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Dreams and Death: Doorway to the Universe

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posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Yeah that is true. I need to study a lot more on Fractals. Thanks for the info. I will try to see if I can find something that can relate the two.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:17 PM
I love your threads and I hope you make more. Your understanding is the most logicle I have heard.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Random_Hero10

Exellent reply! That was pretty much what I was gonna say only better!

I will add this, we are all like peices of the same Jig Saw puzzle, this is why we
'fit in' with some groups, and are 'mis-fits' in others, sometimes we can slot into into a place where we don't really belong or fit truely and end up spoiling the puzzle for ourselves and others. The purpose of our lives then, is to find where we truly fit in, where we truly belong.
This is often not far from where we are at.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Unleashed, as other members have tried telling you time and time again, the reason why members are getting vexed is because you come out with a statement like this.......

What I have not mentioned as of yet in this report, is what exactly has been communicated to me since I was three, and for good reason, I have left this all out. I have left out both the general feelings of communication and the specific words spoken.

....And when asked on it, you seem to ignore the question.

If you want people to regard you as truthful and honest you should answer their questions directly and stop avoiding and deflecting.

If you believe everything you say about life been an illusion (on which I agree) etc why not spit it out for crying out loud!

edit: to fix quote

[edit on 4-1-2010 by kcfusion]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

The way people are asking you questions like you are some prophet was initially amusing, but now mildly alarming how fast and desperate they are to fall in to following ANYTHING.

Hello zazzafrazz

I would just like to comment upon your own comments re asking question as though asking a prophet.

The reason for my inquiry is that I understand what the OP is saying at a deep level. I have held this exact conviction on our existence since I was a child and that is a very long time ago.

In all those years, when I have tried to talk to others that may understand this, I have had the impression that people thought my views to be unrealistic.

I even joined ATS to discover if others had similar beliefs. Within weeks of joining, this thread has appeared. If my writing skills had been as eloquent, I would have written a thread with the same explanation.

I have not had the alien encounter as far as I am aware, although I had a very disturbing dream as a child that has stayed with me all my life. It upset me greatly at the time. My dream was of an alien invasion that left nobody untouched.

Some of your comments seem a little too personal towards the OP. You have every right to be skeptical, for those who do not have these beliefs, they may find them fantastic to the extreme. It doesn't however do you justice to be scathing and derogatory just because it doesn't match your own paradigms.

A view that espouses that we are meat and nothing more is equally as objectionable to me. If I read a thread that does not resound with me I look for another thread, I will not jump in and say that my truth is better than yours, nor would I suggest that because you display an interest in a subject that you where somehow gullible and desperate to follow anything.

Please start your own thread entitled Dreams and Death Doorway to Oblivion. I promise I will not make derisive comments.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by kennyb72]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by kennyb72

I have held this exact conviction on our existence since I was a child and that is a very long time ago.

You held the same conviction he is reincarnated from a benevolent being, talks to ETs, goes on their ships, visits adavanced civilsations?
How interetsing.

I aint going nowhere, This is ATS a DISCUSSION board not a Jonestown recruitment centre. I'm here to discuss not hero worship or fall over someone with a jesus complex.

Who knows maybe I agree with 'some' of his/her premises.....sadly the opportunity to work through any of them are null and void unless you reply with 'thankyou so much for opeing my eyes, can you tell me more '
Maybe its the OPS continued format of replying only to followers like yourself that keeps me coming up again like a bad penny.
You see someone who is truly wise and benevolent would get down with the stupid and niave not just play with those who agree with you and lavish praise upon you. That to me is a sign of a weak and needy mind.
No one here seems to be OK with discussing thoughts and premises in order to conclude outcomes.

This is just thread after thread self righteous cult drive.

When the OP wants to engage in theoretical discussion, then I shall surely change my attitude towards them

[edit on 4-1-2010 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

You held the same conviction he is reincarnated from a benevolent being, talks to ETs, goes on their ships, visits adavanced civilsations? How interetsing.

Of course not! Those things are strange to me, that's why I want to find out more.

There is a difference between discuss and deride. Even your comment referring to me being a follower is offensive. If you knew me you would know, I follow no man.

I will walk with those who understand me. Simple as that.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by kennyb72

Perhaps you missed the repeated effort in others threads by people to engage them in a discussion as opposed falling all over the OP, whch are the only posts to get a responce and vague at best.

I didnt mean to insult you, but when one stands up for the behaviour I am seeing from the OP, I call it how it is.

You should be entitled to hear or discuss more, as should anyone else......

[edit on 4-1-2010 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz
You held the same conviction he is reincarnated from a benevolent being, talks to ETs, goes on their ships, visits adavanced civilsations?
How interetsing.

I aint going nowhere, This is ATS a DISCUSSION board not a Jonestown recruitment centre. I'm here to discuss not hero worship or fall over someone with a jesus complex.


This is just thread after thread self righteous cult drive.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by zazzafrazz]

Jonestown was a Theocratic experiment. The spirits we perceive as UFO's or ET's are generally on the other side. They seem to hold our spiritual evolution - the very purpose why we are here - as a goal. Some of us have had alien lives and can remember parts.
I think there is a war in heaven.
The point is, you and I can experiment by calling these benevolent forces if they truly exist - no one will assure you until you try that.
And that we should refrain from being too stuck to earthly flesh as well as material bodies and races and nations and religions. As soon as you start identifying with those you are tempted to lose your true being.
I know this sounds very general - I am a linguist - but I am talking to a deeper part. You may be on the brink of contacting something beneficial. It will not bring powers and glory. Then you will have your own truth - whatever they tell you through your spirit guides.
You doubtlessly will absorb as much truth from this as you really want to - not an inch more.
Thank you for being here.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I confess I didn't notice that there was a one sided conversation happening, personally I was astonished that somebody held the same views. That is what gave the OP credibility to me.

The sense I get from the OP is that, his conviction is that our future is rather bleak and he would rather not go into too much detail. Perhaps he shouldn't have mentioned that part and just conveyed his theory on our physical existence.

Sorry, I apologize for coming back sharp at you.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 08:29 AM
Unleashed68, I would like to ask you the following:

- Who will interveene in 2014-2015?
- And How?

- How will that "positiveness" come?
- By a spiritual event? By alien help? By mass ascension? How will society be? Will we remain in the physical world?

- What war/culmination of human stupidity will happen? Please provide details to the people that ask you. You refer the Norway spiral, but you provide no further information (such as nature of event, timeline). If you just speak about a judgment on our species mass stupidity, that looks like a doom and negative message, like thousands before in ATS. Or otherwise, if you fear this is a negative message, and that's not the thing to be said, please just state that you don't wish to give further details on that!!!

Please, elaborate a little bit more.
We are grateful for your sharing, but a lot of people are asking for more detailed descriptions of that message. Some people here are angry because it seems you are holding up your information instead of giving a clear reply.

[edit on 5-1-2010 by segurelha]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:31 AM
Thank you Unleashed68. I appreciate your coming out with your experience.

To Zazza, are your actions an issue of the ego? The key is not to win the argument. It's about learning, everything, seeing things as they are.

He is not here to say that his truth is yours. Haven't we all heard that we're to find our own paths? As far as I know - from my experience, infringing on another's free will, no matter whether it's done through: giving forceful advice, being involved in an argument, pushing your will on another - they all result in the causer receiving bad effects.

Now. We know the only reason you're doing this is because your mind is uncontrollable in its struggle for power. Sure, allow it to.

My humble advice is this: Just don't let it play for too long. It's neither beneficial for me, or you. It's about unconditional love - if we are all to act like you did, then the world would never have peace, goodness, wellbeing.

In the end, it only matters whether you live from who you truly are.

Who are you?

People could give you unsatisfactory answers, comments, replies.

But again, are you your mind?

Can who you are be explained wholly in just words?

I learned this from a wise man. Anything of the mind will always remain limiting, constricting, or unsatisfactory in some way. That's how we explain why there are people who're never interested in religions.

If this is so - what should we do?


The silence is ever so helpful.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by HisLatestWords]

[edit on 8-1-2010 by HisLatestWords]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz
reply to post by kennyb72

Perhaps you missed the repeated effort in others threads by people to engage them in a discussion as opposed falling all over the OP, whch are the only posts to get a responce and vague at best.

I didnt mean to insult you, but when one stands up for the behaviour I am seeing from the OP, I call it how it is.

You should be entitled to hear or discuss more, as should anyone else......

[edit on 4-1-2010 by zazzafrazz]

These comments come from a person who tried numerous times to start a war here and then when that failed, the individual starts a "personal UFO thread"?

Everyone has right to their opinions, but this zazzafrazz character is clearly a person with serious issues trying to make vicious statements about the OP and the character of the person who wrote it, without ever speaking to the person, I call zazzafrazz a person with issues.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Unleashed68]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 02:44 AM
For more information, a new thread regarding alot of questions can be found here
New Post with Answers to Numerous Questions

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:46 PM

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 03:21 AM
Tonight Ive read all of your threads (and all the responses) and this is my favorite thread of yours because it "hit home" for me with the dreams.

My question for you is, If our spirit is in control and designs our dream state. Why does our spirit create such utter nonsense. Sure some dreams have meaning, but most are just useless wastes of energy. I would like to know what the purpose for dreaming those kinds of dreams.

Also I would like to add, that while I am dreaming, I am my spirit- but with the consiousness of my human mind. While, this is not my soul nor my higher self, I have no consious access to my higher self while dreaming. I have tried many many times. I always remember my dreams, and have lucid dreams quit often.

Something unusual about me, I do dream about something and then it happens the very next day. Stuff- like planes crashing and a plane crashes on the news- or mundane things like a pink alligator and then I see a pink alligator at the store. Every night- I dream about something I will encounter the next day.

Is this precognition or simply reality manifesting itself?

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

and the point of all this wordiness is?

[edit on 22-6-2010 by reject]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 09:55 AM
Here's an interesting article .. well, more like a story I suppose, that's related:

What Happens When You Die? Evidence Suggests Time Simply Reboots

It's written by Robert Lanza, M.D., Scientist, Theoretician. He writes some good stuff.

I'm of the opinion and belief that all realities are dreams. If we can be fooled by a non-lucid dream, who is to say we're not being fooled again right now. Just as we experience dreams when we go to sleep, populated with others and stuff and whatnot, so is this reality a dream .. possibly some creator/god's dream.

Since I was a little kid, I've always wondered just who are all those other people in my dreams, ha. And so I ask again, "Who are you people? And how did you all get in here with me?"

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Divinorumus]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus

well, all I can say is, I hope you don't do drugs because that messes you up

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:14 AM
Beautiful explanation OP. To those whom can digest this information properly, continue to be that small, dimly lit candle of hope. Eventually, we will shine well through the cloud of darkness that has gradually developed into the Society with which we live in today.

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