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ATS Members Political Platform?

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posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 10:32 AM
1) Strict Constitutional Governance. I'm gonna take the pinko route on this one and say that the Constitution is a living documented in the fact that it is to be amended and updated and tweaked to better cope with the march of time.

2) Term Limits-limits need to be hashed out. Agreed entirely; our political system has become pockets of little regimes that are dug in deep and need to be removed.

3) Strict Economic equality in regards to International trade. If you are talking about removing NAFTA, et. al. then we are in complete agreement. We rip American's jobs out from under their feet and tossing them in "free trade zones" in third world countries that in actuality exploit their workers monetarily and abuse them considerably.

4) Strict Border control to stop any future illegal immigration. I agree with this, as long as that doesn't mean we kick the ones that are already here out. They current make up approx. 1% of our GDP and removing that would disastrous. We should also make the process easier for immigrants to come to America. The draconian measures proposed by some to deal with the immigrant issues, in my opinion, spit in the face of America's 'melting pot' image.

5) Elimination of the Income Tax. I have to disagree here. I believe that the economic tax, though a bit obnoxious, is a necessary evil. I'm also one of those guys who thinks that the rich and corporations should be taxed higher. However, I think that if A) we ended the war machine and B) legalized all drugs for taxation purposes, we wouldn't have to pay so many taxes.

6) A federal flat sales tax on END product sales including stock purchases, not to include food, clothing, or domicile. I'm on the fence about the flat tax idea. Let me quote from Steve Forbes' book, Flat Tax Revolution, that shows just one of my reservations about the flat tax:

The flat tax is a reform of our federal income tax system. It does not affect, for example, state and local taxes. But, contrary to what some may fear, it will generate increased government revenue.

A flat tax enacted in 2005 would, four years from now, produce $11 billion more for the government than the current system.

The flat tax will create some $6 trillion in new assets and $892 billion in additional payroll tax receipts.

From 2005 to 2015 the flat tax would generate $56 billion more in net government income tax revenue than the current tax code.

Now, I'm caught in a struggle with this. I am a strong supporter of universal healthcare, public schools (that is, if it gets reformed), lowering college tuition payments, etc, and such a revenue increase would do wonders for these things. However, without a strict overall of the government and the establishment of civilian watchdog NGOs to make sure that the money went to their allotted places, who knows where this money would actually go.

7) Non Interventionalism, Stop the policing of the world. Agreed entirely. On a fundamental issue, who are we to impose our views and ideals on another people? On the economic side, how in the hell are we supposed to afford it?

8) Strict sovereignty of all countries including the US. I agree in the necessity of national sovereignty, but I am a strong supporter of stronger international organizations such as [a reformed] UN, world courts, etc... but we gotta kick the WTO, IMF and World Bank to the frackin' curb and prosecute their leaders for crimes against humanity. But that's another thread, eh?

9) Absolute freedom of the internet. A resounding AGREED.

10) Any and ALL legislation to apply to ALL government elected officials. No special privileges like medical, housing, bank accounts... Another agreed. Government is supposed to be a public service, not another regular job.

11) Pull back our military forces to a defensive posture and eliminate all bases that are not relevant to the US defense. I agree. I view what we are doing as neo-colonialism, and it is strictly immoral not to mention tearing us down into bankruptcy.

12) Return to an asset based monetary system. Though I see the strong merits of an asset based economy, such as a gold-based one, there is also problems with the system. Just one example: what happens when we reach "peak gold"?

13) Eliminate all treaties or organizations that abrogate our sovereignty as a nation. I guess see #8 above.

14) Require that the federal government maintains a balanced budget. If not, the first reduction in spending will require a 50% across the board pay cut to ALL government officials. Agreed. We need to establish civilian watchdog NGOs to monitor closely the allocation of federal funds and payment issues. Otherwise, these things will never get done.

15)Government pay will be maintained to a specific private sector pay scale and in no way will be raised above that at anytime. Agreed. That's all there really is to say about that.

16) All detriments to starting a third party will be removed. e.g. no politician will drop from a race and endorse the other head of the two headed snake.Totally agree.

[edit on 14-2-2010 by Someone336]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 10:59 PM
Okay, as of right now, I have several people not liking the constitutional component to my OP.

SO, those are out, I will have to reset the original post to relegate the items not agreed upon to the trash heap.

I will repost the adjusted components in the am Central Time Us.

The main reason for this comment is to bump and try to get other members to see the thread.

C'mon peeps, you wanted to show your positions!

This here is your chance to show your ability to compromise and decide what you can back.

Will be back tomorrow morn.

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