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Texas seems to bear the fruits of all evils

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posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:36 AM
I always thought California was crazy but TX seems to take the cake.

Some bizarre and shady events tied to TX:

  • JFK 11/22/1963 assassination in dallas
  • Lyndon B Johson, LBJ, administration and his vietnam war
  • Charles Whitman 08/01/1966 shootings
  • Bush presidential dynasty, first administration to promote the term 'evil' for propaganda purposes.
  • Wanda Holloway, mother who tried to hire a hitman to kill the mother of her daughters cheer-leading rival, 1991.
  • Waco massacre 02/28/93, 04/19/93.
  • Marie Robards, 1993, poisoned her father with barium acetate in his refried beans, taken from her chem class, because she wanted to live with her mother instead.
  • Oklahoma Murrah building bombing 04/19/95, the building which housed evidence from the waco 04/19/93 massacre
  • Texas mother, Andrea Yates, drowns her 5 children in a bathtub, 06/20/2001.
  • The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, 02/01/2003, killing the first Israeli astronaught, Ilan Ramon, over 'Palestine' TX.
  • Roland Carnaby execution 08/29/2008, filmed by police while he was killed, while gathering info on port of houston activities
  • Fort hood shootings 11/05/2009
  • Alleged ft hood shooter reportedly still alive and held in Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio under lockdown, yet no one has actually seen him.
  • Daniel Motisi alleged AWOL regarding ft hood shooting, which turned out not to be an AWOL but under wraps nonetheless.
  • Continuous violence and uninvestigated murders in Juárez, location of the worlds highest murder rate !!!! , right next to El Paso, TX
  • Jeb Bush 2012 presidential candidacy? The same Jeb Bush that ran the NY world trade center security on 09/11/2001?

    it's spooky.

    The phrase, 'Houston we have a problem' seems to bring on a new meaning.

    [edit on 14-2-2010 by stoneysauce]

  • posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:39 AM
    Texas is great.

    There is no problem with Texas.

    Do not worry.

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 05:24 AM
    reply to post by stoneysauce

    If I catch a progressive by its toe.... I have a hunch you don't like the right to much right? You kind of have to read between the lines but I think I get it. Did you ever stop and think they are actually one in the same. I know it is hard to imagine but what if the right and left thing was just a diversion. I should stop with this crazy talk.

    And long live Texas home of the free and the brave. I have never meet a Texan I did not like. I have met a lot of people from New Jersey I did not like--- Hmm well I quess that is another thread.

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 06:00 AM
    Texas is not all Evil.

    Just listen to Ron Paul.

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 08:55 AM
    I think you are jumping to conclusions. New York, California, Texas, all have problems because they are the biggest, population wise. Texas is a lot less evil than California and New York.

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 08:59 AM
    some of those 'parades' i've heard about in San Fran seem almost worse than all that stuff combined.

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:11 AM
    reply to post by Subjective Truth

    I have a hunch you don't like the right to much right? You kind of have to read between the lines but I think I get it. Did you ever stop and think they are actually one in the same. I know it is hard to imagine but what if the right and left thing was just a diversion.

    I don't mean to give the impression that this post favors either liberal or conservative, because I am neither. I just call it like I see it. And, I agree that they are one and the same. Party politics is merely a game that is played to distract the masses away from the beast behind the curtain; the beast is truly running the system. (I would say 'wizard behind the curtain', but that would be too flattering.) And, to carry the analogy, this beast seems to have a lot of minions in Texas.

    [edit on 14-2-2010 by stoneysauce]

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:14 AM
    Oklahoma City is in Oklahoma, not Texas. Just thought you should know.

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:28 AM
    reply to post by stoneysauce

    You forgot to add El paso as one of the main sources of evil since it is just lots of murder like you say but right next to Juarez, the major trafficker of drugs for Texas and military missle range nearby.

    Edit: I dont know how I miss el paso since you had added that, my bad. :shk:

    [edit on 14-2-2010 by Stop-loss!]

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:49 AM
    Having spent considerable lengths of time in the northern region of the country, and a considerable amount of time in Texas, there is some unique insight I can reveal in regards to the topic of Texas. This mindset I will reveal does not apply to all folks of the state, but does apply to no less than 99% of the Texan born, true natives of the state. There are positives aspects to list, but the disturbing characteristics may help assist in gaining a greater understanding into the state that the OP has decided to question.

    First, ANY insults in regards to Texas, or Texans themselves will arouse extreme anger from them. This level of anger can be accurately compared to how one would feel if they were forced to watch a relative or spouse being viciously assaulted by a group of thugs including the act of sodomy.

    Anyone there whom is not Caucasian AND Christian is looked upon as second-class to pets and cattle. Being that I am Caucasian, and having the ability to portray myself as a typical silly christian, I can exist quite well in the storm of the never-ending inquiring minds that must know your religious affiliation.

    The political views are extreme right wing conservative, and as long as a politician says the name Jesus every once in a while, he could cause any world-wide catastrophe and they will worship that politician. Being that I am conservative in some aspects, and liberal in others, I can share some conservative views amongst them and exist fine there without being hung.

    Native Texans hate folks from California, and the northeast. Although some will deny it, its the truth.

    Thats the main ones to ponder. Just a small attempt to contribute to the topic of the state that the thread is about. No insults intended in any way whatsoever.

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:09 PM
    reply to post by groingrinder

    Oklahoma City is in Oklahoma, not Texas. Just thought you should know.

    It looks that you have failed to read the O.P. which mentions that the evidence from the Waco Massacre was moved to the Oklahoma city Federal Building, no doubt so that the bush allied TX government/CIA agents that coordinated the Waco massacre could later do away with the evidence without having to blow up their own government buildings, or kill their own babys, since they themselves were localboys.

    Their general regard for Oklahomans can best be expressed by an old Texan joke. It goes, 'what separates a Texan from an Idiot.', the answer being, 'the Red River'.

    They even managed to appropriate tanks from fort hood for the waco massacre! Tanks and helicopters with machine guns mounted to them!

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:22 PM
    reply to post by stoneysauce



    Um, you DO realize how large Texas is, right? And that we have a fairly large population down here?

    Besides, nothing in Texas could ever compare to that circus that CA calls a "State Legislature". HAHAHAHA!!!

    [edit on 14-2-2010 by bigfatfurrytexan]

    posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 04:35 PM
    yes....true, i'd say.
    i'm a huge Texas patron.
    this place has a part in Gods plan, that what it is.
    it takes more soul to live in Texas

    posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 04:38 PM
    reply to post by GBP/JPY

    this place has a part in Gods plan, that what it is.

    as Jesus says about recognizing evil, in the book of Matthew, 7:20, 'you will know them by their fruit'

    If you look at their fruit its clear the Bush family itself IS the Axis of Evil.

    posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 04:54 PM

    Originally posted by Robber Baron Hood
    reply to post by GBP/JPY

    this place has a part in Gods plan, that what it is.

    as Jesus says about recognizing evil, in the book of Matthew, 7:20, 'you will know them by their fruit'

    If you look at their fruit its clear the Bush family itself IS the Axis of Evil.

    Before anyone is so quick to claim the evils of other men, let us remember: the most evil sacks to exist on our planet do so without our knowledge. Bush's are pawns to the greater cause, if they are indeed evil.

    It might help if we could discern true evil (ill intent) from greed and self serving demeanors. Do the Bush's want to hurt strangers, or just line their pockets?

    [edit on 15-2-2010 by bigfatfurrytexan]

    posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 05:09 PM
    reply to post by Robber Baron Hood

    as Jesus says about recognizing evil, in the book of Matthew, 7:20, 'you will know them by their fruit'

    Granted, by that standard, and it would be conscientiously wrong for me not to write this in big letters, the following points become terribly irrefutable:

  • George Bush Sr is Evil!

  • George Bush Jr is Evil!

  • Jeb Bush is Evil!

  • If there exists an 'Axis of Evil' then they most certainly are members!

  • Moreover, could not the same be said of the military industrial complex, and corporate fascists along with their eugenics policies of genocide and organ harvesting, which they currently employ against the Haitian people, literally stealing their souls, not to mention their grabbing of the Haitian oil reserves, in addition to their main stream media which hushes it all up? (and, make no mistake, when martial law begins in the U.S. they will employ those very same tactics of starvation, genocide and organ harvesting on us. The true irony is that these policy makers that subscribe to genocide actually believe that they are saving the world via population control, justifying themselves with convoluted 'ends justify the means' machiavellian idiocy. They truly are a twisted and ugly lot.)

    Furthermore, the old Texan joke you mention is completely wrong. It actually goes something like this:

    Texan: What separates a Texan from an idiot?
    Marin County Hot-tubber: Proper pronunciation of the word Marin.

    footnote: one more shady event to add to the list
  • Joseph Stack, 02/18/2010, allegedly burns his house down with his wife and step daughter inside at around 8:45 AM (determined without any investigation), then at 11:30 AM allegedly flies a slow and tiny prop plane into a building, accompanying a huge fiery explosion resulting in 0 casualties. And, the authorities seem to have this cover story ready to go immediately when the event is reported, not needing any time for investigation, along with fire trucks standing by across the street from the building before the plane crashes. case closed.
    ...Uh, Houston?

    [edit on 18-2-2010 by stoneysauce]

  • posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 05:12 PM
    reply to post by pplrnuts

    First, ANY insults in regards to Texas, or Texans themselves will arouse extreme anger from them. This level of anger can be accurately compared to how one would feel if they were forced to watch a relative or spouse being viciously assaulted by a group of thugs including the act of sodomy.

    You nailed it.

    If people think Americans are too patriotic, they haven't met a Texan.

    posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 06:13 PM
    It's Marvin Bush who was on the security company that had the contract for the WTC.I live somewhere in Texas there are people who are sane and are not brainwashed and in love with the mythology of this sate.

    posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 08:18 PM

    posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 08:29 PM
    I was born in the armpit of Texas. Yep El Paso city, by the Rio grandaaaaeeeeee.

    Just to add to this thread.

    Texas is now home to the first IRS protesting Kamakazi pilot... Joe Stack.

    [edit on 18-2-2010 by downtown436]

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