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It’s time for my daughters MMR Vaccine…

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 04:43 PM
I’m from the UK and don’t know a great deal about the link between the MMR and Autism. What I do know is that I don’t trust the pharmaceutical company’s / government / media one bit.

I’m concerned about my daughter’s health though. Even if there is a chance of Autism with this vaccine, would not giving her the shot not put her at a greater risk from the diseases? I remember people being able to get these shots in single doses, (which were thought to be the safer option?) but I don’t even think it’s possible to get them all now. I did ask the health visitor about my concerns but she said the whole myth was started by one man who was later proved to be a liar. I thought if it was as simple as that this whole thing wouldn’t still be a hot topic. I’d like some knowledge to go to my doctor with when I ask him. Could somebody point me towards a study or facts that express the dangers of this vaccine?

Thank you.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 04:50 PM
Here's some good articles, that help cut through the media panic and provide the scientific facts,

[edit on 26-1-2010 by woodwardjnr]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 04:52 PM
You certainly are in quite a pickle. Get her the vaccine and risk autism and other dangerous side effects or risk her getting a possibly deadly disease later in life. Well I know a lot of people who had children within the past 5 years and they all got their kids the shot and none have autism but my cousins’ son has autism and I think he is 3. So I guess it's like Russian roulette, you win some - you lose some. That is all I can really say, maybe someone else can help you more.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 04:58 PM
Woodwardjnr, a video of the media (liars) saying it was the media lying doesn’t hold any water with me.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 05:06 PM
You are not alone, I have yet to get my child's 1 yr vacs. I have put it off for over a year. My child has a sibling who became autistic after their 1 yr shots, so I am reeeally confused on what to do. Is it the shots or not? I keep hoping that if I just wait there will be a definite answer, but so far no luck. By law my child must be vaccinated to attend public school so I will have some difficult decisions to make over the next 2 years.

The most recent thing I am reading is that it could be the gelatin it is contained in or something since they removed the mercury several years ago.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by americanwoman]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Edward 1st

We stressed over the shots for a long time. In the end, we had the doctor separate the shots over a couple of visits. So, have the doctor separate into 3 separate shots and wait at least one month between each shot. Also, make sure the vaccines do not contain thimerosal.

My kids turned out fine.

Good luck and don't stress out too much.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 05:14 PM
Southcoast where are you from? I don't think you can do that now, at least in the UK. One of the single shots isn't manufactured anymore (Mumps I think) so I was reading. Could you explain to me how this is safer than an all in one shot?

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 05:28 PM
The percieved connection between Autism and vaccines is misguided. The following article is a good starting point if you are looking to educate yourself. If you want to find good information, the best source is papers published in peer reviewed scientific journals, the more recent the better. Published scientists are not participating in a conspiracy to cover this up, they provide the best information by far.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Check the formulation of the MMR vaccine being used. If thimerasol was used in its formulation at any point I would then look to another country. For example...

Compare with the formulation of the vaccine in Sweden and Norway. You may wish to take your child there to get this vaccine.

The other possibility is to separate out each component into three separate shots spread by one to three months thereby giving your child's body a chance to rebound after each shot.

I wonder if there isn't some provision in EU law that would grant an exemption....?

[edit on 26/1/10 by Pellevoisin]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Edward 1st

I am in Houston, Texas. My kids are now 10 and 8 so it was several years ago. I would ask your doctor (or several doctors) if the shot can be separated.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:27 PM
Don't go near it, it's not worth it! Measles in only dangerous in starving people i.e. mainly based in Africa. You need to get Measles so as you have natural immunity for life, whereas MMR only lasts for a certain period of time, generally vaccines don't work for longer then 10 years. As for Mumps, it's important for males to get this before puberty otherwise they can become sterile. Again the MMR only lasts at most 10 years to protect against Mumps so MMR is madness as it stops you from getting natural immunity at an age when it won't make them sterile. As for Rubella that's only relevant for females, as it can damage an unborn child. Many people are born with natural immunity to Rubella.

If you're still not convinced and do decide to go with the vaccine, remember to get them separately, never get the combined vaccines as the dangers are far higher. Leave as long as possible between each.

I should warn you I have known of 3 children who went down with Autism within 1 week of receiving MMR.

Also it could be worth listening to this vaccine expert, as he points out that all the science that supposedly proves Mercury is safe is not proper science. It's all be done by people with huge financial conflicts of interest.

Here's part 1, there's also part 2 and 3 which will appear in the Related Videos

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:32 PM
The Pharms claim that the MMR lasts for:-

* 27 years against measles
* 18 years against rubella
* 14 years against mumps

Remember they also make their figures look a lot better than they are.

Natural immunity lasts forever and is even passed from mother to child through breast milk. For example if a child's mother had natural immunity to chicken pox then when her child got chicken pox it would be mild.

Vaccines are all about making money full stop.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:47 PM
Listen to Gary Null. He's right.

On a side note, I'd really like to hear about any current cases where a child DID NOT get any vaccines, was ALSO in an otherwise healthy environment, and then had major problems from something like measles. NOT cases in third world disease infested areas and not in a poor slum area anywhere else.

My guess is that there's hardly an cases like this, but I'd like really like to hear any experiences.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 02:08 PM
How old is your child?

I would do the delay vacc.

But if there is one vacc I would delay as long as I could it would be MMR.

All the horrible stories I have heard are from mmr vaccines.

The problem is that the people who had horrible side effects, the doctors never reported it as the vaccine.

In my birth club, a mother got her daughter the vaccine. 2 weeks later she was found paralyzed, convulsing, and vomitting in the crib. The child lost use of her left side and was put mentally way behind her peers in our group.

It took the mother a year, to get the neurologist to admit it was a reaction to the vaccine.

I have heard numerous stories like this: 2 weeks seems to be the magic number. There are serious or fatal side effects, and the doctors will not admit it was the vaccine.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by nixie_nox]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by americanwoman
You are not alone, I have yet to get my child's 1 yr vacs. I have put it off for over a year. My child has a sibling who became autistic after their 1 yr shots, so I am reeeally confused on what to do. Is it the shots or not? I keep hoping that if I just wait there will be a definite answer, but so far no luck. By law my child must be vaccinated to attend public school so I will have some difficult decisions to make over the next 2 years.

The most recent thing I am reading is that it could be the gelatin it is contained in or something since they removed the mercury several years ago.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by americanwoman]

If you live in America, (maybe, depending on what state) you can probably still send your child to school without the vaccine. There are exemption sheets you can fill out for religious or even philosophical reasons.

Before signing any waiver papers, especially any given to you by your doctor, or daycare center or school, I would recommend reading the articles below.

Never sign a Refusal to Vaccinate if asked.

Why Signing a Waiver to Avoid Vaccines Can be Considered Abuse.

The link above also has a page HERE, that has some great info and articles you can link to for more information, both FOR and AGAINST vaccinating. (for those who will say both sides of the story aren't being presented.)

On a personal note, I come from a generation born in the 1950's, that was NOT vaccinated against measles, mumps, or chicken pox, and I and all my brothers and sisters had every one of these diseases, with no bad effects.

As a matter of fact, no one I knew had any bad effects from any of these, either.

Both my older children (born in the early 80's) had chicken pox with no ill effects, although they were vaccinated with something similar to the MMR, BUT at that time, children were not given nearly the amount of vaccinations that children are exposed to today.

One thing that is mentioned a lot (to make parents that don't want to vaccinate feel guilty, IMO) is that parents that don't vaccinate effect the *herd immunity* and make it more dangerous for other families.

BUT, my response to that would be........if vaccines work the way they are stated to should not be a problem for those *smart ?* families who HAVE vaccinated their children.

I do have a younger child, a girl, that did receive SOME vaccinations, but after the Guardisil vaccine that was being pushed on her age group, and all the problems with it, I have decided NOT to allow her to have any more.

I was prepared to exempt her from it, but fortunately, her school did not even bring it up, even though my state was recommending it. I think they have backed off from implementing a program for that vaccination now, after seeing all the documented problems. I also did not allow her to receive the swine flu vaccine that was given earlier this fall, at the school.

I have told all my marriage aged children that when they have children, they should really research the amount and type of vaccines that are being given to babies and children nowdays, and their effects, before having their children vaccinated. A little time now could save a lifetime of heartache later.

I hope they listen and do it so they can make an informed choice.

**** Funny, when I looked for some links I had saved a while ago about vaccines, I could not find several in particular I was looking for, and the ones that were still showing up (in a folder titled *vaccines*) all lead to 404 errors......

I hope this helps you.........and the OP.

God Bless


posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:49 AM
Right, i was going to start a thread on this but there is no need to seeing as this one is already here.
I face this issue tomorrow and frankly i don't want my son to have the 3 in one shot right now. I think we should as i don't really buy into the autism link theory, although am still concerned 12 months is too young.
But lets say that we do give him the vaccine is there any difference between the vaccines? One poster mentioned you may want to go to Sweden or Norway, where can i find information on what is in the shots given in Belgium?

Another issue i have is they say he can get mild cases of measles and mumps after, now if that's the case would that put me at risk of catching it off of him? It's been a very long time since i had any shots and i haven't had mumps yet, or measles i think.

So if there is anybody who maybe knows a bit more than me and can give some well not advice but lets say guidance it would be appreciated.

I'll also add as a side note, does it not seem a bit stupid that you can choose whether or not to give the vaccine but if you choose not to then your child can't attend school. Talk about hypocrisy.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by pazcat]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by Edward 1st

Hi Ed,

A difficult decision - but NZ is doing it, and I believe NZ is OK.

And it is not nice - but maybe do it.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 02:07 PM
IMO, if you are on here questioning it, you should listen to your instincts. Of all the parents (that I personally know) who went against their instincts and got the vaccinations for their children (MMR specifically), their children ended up becoming autistic.

We have not vaccinated our children, and they are healthy and happy, and we know that exemption forms exist and I am not afraid to use them!

[edit on 24-6-2010 by LizzyQ]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 05:22 AM
How much evidence do you need?

Beautiful epidemiology:

Retraction of the article that started the whole scare:

25 Citations for Studies Refuting a Link:

Anecdotal: I took a medical virology course with a fairly well-respected professor this past spring. When covering measles and mumps, he specifically discussed the vaccine. Not only did he have his own children vaccinated (and they're young children, so this was after the autism scare), but he actually had his son vaccinated DESPITE having a moderate egg allergy (and treated the resulting allergic reaction). When the virologists are going to such lengths to vaccinate their children, you know it's serious.

Originally posted by jameshawkings
Natural immunity lasts forever and is even passed from mother to child through breast milk. For example if a child's mother had natural immunity to chicken pox then when her child got chicken pox it would be mild.

Please double-check your science. While it is true that Immunoglobulin G can cross the placenta and be passed in breast milk from mother to child, this only occurs while such contact is maintained. By the time you're five or six, maternal antibodies are well-gone and will do nothing to make chicken pox less severe. And for that matter, both natural and vaccine-induced antibodies can cross the placenta and also into breast milk equally well.

Originally posted by sezsueOne thing that is mentioned a lot (to make parents that don't want to vaccinate feel guilty, IMO) is that parents that don't vaccinate effect the *herd immunity* and make it more dangerous for other families.

BUT, my response to that would be........if vaccines work the way they are stated to should not be a problem for those *smart ?* families who HAVE vaccinated their children.

No vaccine is going to be 100% effective, just like no drug is going to be 100% effective, just like no child has a 100% chance of developing a disease. The whole thing is a matter of odds. If the vaccine is 95% effective (as MMR is generally considered against measles), then 95% of children will develop immunity.

The case fatality rate of measles in developed countries is roughly 3 in 1000 cases. Measles is highly contagious and most children caught it prior to the introduction of the vaccine, so let's be conservative and assume 90% of non-vaccinated children would catch if exposed sufficiently.

Here's a simple thought experiment to show why it matters:

In a totally non-vaccinated population of 100,000 children, let's say 90,000 children (90% of 100,000) get the disease, resulting in 270 deaths. If this same population were fully-vaccinated, then we'd only expect 100,000 children x 5% vaccine 'failure rate' x 90% of non-immune infected = 15 deaths (and in reality, the 95% heard immunity prevents most of the non-immune children from being sufficiently exposed in the first place).

Originally posted by shasta9600On a side note, I'd really like to hear about any current cases where a child DID NOT get any vaccines, was ALSO in an otherwise healthy environment, and then had major problems from something like measles. NOT cases in third world disease infested areas and not in a poor slum area anywhere else.

My guess is that there's hardly an cases like this, but I'd like really like to hear any experiences.

I don't have journal articles available, but news links:

I'd be more than happy to cite any of my claims. Please ask.

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