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What happened 3600 years ago?

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posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

What you going to do about it though.

Lets look at the list.......

Nuclear War = Nothing you can do
Object hitting Earth = Nothing you can do
Earthquakes and Volcano = Nothing you can do
Huge Solar Flare = Nothing you can do
Killer Virus = Little you can do
Alien Invasion = Little you can do

Get over it, death is an amazing thing, I been through it a million times and it just keeps getting better.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 10:01 AM
excellent thread golden! i have been doing substantial research for the last 6 years with books, internet, etc. and all of my findings have been about the same. the earth cleanses itself roughly every 3600 years and anyone that denies this fact either cannot read or write, or is just plain foolish. thanks for giving peeps the heads up

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 11:46 AM
one should consider astronomical-astrological 'things' too,

the Astrology is mostly myth language that reflects happenings in the real world experience,
soo don't pooh-poo the woo=woo factor...
what i refer to is called the Cardinal Cross', a sign seen in the heavens that preceeds the ordered 'Cyclic Event'

call it a precurser or whatever, but the astrological alignment definitely is not the cause of the cycle, it only is associated with it,
perhaps this periodic (3,600) cycle is only catostrophic in Every-Other cycle... ergo at 1,600 BCE the annihilation did not occur as bad as it did in 5,200 BCE when historic records and oral myths were not so sophisticated

Summer Climax: The Grand Cardinal Cross

Right before the moment of coherence is the point of maximum chaos. We are now there at the topof the roller coaster, zero point, chaos point.

Just two years before the Mayan calendar end date of December 21,2012, in the summer of 2010, 2 transpersonal planets, Uranus and Pluto, 2 social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, and 2 personal planets, the Sun and Mars, will confront each other upon the Cross of Matter in one of the most intense formations in all of astrology, often experienced only once in a human lifetime, a Grand Cardinal Cross. The waiting is over....

The Cardinal signs are the initators of the zodiac, the outward, expressive thrust of energy in each of the four elements and seasons. Hence, Aries is Cardinal Fire and the spark of spring. Cancer is cardinal water and begins at the summer solstice. Libra is cardinal air and marks the equinox. Capricorn is cardinal earth and initiates the dark season at the winter solstice. Since they rule the seasons, the alignment of many planets upon the Cardinal Cross can literally change the face of the earth. We are about to embark on a time of dramatic change, mounting tension, and the aching pulse for a whole new paradigm for human existence.

In his Cosmos and Psyche, Richard Tarnas describes the rare experiences where multiple archetypal cycles overlap, involving Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, as begins in 2010. We find this explosive dynamic during the French Revolution (1789-99), the years 1964-67, and 1929-1933.

Tarnas writes, "Especially problematic in such eras was the extreme intensification of both wisdespread revolutionary upheaval and violent authoritarian repression in a tightly bound dialectic, mutually activating each other."

Those specially affected by this transit, with an important role to play as initiators of this will have planets at the first degrees of the Cardinal signs and the last degrees of the mutable signs, Gemini, Sagitarrius, Virgo, Pisces. There will be a surge of intense stress, motivation, and passion in the planets located at these positions. Let them be your guides for your next phase of evolution.
(from the RealitySandwich web site))....

hey, we need to explore all avenues

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by NotAgain
reply to post by Unity_99

What you going to do about it though.

Lets look at the list.......

Nuclear War = Nothing you can do
Object hitting Earth = Nothing you can do
Earthquakes and Volcano = Nothing you can do
Huge Solar Flare = Nothing you can do
Killer Virus = Little you can do
Alien Invasion = Little you can do

Get over it, death is an amazing thing, I been through it a million times and it just keeps getting better.

There are many things we have to do. What I'm going to do is form a local group, a board, packed full of evidence and videos, with links all the forums and sites, and articles quoted and linked to discuss, and then make other free sites with local flavors to draw them in.

Plus I'm moving, and will do it agian. And I'm planning to do that several times.

Communities aware, and growing, preparing for the worst, but drawing in their highest good, from inside, from their HS, and from the cosmos. Because we can. ET_MAN not only is spreading awareness, but more......he wants us to know WHO WE ARE! We are the Creators/Designers/Programmers, our Higher Selves in the infinity and Beyond, this our school, and lessons, and the dark side have hijacked it. 9/11 is their SQUARING THE CIRCLE, the finite box within the infinite universe. Yet they are not = to infinity.

We are going to get doctors, mechanics and technical people to assist and join and export this model for awakening every area every place.

We cannot stop all the wars, but what we can do, IS STOP THE KARMA, by being aware, yearning for equality and peace, real oneness/harmony not their coding.

Coding in words, by the bloodlines:

peace--- piece
unity-- a unit, not oneness
awareness-- a war ness
harmony---- harm one

The list goes one and on. and on! Its sickening. Fortunately these traps they fall into, not their suspected victims, for Universal Law is from the heart, and our meanings are the from the heart too.

We preserve advanced technology, and get groups ready to survive the worse and then yearn for equality, start letters and messages to leaders, and attempt to take some actions, to stop starvation and war, but its only the yearnings and tyring that breaks all karma.

Because its very strongly rigged! And pull in our Highest Good, and reprogram this matrix so our school is a nice softer duality of more advanced lessons.

But you know, we need to write ot all those leaders and editors and people, to let them know, we know. And ask them to consider breaking their cotnracts with the dark beings, because, they are in error, and misunderstand, as darkness is blinded, universal law. And the karma is falling strongly on them. We need to grant immunity to them, to leave, come out with their plans and tehcnology, stand with the people, and pull in our greater good together. We have to love them too!

[edit on 27-3-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:33 PM
Good thread, as well as the companion thread mentioned in the first page. Star and flag to both of them.

Reminds me of this video from this thread:
For 2012, go to the source, and listen to Mayan Grand Elder Grandfather Cirilo Perez Oxlaj


Every 5200 years, we come to this point when the planet Earth becomes dark for a period of 60 to 70 hours. We cannot see the sun. Why? Because the science of the Mayan astronomers learned that the earth was always going around the sun. But now we are getting closer, until we enter the central magnetic axis. There is a great axis above the planet Earth, that makes all the stars and the planets move. And so while the Earth passes through that axis, we cannot see the rays of the sun. We are inside. Once the earth re-emerges from the axis[ed. note: presumably once the earth emerges from the central 'eye' of this axis], we will then be able to see the New Sun. But what I cannot tell you is if it is actually the same sun, or if it is a different sun.


As you can see, this is a very relevant, very precise statement by the Mayan elder.

I will be in New Mexico in June, hoping to visit Chaco Canyon and asking some Hopi elders some questions.

Here is a short quote from an article on Hopi Prophecy. Feel free to U2U me for the whole article('tis very lengthy, but very informative). The article is called 'Hopi Prophecies: The Way of Balance is an Individual Responsibility'. It regards the views of a few Hopi Elders about Hopi prophecy, and the current and coming changes.:

MG: Spirit is holding one of the tablets, and we Hopi still have one. A third is held by a white brother, a German. This is the one that the older brother has taken in the direction of the rising sun. Then there are two more. One may be in Tibet. The Chinese have always attacked the Tibetans; maybe a roof collapsed on the tablet. When I met with the Dalai Lama I told him: You could pray to find it--keep praying for this and Spirit might tell you where it is hiding. To pray for all five tablets to come together is a good thing.

These five tablets contain the same information. We have to look everywhere. For example, I discussed this once with a person from Africa. He mentioned the stone tablet. I told him that he needs to bring his Elders here, and we should show the tablets to each other to see if the writing on them is the same. Different peoples will come together when the tablets come together. This will occur before the purification.


MG: Many things have changed. We are all out of balance. For example, we are now using the white man's calendar with twelve months instead of thirteen moons. We have observed that the movement of the moon is getting faster; this is how things will be during this time of change. We have seen plants bloom in the middle of winter. This happened in accordance with our prophecies, and this was when we went to Santa Fe to warn the population. We did that in 1990.

I told the people that the root cause of the problems that threaten life on earth is the concept of land title acquired and maintained by force. Because modern civilization is based on this concept, it does not hold the key to peace.

Those tablets described sounds a lot like a certain Biblical reference...

Perhaps some of you have heard of the Hopi 'Prophecy Rock':

Thats all for now.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Plus I'm moving, and will do it agian. And I'm planning to do that several times

How long you going to keep running and living in a illusion?

When the crap hits the fan there is nothing you can do about it, or only so much you can do about it.

"If you worry you die, If you don't worry you still die"

You can form groups and talk/guess what may and may not happen, but the bottom line is "It's pointless" Will your group stop mother nature, NO. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, it's hard luck and possibly game over.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 02:07 PM
santorini /thera exploded 3600 years ago an isle in de mediterrane....near greece
major event ..was bigger explosian than krakatau...

[edit on 27-3-2010 by ressiv]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:43 PM
I like the fleese but I must make a little bit of a stand here. Not to say the ice core findings are incorrect but consider this.----
3,600 years ago the only elephants left in the Americas were on Catalina and maybe Santa Rosa Islands. Some were found off the coast of eastern Russia as well.
They were dwarf Mammoths. For the most part elephants were eaten to extinction by 8,000 years ago. 3,600 years ago was the beginning of the Transitional Period in North America. Ceramics and agriculture came into vogue, The Olmec's were on the verge of building there great city states.
3,600 years ago Egypt was in full swing. The Pharos freed Moses and his people
People were newly smelting metal. All good.
Want more proof?

BayRidgeTalk - The Evolution of House Cats
Scholars long believed that the ancient Egyptians were the first to keep cats as pets, starting around 3600 years ago. ...

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:55 PM
It’s pretty clear something is going to happen in the future.

Just like its clear 9/11 weren’t just hijacked terrorist planes
And its very clear they went down with explosions.  Common people I realised this the first time I watched the video again over the internet. Looks exactly like a building demolition you see in public school, high school, popular mechanics for kids, Worlds Most Amazing Videos, places like that. If you paid attention to those videos you can see exactly how they relate to the falling of the twin towers.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:03 PM
Good thread. Maybe about every 3600 years the moon goes critical and burns off all of the Helium 3, causing the Earth to heat up, melting the polar ice caps, flooding most of the Earth.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:11 PM
I saw a few people mention passing through the galactic plane (or center). While we aren't 100% positive on this most scientists are in agreement that we passed through it 3,000 years ago. This would mean that we won't pass through it again for another 30,000 years. So, if that's what people think is going to happen, it can be ruled out.

This Forum provides many articles that support this theory.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by davesidious

Uh I'm pretty the galactic alignment happens every 26,000 years not every 36 years. Hears a link....

Galactic alignment In the mid-1990s, John Major Jenkins asserted that the ancient Maya intended to tie the end of their calendar to the winter solstice in 2012, which falls on December 21. This date was in line with an idea he terms the galactic alignment.[42] In the Solar System, the planets and the Sun share roughly the same plane of orbit, known as the plane of the ecliptic. From our perspective on Earth, the ecliptic is the path taken by the Sun across the sky over the course of the year. The 12 constellations which line the ecliptic are known as the zodiac and, through the year, the Sun passes through each constellation in turn. Additionally, over time, the Sun's annual passage appears to recede counterclockwise by one degree every 72 years. This movement is attributed to a slight wobble in the Earth's axis as it spins.[43] As a result, approximately every 2160 years, the constellation visible on the early morning of the spring equinox changes. In Western astrological traditions, this signals the end of one astrological age (currently the Age of Pisces) and the beginning of another (Age of Aquarius). Over the course of 26,000 years, the precession of the equinoxes makes one full circuit around the ecliptic.[43]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

What would the universal center affect if science could find that.

[edit on 28-3-2010 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by NotAgain
reply to post by Unity_99

Plus I'm moving, and will do it agian. And I'm planning to do that several times

How long you going to keep running and living in a illusion?

When the crap hits the fan there is nothing you can do about it, or only so much you can do about it.

"If you worry you die, If you don't worry you still die"

You can form groups and talk/guess what may and may not happen, but the bottom line is "It's pointless" Will your group stop mother nature, NO. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, it's hard luck and possibly game over.

This is the truth brother. If any of the nonsense going on here has any meaning it is most likely 360 degrees.
"Why are all the Big Wheels going round in circles. lol

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Donny 4 million

I'm moving the first time to get close my family and friends, and to go back home because I am not a coastal person, prefer home. Then we will decide together where to go, as one of my friends has already discussed a possible solution, due to several of her friends (who don't even go online!) having dreams!

The first board is made, and the second will be too! The third one, and we'd wake people up there too, would be to procure some help with something. We're not going to be reset this time! Its time for people to wake up, and decide the best way to not only survive in large numbers if this occurs soon, but how to keep technology going!

Pay attention to the signs, and your inner knowing.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:43 AM
I do find it very interesting that the period of Nibiru is said to be 3,600 years, plus/minus. I love science, but the Scientists at the top of the pile remind me of the blind man trying to describe an elephant. Most are so specialized, and they give great information about specific things in their narrow field of expertise, but they don't always see the big picture with clarity. It is impossible to document and verify everything from our past. That's why I also enjoy the Esoteric. We too often tend to write things in stone, and that's missing the point. To me, honest discussion means that we have developed the ability to try to understand those ideas that are different than our own. You have to stretch your mind to do this, and many of us just refuse to do that, in kind of an Intellectual "my way or the highway". Anything is possible, my friends, whether you believe it or on. Rick

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by deadred

What is niburue? Sp. Nibiro, whatever.

I gave you a star for the rest.
Thanks, Donny

[edit on 28-3-2010 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I think you are onto something. Possibly your understanding or wave length is a little different than mine.
Mine was more like yours after recalling some 911 personal events.
Along with having insurgency trainning back before dirt..
The internal threat is where it is at and not as sold by the press.
Do the prep you think nessessary and remain clear. Smile and laugh alot.
No one or anything can take that from anyone.
There is no dooms day comming.
There is always war and natural disaster. There are always casualities .
Try not to be one. Think Winter / Spring. Dark Age / Renaissance
Going home is always good for your soul and the ones that wait for your return. In the End game that is what matters most IMHO. When you return, return in peace not piece or pieces.
Love Donny

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Donny 4 million

I've made a thread about this, and the evidence for past disasters is overwhelming, and very significant ones to the earth's mantle, resulting in the sun rising from new directions, in cycles. One of the most dangerous things a race can do, is not learn from the records of the past, they went to great lengths to record their journey.
And pictures speak a thousand words. The bottom of this page presents dots for each one found on the globe. Yet if its different each time, we may need to calculate. In that era, roughly 3600-3800 years ago, when many of them were dated, it seemed to be an indundation in North America that drove them west to the highest mountains.

Now my thread has been focusing so far on the historical records, and only some of many with suggestions for others to research more. Its going to go into the earth records, and finally the whole Saturn/Dark Star/Darksider agenda of the elite, and their sun god allegories, seemingly spreading sun god religions in hopes to trick people into signing up to their own "handlers".......

Scientists say most stars are binaries. I was told ALL ARE, for this infinite universe school is a duality. There is an implication in that.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:55 PM
I have been researching my local area (China Lake Calif) and about 5500 years ago it was not desert like it is now.
The rain fall was 3 to 5 times what it is now and the eastern sierras were topped with many small glaciers.

The flow of the owens river was about 5 times what it is today.

Then some time around 3600 years ago there was a major climate change.

these three major volcanoes went off over a 40- year period.
VEI 6 Mount Vesuvius (Avellino eruption) 1660 BC ± 43 years
VEI 6 Mount Aniakchak ≈1645 BC
VEI 7 Thera (Minoan eruption) 1620s BC

These have the power to cause major climate change.

right now we have had only one major eruption in the last 98 years and that was.
VEI 6 Mount Pinatubo 1991

I believe the lack of major eruptions allows the globe to warm..

I also believe that a major high latitude eruption can cause more climate change then a lower latitude eruption.

And wet major eruptions cause far more damage to the climate.
Eruptions like VEI 7 Thera (Minoan eruption) 1620s BC that opened the volcano to sea water. They blow massive amounts of water(steam) loaded with sulfur into the atmosphere.

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