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How to end Mid-Eastern wars and make Arabs our allies

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posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 09:26 PM
All to often I hear people who I think are respectable and at least marginally bright say things like, "I say nuke 'em and turn the MiD-east to glass". Then a whole group of othErs will agree as if that makes them patriotic or something. What it really does is hold us all back as a Species and assures that our future generations will be mired in the same cesspool of anguish and despair. To assume That Arabs are worse people than anyone else is Ridiculously ignorant.
All races, creeds, sexes, ages, Or groups of any kind have the full spectrum of brilliant to brain-dead and virtuos to vile. We are all one and because of that we need to find a waY to end all of the hatred and senseless killing in order to create a better world for our chIldren, which is what virtually all people want.
So I want to pose the question to all of thoSe out there, what can we do to make peace? It seems wise to ask them what do they Really want from the West and AmericA in particular? Because at the End of the current wars, nothing will be gained except more enemies and one day they may have the technollogicaL upper hand and we could all be at their mercy!

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by budaruskie
So I want to pose the question to all of thoSe out there, what can we do to make peace?

Shun them. We don't need oil (or anything) badly enough to put up with people who so obviously hate us. .

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by ..5..
Shun them. We don't need oil (or anything) badly enough to put up with people who so obviously hate us. .

You could also do the opposite.

You could treat each nation equally and have no specific allies or enemies. Treat with each nation economically and purchase from those that give us the greatest cost benefit, meaning that we do not apply caveats to our purchasing based on their internal politics.

Give no aid to any nation on an ongoing basis, and never for military arms or military support.

You could exemplify this equality and willingness to deal with nations justly by removing all overseas military bases, saving quite a bit of change at the same time.

You could also be willing to teach other nations how to develop and create positive domestic and economic plans, preferably without loans from the World Bank.

Act as negotiators, impartial, for international issues.


In other words, be the nation we were supposed to be rather than the ones we are. Those that still hate us can feel free to do so with the knowledge that we can and will eliminate anyone who dares to attack us with extreme violence and zero rebuilding in the aftermath.

Keep it simple.

[edit on 9-2-2010 by KrazyJethro]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by budaruskie
All to often I hear people who I think are respectable and at least marginally bright say things like, "I say nuke 'em and turn the MiD-east to glass". Then a whole group of othErs will agree as if that makes them patriotic or something. What it really does is hold us all back as a Species and assures that our future generations will be mired in the same cesspool of anguish and despair. To assume That Arabs are worse people than anyone else is Ridiculously ignorant.
All races, creeds, sexes, ages, Or groups of any kind have the full spectrum of brilliant to brain-dead and virtuos to vile. We are all one and because of that we need to find a waY to end all of the hatred and senseless killing in order to create a better world for our chIldren, which is what virtually all people want.
So I want to pose the question to all of thoSe out there, what can we do to make peace? It seems wise to ask them what do they Really want from the West and AmericA in particular? Because at the End of the current wars, nothing will be gained except more enemies and one day they may have the technollogicaL upper hand and we could all be at their mercy!

The muslims demand us to become muslims, if we don't, they will follow their quran, kill us and enslave all women.
Please read my link:

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Violater1
The muslims demand us to become muslims, if we don't, they will follow their quran, kill us and enslave all women.
Please read my link:

Doesn't really answer the question, now does it? Also, while I'm no fan of religion, painting with such a large brush doesn't do anyone any good.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by budaruskie

I got a kick out of your hidden message there...

And agree with what you said on face value as well.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:37 PM
Redirect all budgeted foreign aid to fund realistic alternatives to oil and to retrofit manufacturing to adopt the new standard. When the value of oil is roughly 35 cents a barrel they will offer to love us long time for any we do purchase.

Given the budget, it might take 2 years to develop and implement maximum. I can think of one that is a proven alternative that could do that now. Best part is that it would replace not only petroleum based fuels but petroleum derived products as well, like plastics, paints, and stains.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Violater1

The muslims demand us to become muslims, if we don't, they will follow their quran, kill us and enslave all women.
Please read my link:

You are full of lies.

Muslims don't demand that you become Muslims. Every single country in the middle east has a substantial population of Christians and/or Jews. If they don't even the non-believers in their own country, what makes you think they care about you?

Secondly, the Quran advocates NO COMPULSION IN RELIGION. You only take quotes out of context by not reading the full chapter to realize that the Quran only advocates war against aggressors who have broken their peace treaties.

For some reason I think your mind is set.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:39 PM
To be at full peace with the middle east would require the following:

Remove all bases from their lands...let them fight it out as to who owes what without having any care for which dictator owns the oil fields.

Create a non-intervention policy for the middle east, and either sell arms to nobody, or to everybody.

also, a good idea...
Invite Israel to relocate over to Florida (they are mostly there anyhow...whats the harm in changing the name unoffically).

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by budaruskie


Have you read ANY of the Koran?

They DEMAND that you join them in their blood-thirsty beliefs


that you die in a bloody way.

There is SOME room for living as 2nd class citizens and paying a significant tax for the privilege.

They DEMAND that women live as property.

Which part of the above is not clear?

There is no compromise.

Any compromise is just an intermediate step to full conquest. It's formalized in their founding documents as such.

Which part of the above is not clear?

Did you see ID4?

The alien was asked--what could earthlings do?

The alien replied rather candidly:


How do you make peace with a RELIGION who's only to options for folks not members of it are to become members or die?


posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:43 PM
How to end Mid-Eastern wars and make Arabs our allies

Two words.

Bomb Israel

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

UHHHH hello??

I actually read the entire Quran, not just 1 verse quotes taken out of context on the internet, and can say that you're a liar...

No where once in the Quran does it say to kill the nonbelievers (unless they attacked you first). Letting them live if they converted is a MERCY, which was previously unheard of before Islam.

Islam is a religion of peace, and only advocated self defense... And furthermore women are highly regarded in Islamic culture.

[edit on 9-2-2010 by seattletruth]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:56 PM
I think a healthy step forward would be to stop pretending that Israel is some kind of shining Western outpost to be set as an example to all the surrounding Arab nations, and acknowledge that they are pretty much pushy bastards too.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 10:57 PM
I am not sure who you are meaning.Arabs do not make up the entire region.

That mostly describes a group of people who live on the Arabian peninsula.

Iraqis,Iranians,Afgani these people are not Arabs as you describe.

So you must have meant to say Muslim which is a religion and not a ethnicity.

This is the confusion most people have when they speak about this region of the world.

How to solve the regions problems are complex.

I would suggest for one that the west remove it self from the situation and let them resolve it.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Violater1The muslims demand us to become muslims, if we don't, they will follow their quran, kill us and enslave all women.
Please read my link:

As a Muslim, I lol'd at this. I must've missed the memo for that one.

I don't care what anyone else chooses to worship. I neither want to enslave or kill people. I just want everyone to respect each other's beliefs.

And if you actually travelled the world once in a while, you'd see most Muslims feel that way too. Of course you never get to see them in the media because "normal" doesn't sell papers or get ratings or keep you paranoid and xenophobic.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:16 PM
Oh yes, your subliminal psychological warfare was very subtle. What exactly would destroying Israel solve? Then you get another group pissed off at you. Another group of refugees. Refugees with nukes too.

First off, hit the #1 cause of strife and terrorism. Poverty.

Nothing even comes close to poverty. Someone comfortably wealthy (middle class) or rich, will not become a suicide bomber, with the only exception being, someone who views another they associate with who is in poverty and suffering, may act on behalf of them.

Next best way would be to stop being hypocrites. Giving freedom, but only to those who we can profit from. Preaching that killing civilians is despicable, then do it and act like it was nothing. Bitching about how muslims change our society, when our society changed theirs far more (McDonalds for example).

Then, like any good psychologist would do, show compassion and understanding (empathy), and dont take preference for groups over others.

Unlike Vancouver theres no one way streets in politics.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Slayer quote:

How to end Mid-Eastern wars and make Arabs our allies

Two words.

Bomb Israel

So simple

yet so true

A Bristol, UK born young man joined the navy

He made his way to the Middle East

He lived as the sexual toy of various wealthy arabs

Eventually he adoped an Arabic name

He grew a beard

He learned the language

He 'went native'

He was employed by British Petroleum

He acted for BP in brokering deals between oil-rich, unsophisticated arabs and the West

He sent to Pakistan for a muslim wife

He fathered several children

The boy children were educated in the West

One of these was considered the family 'black sheep'

That black-sheep went on to become Ayotollah Kohmeini

Ayotollah Khomeini went on to become 'The Father of the Islamic Revolution'

It's he whom we have to thank for a return to fundamentalist Islam, including women as cloaked animals with no rights

Ayotollah's Khomeini's father (originally the Boy from Bristol, UK) was kicked out of Iran for a string of offences

Ayotollah Khomeini carried his hatred through the rest of his life. He sought refuge in Europe, where he trained under the Russians and wandered around France before returning to Iran intent on bloodshed and mischief

Khomeini hated Iranians with a passion and swore to destroy them

In his spare time, he authored the perverted Little Green Book which condones the rape of infants and animals by muslim males

Khomeini is long dead and rotting

His insane, muslim-hating legacy lives on

If not for the bi-sexual Boy from Bristol ---

If not for greedy opportunists seeing 'money in oil' and a million ways to force uses for oil on the West (when there were numerous alternatives)
the arabs would have remained in their lands and the West would have had no reason to continually invent 'reasons for war' in the Mid East

If not for the illegal gifting of Palestine to European jews, combined with lust for oil, 'israel' would never and could never have come to dominate the US government and US policies (including 'war as product')

This would have meant US taxpayers' money would have remained in the US

Israel wouldn't have lasted two minutes without US taxpayers' money

Ergo: Israel would have folded

Mid East muslims would have remained in their lands, doing their thing

There would have been none of the mid-east wars

Arabs and the West would have continued to co-exist peacefully as they had for centuries

Is it possible to end Mid Eastern wars and 'make Arabs our allies' at this point ?

The question is of course: ' Is the West PREPARED to end Mid-Eastern wars ? '

How will you know, as long as you are allowing european jews and zionists to dictate to Western nations ?

In order to find out, the West must oust israel

Next question is: ' Will israel agree to being ousted ? '

Hardly likely, is it ? Without the West, Israel is nothing and has nothing and would fall like a cheap pack of cards. Israel is the ultimate parasite. No, it won't go willingly

Only way to achieve peace in the Mid East is to get rid of Israel

as Slayer so succinctly said

to learn the forbidden, hidden truth about Ayotollah Kohmeini and his Bristol-born father:

To read Ayotollah Kohmeini's sexually perverted Little Green Book:

To see the extent of Israelis and Jews now dominating the United States at every level:
See 'Jews at the Steering Wheel'


[edit on 9-2-2010 by Dock9]

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 11:56 PM
Look, I get irate when it comes to Muslim threads, so, I'm not even going to delve into the religious aspects of this. Everyone knows that I am critical of the Abrahamic religions in general, so, I'm going to put religion aside in addressing this issue, if that is possible. I'm going to try to address this from the secular point of view.

Look, the Middle East has been in turmoil for thousands of years.


The western culture developed, relatively, recently. It seems rather naive for us to think that we are going to create this "great change" in a group of people who have known warfare throughout its history. Yes, I do include Israel in this lot. To me, the whole region has been the proverbial thorn in the rest of the world's ass!! Sorry, but that is how I see it.

I see that there is really no way to disconnect this issue from religion, so, sigh, here you go:

There is already more than a little distrust and lack of accommodation between Western and Muslim societies, and these divisions are increasing in importance.

Radicalism, even though few of its objections to the status quo are valid, has a way of overwhelming public discourse. More than ever, we must realize that there is little difference between the various religions. We must embark upon the challenge of creating a new reality by returning to the commonalities between these religions. When ordinary citizens unite in a commitment to positive change, a “culture of dialogue” to promote peace and prevent conflict will come into being.

My dad once said, "Every war that has ever been had something to do with religion." At the time he said that I was just a boy. However, as I grew and began to study things FOR MYSELF, that became quite clear. There is no better evidence of it than the Middle East region of the world.

Men distrust people of different religious groups, even to the point of considering them profane and satanic
No doubt

There is no doubt about the above excerpt. We live in a world where people think that their belief is the only "true" belief. Oh, but how bewildered we indeed are. For if there were one TRUE belief system, there wouldn't be a quarter of the problems in the world today.

My point is rather simple. Until people begin to see unity within humanity instead of differences. Until humanity gets out of their dualistic mentality, there will be no peace; there will be no safety; there will be no justice.

I don't even want to go into a discussion about the Muslims or Jews, other than to say that as this article states:

These two great world religions not only have the same origins but the formulation of the ethical teachings of Islam resemble in many ways the Judaic teachings of the Old Testament.
Koran-Old Testament

I have said it repeatedly. I have tried to read the Koran, couldn't stomach it. I have read most of the Old Testament, distrust and disdain it. That is really all I have to say about the Muslim faith. It is one religion I have very limited knowledge of.

All I know is that until the world develops a wholistic view of reality, the world isn't going to be whole. That is just the long and the short of it, my friend.

[edit on 10-2-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 08:06 AM
My solution for Iraq would be to build 2 mosques, one for the sunni , one for the shiite. Make them the most beautiful ever built. Leave a note of apology then get the hell out. That'll keep them scratching their heads for years.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

I have said it repeatedly. I have tried to read the Koran, couldn't stomach it.


That is really all I have to say about the Muslim faith.

It is one religion I have very limited knowledge of.

[edit on 10-2-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

Glad you admit your ignorance then!

I think it's safe to say you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world with well over a billion people and looking to become the greatest, most followed religion in the world that holds no boundaries to ethnicity, culture, race or creed.

That's a lot of people who have 'stomached' it already!

You talk rubbish of no substance and admit your own ignorance.

The Koran is amazing and enlightening and soon most of the world will think so too (if they don't already).

Give up on your disinfo agenda and read it properly. Just google it it's there for all to see!

[edit on 10-2-2010 by Jinni]

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