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Conflicts in the human collective subconscious

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:14 PM
I've come to the conclusion that the human collective unconscious mind contains a number of destructive and unhealthy associations.

In another thread, a poster claimed that the Illuminati routinely use stars as symbols. To which my immediate thought was "Well, of course. They're the Illumin-ati, right?" The word Illuminati means "the enlightened." As in...enlightenment...that thing which so many of us pursue. And what better source of literal illumination is there than a star? And yet, here the implication is that star symbolism is somehow a bad thing. Stars provide the majority of light in our universe, and ours provide us with the heat and light that allows all life to exist on this planet.

How does it make any sense to associate stars with anything evil or bad?

And yet...stars as "evil" is a fairly common theme in human thought. "Morning Star" is a name given to the christian concept of the devil, and even the proper name, "Lucifer" translates as "light bearer."

Once and why is this concept of stars, light and bringing the "light of knowledge and understanding" to is any of this a bad thing? How is the idea of "being enlighetened" and "knowing" a bad thing? But isn't that exactly the association in much of our history?

Consider the Biblical account of the Tower of Babel. Humanity gained in knowledge, and God decided this was a bad thing and destroyed the tower. Or consider the Greek tale of Prometheus, who was chained and condemned to having his liver eaten every day for all eternity for the apparent crime of bringing the knowledge of fire to humanity. Once ---> light, and bringing enlightenment to man was a crime punishable for eternity, just as the biblical Lucifer "Light Bringer" is perceived as being punished in a lake of fire for eternity.

"Ignorance is bliss." "Knowledge is power" and yet "Power corrupts." Knowledge and awareness are clearly perceived as bad things.

Why does the human unconscious associate stars, light and knowledge with evil?

But it goes on.

The actual "Morning" Star mentioned above that is one name given to Lucifer the Light Bringer, is in fact the planet Venus. Venus is also an idea that is heavily steeped in symbolism. When you think of Venus, what do you think of? Female, beauty, fertility, love. In alchemy, the Venus symbol is used for copper. The origin of the symbol appears to be the eyptian Anhk which is the character for "eternal life."

Eternal life, love, me all of these are, once again...very much good and nice things. Venus is the essence of that which is female. And yet, this entire planet...this "Morning Star" is the very name given to the religious concept of Satan? And "female as evil" is certaintly not restricted to christianity. It's a common theme in all Abrahamic religion, which last I checked account for the beliefs of more than half the entire worlds population. And long before the Abrahamic concept of Eve leading to the fall of man, even the Greeks believed that Pandora, the first woman was the bringer of all evils upon mankind. Nor is this idea limited even to religion. A quick perusal of philosophers will also turn up a long list of hatred for women.

Stars are evil
Light is evil
Knowledge is evil
Love is evil
Beauty is evil
Woman is evil

These are the ideas that plague our collective subconscious. Our entire history and worldview is steeped with the ideas that knowledge is unhealthy, those who bring light and knowledge to humanity are bad, "Love hurts" and that women are evil.

How can we as a species possibly progress until we accept at a subconscious level that truth, love, knowledge and beauty are all good and valuable treasures to be sought and revealed in the light of knowing...and that the light of knowing, is a good and worthy thing.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by LordBucket]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:52 PM
This is why I'm apathetic towards the Illuminati/NWO or any other common phraseology/Term people referent this group as.

At times I conclude they are doing the utmost good for humanity by unifying humanity, and at other times I conclude this group as negative.

I'm undecided on their nature and just don't care about them.

My primary focus is on myself.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by GrandKitaro777]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:06 AM
One way to look at it: bad ideas can "piggyback" into people's lives on good ideas. Or perhaps think of it as a trojan-horse-style invasion of your conscious, subconscious, heart, mind, soul, wallet, family, bedroom, etc...

For example, suppose I started an organization "dedicated to love and universal happiness. * " I mean, that sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Most people can get behind that. Then you see that the little " * " mark there at the end leads to a bunch of boring fine print. If you actually read the fine print you see the group has evil intentions.

This strategy is used on just about every level of human personal, religious, social, and political life. Bills get passed by governments that have bold, great-sounding lots of little riders and provisos that will make your life more miserable. A religion starts out premised on some simple, universal ideas and ends up a bloated, money-grubbing landholder. A husband or wife thinks that simply saying "I love you" will make up for whatever more serious problems they have caused the other person. And so on.

You don't even have to believe in "the illuminati" or any particular conspiracy to see how this strategy works.

[edit on 1/30/10 by silent thunder]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by LordBucket
I've come to the conclusion that the human collective unconscious mind contains a number of destructive and unhealthy associations.

Why does the human unconscious associate stars, light and knowledge with evil?

Interesting post. I would say there is a balance of good and evil in all things. This duality exists in nature, and we understand it as part of our collective archetypes.

In general, I would say that stars, light, and knowledge are associated with good as much (or more) than they are associated with evil.

In fact, I would say that the "evil" associations with these things are relatively few, though (as you pointed out) absolutely exist.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by LordBucket

Why does the human unconscious associate stars, light and knowledge with evil?

I don't think people associate any of those things with evil.

It is darkness, secrecy and the unknown that people associate with evil.

It's just fear and ignorance.

Excellent posting BTW, very well put together.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:09 AM
I agree with you 100% lordbucket.

But whos fault is it? That to me is one of the top things to understand.

Lex luthor always complains about superman being a "god" that jealously hoards his power and keeps it out of his reach, yet if Lex was a person who cared about the wellbeing of others he would have free acess to it.

it has everything to do with intention. It is the "path" that we all walk on.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Axial Leader
In general, I would say that stars, light, and knowledge are associated with
good as much (or more) than they are associated with evil.

I think I understand it now. I'm reminded of Gnostic interpretation of the fall from grace, as well as the Cassiopaea channeled interpretation of descent into physicality.

Imagine humanity as a unified, spiritual being. One day reptilian aliens (the serpent) come along and suggest dropping from fourth to third density in order to gain experience. This is proposed to the female portion of the unified mind who then goes to the masculine portion who replies "Yeah sure. That's ok." So with masculine consent, the female allows itself to be impregnated with the reptilian agenda and humanity as a whole descends into the physical state.

The serpent is both bearer and bringer of knowledge, as extensively depicted by the tree of knowledge of good and evil the entwined snakes in the medical symbols, the coiled serpent of kundalini, the Aztec God Quetzalcoatl and many other sources. But the process of gaining the knowledge the serpent spoke of involved the fall into physicality, and thus the serpent, the light-bringer is also the evil villain of the story.

Knowledge and light have both become intimately associated with evil in our minds because...that's how we came to be here.

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