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posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:47 AM
The real enemy here is not a race, a religion, a faith, or history.

The real enemy of our planet is profit.

Profit from weapons, profit from vaccines, profit from imprisoned people, profit from labor, profit from death. etc. etc. etc.

When they say: "...the cost of the expansion of troops in the War on Terror..."
..they're actually talking about profit, not cost. That money goes somewhere. When a rocket explodes, a new one will be bought. The military industrial complex, the Finance and Insurance Bankster cartels, Big Pharma, etc. etc. etc.

The bigger the corporation, the bigger the profit. The bigger the corporation, the less it cares about anyone or anything... other than profit.

For christ's sake people let go of your generalizations, for the broader you generalize the more pixelated your observations become.

If the war was against Hamas, then why was the Hamas leader calling for resistance from the safety of Egypt?
Because the war is not about anything other than generating profit and hatred amongst the masses that are squeezed for their last pennies.

[end of rant]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by McGinty

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
while some will continue to defend the indefinsible, others will not choose a side. I however stand up for the down trodden in this world, like the Palestinians.

Those are powerful words. They suggest you have been there - have you?

Or they suggest that you intend to go there and help the down trodden - will you?

If the answer is twice no, then they are worthless words.

BTW, i don't want to argue with someone who chooses a photo of the great Paddy, but this has to said.

I help financially towards I also went to the protest in London last year. so although i havn't actually been to Gaza, I'm still doing what i can to support their plight.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by trueperspective

It doesn't matter who perpetrated the crime. The MUSLIM WORLD CHEERED at our loses, and ISRAEL WEPT by our side!!!

Ok, clearly you don't know anything about anything.

Are you kidding me? Israel wept by your side?

There were news about Mossad Agents DANCING on 9/11 IN New York City cheering how they have just killed Americans and how it was funny. There were video cameras of them laughing and dancing making fun of the dead MINUTES after it happened.

Get Real.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr

Originally posted by McGinty

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
while some will continue to defend the indefinsible, others will not choose a side. I however stand up for the down trodden in this world, like the Palestinians.

Those are powerful words. They suggest you have been there - have you?

Or they suggest that you intend to go there and help the down trodden - will you?

If the answer is twice no, then they are worthless words.

BTW, i don't want to argue with someone who chooses a photo of the great Paddy, but this has to said.

I help financially towards I also went to the protest in London last year. so although i havn't actually been to Gaza, I'm still doing what i can to support their plight.

Good for you. It's nice to see people putting their money where their mouth is.

I'm curious though - without having been there how can you be sure that it's as clean cut an issue as the Palestinians being the victims?

I'm not saying they're not, but the more i see and read conflicting reports - some first hand - the more it seems a mess with war-mongers and their victims on both sides (what all wars seem to deteriorate to if they go on long enough).

If i knew the real score and one side was in the wrong i'd obviously defend the other side. But i can read all the crap purporting to be true that i want on the net, but i still won't really know the score.

How confident are you that you know the real score on the ground in Gaza? Perhaps Israel would live in peace with their neighbors if fanatical jihadists would stop bombing them.
Or perhaps Israel enjoys attacking Palestine and won't be happy until the Palestinians are all evicted from their homes and Palestine is all theirs.

How do you really know for sure which it is?

Some things in life require faith, but knowing who to support in a war requires intelligence.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by lilwolf
So how many photos do you want of the damage from palestinian missles landing upon innocent people in Israel...there are thousands of photos...


you need to be fair about this issue...

Yes please. I would like to see your thousands of photos that resemble anything like what i just saw in that link.

Please show me the white phosphorous raining down on Israeli children. The scores of Israeli kids lying dead on the roadside. Whole streets destroyed.

With the difference in the numbers dying I think you might have a problem matching this.

You said "you need to be fair about this issue... ".

So please, be fair and show us how this is fairly matched on the other side.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:18 AM
There's no point to have a debate with Pro-Zionists because of the following:

1)They don't know any history

2)They think the Zionists are God's Chosen people and they can do whatever they want

3)They have been drinking too much of that Kool-Aid

Seriously, anyone who defends the Zionist actions should just move to another planet because we have enough of those psychopaths on this earth already.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Nammu
So please, be fair and show us how this is fairly matched on the other side.

The Israeli government build bomb and air raid shelters for their people, The palestinian government allows terrorists to use their people for human shields. Perhaps if the Palestinian spent some money on bomb shelters instead of rockets to attack Israel with there would not be so many Palestinian deaths.

In fact, If the Palestinian stopped all the attacks on Israel there would be no Palestinian deaths due to bombs or rockets at all!

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:36 AM
There is no point in having a debate with a anti-semite because of the following:

1/ They do not know any history

2/ They think Muslims are Gods chosen people and can do whatever they want

3/ The use the term Anti-Zionist as they prefer it to what they really are, Anti-Semites

4/ They have been drinking far too much of the Kool Aid

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:36 AM
The people of Gaza elected Hamas into power when you elect a terrorist group you get what you desver.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:25 AM
The 8000 Katushya rockets fired into Israel didn’t miss innocent bystanders either! You need to see both sides of this, try reading the IDF spokesperson website. (I am not going to post a link if you are truly interested enough to read it you will scroogle it, rather than just flame people with an opinion different to yours). It is there you will find that Hamas hide behind women and children, place their armaments in centres of population,schools, hospitals and the like.
It’s a war, the Israelis are defending their land, THEIR LAND not some mythical “Palestine”. You need to read and understand the right book.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by dereks

There is no point in having a debate with a anti-semite because of the following:

3/ The use the term Anti-Zionist as they prefer it to what they really are, Anti-Semites

So you generalize and condemn... isn't that similar thinking?

"Jews against Zionism" - Google Search Results


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:38 AM
All of this horror in the name of god of course...
S&F OP, these are very powerful images..

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by Nammu
So please, be fair and show us how this is fairly matched on the other side.

The Israeli government build bomb and air raid shelters for their people, The palestinian government allows terrorists to use their people for human shields. Perhaps if the Palestinian spent some money on bomb shelters instead of rockets to attack Israel with there would not be so many Palestinian deaths.

In fact, If the Palestinian stopped all the attacks on Israel there would be no Palestinian deaths due to bombs or rockets at all!

Yeah, like innocent Palestinians who live on less than $1.35 a day can afford to buy a bomb shelter!

Maybe if Israel stopped illegally stealing Palestinian land and stopped the blockade to allow them to function as a country there would be no Israeli deaths due to Palestinian rockets? Works both ways.

Still waiting on those thousands of photos.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by dereks

There is no point in having a debate with a anti-semite because of the following:

1/ They do not know any history

2/ They think Muslims are Gods chosen people and can do whatever they want

3/ The use the term Anti-Zionist as they prefer it to what they really are, Anti-Semites

4/ They have been drinking far too much of the Kool Aid

Showing disdain for the shameful and abhorrent actions of Israel and supporting the Palestinians is hardly antisemitic as any educated person would know, the Palestinians are semites. Fool.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by SN4FU

So the picture of the baby delivered dead with a rifle bullet hole came from a woman,who was presumably also shot dead with the same round.You're saying there was a terrorist hiding behind her?So the sniper had to shoot a pregnant woman because she was a shield?Who are you kidding?

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 06:28 AM
its pak news alert...meaning its from a pakistani ...meaning IT HAS TO BE ANTI-ISRAEL,ANTI-AMERICAN,ANTI-EVERYONE ELSE.
This dubious news source is not going to fool me,pakistanis are masters of propaganda....they spit their venom on 26/11 2008 on jews in mumbai.....i do believe now that these pics are completely fake.

[edit on 06/01/2010 by andrewsymonds]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 06:32 AM
Wow, It seems that this post has done a marvelous job of both informing the masses as well as bringing out the scapegoatish worst in others.

bad, good, Black, White, Jewish, Arab...

Alot of "ISMS" portraying either ignorance or flat our bias towards the human victims portrayed by these images being posted on this forum.

No doubt many of those that blow off these images as "by products" or "results" with half baked contextual coments supporting their disregard are perhaps agents of a souless drone cult conditioned by the Zionist controlled American Government and it's military.

here are some of their quotes:

In the right context whoever starts a war is the most responsible. Israel are responsible, but they didn't start the war.
So yes if Hamas had stopped firing rockets, this wouldn't have escalated to the scenes visible in the photos.

Blaming everything on the Jews only shows that you're life sucks and you're copy pasting what everyone else does: scapegoating.
clap clap clap. You're a common human unable to accept your own faults

That would be the Hamas terrorists, for hiding behind children to attack Israel. Hamas are the ones to blame here

The usual palestinian propaganda, they make sure to show dead kids, but forget about the city they just bombarded for 6 months ...
I have no pity at all ... they can leave the area and go to the arab nations where they belong ... problem solved

I'm pretty sure that if Hamas would abide by the international rules of war and meet the israeli army in battle, there would be :

a) no civilian casualties
b) no more hamas

But of course hiding among civilians while bombarding israeli civilians for months achieves :

a) a forced response also breaking the rules, at some point
b) a lot of emotional press/videos

But the real cowards are still hamas, they should go to battle if they mean war, not hide among civilians
Gullible socialists fall for that trick all the time.

~quoted~ "hummmmm...... think about it?!?!?!
I wonder why the majority of the Muslim world hates us.... Beats me.

I think it's probably because their holy book tells them to...

WOW!... I'm sorry to understand that this is a matter of religious ignorance too.

If by "look what we have done" you mean bringing these desert drifters into the modern age and made them multi-trillionaries over night...then I don't know what you are speaking of. The fact is that if we had left them alone they would be living in manure huts and still hunting food with bow and arrow. I have ZERO sympathy for a people that got FILTHY rich off of US and then have the NERVE TO ATTACK our way of life and cheer over our dead chared bodies. You sir are the one that needs to educate yourself and WAKE UP!

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Those gutted Arab babies and half charred infants that belong to the besieged and caged Palestinian peoples were not the ones responsible for Israel's problems... but Israel made sure they paid for them with their lives, and America made sure that Israel had the munitions to do it.

I wonder how many of those dead infants that didn't make it into these pictures were left out because ISRAEL already had the body packed in ice and it was on it's way to the Israeli Organ Factory...

ISRAEL confirmed as stealing body parts and organs from the dead...

What a gutless post.

You are the one who should be ashamed. Attacking people who volunteer to serve in the military is beyond reprehensible. Are you so simple minded and brainwashed as to believe that the men and women who serve in the military purposely murder civilians?

Actually that would be the Islamic Extremists. They intentionally bomb civilians because they are scum. Hamas purposely uses the Palestinians as human shields.

Pretty tough sitting behind that computer eh?

Your post was pretty clear.

We know what you are.

I have no interest in engaging in your childish banter. You are not worth it.

What does that have to do with Muslims getting rich off of oil that WE buy?? I don't really care how Israel got rich because they are our ally. the Muslims BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS sympathy from me

Ok Op

How about you now show some pictures of the victims of Palestinian suicide bombers?
It goes both ways

Everyone knows the Palestinians blow things way out of proportion and act for the camera. It's a bunch of BS. They want an excuse to keep attacking Israel instead of maybe making peace by laying down their weapons and acting civil.
Pure BS propaganda.
Watch the Palestinian kids show with the big Mickey Mouse telling little kids to kill Jews. Yeah, so peaceful.

I am sorry that I created a topic that such defamatory ignorance found a way to besmirch. All I am doing is providing what people deserve to possess - THE TRUTH - and in this case, the ugly side of it all.

Israeli Zionists and their American counterparts are responsible for what you have seen in these images. They have an agenda that does not include you, dear ATS member... with the exception of course of those who have posted their MK Ultra conditioned opinions here, defending the actions these pictures reveal.

Oh, and before you begin to bash me or my intentions, allow me to inform you that I am by heritage Jewish, and an American - through and through.

Nothing on this planet that makes a claim of Godliness - let alone Humanity - should ever be found to have committed such acts as portrayed in these images.

For God's sake, - put yourself in those people's places. What if that were YOUR CHILD, or WIFE, whos only existance left for you to enjoy after an assault like this was a partial torso and a few scraps of intestines...

YOU SICK F***ks, what in the world is your stupid index?!

I Love my wife TO DEATH! and if someone did to her what happened to those people over there in Palestine, I'd be writing some of those blog posts too, but even better than that, I'd probably be the one caught in the Israeli parliment building with enough explosives to do the job strapped to my body - thankful to be able to exact my vengence - knowing that I'm about to reunite with my wife...

Truth is, America needs to man up and take back America.

PERIOD! or We're next!

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 06:52 AM
People who does these crimes against nature and humanity should be.. theres no real punishment for this. These kind of things just shouldnt happen. I feel sorry for all humans.


Thanks for posting.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by andrewsymonds

What could you possibly mean by,"Fake"?Photoshopped?Actors and props?Wrong text?Or is it that you don't consider Palistinians real people?Cockroaches perhaps acting as victims of obvious gunshot wounds?Explain your rhetoric,no 'please'.

And for a doctor or other medical aid worker to hold up a dead baby or child,how many of these do ya think it took before he started doing this,holding 'em up to show?First few,no way,bodies must be treated with respect,not made a spectacle.Then they kept coming...

Gott mit uns is what was put onto nazi belt buckles,shoe treads,knives,etc to prop up the lie that whatever was done for the fatherland was good and right in the eyes of the CREATOR.The first sign of a fascist is dehumanization of 'the enemy'.Like shooting an unborn baby in the back.Sociopathic,no conscience,once started down that road,the only cure is seppuku.I volunteer to be any one of these's second.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 07:13 AM
Not all all Jews agree with zionist

Jewish Mother

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