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Would you give up your liberty to be safe from terrorism?

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:01 PM
The government has absolutely no right to tell me what to do in my personal life. I deserve the same damn liberties that were preserved by the founding fathers and garunteed by the constitution. When they restrict an ounce of my freedom for any reason ranging from safety to racism they are breaking the supreme law of the land; the constitution. So I say absolutely not, I would not give up any liberty for 'security' from the government. They can't even secure themselves let alone the people and I have many reasons to believe they cause far more terror than they could prevent.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:02 PM
NO I would give up my life to be safe from terrorism and my government. Let the REVOLUTION BEGIN!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:06 PM
The question posed is flawed. It assumes you can ever be safe from anything let alone terrorism.

Even as a head in a jar you're still "unsafe."

Safety is a myth. The sooner people remember this the better off we'll all be. I say remember because before the nanny state came in and so successfully altered the perception of reality for generations we all used to live real lives where we took care of ourselves and planned ahead.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 12:43 PM
Funny thing is - terrorism existed in MANY forms for decades before 9/11 but we didn't have ridiculous loss of liberty and privacy because of it.

IRA Bombings, Lockerby, Libian Highjackings of western jets, - these things were happening non-stop in the 80s but security changed little. I travelled in the mid 90s to London and Paris when bombs had gone off in rubbish bins and there was a bombing at Heathrow Airport. Did it stop me wanting to travel? No.

The only extra security measure I remember at that time was that they were checking the carry on luggage of random people. That was it. The threat of terrorism has ALWAYS been there, but the US especially didn't give a crap until something supposedly happened on their own shores. And as the years pass, more evidence suggests that it was an inside job to give the US a reason to go into Iraq.

I am NOT prepared to give up my freedom as I believe there so many other things to worry about. Too many men and women fought and died in previous wars FOR the very freedom we are now tossing away! It;s almost an insult to their memory that we are giving away all of our civil liberties. How may die as a result of terrorist attacks every year? Not that many. Do you know how many people die as a result of car accidents worldwide every year? - over 1 million!!!! 7.6 milllion people die from cancer every year!!! Do make all cars and vehicles illegal? No. 1 person is murdered every 60 seconds somewhere in the world!!! That's 60 people an hour...that's 1,440 a day!

I know where the gov SHOULD be putting their money. The War on Terror is all about money....and making lots of it. How bout all those trillions of dollars get spent on health, education, renewable energy. Terrorism is not good, but it isn't new by any means. It's un-patriotic to allow our privacy and freedoms to be taken away. We should be fighting for that!!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:41 PM
Would you give up your liberty to be safe from terrorism?

We did, and we're not.

I agree with Swingirl on how Europe had fought with terrorism for years, but didn't have to go to huge extremes to fight it.

The over-reaction is ridiculous, but that's how it is these days. Your kid is allergic to peanuts, so every school in the school district bans having a peanut within three miles.

The patriot act is a mockery of everything that the war of independence brought you. As so beautifully noted in a post above, we're giving up the very freedom that we are protecting.

Back to being on "Orange Alert" and hiding from the boogieman.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

While "freedom" sounds good to your ears, think about what it actually means: is true freedom -- the ability to do anything -- actually possible? You do not have freedom in our current society unless you are so rich a job is not required. Even then, there are limits on what our society tolerates. We will never have freedom from the requirements of life like eating and getting along with others and finding something to do with our time. Further, if you are a healthy person, how much "freedom" do you need?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:54 PM
Two words: Hell and NO!!!!
F that!!!! There is no terrorrism people!!!! Unless you count the corporate terrorists and the government terrorists, but of course they don't consider themselves terrorists,but they are, you can believe that!

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:03 PM
Terrorist: A person who frightens others.

Can we lump in the MSM? The DHS? Everywhere we turn we are confronted with fear-mongering.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:35 PM
I remmeber the day the Grand Went up in Brighton, I was outside at the time, and at the time to paraphrase the Govenerment they said they had done all they could to prevent the incident.. but to protect from bombs like that used in the Grand would mean security measures the public would not accept..

Even tho that government crawled out of the wreckage of a bombed hotel, they still kept their composure and kept the balance between being secure and personal freedoms. I am sorry to say this, but those we have in power in the West currently are so uptight about this that they squeak as they walk..

The IRA spoke a truth when they posted a message to Maggie Thatcher that said she had to be lucky all the time, where as they had to be lucky once...

That is as true today as it was then.. whether we live our lives behind a veil of sercurity, the terroists only have to be lucky once, and I personaly want to live my life free of squeaking people..

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:42 PM
If the Government would get the hell out of the way and gives back the liberties that they have already taken, this entire problem changes. It would come down to "Who's going to keep terrorists safe from me?".

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