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Faster than light engine design

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posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 03:01 AM
Let me start by taking down a major road block. Using E=mc2 and relativity we can see a major obstacle. As you approach C (speed of light) the energy required to move mass becomes infinite. Energy is converted to mass at speeds approaching C therefore you need more nauseum approaching infinite energy.

Where does this mass come from? How is energy converted to mass? I believe that the electromagnetic spectrum if theoretically extended out encompasses everything in a unified field theory. Why can't we start looking at gravity, as well as matter as functions of a super string waveform? To make it simple: plucking a guitar string different waves resonate along these strings.

Gravity: As with any wave or particle the force exerted on an object would be a push not pull. How would a wave pull you towards it? It can't. Let's imagine we plucked this guitar string at a certain frequency... and placed a denser object in the waves path... what would happen? The waves passing through the object would be weakened PROPORTIONAL TO THE OBJECTS DENSITY. Imagine having two people pushing on you from opposite sides with equal force (gravity), now one of those people relaxes a little bit and is not pushing as hard ( gravity waves loosing energy moving through denser matter). Which direction would you move? And how would the density of the object dictate how much force you would be pushed towards it with? So if we had gravity waves permeating space time, and going through an object like the Earth what would the effect be? Since waves push things not pull... you would be pushed towards the Earth. Newtonian physics works perfectly, just reversed. Objects are pushed into the lower gravity sphere around matter not pulled into a stronger one. The denser the matter the more weakened the waves going through it become, hence the larger outside push from gravity.

Mass: Add energy to these waves, speed them up and they become compressed. Keep compressing the waves by adding energy. What will you get? Denser and denser waves perhaps so dense that they start to take on characteristics of something like matter?
Compact them to a point where they start to have measurable density and mass, and you have the building blocks of the sub atomic. Matter from energy. I believe we see this when we search for sub atomic particles. We are merely splitting these waves apart until we are left with energy again.

Everything is simply a function of vibrations on these strings (actually a membrane, but this is the down and dirty version). Everything from matter, to low energy waves all vibrating on different frequencies, interacting with each other.

Moving through space: Using this theory we do not actually move matter through space at all. What we do is more akin to how ocean waves move. The water stays where it is, the energy moves through it in a wave, each molecule exerting it's energy to the next one forming a moving wave while the individual molecules (for the most part) stay where they are. So as we add energy, the wave (MASS) propagates (MOVES) forward through space time. However E=mc2....Start pushing too fast and we compress the waves denser and denser (energy approaching a state of matter near c). Gravity waves encountering the propagating wave fronts is the resistance that causes relativity to rear it's ugly head at near luminal velocities So how do we get around this?

We need to plow the road ahead of the propagating waves. What we need to figure out how to do is generate an inverse gravity wave that will cancel out gravitational resistance ahead. To do that we need to figure out gravities amplitude (it's a wave, it has one) and invert it. It's simpler then it sounds. If gravity is a wave, it has a measurable amplitude. Waves can be cancelled out by a wave with an inverse amplitude. Like noise cancelling headphones.

We then need to point this device (or 3 to travel on X,Y, and Z axis) in the direction we want to go. (As much as i hate to say it, it would look like Lazar's sketches if that's good or bad). As we cancel out gravity waves ahead of the ship, we are now left with gravity waves behind us pushing us in the direction we want to go with no gravity waves working against us. Stronger the anti gravity field, the faster we go. Theoretical upper limit is the speed of gravity it's self.

There you go... FTL gravity drive.

(This is a very very very simplified version of my theory to start with, more detail can be provided)

Any suggestions, comments or help with the math would be appreciated.

[edit on 25-1-2010 by b309302]

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 03:47 AM

I have always thought the whole question of FTL would have to do with the elimination of the mass as a constant.

Remove the variable that requires the energy to reach said speed and boom, FTL.

So the research, in my thesis, would be in the elimination of the mass; hence gravity.

Sounds easy don't it? Newton would be laughing at me right now.

Newton, "you frelling moron, yeah just eliminate gravity, really smart"!

If one had say a black hole, and you approached the event horizon, gravity would approach infinity? Just postulating here, this brings you in the opposite direction.........So, if there are black holes, could one postulate there are white holes? Oooooohhh, wait a minute.
.Okay, I am going to leave here and wait for a response. Singularities, black holes, galaxies, supernovas, et al. Think about that for a second. And then give response.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 04:09 AM
Well we can't eliminate mass, wouldn't be too useful if we sent nothing somewhere...but we can cancel gravity (in theory).

Black holes: Using gravity as a universal constant, and applying that gravity waves loose energy passing through denser waves like matter we arrive at the conclusion that black holes are actually that, a hole in the universal gravitational constant. They are so dense gravity waves can not pass through them so everything gets pushed into them. The event horizon of the black hole would be around it's most dense part (middle). Gravity would not approach infinity, but zero. The gravitational constant would attempt to fill that void by pushing everything into it. As mass is absorbed it increases the density further, thus the more a black hole "consumes" the larger and stronger it gets. Invert your thinking of gravity from getting pulled in, to getting pushed in.

Imagine having two people pushing on you from opposite sides with equal force (gravity), now one of those people relaxes a little bit and is not pushing as hard ( gravity waves loosing energy moving through denser matter). Which direction would you move? And how would the density of the object dictate how much force you would be pushed towards it with? Now apply that to a super dense black hole =)

[edit on 25-1-2010 by b309302]

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 04:25 AM
Duplicate post

[edit on 25-1-2010 by b309302]

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by b309302
Well we can't eliminate mass, wouldn't be too useful if we sent nothing somewhere...but we can cancel gravity (in theory).

Black holes: Using gravity as a universal constant, and applying that gravity waves loose energy passing through denser waves like matter we arrive at the conclusion that black holes are actually that, a hole in the universal gravitational constant. They are so dense gravity waves can not pass through them so everything gets pushed into them. The event horizon of the black hole would be around it's most dense part (middle). Gravity would not approach infinity, but zero. The gravitational constant would attempt to fill that void by pushing everything into it. As mass is absorbed it increases the density further, thus the more a black hole "consumes" the larger and stronger it gets. Invert your thinking of gravity from getting pulled in, to getting pushed in.

Alright, I never even thought of the push idea.....will have to mull that over.

My level of mathematics in college ended at Calculus 2 and about the same in Physics.

Most of my ideas of course come from Sci Fi. Voracious reader of everything bizarre and "out there".

Just letting you know where I am coming from. I still think there is something mankind has overlooked. Something VERY fundamental.

It is something that will break sooner or later and become another one of those eureka moments. Kind of like the cold fusion idea. Damn, I was hoping that was going to pan out. Maybe it still will.

Anyway, back to FTL.

What I meant by placing zero below the equation was not eliminating the unit one would try to send to light speed, but reducing gravity-what creates the mass in the first place. Mass being a unit volume and the density of said unit being a constant of gravity.

What I was trying to postulate was, in order to create a FTL, one does not need thrust, one only needs to eliminate the gravitational constant. Anti-gravity per se. Thrust being T=M*VorA mass times velocity differential being A.

I will have to think about "what" I am trying to say and get back to you. I had a couple of Captains this evening and cannot think about the mathematical constants I am trying to describe. Will look through my reference book(one of those 5 inch thick-the name on the cover is Mathematical, Scientific and Engineering Formulas, Tables, Graphs, Transforms) and get back to you.

Another idea was the infinite additive drive. You only need to add a constant thrust, in a non gravitational area, to continue additional speed. Of course the additional speed would be one of those curves, that approach the line, but never reach it. That is where I always come back to the elimination of mass or gravity as a constant. Something fundamental to what WE perceive as a limiting factor.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:04 AM
my maths leave a little to be desired but i have a question/comment I'd like to throw out there.

what happens to the whole e=mc2 speed limit if the speed of light isn't constant?
I personally feel the speed of light is simply photons falling at terminal velocity through our three dimensions at a 90 degree offset.

i just think about how they said the same thing for the sound barrier they now say about light speed.

not a science guy just a hunch.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:04 AM
Well a large part of my theory is inverting how we think about gravity, reducing it to a wave form that interacts on a fundamental level with matter and then inverting the amplitude to cancel out the wave. We might be on the same page, to go FTL you don't need to eliminate mass, you just need to make it a constant. Mass increases when you approach c. You need more energy to overcome the increase in mass, hence you end up with more mass... and eventually you end up needing infinite energy to move infinite mass. If we can keep mass constant we can get to c without infinite energy. Applying my theory of mass increase relative to gravity waves approaching c, we only need eliminate specific gravity waves to make mass a constant.

Imagine a boat skimming over ocean waves, the faster it goes the more waves and resistance it hits, hence you need more energy to go faster. The faster you go the quicker you hit more waves and more resistance. Eventually it would take too much energy to overcome the resistance. Get rid of the waves (gravity) by generating waves of inverse amplitude to cancel them out head of the boat.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:21 AM
Lets talk theories then about faster than light travel.Lets for a moment think about the star gate device used on the tv series stargate.Lets just imagine for a moment that type of technology really exsisted.Do you really understand how such a device works.In respects to advanced technology we have two different types of technology here within the same device.A device that turns matter in to energy and back into matter again.Another device that transports that energy many times the speed of light.For example you can travel 1000 light years in 30 seconds.Any good mathamaticial can work out theses speeds are measured in speeds 1000-100,000 times the speed of light. How could matter could travel at theses increadable speeds.Well its not normal matter that travels at theses speeds but a type of energy that can travel at theses speeds.Then again there is another method of travel demostrated here.Dimentional travel thought worm holes or blackholes in space.In respect to energy used and technology that type of travel would be the easyest way to travel vast distances in space.If aliens do use dimentional travel they could reach earth within minutes or even hours .The alien ships may travel thousands of light years within minutes.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:23 AM
And your right, like I said this eliminates thrust. Gravity will push the ship into the lower anti gravity field. No thrust needed.
C is a constant, speed of light in a vacuum. Even if you alter the speed of light this number is still a universal constant.

[edit on 25-1-2010 by b309302]

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:24 AM
why are you guys in such a rush? you go ahead with your light speed engine, while i try to figure out how to stop us. i'm thinking a nuclear blast funneled towards the front end, it might incinerate our destination though.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:31 AM
In reply to wormhole travel... fits in perfect. A dense singularity would cancel out gravity waves in front of it, and you would be pushed into it. Only theoretical limit is speed of gravity, which appears to be many multiples of c, almost instantanious. The denser the singularity the stronger the push towards it. A wormhole theoretically is something so dense it actually bends space time to create a tunnel through space (Einstein-Rosen bridge). Not that we could survive the forces in one.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:32 AM
Stopping...? Turn the device around.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by b309302

I have no idea what you're talking about but it seems like a good theory.
. Star for you.
Now, all you need is a graviton generator. Maybe those guys at the LHC is trying to figure out how to create one. Easier said than done.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:35 AM
hello, as faster than light drive boils down to the theory of relativity, has anyone proven that the faster you travel, the heavier you get? anyone know?

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:40 AM
I was thinking more in terms of a gravity magnifier.

And it seems the speed of light never was constant, it depends what matrix it is moving in.
In reference to other post.

[edit on 25-1-2010 by googolplex]

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:40 AM
Yeah they have proven it, over and over again. Particles fired up in a particle accelerator to near light speed have much more mass then at rest.

Gravitons? Nope we just need to make a wave, we know how to do that. Just need to do the math to narrow down the amplitude. More power equals greater speed, not sure how much it would take but it wouldn't be infinite, and that's step 1.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by b309302
Mass increases when you approach c. You need more energy to overcome the increase in mass, hence you end up with more mass... and eventually you end up needing infinite energy to move infinite mass. If we can keep mass constant we can get to c without infinite energy.

right along the consept of what i was thinking, but wouldn't you need that same infinite energy to maintain mass as a constant? And what kind of energy source could we possibly consider that even has an infinite output of energy?

Originally posted by GORGANTHIUM
Then again there is another method of travel demostrated here.Dimentional travel thought worm holes or blackholes in space.In respect to energy used and technology that type of travel would be the easyest way to travel vast distances in space.

exactly! When we are talking about FTL travel, we are speaking...

inter-dimentional space/time travel...

very interesting

great thread S&F

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by b309302
Stopping...? Turn the device around.

but if we're traveling faster than the speed of light, how do we get to where we want to go if we turn the device around every time we want to stop? say if we're heading to earth and we turned it around, wouldn't we end up somewhere near saturn? faster than light is pretty fast.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 06:09 AM
Infinite energy to maintain mass as a constant? That would kind of defeat the purpose. No where near infinite for my gravity drive. The whole point is to obtain hyper luminal velocities without infinite energy. Black hole would just crush you. Matter is just destroyed and added to the neutron stars density. As for a wormhole... yeah in theory it can move you vast distances quickly it would also kind of tear you apart on the sub atomic level.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by DOADOA

LOL, eh close enough.

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