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You're only seeing your own judgement...

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posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 06:36 PM
Just started thinking the other day and stumbled on something I think you might agree with or find at least worth entertainment.

I started to realize that we only SEE what our Judgment paints for us. We only see the reality of the picture our judgment gives us.

In other words, If you see a 500 lbs man walking toward you, you see an overweight man. Some of you might see a man with no self respect. Some might see an idiot that loves to stuff his face. Some see a just another human being...

The reality is that he is a spirit that is one finger of the hand we all are attached to, which means we are all God. But the deception starts with judgment. As long as you judge what it is you're seeing, hearing or smelling, you will filter out the true reality that IS.

Judgment is the key to all human suffering, because we create a "hell" for ourselves by living in a world where no one has similar views of reality.We're clouded by our perceptions which is nothing more than our judgement of what we are experiencing.

Judgment separates the Believers and the non believers. It separates races and even all living things on earth. With it's judgment of intelligences, abilities, level of intellect or discernment. It's strength, and ALL of the attributes the human mind cares to judge on whatever it's looking at (morals, standard of living, and state of happiness or anger)..

the sickness of Anorexia is a PERFECT example of this. Whereby the person with the sickness, sees only the composite image given to them by their brain. They don't see the reality of what IS, they only see their judgment of it. We can only see as far as our judgment. Which means we can NEVER prove that anything is IMPOSSIBLE.

For another example, you're life is exactly what you think of it. If you think you don't make enough money, then you don't. If you are stressed, then you are. If your situation is tight and fragile, then it is. In other words, your life is only what you think of it, not what it is.

You don't see God, because you don't see him or feel him. The reason you don't see him or feel him is because your mind gives you no evidence of him, even though reality is right in front of your precious eyes...

Thought I would share my 2 cents on the matter.

Love and peace


[edit on 3-1-2010 by juzchilln]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Wonderful post....very thoughtful and full of insight.

I was at a movie theater once. It was very crowded, and little room to sit. A man and woman sat behind me, and for the entire length of the movie, she talked to him. I mean, the whole time.

I spent more time fuming over her talking than I did watching the movie. I let my feelings of anger pretty much control me.

I turned several times and gave the woman 'the eye,', trying to convery that I thought she should be quiet. She ingored me, though.

At the end of the movie, I decided to let her know how rude she was....only to discover the man was blind. She had been giving him a play-by-play account of the movie to he'd could 'see' it. Once I realized this, I no longer felt angry, but rather ashamed.

We make assumptions all the time about people and events. And far to many of us (myself included) allow our emotions and perceptions to dictate our responses to others.

I'm working very hard on keeping a positive perception. It does take work, mind. What I try to do, when I find myself frustrated with someone, is to 'rewrite' my assumption, so to speak. This usally helps me see things from a different point of view, and allows me to gain control of my feelings.

Thanks for the wonderful message!

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:27 PM
I have been trying to word this on ATS a few times, failed miserably all times lol. S&F for truly understanding! thanks!

EDIT: Take a look at my threads if you get the chance, and try to message me on how close or far i am from the fundamentals of this. thanks again, this thread is something i have been waiting for.

[edit on 3-1-2010 by gandhi]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by juzchilln

Nope. Judgment helps you to understand. Condemnation is that which separates unjustly. Ignorance is the opposite of condemnation and both are too common. I strive to be a good judge as my Creators are. Ignorance and condemnation sow discord and result in death by their nature which is Void. Good judgment is eternal.

Good judgment is OrderCharity.
Charity is the inverse of Chaos and the opposite of Pride.
Order is the inverse of Pride and the opposite of Chaos.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Dasher
reply to post by juzchilln

Nope. Judgment helps you to understand. Condemnation is that which separates unjustly. Ignorance is the opposite of condemnation and both are too common. I strive to be a good judge as my Creators are. Ignorance and condemnation sow discord and result in death by their nature which is Void. Good judgment is eternal.

Good judgment is OrderCharity.
Charity is the inverse of Chaos and the opposite of Pride.
Order is the inverse of Pride and the opposite of Chaos.

Judgment gives you the understanding of one thing ( If your open to face it which few are). it gives you the reflection of who you are in your conscious mind. So as long as someone can influence your judgment, they can change your perception of yourself. Rich-poor, fat-skinny, good-bad, evil-righteous, smart-stupid, successful-unsuccessful on and on and on...

[edit on 3-1-2010 by juzchilln]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by juzchilln
Judgment gives you the understanding of one thing ( If your open to face it which few are). it gives you the reflection of who you are in your conscious mind. So as long as someone can influence your judgment, they can change your perception of yourself. Rich-poor, fat-skinny, good-bad, evil-righteous, smart-stupid, successful-unsuccessful on and on and on...

[edit on 3-1-2010 by juzchilln]

Ok, I see what you are saying. It is more a problem of semantics.

Good judgment is the understanding and manifestation of things eternal. If you despise ignorance, discord, wrath, death, and, also selfishness, theft, injustice, death, then do not trade corruption for corruption. Let me explain more clearly.

You see, a judge has many options. He can lack Order in his understanding or actions (manifestation), or he can lack Charity in his understanding or actions (manifestation). In the case that Order is lacking within a judge, the shadow of Chaos grows. The shadow of Chaos manifests as ignorance, discord, wrath, death, etc. and the carnal judge will reap the last which is Void. In the case that Charity is lacking within a judge, the shadow of Pride grows. The shadow of Pride manifests as selfishness, theft, injustice, death, etc. and the carnal judge will reap the last which is Void.

Often, Chaos and Pride war against each other, and, obviously, also against "OrderCharity." If a person is not good, he cannot be Charitable. If a person is not a judge, he cannot be Orderly. If either is lacking, it is an ugly thing to set your eyes upon.

So then, when being a Good Judge, you consider/judge your neighbor as you would wish to be considered/judged if you were as weak as your best understanding declares them to be.). A good judge does not condemn and is not ignorant. A good judge considers their neighbor to be capable of strength and worthy to encourage. For example, if someone is unhealthy, it is good judgment to realize that something needs tending to in that person's life. So, without condemnation and without ignoring them, we should seek to help them. If they do not want help, be joyful that they are thankful for their life, even if it is not what you consider to be worthy of thanks.

The truth that you are saying is simply that ignorant condemnation is death and I agree. However the remedy is for us to act like our Gracious Judges/Father/Creators, and not to become ignorant. In other words, decreasing Pride by increasing Chaos results in a similar death. The only way that you will wake up in the community that endures is to decrease in both Pride AND Chaos. As this occurs, understand that it is a gift from the Perfection greater than you.

Lastly, understand that those who claim to know truth and are not gracious judges are liars and you should not hesitate to seek truth simply because so many hypocrites live. Do not forget, we are still animals.

When Pride rises up and crushes the weak, it is their own weakness that is manifesting. When Charity rises up in wrath against the strong, it is their own ignorance that is manifesting. A godly judge seeks to understand within and without, and rethinks when they judge with Pride or Chaos and seeks OrderCharity. Give to God with all of your heart, soul, and mind. Give to your neighbor as you would honestly give to yourself if you were living in their life.

[edit on 1/4/2010 by Dasher]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:08 AM
Very moving,

A tear is in my eye.

Post some more topics i want to absorb more of your thoughts.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

im sorry but I dont believe your story for one second. sounds like some kind of BS parable from some bizarre smileyface cult pamphlet to make a point about how tolerant and loving and understanding and subservient and bland and politically correct we should be.

no offense, but if this actually happened then the fact that you felt "ashamed" because of something someone else did to you out of inconsideration should be an indicator that you may have some things to work through.
I mean there are places that are not designed with the blind in mind:

batting cages; go-karts; shooting ranges; GIANT SCREENS DISPLAYING PROJECTED IMAGES. A companion isnt going to help you enjoy any of these things properly and for a blind person to force discomfort on others and ruin many peoples experiences by insisting on trying to enjoy them in such a way that is obviously disruptful to everyone else, kind of makes them a d!ck. (BTW -- Descriptive Video anyone?? it exists for exactly this purpose)
then again, this whole post kind of makes me a d!ck as well.

however, perhaps by not projecting your judgement on them you allow them to project onto you what they want you to perceive and that is someone who can get away with annoying and being rude to others while making hem feel bad about it. you see people using these tactics every day.

OK im done. my aplogies if im way off (especially way off topic) but i guess my Judgement is that to me you are words and (freaky) smiley faces on a computer screen and not someone who would take the above personally.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by kidney thief]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by juzchilln

Since we cannot really 'know' any 'thing', as Einstein put it, but rather discern its information trough our sensory perceptions then we truly are judging ourselves by the act of what we think is judging others. When we "see" someone we are discerning our perceptions of that person and comparing that with what we know. We cannot know what we have not yet experienced and we are the sum of our experiences so, "Judge not lest ye be judged."

reply to post by smyleegrl

That is a beautiful story on the wonderful power of humility, thanks for sharing.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:44 AM

im sorry but I dont believe your story for one second. sounds like some kind of BS parable from some bizarre smileyface cult pamphlet to make a point about how tolerant and loving and understanding and subservient and bland and politically correct we should be.
reply to post by kidney thief

LOL....It's okay if you don't believe my story. It is true, but I understand your reluctance to believe it. I mean, it is rather bizarre for a blind person to go to the movies....but it happened, neverthless.
I don't know of a smiley cult, although if one existed I probably would join. I do have a thing for smiley faces. They make me smile....mirror neurons and all that.

My feelings of shame had nothing to do with their talking, but my reaction to that talking. I was shamed that I had let my emotions ruin my movie going experience.

We do have control over our emotions and our reactions to situations....which was my point. I've spent years letting my gut reactions control me....and now I am working on changing that.

For example, when I first read your post I felt a little...well...aggravated. I felt as if you'd called me a liar, said I was uncredible because of my avatar, and incapable of believing what I posted. My gut reaction was to lash out at you, a byproduct of the judgement I just made concerning your reasons for writing the post.

But instead of lashing out, I took a deep breath and tried to change my perspective. To be specific, I tried to see other reasons why you would post your message. Perhaps you'd had a bad day, weren't feeling well, or had once been terrorized by smiley faces and now have a horrible gut reaction to them. Once I'm able to see that there might be alternative reasons, I can manage my feelings better.

By the way, my feelings do not change the reason you wrote your response, or the reason the couple talked through the theatre. It only changes MY reaction to the event itself....which is really the only thing I can control.

Anyway, thanks for your response (no, really) because it was insightful and helpful. And if you've ever been terrorized by smiley faces, and hope you are able to overcome your

Keep smiling!

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by Dasher

I'm trying to hold onto what you are saying, and I think I understand. If not, feel free to correct.

I think you are talking about the social implications to our moralities or our individual set of values in terms of how we judge others and so forth. But what I was talking about was the view of reality itself. Meaning, the complete view of our world and how we "See' it within our beings.

It is my understanding that Judgment (or Ego?) acts on the signals of our senses before our minds get a hold of it. So in terms of the anorexia I was talking about, a person with that disease doesn't see what is in the mirror. Instead, they see only a mirror of their judgment of themselves.

We don't see with our eyes, we see the interpretation of what they are looking at. In reality, we're connected to our eyes about as much as a steering wheel is connected to a Mercedes Benz tires. There are a hundred different components that measure and determine the input before the steering rack get's the final result. So the tires aren't "feeling" what the driver is trying to do, it is only feeling what the power steering system is telling it to feel.Same way with the way we perceive our individual realities and experiences.

That's why I believe that if you control a person's judgment (Adolf Hitler as an extreme example) you can create a world inside that their life, by simply changing their judgment of their NOW's.

But regardless of how we inevitably judge what we experience, we create the world we live in individually. And the circumstances manifest from that judged "vision"

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by juzchilln

Here again is the slight problem. What you are calling judgment, you then go on to define as pre-judgment, or judgment without full understanding, or also, judgment without compassion/charity. And as it goes, you are correct to speak against that.

The key word that comes to mind here is repentance. I know, it sounds a bit out of place, but I promise that it is appropriate. What truly separates us from the animals, even while we are still animals, is that we make judgments with consideration rather than just instinct or reaction. You see, when we make a mistake, we have the unique ability to understand it, and correct it with a form of freedom that animals cannot express.

Some people say we differ from the animals only because of our brain power, well, this has been proven wrong. Some say that we differ simply because we have opposable thumbs, however, anyone who looks to our scientific, and artistic expressions can see that we are more than our tools. We are able to examine and also, wonderfully, re-examine.

So then, when a person looks in the mirror and is overwhelmed by their own Chaos or Pride, as in the case of anorexia, they are not wrong to feel the condemnation of their own conduct, for their conduct will lead to death regardless of how one observes. However, it is the good judge who will correct their action instead of being defeated by the consequences of their own failure to transcend being a Chaotic or Prideful animal. More so, it is the good judge who will offer help to correct an action leading to death instead of feeding more death into the situation.

Situation observed. Response (usually based on Pride or Chaos). Situation re-observed. Re-response (usually based on Order and Charity).

Of course this is not every case by any means, but it exemplifies how judgment is not abnormal or wrong. Nor is corrupt judgment itself. It simply has "an end." It is also easy to see that without repentance, we are no better than animals who live a life of death.

Most people who call themselves religious, or believers, or seers, are liars if they do not observe and act with a better nature than death. Over time, one does progress in the ability to observe and allows for the first animal-like response to be passed over. This leads to good judges having understanding and living compassion. This is the gift of faith (spiritual understanding) that the scriptures refer to. The man of spiritual understanding ("faith") and manifestation (charity, known commonly by the incomplete term "love") is God's elect by the provision of God and has "hope" for a future beyond this realm. Otherwise, we are all just animals and rightly act according to Pride and Chaos which lead to death. More so, Pride and Chaos burn brightly in this world and tend to reward their followers with great earthly riches. Seek first the kingdom of Good Judges.

So many in this world are content to be intelligent/powerful/respected animals. So many in this world are content to be ignorant/lazy/self-gratified animals. Only by living as God will we move away from the kingdom of animals, and forward into a kingdom that does not die the deaths of Pride or Chaos. The dying kingdom, the world around us, and it's end, leads to our beginning which is Void. The Children of God manifest their Father, who are Good Judges, in this failing world and will be with Them forever when this world dies it's natural death.

[edit on 1/4/2010 by Dasher]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Hey...I agree..wonderful post.
And your story at the also so great.
We have to learn, to be not at once angry....I´ve to learn it also..because Iam sometimes to intense I think. But not in a loud way.....Iam looking angry and Iam in a bad mood...but to be relaxed is much better as all the time to be angry.
Also it makes no sense only to thing on good looking...
I will read more here.
Interesting to read.
Oh and I wish you all a Happy New Year!!

[edit on 4-1-2010 by AnneMary]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Dasher

I think it looks like you're talking about judgment in terms of behavior which I couldn't agree with you more. But we are sort of talking about two different things.

For me, I use judgment in terms of how we discern a frame of time as opposed to a sequence of events.

See, before you get to the type of judgment you're talking about, one has to first see an initial picture in their mind of what they're seeing smelling and touching. That picture is what you are using to form your opinion of the correct behavior or act of judgment.

I'm not sure if you know what I mean, or I don't know what you mean. hehe.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:00 PM
There is something about that guy I don't like...

There is something about that guy...I don't like about myself.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:29 PM
Speaking in general;
If you do not judge charitably or orderly, it is because you do not observe charitably or orderly.
If you do not act charitably or orderly, it is because you do not judge charitably or orderly.
If you do not observe charitably or orderly, it is because truth (Order/Charity) is not in you.

These are all interconnected because OrderCharity is Good Judges.

There is understanding, and then manifestation. In other words, there is observing with Order and Charity and there is acting with Order and Charity. Graciously Judging (reigning over your animal nature by a godly nature) is required for both the observation portion and acting portion. Order and Charity in your observation of your neighbor and yourself, and Order and Charity in your conduct towards your neighbor and yourself. A bad judge does not observe well, they do not consider their neighbor or self well. A bad judge does not act well, they do not treat their neighbor or self well.

Words are important when communicating such strong ideas. You are fully right to have a passion for godly things. Understand them and manifest them into this world. If you lose your salt, who will preserve the meat/dead animals?

A gracious judge observes before and after a judgment. A gracious judge considers the needs of the weak over the needs of the strong in this world. A gracious judge considers their own weakness and humbly corrects themselves when in error.

Education, corrections, policy making, these are all lacking gracious judges in our current culture (as with most cultures). Decisions must be made for the sake of order, and grace must be given or the weak and strong will die.

This world is failing and we must set our eyes on the kingdom of the eternal which is not Pride or Chaos. You will go where you set your eyes.

[edit on 1/4/2010 by Dasher]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Deny Arrogance

Please expound.

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