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It's official: A Corporation is running for Congress!

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posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by deltaalphanovember
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

ah, sorry, I guess I should keep my nose out of American Politics ... do you think all the other sites just picked up the original article?

Do not apologize, deltaalphanovember, I could be incorrect.

I was only stating that I believe the YouTube video to potentially be a hoax after having looked at the YouTube video, and the link you supplied.

I do not mind speaking about American politics with anyone, foreign or domestic.

As for anyone else picking up that video I have not seen nor heard of anything, yet.

The fact that there is one YouTube video and one website link, proves nothing.

It could be an elaborate hoax or it could be legitimate.

If it is a hoax, I could see how Congress and or Washington D.C. might react, in stating that lies, rumors, and hoaxes originate on the "Internet", and they could then use this as a means to force regulation upon the online usages even if it was done as an innocent and harmless joke.

In other words, Congress and D.C., could use it as a means to point out the reckless power of the online environment.

If however it is true and I am not stating the original video or website are true, however if they are, then this is a coup against American citizens, and one of the most dangerous games Washington D.C. has ever played against the citizenry since our countries inception.

I am leaning more towards it potentially being a hoax, and hope I am right about that.

Web Blog's are easy to create and YouTube videos are as well easy to create, edit, and fabricate, in this modern day and age of electronics and computers.

[edit on 30-1-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Good to see you in on this one Spartan! I feel that there is a reason they have let this happen. By this I mean that there is something going on besides the immediate headline. Why would they make a Corporation on par with a human being? What is it that will happen before this is stopped. You are the one I wanted to ask this to. It is deep, if you cannot answer wholeheartedly, use an opinion.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by David9176

I have to say David, a corporation known as BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is already President.

Here are some of the subsidiaries of OBAMA Inc.

Top contributors to OBAMA Inc.

University of California $1,591,395
Goldman Sachs $994,795
Harvard University $854,747
Microsoft Corp $833,617
Google Inc $803,436
Citigroup Inc $701,290
JPMorgan Chase & Co $695,132
Time Warner $590,084
Sidley Austin LLP $588,598
Stanford University $586,557
National Amusements Inc $551,683
UBS AG $543,219
Wilmerhale Llp $542,618
Skadden, Arps et al $530,839
IBM Corp $528,822
Columbia University $528,302
Morgan Stanley $514,881
General Electric $499,130
US Government $494,820
Latham & Watkins $493,835

Notice all the banks? Wow, they were the ones to get the bailouts. Coincedence? I think not.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Good to see you in on this one Spartan! I feel that there is a reason they have let this happen. By this I mean that there is something going on besides the immediate headline. Why would they make a Corporation on par with a human being? What is it that will happen before this is stopped. You are the one I wanted to ask this to. It is deep, if you cannot answer wholeheartedly, use an opinion.

Well, jackflap, as I've previously stated in several posts, I believe it could be a hoax.

I am going to be contacting YouTube to verify it in order to get to the bottom of it.

I am not someone who idly sits by and lets stupid actions happen, regardless of legitimate or like if this is a hoax, a reckless and idiotic action that could potentially be something Government could use as a weapon of bureaucracy.

Knowing how I have seen many people on ATS type up elaborate posts about the citizen is a corporate entity, meaning they are on par with a corporation, and then seeing those very same people later get banned I have noticed a pattern of what I can only point to as people stupid enough to try driving a wedge between the "conspiracy theorist's".

Am I saying this is intentional?

Could be.

Am I saying it is Agent Provocateurs?

Not necessarily.

Still leading back to my original thoughts about the original poster and this YouTube video, I have to say I feel the video may be a hoax, but it was put on ATS innocently.

I will update after contacting YouTube with the letter from them posted when and if they respond as I am going to get Medieval on their buttocks".

[edit on 30-1-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:33 PM


posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Sorry for not going back to see what was going on. I posted earlier about it possibly being something that was done to make something illegal, legal. What that could be, I'm not sure. Thanks for the reply my friend.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by daddyroo45

I don' think anyone actually finds it funny. And I believe this company is doing so out of ironic sarcasm. Basically pointing out the massive flaw in the SCOTUS's ruling .. it's political satire at it's best!

Murray Hill is actually a company that consults with clients to create political campaigns.. basically a Public Relations for Government offices and Non-Profit organizations. They organize, run, and consult politicians on their campaigns for office.

If anything, I'd say what they are doing is an awesome way to bring to light the flaws of SCOTUS.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Sorry for not going back to see what was going on. I posted earlier about it possibly being something that was done to make something illegal, legal. What that could be, I'm not sure. Thanks for the reply my friend.

No problem jackflap and no apology necessary.

This is something I see as a powder keg for America if it is taken seriously, if it is a hoax.

Below is a letter I wrote after my last reply to you which I will be dropping in the snail mail later today.

SKL's Letter to YouTube :

To : YouTube Corporate 1/30/10
From : (Name Removed for ATS Purposes) Concerned Citizen
Regarding : Potential Political Ramifications of Video Posted

Letter to YouTube LLC

YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave.
San Bruno, CA 94066

YouTube C.E.O. Chad Hurley ,

This letter to YouTube LLC is in regards to the video below as potentially politically detrimental.

YouTube Video In Question

This video while looking to be serious can be potentially detrimental to the United States of America due to the claims of said video in that it claims Congress now has a corporation slotted to run for office in regards to the current law that the Supreme Court passed legalizing a corporation’s ability to not have restraints upon the amount of funding a corporation can contribute to an elected official.

The video states the following claims in text under it :

"Following the recent Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC that allows unlimited corporate funding of federal political campaigns, Murray Hill, Inc. of Maryland today announced it was filing to run as a political candidate - - for U.S. Congress. Thanks to an enlightened majority on the Supreme Court, corporations themselves now have all the same Constitutional rights the Founding Fathers intended for human beings. That's why Murray Hill Inc. is taking progressive democracy's next step by running for US Congress. This is a vision of the future we can all be proud of. Murray Hill Inc. is believed to be America's first “corporate person” to exercise the United States Constitutional right to run for federal public office. And as a corporation, Murray Hill, Inc. is self-funding. As Murray Hill, Inc. says of our American democracy, "We bought it. We paid for it*. And we're going to keep it."

Please realize I am writing this letter to you as a concerned citizen that this video may be seen as serious, if it is not legitimate, via someone’s idea of an innocent and humorous prank, but if it spreads abruptly it could potentially lend credence to Legislative action via Congress as a means to seize the entire Internet due to political ramifications that your site and the Internet is used as a place to start rumors, gossip, and lies as a reckless means of seditious behavior and that Washington D.C. might just take it upon themselves to use this as a means to not only forcefully regulate the entire Internet but your site against the users of YouTube LLC’s wishes and as well force more serious laws to insist upon the credibility and identities of YouTube members to be verified, etc.

At best this video is an elaborate hoax, and at worst it is a legitimate threat to the citizens of our nation of the Republic of the United States of America.


(Name and Address Removed for ATS Purposes) Concerned Citizen

I got YouTube's corporate address from Wikipedia.

I am sending a real letter so as to be taken more seriously due to the online environment and in the hopes that the C.E.O. will reply fastidiously.

[edit on 30-1-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Fantastic! While I was going on about something else being afoot, something else popped in my mind. What if it is a shot across Obama's bow? I mean, no one would get re elected in an election where lobbyists can shower money unhindered to their puppets.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Fantastic! While I was going on about something else being afoot, something else popped in my mind. What if it is a shot across Obama's bow? I mean, no one would get re elected in an election where lobbyists can shower money unhindered to their puppets.

Anything is possible, jackflap, especially when both political parties are up to so much nonsense.

With Obama's Birth Certificate in question due to political nonsense, not one side or the other, but both sides, and the Supreme Court doing this, and Obama calling them out on their decision in his State of the Union address, I have to say our nation is in between a rock and a hard place with regards to anything politically upsetting the status quo.

I am not stating I like the status quo nor that I like politics as usual, but I see these bastards in our nations capital as being just ruthless enough to have done just about anything, up to and including making videos like the one the original poster has posted as a trap to force legislation through a ruse.

Washington D.C. is about as loving and tender as jackals feasting on the lion as it falls prey to old age and not being able to roar or bite with the force it once used to have.

While I still see the video as potentially a hoax, I can as well see them being devious enough to have put it out, as a hoax too, not just a regular citizen.

In other words, when it comes to a political agenda, I put nothing past Washington D.C.

[edit on 30-1-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 01:53 PM
this video was obviously a joke....

But now it's really true....

These judges need to be fired, now.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:22 PM
its no joke hihi ...they invented a word for it..."democraty"

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 03:26 PM
The video could be a joke. Or it could be somebody trying to make a political point by attempting to do something this outrageous.

Either way, it hits home.

Some more humor on the subject of the SCOTUS decision (originally posted by me in "Political Issues")


posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Just a few questions I have.
1. What and who was this case about because in normal decisions you need to know the case history to understand the case and the ruling?

2.Why did the government make such outrageous arguments as to insure that the court would rule the way they did?

3. Is it possible that they wanted to lose in order to justify some other motive?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:38 PM
Absolutely fantastic idea for a thread. The title alone deserves a star and flag.

Everyone has already said everything I thought about, and I've sprinkled the thread with stars.

Just wanted to weigh in and tell you how much I enjoyed reading.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by David9176

To think that I even ask the pro ruling about this same thing, now corporations can run for positions of power, none of them answer back to me.

How bad it is?

"The court has, in effect, legalized foreign governments and foreign corporations to participate in our electoral politics … The Japanese corporations, the European corporations will do it instantly through American subsidiaries

That bad.

[edit on 30-1-2010 by marg6043]
This was the first thing I thought about too. The implications of this are very disturbing. The foreign corporations already weild a great deal of power. This gives them the power to actually effect U.S. policies, and I doubt very seriously if it will be in a way which enhances our dollar power.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

You know that for a while we here in ATS has been preaching the consequences of globalism and the sell out of our nation, but as usual all is been ignored by those that back capitalism, free Enterprise, well this is what unrestricted capitalism does to a nation when corruption at the government level is taken away what rightfully belongs to the tax payer and the citizens of the nation.

Propaganda is pushing that anything that is for the control of unrestricted capitalism is socialism and people are buying into it.

We have been robbed blind and behind the lies of Democracy, free trade, capitalism and globalization is nothing but modern day slavery and fascism.

What our forefathers build for the people is now for the corporations and very soon foreign ones.

But the only ones to blame is us and our apathy

So sad.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by marg6043

You know that for a while we here in ATS has been preaching the consequences of globalism and the sell out of our nation, but as usual all is been ignored by those that back capitalism, free Enterprise, well this is what unrestricted capitalism does to a nation when corruption at the government level is taken away what rightfully belongs to the tax payer and the citizens of the nation.

Sad...but absolutely true. Blinded hypocrites aplenty on ATS.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by David9176


Murry Hill claims to have been founded in 2005.

5 year olds are ineligible for public office.

I suppose they could run for play school milk monitor.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 10:54 PM
For God's sake!
This is completely a publicity stunt by Marray Hill, Inc.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that has changed with this ruling that would allow this to happen.

Foreign governments are still banned.
Corporate free speech is still regulated the same as before.

Come on, people!

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