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posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:21 PM
For those of you who have already awoken this will make quite a lot of sense, for those of you who are in the process of waking up this will make some sense, for those of you have yet to wake up, this will sound like total garbage!

In order to wake up to the reality of this world you must know some basic truths. You have been lied to, brainwashed, yes you have! Your whole existence before waking up has been a lie. Most of your education has been a lie, yes there are some truths but most of what you have been taught is a fallacy. You have been taught the basics, the bare essentials, other than that what you have learnt has been created to pre-condition your mind into a false sense of security, a false understanding.
The beings that have created this and all that we know have been exceedingly clever in their plan, create a worker race, who at first does not question their origins and then has been conditioned into such a state where they can not question their beliefs, due to their upbringing and religion, they will cling to what they believe, out sheep the sheep in keeping each other in line, if people dare step out of line they will resort to ridiculous measures to ridicule and belittle those who question their beliefs. What a brilliant way to control, but guess what! We are seeing through your lies!

Now, even for those of you who believe that you have awoken to the lies of this world, hear this. You have still only partially woke up to what is going on, yes there may be quite a number of you who see through the lies that religion, especially Christianity has placed before you. But the beings that started all this were exceedingly clever in their plan, they have bluffed us, they have double bluffed us, they have triple bluffed us, and yes they have quadruple bluffed us!

They have ensured that those who questioned things got to a certain level of understanding, then they covered that with lies. They thought beyond that, thinking that others would still see past the lies, they also covered those lies with yet more opposite aligned ones, to cover those lies they created lies within truth. In doing this they aimed to create confusion within the mind of the person trying to find their way to the ultimate truth.

However what they did not realize is that we would exceed our original design, that we would truly understand what is going on.

We are genetically created by a race of beings, there are many names for them but the one that I most accept is the Annunaki, others who read the bible may know them as the Anakim or Nephelim, their descendants being known either as the Rephraim and as the Elohim.

Now, the Annunaki or Anakim where the originals who came here to earth as they found that the planet was rich in various deposits, especially minerals. Most namely GOLD, they have an all consuming use for this of which I will post later, which had been over-mined and they have had to look elsewhere for this material.

They have and still do control many solar systems, creating systems of control on planets where they find life; they will then use their genetic expertise to create a life form capable of manual labor and intelligent enough to instill a basic belief system. A basic belief system, based upon a monotheistic god, an all powerful being is all that is needed to keep the life forms in order, as they will elaborate on any natural phenomena that they know of and attribute it to the all powerful, all knowing and all loving god that looks over them. Us humans are one of those, we elaborated on what we were told to believe, from what we know.

Something amazing is happening though, do not ask me how as I do not know but countless millions of people upon this earth are waking up to what is going on, it might only take something small, with most people I know it really is something small and I’m sure those of you have awoken or are waking up have experienced this. Synchronicity, most probably you have seen a sequence of numbers, 11:11 being the most common, also numbers such as 22:22 or 1:23 or 10:10 or 08:08, these are just some of many that I have seen in years gone by.

Some, especially those who are in the process of waking up and those that are curious of such things might ask what these numbers actually mean. It is individual to each person, you will notice a certain set of numbers over and over again and think to yourself what does it mean? Only you can truly find out and follow the path that you are meant to. It means to carry on what you are doing, carry on questioning all that you see around you, find your own truth in this world, do NOT accept what you have been told. Start from the simplest things, I really mean question everything! No matter how trivial it seems to you. It is a case of re education, prepare for everything that you have previously believed in to come crashing down around you and believe me it will! What you need before this discovery of knowledge is a sound mind, a true and just mental compass. Do not go insane, lose you mind, as is possible with such things, especially true when delving into various Occult and Esoteric subjects.

I am a guide, one of many.

The Age of Aquarius is upon us.

Now it is time for you to find your way, Question EVERYTHING!

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:39 PM
Ummm, if what you say is true, then why don't these advanced beings just swoop down, rape our resources, burn us up, then move on?

IMO you're the one who has been trapped by the lie. This is the same old world our grandparents knew...with just new technological advancements.
The whole higher-beings/alien visitation/invasion thing is a ploy and will be used by Godless men in power to enslave mankind for extermination as the end game.

Check out Michael Heiser's webpage where he rips apart the translations that you live by.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Romans 10:9]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:41 PM
Oh yeah, and if you don't know what confirmation bias is, you may wanna look into it.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Romans 10:9
Ummm, if what you say is true, then why don't these advanced beings just swoop down, rape our resources, burn us up, then move on?

IMO you're the one who has been trapped by the lie. This is the same old world our grandparents knew...with just new technological advancements.
The whole higher-beings/alien visitation/invasion thing is a ploy and will be used by Godless men in power to enslave mankind for extermination as the end game.

Check out Michael Heiser's webpage where he rips apart the translations that you live by.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Romans 10:9]

why they most advanced being have to be the ones who kill and cause pain the most efficiently. You are openly giving power to evil, yes, yes you are. there is no reason that humans more intelligent then us know more about life then you. WHAT IF the things we question are really truths to be told?

Also, this is NOT the same world our grandparents knew. We are in a completely different space (time) then them and in the large scale this is a fact. Do you know how many people died because of military service alone in the day our Grandparents were around? MILLIONS....they knew pain but they fought because they wanted a better tomorrow and have been kept from this and so is this generation. If you don't believe me look at some of Nikola Teslas works, now imagine what his long classified plans say.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Romans 10:9
Oh yeah, and if you don't know what confirmation bias is, you may wanna look into it.

Don't talk to me like I'm stupid... this thread is quite the opposite of confirmation bias, the whole point is to question EVERYTHING, even this thread! Don't take my word for it... infact I emplore everyone who reads this thread to question what is said here and to question everything!

So, tell me... what is one sided and biased about this attitude? To accept everything that is told to you is just downright stupid!

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:20 PM
Personally, I think that the terms "wake up", "awoken" and the such, come off as a bit condescending.

I understand, and your heart is in the right place, but these terms often turn people off from your message.

They make you appear like you hold status, because you are "more informed" that the recipient of the message. When in actuality, in topics such as these, there is no hard evidence. It is a question of perception and digestion of information.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:20 PM
But it seems that you have excepted as fact, the idea's based on flawed translations of ancient texts.

Check this out:

I respect everyone's right to their own opinion, but i see this whole alien/ancient space being thing as a cleverly crafted plan to completely undermine the actual truths that science has worked so hard to achieve.
A craft way to rewrite religious history and enslave mankind through fear and uncertainty............but that's just my opinion.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by InertiaZero
Personally, I think that the terms "wake up", "awoken" and the such, come off as a bit condescending.

I understand, and your heart is in the right place, but these terms often turn people off from your message.

They make you appear like you hold status, because you are "more informed" that the recipient of the message. When in actuality, in topics such as these, there is no hard evidence. It is a question of perception and digestion of information.

The terms, "wake up" and "awoken" are in no way meant to come across as condescending, I am sorry if this is the way that I have come across as that is the last thing that I want to do!
The main idea behind this thread is for people to question everything, even the simplest of things, for until a person has questioned their reality then it isn't actually their reality, but someone elses forced reality.

I am all for freedom of thought and allowing everyone their own opinion, as it is their opinion that makes their reality real and true.

You are indeed correct, it is all a matter of perception... for one man's illusion is anothers reality and vice versa.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Resentedhalo08]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:44 PM
Well, I agree with 'Question Everything'. I personally don't do it, I usually forget. I'm not sure about all the Alien and Gold stuff, but it's an idea and ideas apparently make the world go round (literally).

I've never really had a mind to lose, so I quite enjoy studying the occult and whatnot, because I personally find it all very interesting.

What are those numbers you mentioned about? I've seen them on my alarm clock, but how do they actually work and what is their significance? How do they contribute to people 'Waking up'? You said that they provoke certain people into thinking about their meaning, but how? Do you mean,

"This is a number, but what does the number mean? It was invented by humans, and will mean nothing to a mouse, therefore, in the grand scheme of things, it is utterly insignficant. Like words. Like society! Everything we're taught is a lie!"

Is that it? If so I had that about ten years ago, pretty much when I realised that my Dad was right when he said "Son, I don't ever want to hear you talk about God as if you worship him cause it's a load of...."

And we're all genetically enhanced slaves?! Hmm, thankyou. Next time I get into a certain argument with someone about the aforementioned topic of slavery, I'll bring this up.

But yeah, what you're saying is obviously well thought out, I just need some more explanation because I'm a bit slow with these things.


Ramadwarf on Aliens and Spandau Ballet, religion and lies, and slavery

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Ramadwarf Philes

I like how you always sum up your post at the end, in third person. It's cute.

Alot of the pricipals mentioned..numbers and such come from alot of different sources. "The law of One" to "Dianetics". It's a hybrid theory.

It's alot to swallow, but the overall message is interesting.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:49 PM
I also agree with InertiaZero.

The words we use not only have meaning - but also carry with them a good deal of power.

"The sword can be parried, the spoken word cannot"

One thing - and its just my own personal opinion here - that I do cringe over is when I read words such as 'awakened', 'enlightened' etc.

This person is *enlightened*, that person is *awakened*, those people are still *asleep*

All judgements.

To me there isn't really an end-goal, more a journey and a spectrum that we all fall somewhere along. No matter where you may be on that spectrum there is no 1st, 2nd, 3rd race or competition exists, even if it did it'd likely only be with yourself.

...then again maybe I just made a judgement too...


posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:59 PM
Great post. Hits right to the heart. I don't trust anything I have learned form the system. I don't trust anything I hear on the news. I search, read, and look for info on my own.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Ramadwarf Philes

Thank you for your reply...

Yes the whole aliens and gold thing does come across as far fetched, I do have to agree! But I have done a lot of research into aincient history, especially sumeria and babylon.
From what I have learnt it points to an outside influence that suddenly appeared, gave mankind various knowledge. At first it was peacefull (as peacefull as it can be) and was what is commonly refered to as, "the time the gods roamed the earth", many cultures around the earth speak of a time that the gods which they worshipped were incarnate here on earth and helped build their civilisations.

At first it was a mutual arrangement with the natives, they got knowledge and in return the "gods" got the resources they required. The gods themselves orinally worked the major gold mines, if I remember correctly there was one located on the Sinai peninsula, another in central africa and another in south america. The "gods" grew tiresome of working the gold mines and started to genetically engineer the then native, ineffectual human race and introduced their dna to create modern Homo-Sapiens.

Humans then took their place working the gold mines and the "gods" ascended into the sky, only to come back periodically to collect the resources.

Thats a quick summation of my interpretation of what I have learnt about that.

I shall find some links later on to corroberate some of the things that I am talking about.

Again, don't take my word for it.... question EVERYTHING and research these things yourself and come to your own conclusions.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:27 PM
A few interesting things to research....

monatomic gold - the reason I believe the "gods" mined gold here on earth

Baalbek - in Lebanon, home of the worlds heaviest stone block at 300 tonnes, not even modern cranes could lift the largest stone blocks there.

The 500,000 year old Spark Plug (The Coso Artifact) - found by Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey, and Mike Mikesell in 1961

Gigantopithecus (goliath) - No explanation needed.

Flying Vimana's - Aincient Hindu flying machinea, described in detail in the Vedic texts.

Trinitite (fused green glass) - found in the Euphrates Valley, dated approx 8,000 years old. Thought to have been created by extreme heat. To add, Trinitite was also created in New Mexico as a result of atomic testing in 1945.

Those are just a few interesting things that can be researched.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:37 PM
Do i still need to breathe? If i find that i do still need oxygen... how long should i wait to question it again? What about eating or going to the bathroom... could those be lies to?

What if the color that i see as brown isnt the same color you see... what if we really see differnt colors but we have just named them the same....?

LoL lets all waste a ton of time saying we need to "question everything" because some ignorant and delusional person wants to hang on to their belief in GOD or freewill.

If people WANTED to "question everything" they would do it without you needing to say anything.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:45 PM

There's always an explanation. It's good to think on higher levels, but don't fall into the chasm of fools.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Romans 10:9]

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Romans 10:9]

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Romans 10:9]

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Romans 10:9]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Resentedhalo08
For those of you who have already awoken this will make quite a lot of sense, for those of you who are in the process of waking up this will make some sense, for those of you have yet to wake up, this will sound like total garbage!

You wated to know what part of what you said has a bias and is unfair so there it is
you INSTANTLY create a zone where you AUTOMATICALLY show us non-believers that we are already wrong. You innoculated your post and the readers by saying well if we don't understand your writings we must be asleep.

So let me break this down for you OP. Just because you have some visions does not make us non-believers asleep. Frankly I am sick..sick and friggin tired of this whole awake thing. Did you ever once think that YOU might be the one who is wrong and that us sleepers have it right?

First off...where is the proof? The honest to goodness, concrete, no-way-in-heck-we-could-dispute-it truth? I implore us this and maybe you'd have some credibility. Your post also had a good dose of ego in the end where you post that you are a guide.

In fact I am gonna go out on a limb and give you just my opinion of what is happening. You think you have the answer and you show usthe way. Then you tell us you are a guide but you present an aire of safety in your words by saying that you are one of many, therefore it makes it sound like you aren't special but indeed an actual guide would be special.

Please...I am us the proof of any piece of this and not just hearsay and conjecture. You do that and I will publicly explain that I think you are more credible than I think now. Trust me when I say I am open minded but I don't believe this one bit honestly. It all started with that bias statement you began with honestly


posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by KyoZero

I don't claim to know everything, I am just offering a few opinions... that is all, you can take the opinion or you can leave it. Free will is a wonderous thing!

What I am saying is there is FAR FAR FAR more to this world than some would like you to beleive, I am a truth seeker.

I do not deny other peoples opinions, infact I welcome them...

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Resentedhalo08

...and that is totally find but the fact is you opened this thread by basically calling everyone who doens't see your viewpoint as asleep

ah well...what are ya gonna do


posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 12:42 AM
Most of what we were told were lies. If you don't know or believe that then I'm sorry you are extremely naive and I suggest you open your eye, heart & mind. For the rest who know here is a question to ponder. Why did they lie to us? What was the gain?

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