establish that she has CONTROL in her relationships with males who are hardwired to seek control.Dont you get it dummies men are hardwired to seek control and women are hardwired to manipulate their share of control out of the male using their womanly ways and the responsibility and love the male feels for his family,you know his urge to provide and protect,in exchange for his place in the family.Yes men can not seek to have control of their world but it isnt natural,yes women can seek to control their world but it also isnt natural.

You see,there is no escape and no rationalising or debating your way out of your gender and EVERY ATTEMPT TO DO SO HARMS CHILDREN,and that is a crime against humanity and you should be punished by society for hurting children.

You want to stop crime??Give people their jobs back you fools.And yes honey I mean you,you women out there who are behaving in this damaging manner need to be held accountable along with your male cohorts who also dont care about kids.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 11:03 AM
I consider this to be positive communication because there is no real rational arguement that you or anyone else can present that will change the facts,its that simple,I am open to sharing perspectives but perspectives dont change nature and neither do hurt feelings,communication is the only way to seek positive change.

There is no negativity in pointing out the obvious,we are all living it together,it is people who try to support the mistakes of the past to prevent themselves from having societal and humanitarian responsibility pinned on their arses that think this perspective is negative.

Yes,we need to accept all of what has happened and we need to be responsible for our own futures.

What you seem to be missing is the point that I dont care about your feelings regarding crimes against humanity,women dont get to hurt children because they arent happy with their spouse,make it work or one or both go to jail.The grass isnt greener on the other side of the bars smart alecs.

You see there is no escape from your humanitarian responsibuilities and your own personal feelings get put on hold the second your wife gives birth to your child ,and as soon as that baby takes its first breath AS A WOMAN YOU SURRENDER YOUR RIGHT TO PERSONAL HAPPINESS AND BLISS.But some of you will fight this on the basis that you have the personal right to be with who you want to be with,but this subverts your current childrens futures and is a crime against humanity plain and simple.It may be your body baby but when that child is born your body and feelings becomes the childs body and future,do you get that???

Put it this way,if it is so bad then someone HAS TO GO TO JAIL,I bet you a million bucks all you losers out there who have abandoned your children to seek your own happiness would still be married if your arse would be in jail for just giving up or for putting your own personal well being before that of your children.

Giving up,so you can be happier??At the cost to your children??Who are you trying to BS here?

Why dont I hear mothers agreeing??Because that means that they have to sacrifice on a balanced level,jail for them to.

You see most mothers would put their children above themselves till their own death,remember how ONLY A VERY SMALL MINORITY OF WOMEN SCREWED UP OUR CULTURE DURING THE 60'S BECAUSE MERE THOUSANDS SPOKE IN PLAQCE OF MILLIONS WHEN THEY HAD NO RIGHT TO DO THAT.

Sorry feminist weirdos ,but last time I checked there was no vote on the 60's revolution,just a bunch of stoned ,immoral women cutting loose in university and college making the same mistakes as men and trying to cover up their behaviour by FLAPPING THEIR MOUTHS ,and speaking out of place for an entire culture.

Its called a sales job my friends and as more and more boomers pass away there will be less and less defense of the atrocities that our culture has endured in the last sixty years.

And those of us who cant see the future coming will continue to defend these wrongs,its a sad fact.

We didnt have to sacrifice our cultural foundation to enable women to vote you fools,its a sales job face it.We didnt have to trade families and marriage and our childrens futures ,for a better wage??for a more equal wage and job opportunity??That sounds fairly sick to me.

The word opportunity semms to stand out to me,do you get it now??Everything has a price and you sold out your own families and children and therefore your own futures for what?AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PERSONAL SELFFULLFILLMENT!!!!

Do you even see the level of selfishness we are talking about here??And this will be pawned off on the men of our culture??

Funny thing is I dont see the men really changing only suffering and the same for the women,ONLY SUFFERING.

So here we are at square one again,selfish women trying to defend the abandonment of their families and the abbrogation of their gender,based on the personal right o fulfillment EVEN AT THE COST OF THEIR OWN CHILDREN.

By the way ladies,it WAS YOUR BODY ,until that spark of life ignited,and I am not religous,but the second that life ignited you became a host,sweethearts,the second the spark happened,not an individual,a host with tremendous responsibilities.That spark is humanity and we all protect humanity even at a cost to you.If you have it you will care for it or you will have no more,kids or spouses,just jail.

This is the real point,no one likes to be told what to do and this is hurting our children and our culture,no one like rules but if we all used condoms or kept our panties on there would be no problem right??

We need rules that supercede our personal rights in favor of the protection of humanity.And yes WOMEN will cry the most because they will ultimately lose as much as men will,the problem is that women just got their way and they love it,it will be hell to reteach these women to surrender these misplaced rights.So dont get upset if I seem to lay a lot of issues at the feet of women in my culture,it isnt this way all over the world,thats obvious.

I want a fair and equitalbe world to but I am not willing to let the women of my culture step forward and sacrifice my culture,our families and our children for an experiment that obviously has been an utter failure.I would rather spend a little time trying to communicate .

For godssakes we all know darn well that the vote is a joke,there is no way to legally force politicians to do what the people want anyways,so WE ARE REALLY GIVING EVERYTHING UP FOR NOTHING,women always had a vote it was just represented on behalf of the family by the man,SO QUIT WHINING ABOUT IT ALREADY,even the vote issue is a bloody lie.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 11:11 AM
Can a person star their own post? Otherwise, who in their right mind would star a rant like that? Isn't it nice to be able to place blame for all the woes of the world on groups you could not possibly belong to, women and baby boomers?

[edit on 18-2-2010 by novacs4me]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 11:17 AM
novacs4me,I am hoping to educate not silence,the BS excuse for this behaviour by women is a fabricated party line that "some mysterious force"is trying to SILENCE THEM IN SOME WAY.Get real already,I have never met a woman in my life you could silence,or a man for that matter.

Find a better defense ,I am to old and to experienced and to outspoken to sit here and hear the same old mantra.

I dont want to silence feminists I want them to log on so we can all see how truly selfish and misguided they truly are,I dont fear confronting this issue because I dont fear women ,I love them,you try to silence things you fear,you probably expect me to react to these same old defenses,but times have changed ,and the damage is obvious and so is the causation.

It is really femenists who should be posting openly and honestly,because you see the maternal instinct is stronger than the intellect or the hormones,no femenist can hide from who she is if she chooses to exchange information with me or with people like me who are able to reverse extrapolate situational dynamics.

I seek positive and open communication,not negative communication and silence,claiming these things is simply another attempt to evade the real issue,I am used to it but the excuses dont become any more effective the more times you hear them.

Individual responsibility and accountability TO HUMANITY,putting the needs of our children AUTOMATTICLY IN FRONT OF OUR OWN.

Bammm!!! no more divorce!!

Bammm!!no more lost children!!!

Bammm!!!no more hungry kids!!!

Bammmm!!a better ,more caring ,future generation raised with a willingness to put humanities needs before their own!!!

Bammm!!no more cheques cut to lawyer,judges and all the other bloodsucking unneeded social entities that exist by continuing the viscious cycle we are in.!!

I could go on but if I do feminists will become extinct and I will probably be blamed for it!!!

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 11:26 AM
Its called accountability not blame,blame is a negative communication,,there you go again turning a positive into a negative in an attemt to defend an in- defensible perspective,and I catch you easily yet again.

I told you it is reverse extrapolation and you will never escape it because you actually convict yourself as you are trying to defend yourself.

Its called being cornered and it is my specialty for some reason,its how I think ,not my fault,and I truly apologise ,but you do know that it is OK to learn something new ,right?

It is ok to say that you were underinformed and now have a new perspective,you dont have to admit defeat you can claim victory through the application of this new information.

You dont have to give up your perspective but you DO NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE WORLD IS NOT STATIC,AND IT IS TIME TO WILLINGLY LET GO OF OLD OUTDATED AND WRONG PERSPECTIVES,in favor of the new reality you are living in.

When you are busted you are busted,its called being caught redhanded.And I gottcha.

The evidence is all around us mostly in jail or some type of re-hab.Both places designed to fix the MISTAKES YOU SEEM TO CLAIM NEVER HAPPENED.

[edit on 18-2-2010 by one4all]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 11:30 AM
Well, although I no longer classify myself as a feminist first, I did benefit from the efforts of feminists of the '60's. If my mom hadn't died at age 50, the women's crisis centers that feminists started might have been available to her when she had no where to turn as a battered wife with six children. For thousands of years, women suffered in silence while their husbands beat them. I am grateful for rape crisis centers, too, which feminists started. Did you know that the 'rule of thumb' was the British rule where women could not be beaten with anything thicker than their thumb? No? Do you know anything about the suffering of women at the hands of brutal men? I am glad we can now get good paying jobs and gain for ourselves the financial means to escape such men. I wish my mother could have.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 11:49 AM
smyleegrl,racism is a fabricated word also designed and implemented as a tool to cause and maintain discourse amongst humanity,there is no place for the word in our reality,same with predjudice,we are all born with equal potential if we are healthy.

Racism is impossible because we are all the same species ,only religous brainwashing has convinced us that there are differences between us big enough to kill over or to invent destructive words to continue the splitting of humanity because THIS ENSURE SURVIVAL OF THE RELIGON ITSELF,the belief system becomes an entity like a business,and then it is no longer a religon,IT IS IN FACT A BUSINESS.Governments work on the same principal,this is why we talk talk talk but there is no change.

The weakest most screwy causes are intentionally defended and propogated thereby affecting all of humanity for FISCAL GAIN OR ADVANTAGE BY THE CHURCH OR GOVERNMENT.

This creates FALSE PRECEDENTS IN OUR LEGAL SYSTEM AND WITHIN OUR SOCIETAL BELIEFS.This is a crime against humanity committed for fiscal gain in one way or another.The politicians defend the gays[to gain the vote in their little tiny arena] in one state and set a legal precedent that quickly spreads across the country,not by majority vote of the people but by the momentum of the law,in other words you can easily change our laws in our country by winning one very small legal victory,you can subvert the entire system,I learned that from politicians themselves,reverse extrapolation,you cant escape.

This is why we have such a huge void between our perspectives,BUT IF YOU STAY WITH ME LONG ENOUGH YOU WILL SEE THE TRUTH,but it will hurt a little.

In case you havent figured it out yet our smartest most caring people DONT GET INTO POLITICS,you need to be a liar to survive in politics,a spin doctor.

So who do you believe in when you ponder these immense questions??

I believe in you,put it that way,I truly do,even if our perspectives are different today I know that we can and will have an honest exchange of information without external influences,and when you eliminate the externbal influences WE ALL FEEL THE SAME WAY,WE LOVE EACH OTHER.

Add in government or religon and all bets are off,do you see the real problems here,our communication is constantly interfered with by powers with fiscal or power based agendas,and this is a massive media fuelled global situation right now.

If the people are ever truly HEARD AND LISTENED TO we will finally have a global government and reality based religous system that is humanitarian in focus,not imaginary and survival minded with a constant need to cause war to destroy alternative selfish perspectives,humanity first WHATEVER IT TAKES.

This means families come first,and sorry,WHATEVER IT TAKES.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Dock9
Do ATS members agree with the 54% of women in the poll, who believed that women should be held accountabl for the attack ?

I do not agree.

I don't want to read the rest of the thread because I'm sure there are some who agree and I don't really want to know who they are. But I will say that men don't rape women because they have on a short dress, dance provocatively or accept a drink. Men rape women because they have a need to exercise power over a woman and they find some women to be an easy mark. People who think rape is about sexual attraction have a lot to learn about rape.

Women DO have a responsibility for their own safety and protection. But if they fail that, that doesn't mean that they are responsible for rape. No way. The perpetrator is always 100% responsible for rape. If the victim says no, AT ANY TIME, and the aggressor doesn't stop, then that's rape.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:10 PM
My family also experienced domestic violence at a deadly level,and what I was taught by my mother WHO IN ADDITION TO BEING A VICTEM OF VIOLENT CRIME raised four children in difficult circumstances was this,GOD GAVE YOU TWO HANDS THE SAME ONES YOU HOLD YOUR CHILDREN WITH,IF ANYONE HURTS THEM OR YOU THEIR MOTHER YOU NEED TO MAKE A CHOICE TO USE THOSE HANDS AGAIN,light a match,hold a knife,pull a trigger,make a phone call,buy a bus ticket,start packing,but never never TOLERATE THREATS TO YOUR CHILDREN OR YOURSELF.

You see our moms were also brought up in an environment where they were manipulated from birth,we all are,its just that some of us cant be shut off,we will not be fooled or manipulated,that is why I post here,I will not ever go quietly into the night and neither will anyone near me.

My mom almost lost her life because of retarded feminist beliefs that corrupted our culture and created an imbalance.

Stop infering that men are so violent and unpredictable it is a lie.Any human can be dangerous and deadly,a female is just as deadly as a male.

Look at the situations these men are in!Then put them in jail or execute them but we must aknowledge the dynamics that our culture has forced on both men and women,then we need to start to love each other again and turn our backs on feminists and governments and religons and anything or one else that is not humanitarian in focus.

If I could go back and protect your mom and my own mom I would ,but that is impossible,what is possible is I can devote some of my life to correcting the horrible wrong done to my culture.Showing people how to break invisible bonds AND SHOWING THEM HOW TO SEE THOSE BONDS THAT HOLD THEM.

Promoting feminism is wrong at every level because the movement was wrong in every way,some of the results were positive but that is irrelevent because it is coincidence.Those changes were comong anyway.

These men were violent because they never learned to communicate and to love anyone but themselves.Many people end up like this.

They are only words but they can change our world if we say them,but if we dont speak up our vote IS PIRATED BY EVIL PEOPLE and our world changes anyways,this is why we need accountability to humanity not ourselves or our church or our government.Do you see now that a small minority of women PIRATED MILLIONS OF VOICES AND CHANGED OUR WORLD WITHOUT PERMISSIN FROM ALL WOMEN!!

I am not disputing the validity of the idea of feminism ,I am saying it was a movement that was immoral,illegal and it damaged humanity.Powers that had no interest or stake in families and humanity encouraged and supported this movement to enable a huge workforce ,that would simply make them more money,the problem was us men had done a pretty good job of protecting our families from this kind of attack,this attack had to come from within and it had to happen the same way changing one small law in some obsure courtroom changes a whole culture.One small voice changed our culture and the numbers are undeniable,there is no escape.

Its time to discover who chose to rip our culture apart and stall our progress and growth.And hold them accountable.HINT--its not the women.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by one4all
HINT: I have nothing more to say to you. Bye.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:24 PM

For gods sake lets get real,act of violence YES,iniated by a violent impulse,NOT A CHANCE.

Most rapes involve an erection,you could easily find numbers but lets get real already.

You cant alter a biological response that leads to a bad decision due to lack of selfcontrol or simply bad decision making,BY WEARING BLAND CLOTHING,dont misinform women its dangerous.Stop the feminist crap.

Most rapes are situational,wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong PEOPLE.

Who in their right mind would send a woman into the world unprepared to defend herself,who would tell her teenage daughter that there was no reason why she shouldnt go jogging alone at night.

A feminist thats who.

There are no excuses for the men and there are no precautions a woman can take to protect herself other than SITUATIONAL AWARENESS,in other words WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT,you dont hang around men you dont trust,who dont have a vested interest in you.Its simple so stop whining.

Holy cow!!You would have to be retarded to not know this basic fact about men,or brainwashed by a feminist or a religon,or something.

And you cant change men,some of them think that you should be in the kitchen,same principal as jogging at night.Im not even sorry for that one it is so obvious.

Your protection comes from either your man or society,society doesnt seem to be cutting it and divorce is rampant,its a bad time to be a woman.

Dont forget you have two hands,didnt your mamma teach you that,you control your own destiny.And if you have to control someone elses as a matter of necessity,so be it,men know the risk,everyone has to sleep,RIGHT

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:26 PM

Who in their right mind would send a woman into the world unprepared to defend herself,who would tell her teenage daughter that there was no reason why she shouldnt go jogging alone at night.
reply to post by one4all


Quite honestly, I find your posts to be almost hateful. You seem to be trying to snag someone into a debate about feminism.

This thread is about rape.

If you have something positive to contribute to the discussion, then do so.

But give the "feminism is destroying the world" rant a rest.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by one4all

Your protection comes from either your man or society,society doesnt seem to be cutting it and divorce is rampant,its a bad time to be a woman.

I would love to see your bravery face some women that I know in the military.

A nice piece of whoopass.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 03:18 PM
It is only in the SEVENTH POST on this page that you even MENTION the words rape. It sounded like you might be making some actual rational points about domestic violence.. but then you AGAIN started carrying on about feminism and how everything is the fault of women.

Originally posted by one4all

I am wondering.. have you gone and felt up every man you have EVER seen in a fight or argument? Seriously? because that is the ONLY WAY you would be able to say 100% that they have had a "raging erection" during a fight. Or if they were naked at the time. Is it a custom in your world for men to take off their clothes and show you their raging erections when they have argueing with you??

Guys posting. have you ALWAYS had a raging erections when having an argument? I mean.. when you argue on this thread.. do y'all have boners?

Emphasis because I would genuinely like to know.

Well thats going to change everything in my life now.

So if I have an argument with a male relative are they getting the same thing..?!
When I argue with the manager at a store is he needing to adjust himself? damn it now I'm always going to be wondering!

Most rapes involve an erection,you could easily find numbers but lets get real already.

Violence is fuelled by testosterone.. sex is fuelled by testosterone. A man can be horny and angry at the same time.. but does NOT mean he has to go act on that VIOLENT impulse he has. That is a CHOICE and anger alone would not leave men with an erection.

..but you say you know better so go ahead and PROVE it and post some medical evidence.

Who in their right mind would send a woman into the world unprepared to defend herself,who would tell her teenage daughter that there was no reason why she shouldnt go jogging alone at night.

A feminist thats who.


Go report back to your femnazi site and get some backup. You have zero credibilty and your posts read like satire and the only strong emotion they could evoke is perpelexion or laughter.

Congratulations anyway for at least making a post that actually relates to the subject.

[edit on 18-2-2010 by riley]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Can you seriously not see the logical flaw in this argument?
HOW does this make sense. This is what your argument is saying.

Premise1: In rape cases that involve babies or old women, clothes play no role.

Premise2: ???

Conclusion: Clothes play no role in ANY rapes.

this obsession is becoming stale, tbh, i don't know where you got your premise #1, #2 format from, but maybe you'll be able to follow it:

#1: most rapes are perpetrated by people the future victim personally knows (agree/disagree?)

#2: this group of rapists likely builds intention over time, if this wasn't the case, they might as well attack people they do not know much about, which would mean more strangers

since women (hopefully) change their outfit frequently and sexual arousal is rather short lived, clothing has to play a minor role if any in the majority of cases.

so, with that out of the way i'll ask the question how many rapes you think could be avoided altogether by women dressing differently? the COST of such a measure is far higher than the loss of a little personal freedom and a some additional inconvenience, it's the edge of the wedge of behavior that is enforced by threat and every time she takes a look at her wardrobe she'll be reminded of it and that's not worth it, unless there's good reason to believe it would make a tangible difference. it's also unlikely that the demands would stop there, but that's conjecture, even though it's very valid. besides, the sydney gang rapes could be viewed as a successful 'campaign' under these circumstances, which would be beyond unacceptable, imo.

PS: i've yet to see more than affirmations that clothing is indeed very important wrt sexual violence, no data, no real explanation and no addressing of premediated attacks, where you could at best influence who is finally chosen for the attack - without reducing the total.


Originally posted by one4all

For gods sake lets get real,act of violence YES,iniated by a violent impulse,NOT A CHANCE.

look at South Africa, rape and murder hotspot. in war, lots of killing, lots of rape, too. this doesn't prove a causal relationship, but it's intriguing nevertheless, isn't it? there are different ways to commit violence, physical damage really isn't the only way, confinement, deprivation etc. are equally valid ways, obviously, why shouldn't some forms include sexual traits? if you cut someone's nuts off it's sexual violence, when someone cuts a woman's face or breasts, sexual violence, so what's so hard to reconcile here? unfortunately, desensitization just affects the general level of violence, not so much the ways it is 'expressed'....

maybe some sex attackers feel sexually humiliated and seek an outlet in sexual violence, there's no reason to think it can't be motivated just by hate, just because most forms of violence do not include sexual aspects.

as for your OT the alleged cause of all evil in the world, all these harem cultures abducted women for purposes of rape and slavery, thousands a piece, millions over time, over centuries, they built their entire culture around it, but i guess feminism did it. must be a case of time travel.


Guys posting. have you ALWAYS had a raging erections when having an argument? I mean.. when you argue on this thread.. do y'all have boners?


[edit on 2010.2.18 by Long Lance]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 04:00 PM
before the first feminists proceeded to work toward their rights, they worked to free the male slaves.....
if you dispise the freedoms gained by women, then you must also dispise your own freedoms, since the same spirit rose up to bring the freedom to both the male and female!

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 05:05 PM
@ one4all giant posts:
Wow...just wow.
The rift in the space-time continuum that landed you here by accident is still open. If you hurry, you can find your way back to the fourth century B.C.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 07:25 PM
WOW...go back to work for a few days and this thread goes CRAZY!!!

First let me say, Riley, we may have argued some points and agreed on others, but right now I DO have a raging boner...
(ok kidding)

Now, I will finish this post with this.

We have established that the poll doesn't mean squat. My opinion was you have to look at the age and demeanor of the women polled and you SHOULD be able to understand why the percentages ended up that way.

As for reasons for rape, whos at fault, etc....We have established (I THINK EVERY MEMBER) has established that women are NEVER at fault for the actual rape. We all agree on and women alike. We agree that you can lay on the floor naked, say take me now, and right before impact...she says NO, guess what...YOU STOP!!! WE ALL AGREE....BUT

of course there is a As I shared with Riley and all who decided to read my posts. I have NO DOUBTS, NONE, ZERO, that clothing worn by women HAS been the cause OF THE MAN TO RAPE. Understand that for the last time....I will repeat. The clothing worn by women HAS been the cause OF THE MAN TO RAPE. How do I know, its because in my interviews with the rapist, the guy that committed the crime, he HAS in some cases told me as the arresting officer, knowing he was screwed and going to jail a LONG time, that it was simply because of what she wore and that in his mind she looked good and flaunted it, and in his mind WANTED IT. Yes that is the TRUE HARD FACTS ladies and gentleman.

I shared a few actual confessions with you all, I cannot tell you how broad of a spectrum rapists come up with for reasons of raping, but there are a bunch. Again my data on WHY is FACTUAL because I deal with it EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! This is not some pole, not some story, not some guess, or some personal is the TRUTH.

Bottom line is women need to just be aware and keep in the back of their minds that scumbags walk among the rest of us. They are ALWAYS looking for an opportunity for you to let your guard down, looking to find an excuse IN THEIR MINDS, that justifies their behavior. I hope all you ladies will fight hard if god forbid anything ever occurs, and to those of you who admitted being raped and shared your view, first I am sorry that it had to happen, but glad you could share with us here to show some members that it happens.

To all of you, it has been fun. To those who have been willing to stick it out OVER and OVER and OVER, good job for being patient with people.

Now ladies if you'll excuse me...I got a carrot to wax....


EDIT TO ADD: If you ever become the victim, PLEASE report it right away. As I stated before, I will do everything in my power to arrest the scum who do this stuff, but you gotta help me help you, and waiting days, weeks, or years, just makes it not only tougher, sometimes downright impossible.

[edit on 2/18/2010 by rcwj1975]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 08:33 PM
Tifosi,I have three sisters,I'll be the one to tell you how tough women can be not the other way around,and whats with the overt challenge,estro--I mean adrenaline rush?

Anyone who manages to survive on a day to day basis amongst humanity as it is today is both brave and strong.

I respect the fact that women participate in the Military,I find it sad,among other things,but I respect the right to choose your life path and the extreme bravery and committment displayed by anyone in the military,I do not however believe that fighting and dieing for anything other than the cause of humanity is the right thing to be doing,we are dieing for money and governments and religous viewpoints,we dont currently have an enemy on earth to rightfully battle other than starvation and mother nature.

And to the poster who is hung up on erections,I have been in a dustup or ten in my life ,my experience is first hand.

As a sidenote I have more than one friend who has been the victem of this crime,I have no respect for criminals that commit crimes against humanity,and I am disgusted by men and women who use their intellect to argue non-humanitarian perspectives.

The world is sick enough as it is ,I would hope that people who are educated enough to be posting here understand the importance of the words they say and the perspectives they support,after awhile it is hard to listen to people who are educated post comments that are simply retarded and then sit there and wait for someone to call them out so they can appeal to the masses for liberal minded support.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
WOW...go back to work for a few days and this thread goes CRAZY!!!

First let me say, Riley, we may have argued some points and agreed on others, but right now I DO have a raging boner...
(ok kidding)

No wonder men act so very confused all the time.

I shared a few actual confessions with you all, I cannot tell you how broad of a spectrum rapists come up with for reasons of raping, but there are a bunch. Again my data on WHY is FACTUAL because I deal with it EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! This is not some pole, not some story, not some guess, or some personal is the TRUTH.

Bottom line is women need to just be aware and keep in the back of their minds that scumbags walk among the rest of us. They are ALWAYS looking for an opportunity for you to let your guard down, looking to find an excuse IN THEIR MINDS, that justifies their behavior. I hope all you ladies will fight hard if god forbid anything ever occurs, and to those of you who admitted being raped and shared your view, first I am sorry that it had to happen, but glad you could share with us here to show some members that it happens.

Okay we're on the same page I think but we define cause differently.
I have no doubt that they have said it ..I believe you but a kleptomanic might say "I stole that because it was shiny" when they stole it because they had an impulse to.

They might say the cause was what the woman was wearing in their minds but the cause is actually some sort of deficit in their base morality. So basically I am agreeing that clothing may help him choose one woman over another but he might rape regardless. Why I am so adament that clothing should not be the main issue is because it takes all the focus away on what factors actually create rapists. Why does this issue ALWAYS end up being about what women do? That in itself puts the real issue on the backburner while people discuss clothing of all things. We should be discussing how to stop men becoming rapists in the first place.

Something else that doesn't help and that some women are responsible for is doing that pathetic nervous giggle in response to being groped because they're afraid of creating a scene. A "# off", broadway slap or a knee in the nads should do. Man up women! they are already creating a scene anyway.

[edit on 18-2-2010 by riley]

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