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Interview With English NWO exposer!

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posted on May, 27 2004 @ 05:45 PM
This is an audio interview with Paul Joseph Watson, the British NWO exposer who is behind and

I does focus on Diana but is well worth a listen:

Paul Joseph Watson is the author of "Order Out of Chaos" -

Read a FREE sample chapter:

Order Out Of Chaos: Elite Sponsored Terrorism and the New World Order

Order Out Of Chaos blows wide open the official story behind a multitude of both historical and modern day events. Paul Joseph Watson uses mainstream media reports to exhaustively document how governments are exploiting and even carrying out terrorist attacks to further their unified political agenda. Every referenced article is available online so you can cross-check the facts for yourself! In this shocking expose you will discover how;

. Both the Clinton and Bush administrations protected Osama bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda network before September 11;

. The highest levels of the US government were complicit in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon;

. Many of the named 9/11 'suicide hijackers' are still alive and the real culprits have never been officially identified;

. British MI5 have infiltrated the IRA and are carrying out terrorist attacks to maintain a divided Ireland;

. Chaos mongers are arming tyrants worldwide as a pretext for endless war and empire building;

. A despotic New World Order is being constructed, how it threatens us all and what we can do to stop it.

Watson goes back in history to show how the same tactics used to centralize power and coerce societies are still being used today. A high-tech prison grid police state is being erected that will envelop everyone on planet earth in a spider web of brutal tyranny.

No longer is the New World Order a shadowy enemy lurking on the horizon, it is in our faces and the proof is everywhere. The dark empire of world government is in the final stages of its construction. This book is one of many keys you will need to unlock the door and shine the burning light of freedom upon the twisted souls of the Globalists.

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by The Hunter]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:05 PM
Other good books:

Above Black (obviously... it is like the ATS bible, lol...)

Behold a Pale Horse

Sadly, we are only a scant few and are greatly outnumbered by the 'sheep'. We can scream and shout all we want, but noone is going to listen until it's all done and they are like "WTF Happenned?!? I knew I should've listened to them nutcases!"

I'll keep being a nutcase... I'm proud that I allow myself to see through the BS and understand what's REALLY going down. *throws horns for all the other nutcases* (don't know what horns are? Ask your neighborhood metal kid

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Earthscum
Other good books:

Above Black (obviously... it is like the ATS bible, lol...)

Behold a Pale Horse

Sadly, we are only a scant few and are greatly outnumbered by the 'sheep'. We can scream and shout all we want, but noone is going to listen until it's all done and they are like "WTF Happenned?!? I knew I should've listened to them nutcases!"

I'll keep being a nutcase... I'm proud that I allow myself to see through the BS and understand what's REALLY going down. *throws horns for all the other nutcases* (don't know what horns are? Ask your neighborhood metal kid

Exactly, i post on here about the UK Police State and their are a couple saying "yeah but it's worse in the US" "yeah, but, but, but", however, it is happening slowly but surely and as you say, people are going to wake up with bar codes on their asses!

[Edited on 28-5-2004 by Banshee]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:35 PM
IVe been looking at this website, and its good to see a view coming from the UK.

As most stuff is about and from the US, of which I've notived recently that there seems to be a worrying right wing trend,

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Earthscum
Other good books:

Above Black (obviously... it is like the ATS bible, lol...)

Behold a Pale Horse

Sadly, we are only a scant few and are greatly outnumbered by the 'sheep'. We can scream and shout all we want, but noone is going to listen until it's all done and they are like "WTF Happenned?!? I knew I should've listened to them nutcases!"

I'll keep being a nutcase... I'm proud that I allow myself to see through the BS and understand what's REALLY going down. *throws horns for all the other nutcases* (don't know what horns are? Ask your neighborhood metal kid

Hehe I know what you mean, Ive always had a different view on life with questions marks about about a lot of things, and have been ridculed, for it and until my own pesonal awakening, I now realise well I'm glad Im the way I am, and there are more and more coming forward, so its not such a lonely path anymore

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:48 PM
all nutcases of the world, unite! under aliases, of courses

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by cloud
all nutcases of the world, unite! under aliases, of courses

err andy is my name, I dont see the point in faking myself on the internet and i use this same name for lots of things....

[Edited on 27-5-2004 by andyxxxx]

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 04:36 AM
Sites for your interest: (allot of UK stuff! if you look around, UK Webmaster) (as above, UK Webmaster)

You can buy "Secret Rulers of the World" from an English guy here:
The Secret Rulers of the World - VHS (PAL) - 4x55min. episodes - World of Wonder
Jon Ronson's tragi-comic conspiracy documentaries - Channel 4 - Summer 2001. Starting with the final programme about the Bilderberg meeting in Sintra 1999 other programmes include David Icke, Ruby Ridge and Bohemian Grove
�10.00 each (including postage) from:

Tony Gosling
10-12 Picton Street
Telephone: +44 (0)117 944 6219 [with answerphone]
Mobile +44 (0)7786 952037 [9am to 9pm GMT weekdays, with SMS 'text' but no voicemail]
Fax: +44 (0)117 942 0164

More of Icke's books:

[Edited on 29-5-2004 by The Hunter]

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 08:20 AM
This has nothing to do with the subject, but are you going to post big pictures every time you post?

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