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Answering All Questions!

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posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Edrick
reply to post by frami12

Sorry Edrik for my English.

It's Perfectly Understandable...

I mean, is it possible to stay facing the sun all the time while on Earth?
Rotating in the Sun way? Maybe flying or sailing.
Not having night at all!

The earth rotates once every 24 hours.

The earths circumference is 40,075 kilometers

40,075 kilometers / 24 hours = 463 meters / second (1,669 Kph)

So, if one were to get in a plane (During the day), and fly due west at 1,669 Kilometers per hour (1,037 Miles per Hour) one would remain stationary relative to the sun, and would always be in daylight.

This speed is approximately Mach 1.37


[edit on 14-1-2010 by Edrick]

Thank you Edrick!
That was that I wanted to know.

Now, is it possible to do that? Has anybody did it or want to try it?


posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by frami12

Now, is it possible to do that? Has anybody did it or want to try it?

With current technology, that flight would be impossible.

Traveling supersonic is very fuel intensive, and the longest range aircraft in the world will only travel a few thousand miles....

They will run out of fuel far before they circle the globe once.

Im sure many people would WANT to do it... but current technology prevents such a thing from occurring.

Unless you have in flight refueling planes all over the globe.

And that would be something that only a HUGE military budget could afford, but it is too impractical to do.


posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 10:31 PM
I would hope that all the "questioners" in this thread would be reminded that with knowledge comes responsibility. This is one thread I believe should not die out, or be abused

Edric, in one of your descriptions of a human being you covered quite well the human side of the organism. Since the question was in essence a two part er as the name "human" and "Being" apply, would you now offer a explanation of the "Being" side of the organism.

Are there, or have there ever been "Humans" without the "Being", or in other terms "Soulless"?

Thank you in advance.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

I would hope that all the "questioners" in this thread would be reminded that with knowledge comes responsibility. This is one thread I believe should not die out, or be abused

Edric, in one of your descriptions of a human being you covered quite well the human side of the organism. Since the question was in essence a two part er as the name "human" and "Being" apply, would you now offer a explanation of the "Being" side of the organism.

Are there, or have there ever been "Humans" without the "Being", or in other terms "Soulless"?

Thank you in advance.

Hmmmm.... this one is complicated.

The "Being" aspect of humanity can best be described as "Consciousness"

Humans are aware of themselves, and of their surroundings, and and the awareness OF others around them.

The fundamental difference between Humans and Animals, appears to be Man's ability for Reason.

The answer to your question would be entirely dependent upon How you define the "Soul"

The most probable definition of the "Soul" is the animate consciousness that humans observe in themselves, but not other animals.

And this is a part of the Rational and Awareness that humans exhibit.

So, your question could mean, "Are their humans that were not rational"

And the answer is YES.

OR it could mean, "Are there humans that do not have Awareness of themselves or their surroundings" and the answer is, yes.

Either case is rare, but not impossible. (The former more possible than the latter)


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 12:27 AM
Some Questions i hope you can answer to the best of your ability. >.<

1.) Does Time travel exist?

2.) Is John Titor who he says he is or is it a bunch of boogies that needs picking?

3.) How advance is our government technology and breakthroughs compared to whats publicized? DO you know of any and if so list them.(i.e. teleportation, dematerialization, any advancement you know of really.)

4.) Does the Boson Higgs particle exist?

5.) The Norway Spiral, what happened and what is it really?

6.) Is there a super computer that can read and record everyone's thoughts?

7.) Have corrupt aliens infiltrated our government.

8.) If TPTB is crumbling and their agendas is not going as plan like you alluded to, then does that mean another group is on the rise a.k.a TNBATPTB (The New Bad A** The Power That Be ) . Whats their agenda.

9.) Is Bigfoot really from Mars?

More to come cuz i got plenty


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by ThoughtProvoking

1.) Does Time travel exist?

Time is traveling foreword all the time!

In all seriousness... TIME does not exist.

Time is an abstraction of movement by cyclical phenomenon... it is an arbitrary distinction of reality that is more "Imagination" than "Fact"

2.) Is John Titor who he says he is or is it a bunch of boogies that needs picking?


3.) How advance is our government technology and breakthroughs compared to whats publicized? DO you know of any and if so list them.(i.e. teleportation, dematerialization, any advancement you know of really.)

There is much speculation, but I beleive that due to the nature of the Defense contractor buisiness in development of military hardware, the question is not "How Advanced is the Military" but "How advanced are the military Contractors that comprise the secret Government"

Their advanced technology (Some of it) derives from the advanced work of Nikolai Tesla, and his inventions, "Lost Notes",etc...

HAARP for example, is an atmospheric Heater that uses high frequency radio waves to make sections of the ionosphere reflective to radio waves, to allow for beyond the horizon communications.

This technology can also be used for the manipulation of weather fronts.

In addition to this, Advanced Gravity manipulation technology seems to have been invented (As a byproduct of Operation Paperclip) and refined over the years.

Due to budget constraints, this technology, while highly advanced, has limited applications to be fielded... due to restricted resources.

In addition to this, Advanced computer systems (Optical effect Transistors, and Quantum Tunneling Transistors) capable of extremely high operating speeds (PetaFlops+) used in reconnaissance, data collection, and data extrapolation and prediction for Economic, and "Psycho-history" purposes.

4.) Does the Boson Higgs particle exist?

This one is a complicated Subject... but No, the Higgs-Boson does not "Exist" per se... But neither do "Electrons" or "Protons"

Particle physics, while being the best model of reality that we have currently, is incorrect on a fundamental level, that prevents the unification of gravity and the remaining forces (Weak, Strong, Electromagnetic)

5.) The Norway Spiral, what happened and what is it really?

A test of a "HAARP" like facility from a competing international power.

6.) Is there a super computer that can read and record everyone's thoughts?

It is possible, and even likely that something akin to this could exist, but the overall accuracy of the computer is subject to many errors, considering the fundamental flaws that exist in the "Understanding" of human consciousness, and reality as a whole.

7.) Have corrupt aliens infiltrated our government.

Very Much So, but they are on the way out.... their power structure is collapsing.

8.) If TPTB is crumbling and their agendas is not going as plan like you alluded to, then does that mean another group is on the rise a.k.a TNBATPTB (The New Bad A** The Power That Be ) . Whats their agenda.

Currently, their agenda appears to be defeating the CURRENT PTB, beyond that, I would not speculate.

I have no reason to believe that their motives are anywhere as sinister as the CURRENT group though.

9.) Is Bigfoot really from Mars?



posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:16 AM
Can our thoughts and music affect water as Mr Emoto says?
How is it?


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 03:20 AM
When will the US currency collapse and what can we do to prepare?

Good thread btw

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by frami12

Can our thoughts and music affect water as Mr Emoto says?
How is it?

Water is a very interesting substance, and wholly remarkable.

In water, you have one Oxygen atom, combined with two Hydrogen Atoms.

Water is a liquid at room temperature, whose atoms are kept separated by electrostatic Repulsion (Valance Shell Repulsion), the remarkable thing about water, is that it is polarized.

With a net negative charge towards the hydrogen atoms, and a net positice charge towards the oxygen atom.

Since the water molecule is polarized, it can be effected by magnetic fields due to the Lorentz Force (That governs the velocity of charged particles in a magnetic field.)

The human body, and more specifically, the human nervous system, is a bio-electrical network.

The theory of induction tells us that any electrical current passing through a conductor creates a magnetic field, and a magnetic field passing over a conductor, induces current flow.

The human bodies electromagnetic Field changes due to various factors, inducing health and emotional state.

An electromagnetic field that is relatively stable, and constant (Good mood, healthy, etc) passed over water as it is crystallizing to form Ice, will be relatively smooth in its crystallization.

Likewise, a chaotic electromagnetic field will cause a less ordered crystallization to take root.


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by vjr1113

When will the US currency collapse and what can we do to prepare?

IF the US economy collapses (Perhaps WHEN is a better Word) the total structure of distribution of goods and services will collapse.

What you can do to prepare, is dependent upon what you depend upon the system FOR.

Starting a Victory Garden, will supplement your Food source, with free food, grown in your yard.

Buying Precious Metals will act as a store of wealth for when the currency collapses. (Silver, Gold, etc...)

Purchasing electrical generating equipment (Solar panel, Wing Generator, etc) will help you have some electricity if the power goes out.

Arming yourself for self defense, and training yourself ad family in the usage of firearms can keep you safe.

Not to mention that doing these things will help you, reguardless of if the Economy collapses or not.

Gardens will let you buy less food.

Generators let you buy less electricity.

And Precious metals are a good investment, as their spot price has done nothing but rise for the past 2 years.

But perhaps the best thing that you can do, is to get completely out of debt.... Credit Cards, Mortgages, Loans, etc...

WHEN the US currency collapses is still a subject of much debate.

There are many different factors that could determine the WHEN.

Mostly, the Currency is HEADED for collapse, but it MAY be possible to reverse it.

A reduction in US Government Spending, to the point of a Budget Surplus, instead of a Deficit would obviously help stabilize the US dollar.

The elimination of the FRB would remove a LARGE chunk of money from Government Expenditures.

The key to saving the US dollar, is Fiscal Conservatism.

The Government does not appear to be embracing Conservatism.

Things will not look good this year.


[edit on 15-1-2010 by Edrick]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Edrick

8.) If TPTB is crumbling and their agendas is not going as plan like you alluded to, then does that mean another group is on the rise a.k.a TNBATPTB (The New Bad A** The Power That Be ) . Whats their agenda.

Currently, their agenda appears to be defeating the CURRENT PTB, beyond that, I would not speculate.

I have no reason to believe that their motives are anywhere as sinister as the CURRENT group though.
This very subject has been on my mind for quite some time. The idea of being freed from one "owning" power to another "owning" power has been a stumbling block for me for quite some time.
Absolute power, corrupts, absolutely. Why are we on the surface of this earth broken into separate countries and power structures? To keep each other in check, I suppose. What is better, a New World Order, or the Old World Order.

I think my question would be, will we be allowed to attain independence and freedom, on a global level? With in reason of course.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

I think my question would be, will we be allowed to attain independence and freedom, on a global level? With in reason of course.


The main reason is that the "New" powers understand that progress, innovation, and financial success as a whole is generally SUPERIOR for all parties concerned in the condition of Freedom, than it is in slavery.

A Brainwashed populous is not as creative as a Mentally Free populous.

This is what the "Old" powers have not understood, or simply do not care about.


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:20 PM
how can i see my aura with out spending alot on equipment and dose it really mean any thing anyway

who built the guide stones in U.S. and will thay ever be followed by anyone, i mean the population bit

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:27 PM
Ok time to get into the athletic section

I just started running. I can jog around 1 KM, but I want to move up to 7km. How long will it take if I keep running every day? I know there is no one answer, but an estimation of time would be great. By the way I am 150 lbs, 5'9, so I am not over weight. I just am out of shape.

How long will it take me to jog 7km, and also run 7km?

Eventually you will give me the wrong answer

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:30 PM
whats some lesser known occult symbols in every day use like the eye, mason tools, pyramid and swastika

and why wont my car start
it just grinds insted of turning over, its an astra

should i make my profile abit better by filling it in n haveing an avitar

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Aceofclubs

how can i see my aura with out spending alot on equipment and dose it really mean any thing anyway

The ability to see auras is a practice of Occult Knowledge.

The only thing you can do to see auras is practice, and study.

Here are Some Texts to get you started:

The aura is a perceptual thing, that tells you a bit about the person who's aura you are looking at.

IT is not the greatest of sources of information.

who built the guide stones in U.S. and will thay ever be followed by anyone, i mean the population bit

The guidestones are an attempt to legitimize the Control and plans of TPTB, by appealing to emotion, and uninformed Rationality.

The tenets of the Guidestones seem to be logical, and beneficial, but are ultimately about Control, as opposed to anything beneficial.


posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Maddogkull

I just started running. I can jog around 1 KM, but I want to move up to 7km. How long will it take if I keep running every day? I know there is no one answer, but an estimation of time would be great. By the way I am 150 lbs, 5'9, so I am not over weight. I just am out of shape.

How long will it take me to jog 7km, and also run 7km?

With proper diet, and exercise, there is no reason that you couldn't achieve your goal in a few months. (As few as 3)

The human body is quite adaptable to constant application of stress.

The important thing for Endurance training, is Diet.

How long will it take me to jog 7km, and also run 7km?

Average human jogging speed is around 6Mph, so it would take you around an hour to jog 7 km.

Eventually you will give me the wrong answer

I'm sorry, you must phrase your response in the form of a question.

No points awarded.


[edit on 15-1-2010 by Edrick]

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by Aceofclubs

whats some lesser known occult symbols in every day use like the eye, mason tools, pyramid and swastika

the Cross is symbolic of some solar mythologies.

The peace Sign is an inverted "Z" Rune (Eldar Futhark)

The Five pointed Star is used in Occult Practices to invoke or banish powers.

The Six pointed Star is used in occult practices to represent Divinity, or the higher self.

The seven pointed star is used by the Occult in communion with otherworldly entities (Summoning)

The infinity Symbol is a form of "Ouroboros" serpent

The dollar sign is a form of the "Caduceus" Serpent from Hermetic Alchemy

The Black and White Checkerboard pattern is used in Masonic Traditions

The statue of Liberty, is a depiction of the Babylonian Goddess "Ishtar/Inanna"" Mother of Harlots, goddess of fertility.

The Owl is a representation of the God "Moloch" the Semitic God of Sacrifice.

and why wont my car start it just grinds insted of turning over, its an astra

Problems of a Car not starting can be numerous.

If the car is "Grinding" that indicates that the problem is not the Battery.

Some common causes of "Grinding" include:

Spark plugs not firing, check the wiring to the distributor cap, and clean the plugs.

Check the fuel pump, to make sure that the fuel is being sent to the combustion chamber.
(Continuity test across the windings of the pump, make sure all connections are secure)

The fuel injection system may not be preforming correctly, and could be sending not enough fuel into the chamber.
(The injector may be clogged, clean it thoroughly.)

should i make my profile abit better by filling it in n haveing an avitar

IT would make your Profile look better, that is for sure... that choice is up to you.


[edit on 15-1-2010 by Edrick]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:15 AM
How much does it cost to subscribe to The Fight Network on your satellite? Preferably Bell Express Vu.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by Maddogkull

How much does it cost to subscribe to The Fight Network on your satellite? Preferably Bell Express Vu.

Bell TV (Formally Bell Express Vu) is a Canadian satellite television provider broadcasting on geostationary satellite Nimiq 1 at 91.0°W


The Bell TV service doe not allow individual channels to be selected, however their channels are grouped in "Theme Packages" of around a half a dozen channels each, that you can select from.

Each Theme Package costs $8 per month, or $5 per month if you purchase 5 or more.

The "Fight Network" is broadcast in the "Sports 3" package with GolTV, World Fishing Network, and Wild TV.

Bell TV


[edit on 16-1-2010 by Edrick]

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