posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 01:58 PM
Like Gazrock said, arc, the community, especially Arab, didn't want an Arab government overthrown. The US-led coalition had Arab members. Back then;
Syria was fighting along side the US (as was Egypt and SA). Jordan sided w/ Iraq for the most part. Then being the good yanks we are, we let the Arabs
roll into a liberated Kuwait for show. After we did the dirty work. Powell has been greatly criticized for ending the ground war too early. He was the
joints chief of staff then btw. The still left a large part of the so-called �elite� Republic Guard in place (no relation to the GOP, lol). Which
doesn�t pose a threat to the US, but it did to the Kurds and then later (in 93, I think) Saddam almost invaded Kuwait again leaving many to wonder why
the US didn�t demolish more of the Army. It did seem like a premature ending which was probably a political move after the �highway of death incident�
where the US obliterated a 3 or 4-mile Iraqi convoy leaving Kuwait with loot and military equipment. The media blew it out of proportion, making it
look like the US was being brutal and what not. Some say it was the US feeling vengeful because a scud just hit a spot in SA killing many US soldiers
(an old colleague of mine was one of the few survivors of that scud attack). So here we are all these years later with a terrible policy on Iraq:
containment. It hasn�t worked out all that well. There�s a huge amount of anti-Americanism in the region that didn�t seem to be present then. Why? By
in large containment, how many times does UBL insist that the yanks leave their lands, etc, etc. A �root cause� of terrorism is our containment policy
(no-fly zones, sanctions, thousands of troops in Iraq�s neighbors). To get rid of our containment policy and move out the ME, we�ll need to remove the
one that we�re containing. Or disarm him like he was supposed to be disarmed to ensure he can�t do anything when we pull out. That�s the reason for
war, I think.