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Palin gets 100G for mag cover

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posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 12:05 AM
After some further reflection on the collective input here and elsewhere... I have come to a theory on Bush & Palin die-hard supporters; the fundamentalist mindset is a lobotomy to the critical-thinking-skill toolbox, which would explain the gullibility/naivety in how easily they are mislead/manipulated by those who play to their weaknesses/blind-spots (aka ' wag the dog') ... ie biblical based beliefs. How on or off target am i? Would like to hear from those who are more objective (not religious).

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by The Blind Eye

By the late 1970's, the GOP created their cultural/religious leg of their stool (the other two being economics and defense).

The first test of this platform drew in conservative religious (primarily Catholics who thought their church was being too liberal, and Southern Baptists, with their history of racism/white supremacy besides Biblical fundamentalism) and white voters angry over "minority rights"/"hippie culture". This voting block has been nurtured for three decades to elect politicians, who then proceeded to vote the other legs, even if it was at odds with the economics of their base. Their tree of conservatism was being fertilized with the critical thinking brain cells of their new base.

The fruit of this tree was sweet to a party turning authoritarian in nature, wanting no dissent, voters who refused/couldn't nuance, and who could be led to the polling booths on cries of abortion and gays. Remember that WMD was CHOSEN to rally support by the masses, in the same way abortion, gays, and guns were used. And if GOD deems it so, what better credentials to have! Blessed by the Ultimate Authority!

And an excellent way to get supporters (another poor and middle class shakedown) to part with their money. It's a little tiring to hear for three decades from a group that has held political and media power yet always claims to be the victims. Get over the victim hood and move on....unless it's a great way to plea for more money and viewers.

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