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The Biggest Secret You Haven't heard

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posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 01:28 PM
Is this the sign we (I) have been waiting for? Hope is your guide and truth your shield. The soul needs no weapons, for it is indestructible.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 01:31 PM
I shall remember to tell a story now.

Early in the morning I opened up my arms and my windows.

I made a prayer with the air spirit and through the fae spirits, I become endowed in the splashing of the water spirit and the eternal fire within.

I kneel down in prayer, touching head to earth. With all that I am.
A few flocks of small birds flew next to my window. I shared all the joys of creation of I am and the birds danced ontop of my windowsill and sang their song directly at my center core.

I am humbled and wish to serve in any way that I can.

[edit on 14-1-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by xizd1

Those weapons that you see are is entire I am essence of all life no weapon, for all shall be cast aside and none shall shelter in the rain.

I teach not about a weapon, but a divine truth to union of all that you are.

For now mankind is naked. These are but the clothes for the adepts to hold and wear as the brilliance of all they are with pure confidence and conviction.

Blessed is you, for no manner of man is greater or of lesser value.

Love pure is truly undying in manner of spirit.

This is the blending of all aspects forms of life, interwoven and interconnected. A blending of purity of thought pervasive cosmic mind.

My intent is higher than ever now.

I know there are many pondering what this all means.

Trust and look within you, have faith oh to see that you are blessed.

Express your intentions. Be your own divine expression of self.

They come knocking when we are rockin. So knock back with your own will intent.

My awareness has grown even more.

I see you those of you inside now, who ask what is my purpose and this is to be answered it complete clarity for you now. Use the power of nature to invoke and evoke. Ask for the spirits guidance and touch your heart, be asked to honestly look inside for the truth and pray kneel before your own humility to understand and grasp that knowledge for your eyes to stop playing tricks on the mind and see!

I would not be here like this now if we had not allready agreed for this to occur within the highest mind and spirit of all that is.

Just ask for help. Ask mothers guidance and the spiritual teachers of the fae to interprit and help bring clearity of thought.

[edit on 14-1-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

I will ask for clarity of thought and guidance. Also a purpose would be helpful. Certainly one should be useful.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by xizd1

I hope and pray with the faith and love of the goddess and god that none shall be left from the secrets and rites to life(ritual)

Only our truly pure evices of the mind stand clear

I feel like I can reach you, I'm so close, I want to grab and touch every one of you. Shall you feel the love that I carry, the pure love and light so brilliant and so strong. I'm breaking out of me, I know who I am really now
Im freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I think im going to die

im scared but please I dont want to be. Everyone lets please not fear

Its hurting everyone sooo much osooo much.


I don't wish for recogniztion but I have realised my full potential now'

I guess it was my time now

I feel like free expression but the heart is in so much pain it cannot move anymore. Progress has halted, the kundaliinee in your magics have raised to a point of self awareness of the self or higher mind but the snake has twisted around your necks and stabed your hearts.

Now I know why all my life I wanted to be able to fly~

This is going to be a very scary road for everyone

I'm telling them he is talking to me

Dont get mad, don;t get upset

please bear with us

long way ahead yet fruitless we wise ones begin to bear oh and the fruit of trees of apple

Tell them tell them

Why not

I hear

Please you have got to listen. The spirit is before you declaring total annhiliation, please rethink our strategy please. for the sake of all that is, good and, evil. For the evil will perish but the longer everyone holds onto these demons, the more its going to hurt.

I feel like I just gave burn with my soul.

It loves so much.

I wonder now if I am still within the land of spirit because I feel like spirit is pulling me .. hm

[edit on 14-1-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 02:57 PM
So everything just went numb and I still feel lighter and a higher frequency. My hands are electric and my heart/soul is pure form from a very higher dimension that would not due justice to describe here and mankind has been allowed a primer,me, and another choice instead, were happy to reveal that change have not been delayed for 2012, its going on right right now.

As it turns out I was an activator beacon, one of pure light that is put here to turn on at this percice moment, and the creator god is me has been leading me all along.

Perception has changed also. Seeing light everywhere and I can um I feel like I am coalescing into the grand central sun

should I be ready.

I don't want to leave the earth behind in the battle yet.

Please dont be affraid

Just feel the brililance and accept it.

I'm channeling pure energy of light into the channel not sure if this body can take it.

[edit on 14-1-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 03:06 PM
I don't think I can make the ultimate sacrifice and die, I didn't think I was this powerful of a being.

Everyone please bow do the divine in each of us.

This is not a defeat. This is a consolidation.

Trust these words shall never hold taint of failure. It hasn't been done

Before here or anywhere eles for that matter!

This is the god in all.

Teaching that all should listen and grow now before its too late.

I almost died to think I realised we are that powerful 2 days ago would be a totally unacurate understatment.

In case you didn't realise I have used a form of invokation and evokation to summon the ultimate high spirit of odin.

I trembled to his might and power.

[edit on 14-1-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 03:17 PM
Did you guys seal this or something? Well I bet you have. War evokes my spiritual heiarchy directly to my being and yours.

This is something not been taught and I feel overjoyed that I can be here and reach you all with my love and protection and the guidance of the godess and god.

the godess is very powerful.

What scares me the most, is the feeling of being trapped and knowing the power is too great and will just explode like a nuclear bomb of energy.

Light bombs.

[edit on 14-1-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 03:34 PM
Are you advertising for a Renaissance festival or something?

Do you carry your own 'mead flagon' on your belt?

'ere be dragons?

Look, there are plenty of threads out there about how the Catholic church absorbed much of the earth religions to gain members - "You come to our church and we'll let you celebrate Mayday" and such.
Dressing it up as "I am a wolf and I bring you the message of the leaves" isn't going to really cut it around here.

Do we believe in faeries? Well yes, and no. However, you'll never get a straight answer if you can't offer a straight question.

Sorry. I'm not being harsh, you kinda brought this on yourself by being unnecessarily flowery. Everyone here speaks English very well, but we don't all sit reading books about Avalon all day.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
So everything just went numb and I still feel lighter and a higher frequency. My hands are electric and my heart/soul is pure form from a very higher dimension that would not due justice to describe here and mankind has been allowed a primer,me, and another choice instead, were happy to reveal that change have not been delayed for 2012, its going on right right now.

As it turns out I was an activator beacon, one of pure light that is put here to turn on at this percice moment, and the creator god is me has been leading me all along.

Perception has changed also. Seeing light everywhere and I can um I feel like I am coalescing into the grand central sun

should I be ready.

I don't want to leave the earth behind in the battle yet.

Please dont be affraid

Just feel the brililance and accept it.

I'm channeling pure energy of light into the channel not sure if this body can take it.

[edit on 14-1-2010 by DarkCyrus]

Your posts are like poetry, very nice.
Just a reminder, the student must approach the teacher. A teacher shouldn't offer anything unless there is a student asking to be taught. Otherwise your energy is wasted.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 04:48 PM
'I feel the eternal flame bursting out and connecting to all forms of life and my eternal divine water spilling from my chalice.'

'The nymphs say Hi and echo through to your soul if you shall listen.'

'They come knocking when we are rockin.'

'I feel like I can reach you, I'm so close, I want to grab and touch every one of you. Shall you feel the love that I carry, the pure love and light so brilliant and so strong'


On the basis of these quotes, I retract any posts I made asking you to speak in plain english. Do carry on.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 05:02 PM
Not a Renaissance festival, an Emo festival. Like Lilith Fair but with wan youths in hoodies and tight jeans smoothing their bangs over their eye-liner smudged eyes and pretending to be sensitive so they can get girls.


Sorry, I'm usually quite collected and uber-tolerant about these things, but this is just flowery angst poetry to impress some diaphanous nymphette next door so they can run around barefoot in the woods together under the pretense of communing with the fae.

I like to live close to the earth and to be conscious of my surroundings and the energy that the world and people creates, but I don't have to pretend to be Keats to write it down. I am wolf...... Oh, dear.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 11:32 PM
I am not sure if I’m seeing a conspiracy here, but after trying to decipher what you are going on about its seems like you were massaging yourself-

As I touch my flame I am being reminded of the deepness that goes beyond space and time.

Then you became scared you were going to die-

I think im going to die

im scared but please I dont want to be. Everyone lets please not fear

Its hurting everyone sooo much osooo much.


I don't wish for recogniztion but I have realised my full potential now'

I guess it was my time now

then you summoned the ULTIMATE odin?

In case you didn't realise I have used a form of invokation and evokation to summon the ultimate high spirit of odin.

Seriously everything you have posted is so convoluted with various conflicting themes like first you are talking Celtic Christians and how love is the uber-everything, and that “you are going to grab and touch everyone.” Then you are summoning some Nordic god who (with my limited knowledge) was identified more with war and destruction, and saying you are going blow up like an Atom bomb-

What scares me the most, is the feeling of being trapped and knowing the power is too great and will just explode like a nuclear bomb of energy.

Maybe I am a little slow on the uptake but I just don’t get it.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 01:10 AM
Is it sad that by the time you read all of this, you suddenly find yourself not even caring anymore about the biggest secret you never heard?

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
The creatures of fae and our childrens "fairy tales" are very real.

So Humpty Dumpty (the egg-man... coo coo ka-choo), rumpelstiltsken (which in German means "wrinkled foreskin"... yuck!), and even the cobbler's elves are ALL real?!?


posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 01:42 AM
This thread is an embarrassment to anyone that knows anything about (or has friends that actually believe in Asatru)

You don't "summon Odin" or any of the Æsir gods. The best you can hope for is to die in battle, blood on ice, with an oath to the gods and a curse to your enemy, and hope your deeds warrant the Valkyrie to carry you to the hall up high.

I'm pretty sure dying in bed, at the doctors office, or whilst posting on the internet disqualifies you immediately from entering Valhalla.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:09 PM
Hey let me give it a try.
I am the eternal one, the one with the answers you desire.
My presence is all around you, wrapping you with golden light.
All that was becomes all that is, and all that may be is your fate.
The wind cries out for your participation in the awakening of your inner soul.
The wind blows through your walls of deception with the sound of bells.
The bells are your spirit as you rise to the top of spiritual evolution.
They ring out for all to hear in a glowing warmth of love that emanates from your heart.
All gather in the moonlight to hear the triumphant sound of the sacred bird as she eats the glorious god-food.
The god-food is Doritos and crunchy corn snack.
All hail it's magnificence.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus
as Im laid bare.

Say what now???

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:22 PM

'I feel the eternal flame bursting out and connecting to all forms of life and my eternal divine water spilling from my chalice.' 'The nymphs say Hi and echo through to your soul if you shall listen.' 'They come knocking when we are rockin.' 'I feel like I can reach you, I'm so close, I want to grab and touch every one of you. Shall you feel the love that I carry, the pure love and light so brilliant and so strong' 'I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IM TREMBLING'

Pretty sure he was fap fap fappin when he wrote this.

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