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TSA Dogs at Philly Airport Fail Training

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posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 09:39 PM
I routinely take pot shots at the TSA and baggage screeners. But I only do it because it’s true, I swear.

I am, however, loath to take aim at poor defenseless animals, particularly dogs.

Unfortunately this story just appeared. It turns out that several dogs were removed from service by the TSA because they failed to discover explosive materials.

If you think about it, this is only natural. The TSA has failed to detect its nose on the front of its face, therefore the dogs follow suit. It’s not the fault of the poor dogs: these canine dropouts were just trying to be more like their masters.

Officials say the affected dogs have been undergoing an intensive rehab training program since the failure.

Well, good thing they aren’t drug-sniffing dogs.

An intensive rehab training program? HEY DOG. THIS=BOMB. Bark!

President Obama just got done saying that officials failed to connect the dots in the most recent attempted attack (the failed Crotch Bomber). You can rest assured heads will roll.

If they can find any.


Now let’s all get serious. But only for a moment, I swear!

I used to fly on vacation all the time. When I flew in the summer of 2000, the worst I had to deal with was the airline losing my luggage. The following year we the sheeple were cowed into standing in long lines, showing up hours in advance of our flights, taking our shoes off, having no more than two ounces of liquid at any time, and the total loss of our beloved ornamental box cutters (because men hijacked planes with boxcutters!).

What kind of free people are we?

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 10:27 PM
Dude let me tell you something that's an absolute fact. Shortly after I had gotten out of Grad School the TSA was just starting and they did this mass test to hire people in the Chicago area. I went because I figured a Gov. job would be good security. After testing almost all day they eventually called me and about 11 other people into a room, sat us down, and then proceeded to tell us that our test scores and psychological screening indicated that we were far too qualified for the job. If we were to be placed we would inevitably become dissatisfied and bored. They then told us we were dismissed.

We all got into the elevator together and started talking, half were PhD's and the rest of us had MS's in something. All of us were pissed because we needed a job.

Bottom line - The best and the brightest don't get those jobs. And it wasn't a race thing either, we had some white guys, some Asians, some Black guys and some Indians. No chicks though.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by factbeforefiction
Dude let me tell you something that's an absolute fact. Shortly after I had gotten out of Grad School the TSA was just starting and they did this mass test to hire people in the

That's really interesting.
And extremely frightening.

Thanks for the first person perspective.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:36 PM
OMG thats really sad

That's where all of our tax money is going
Not all

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by factbeforefiction
After testing almost all day they eventually called me and about 11 other people into a room, sat us down, and then proceeded to tell us that our test scores and psychological screening indicated that we were far too qualified for the job. If we were to be placed we would inevitably become dissatisfied and bored. They then told us we were dismissed.

I would understand their reasoning if they would give people who get high test scores the lower ranking jobs. They should have taken you and the people like you and trained you guys as the "supervisors" or whatever is higher than the guys that do the actual screening. Maybe then, they would have competent people to attack the problems that the "qualified" people seem to have trouble using common sense on ... I.E. "mistaking" honey for explosives...

Just my .02$ US or 0.001$ CAD

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