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Slow Youtube Loading (suspicious)

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 04:10 PM

I have been having a hard time watching youtube movies because they load really slow. Now this has been going on for a few days thinking the problem was on my end, but I did a quick search and found something I found really weird.

Now I'm not a dude that would think of conspiracies all the time, but this is weird.

Anyway I searched for the solution and while doing so noticed that alot of people are having this problem. I found the sollution and it is weird.
Solution (kinda)

So basicly if I hide my Ip with hidemya$$ all the videos I watch are loaded normally, it seems that my IP somehow is giving me less bandwith.

Now conspiracy theory:

I watch a genre of videos (ie conspiracy anarchy aliens etc...) which has put me on some kind of a black list where everyone on that list gets a limited bandwith which leads to less movie watching and frustrations.

It is funny isn't it ? such a stupid conspiracy idea? But tell me why the hell would some IP's be redirected to a server which restricts your goddamn bandwith when others have the opportunity to make full use of the bandwith???

It's not like Youtube doesn't have enough money and somehow im one the server with the most loads causing slowdowns,... NO! these guys have money popping out of theire a$$es, if I get my bandwith back after I come back from vacation I will conclude it was somekind of misterious problem, else I'm wary.

question to you:

Just tell me if you have the same problem and some details to when it started.


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 04:22 PM
If you're serious I think you may be paranoid enough to warrant a regimen of prescription medication. This isn't a flame, I'm being serious.

There are all kinds of technical reasons that would explain them that don't include you being singled out b/c you frequent conspiracy videos.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 04:37 PM
It has nothing to do with a conspiracy. The reason it loads faster is pretty simple. In fact, you can conduct some tests on your own.

Open up command prompt, then type tracert, or something similar. You could even tracert to a specific video url that's streaming. This command, trace route, shows you the various points your connection to the server must go through in order to reach the content you desire.

Once you have a node count, do another tracert while using hidemya$$. In your instance, you will likely see a drop in the number of nodes you needed in order to reach youtube's content server. This may not apply to everyone, but it likely applies to you.

Why is this? It has to do with the way connections are routed, not some black cult New World Order Mayan Bilderberg IP watchlist. Hidemya$$ words on the basis of routing all of your outbound requests through another entity, in essence "masking" the true origin of the outbound request in question. This isn't a very robust proxy service, so there are cases where you may notice a boost in streaming speeds to certain sites. If you were to use some more "secure" proxy services that bounced your requests through multiple proxies, you would see the opposite effect.

Nevertheless, you are likely seeing a speed increase because the proxy node hidemya$$ is routing you through is less 'hops' from the youtube content than the standard routing you get through your ISP and its routing methods. There are services that thrive off this concept in the gaming industry. Originally First Person Shooters took advantage of the lowered latency times, but MMOs are getting into this now.

In short, you stumbled upon a node that was less hops to particular content than you normally would need to reach the youtube servers.

Now you are probably going to say, "But this wasn't happening until I watched a lecture on Reptilian warlords!" This doesn't matter. Routing tables change constantly to handle overall traffic flow. Eventually, your hidemya$$ node may slow down as well... or conversely, your regular connection may speed up.

I suspect I've rambled enough on the subject.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 04:41 PM
I think I have the answer you have been looking for. If you download movies and music and other torrents (under the table) from the net, your carrier has the right to "Throttle Back" your bandwidth speed. At he request of the movie and music industries to fight piracy.

They look for file sharing evidence and then they slow you right down. If you quit the file sharing and downloading and uploading of huge torrents files for a few days they release the Throttle and your speed goes back up.

It's happened to us. We phoned asked why this was happening and basically conceited before their line of questioning got overly specific. You can ask other providers if this is something that they do before signing up with them. Some sy no but they cap your speed at 150-160 kps.

hope this helps

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by sparrowstail

I suspect this is not the case, assuming of course his speeds DID increase with the use of hidemya$$. The reason being is that hidemya$$ does not change the IP address your ISP provides you, it simply masks it through a proxy service. If his service was being capped from the provider, he would still have a capped speed through the initial hop to the proxy service.

Edit: To clarify, ISPs do not even allocate your bandwidth/service based on your IP address. It has to do with the physical (MAC) address of the router they give you.

Granted, it could still be the case (e.g. the hop difference versus the bandwidth cap slowdown results in latency comparable to his non-capped connection), so we can't rule that out.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by Condescending Dogma]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 05:54 PM
I have been having the same issue.... Though I must stress I don't think there is anything to worry about... youtube is in the process of changing and updating a few things... There in no doubt lies the cause of the slow down...

That said, it started for me about 3-5 days ago... And it is getting better.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:13 PM
It has nothing to do with a bandwith cap because I can download fast and browse fast the only thing that is slow is youtube.

Someone talked about going trhough many hops, the amount of hops change every time you connect to the server so the fact that i keep going trhough many hops doesnt add up unless my knowledge is limoted and im missing something.

edit: I know my problem i think, i was connecting to the same server because I had that server info in my cache? so if i delete my cache it will maybe go. cant try it out in on vacation

[edit on 30-1-2010 by colloredbrothers]

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:16 PM
I was having the same problem.... and i use Mozilla Firefox...

Now if i want to watch youtube videos i change to IE and they work rapidly every time.

no idea why this happens.... anybody else with this issue using Mozilla?

[edit on 30/1/10 by blupblup]

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