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True Event: Alien Interaction Nobody has Ever Heard Before Today

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posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 10:40 AM
I feel like im wasting my time even typing a reply to that nonsense, I thought this was a conspiracy site, sounds as if hes writting a sci fi novel . . .

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 10:42 AM
Let us remember what is said at the top of every thread in The Gray Area:

The Gray Area is a discussion forum that provides a dedicated area for members to post their confessions, disclosures, and related extraordinary personal experiences. Like the highly speculative Skunk Works forum, The Gray Area will tolerate topics that may be unusually hypothetical or unproven for the purpose of vetting the stories of thread-starters by the ATS membership at large.

And let us remember Mod Note: Courtesy Is Mandatory – Please Review This Link.

[edit on January 2nd 2010 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 10:42 AM
At least this thread was posted in the right forum, I've lost count on how many have posted there threads with 'factual' information but then never heard from again.

But thanks for the story OP, whether or not it's true is a completely different.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 10:59 AM
Great Story! But I have to say that several times you specify that this is real.

Who are you trying to convince. Us the readers or yourself?

As for your secrets that you don't wanna tell cause our psyche couldn't handle it nothing can be more traumatic then losing a love one like a child or someone close to you.

It's because of all the secrets that where in this sh*t hole right now.

Still i wanna thank you for sharing this story.


posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

Unleashed , you said this in your other post:

Those who enforced authority over another, to achieve joy, will not be forgiven. There will be no forgiveness, from the Creator, nor the Universe; because those spirits, who took position of false authority, will become naked to all others, and will hide in shame.

First of all, I'm not 100% sure if your telling the truth or not, impossible to say BUT if you are, I feel sorry for you. For you to believe the Creator will NEVER EVER forgive tells me you do not know Him and/or these entities are messing with you.

Love is greater than evil and one day the light will overtake the darkness. Is God not great enough to redeem all? It may take eions of time but I know He the Creator would never allow evil to exist without end.

No way , no how.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

Very interesting story. I have no question that you experienced these events as it seems genuinely sincere. However I passionately disagree with your concept our our minds being to "weak" to handle these things. I've always found the support of that thinking rather personal. Yea a disclosure event or mass UFO landing may really mess with some people perspectives. But the impact will last a very short time. If that was the case many events of human histiry would have looooooong made us "breakdown" and go crazy. Its just an exscuse for the government to keep these technologies and knowlege to themsleves. Its laughable to think that the knowledge of ETE's and the fact that we live in a very active and dynamic Galaxy/Universe would some how cause a "national security issue". Its crazy, everything the government covers up or bending of the truth is to protect "national security" National security, national security. I mean if you want to you can lable anything a "national secirity threat". I mean come on.

Its funny how other civilization just like us our out there and they are exposed to all this supposed "mind bogling" elements but they dont seem to have any problems. The reason we have the issues here concerning these things is that we have been Quarantined. We have not been allowed to grow with Universe or Galactic society. Its the same if you shelter a child from all that entire world and then expect them to function properly in society. The same applies here. Basically youre saying you have no faith in humans ever having the mental capacity to handle this stuff. Thats crazy and dangerous to think that way. For if that is adopted we will never get out of this sanbox we call Earth. Supporting the suppression of this information by our government or any other makes you just as bad as those guys.

The information being withheld from us is damaging to us as a whole. Our true history, origins, and nature are needed knowledge so that we can start the journey to be like the beings that encountered you. If you say that the human experience cant handle this information then that cant be limited to just our human experience- it has to apply to all human species in the Galaxy/Universe. Yet reports from all over the planet have told of encounters with people form other planets that look just like us, but they are traveling the stars and enjoying high standards of living. They have been ALLOWED to grow. If we want to continue our cyclical way of life were exist the paradigm of "have and have nots" to the extreme then yea your support for suppression is what is needed.

Science is the same way. The old guys that still run our science departments from yester-year are still holding on to models that are over 100-200 years old. And continue to tell people that this is the way it is and it cant change. I will leave with this:

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it"--- Max Plank/ God father of Quantum Physics.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:07 AM
It depends on your Earthly Maturity Level if you able to handle the truth

about our eternal existence and why. This is but one peace of the puzzle that

I share with you on this thread that has already been presented on another

ATS thread.

Mrs. Matilda O' Donnell MacElroy, Senior Master Sargent Women's Army Air

Force Corp. Retired presents and writes her story Alien Interview, about her

encounter many years ago at the Roswell crash site with Alien Airl, before

her death in 2007.

Matilda was a nurse in charge of interviewing a non-biological entity or what

I would call cyborg alien named Airl, female, from the Roswell crash. If true

this will be shocking to most who read her story of the communications

between Airl and herself. You will learn more about the Domain and the Old

Empire that goes back Trillions or Quadrillions of years in this Universe. You

will further learn the term (IS BE) a term Airl used to describe everyone's

Soul or Spirit including herself. You will be introduced to Bugs and Blossoms

by Airl's words, that was communicated about designer biological and

non-biological creations made throughout the Universe.

This will have tremendous religious implications and many will not believe

what they read and those that read Mrs. Matilda O'Donnell's first hand

account with her telepathic communications with Airl may be affected


You be the judge believe it or not. ^Y^

[edit on 2-1-2010 by amari]

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:26 AM
If we know what is to be is going to be.. then why hide it? Its surely not out of curiosity to prevent pain, fear or confusion. As this is only brought on by lack of openness.. keeping info back is nothing more then power tripping and thinking they have an edge and enjoy knowing they have this to create self purpose, of which I have no ideal why, other then self gloating.

The OP has no ideal what it means to be alive. He/she is still, in my view, trapped in their box and only came here to invite others into it.

Thanks for nothing and hope you find that which brings you peace.


[edit on 2-1-2010 by Willbert]

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:31 AM
Hey, I know the secret to eternal happiness.....but I'm not telling you!....

Na Na Na Na Na...Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

I don't know whether your account is true or not ... I'm inclined to believe it is as much rang true with my own experience ... and the subsequent childhood memories I have recalled (without hypnosis) since.

Unlike you I have not (yet) had a negative experience ... just a few, let us say unnerving 'dreams' that did not involve Khya.

Therefore, I would like to ask you a favour ... but please don't feel obliged to accept.

Much of your account had a personally familiar ring (as already mentioned), and I was wondering ... if you have time would you click the links in my signature (below this post) and maybe offer your opinion please ... I am still seeking answers to so many questions.


posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:43 AM
good history I will just not say anything, I will let it as it is right now ... I dont feel like I need to ask anything.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
For those who really know, the Earth is a big bright white Moon to viewers from the Moon, not a colorful domain. The Earth, like Mars, Venus, the Moon and all the other planets reflects sunlight that washes out color to the naked eye.

The atmosphere layers of all planets reflect sunlight the same, all seem as stars to the viewers from another planet. Fact that has been lied about for decades, I have seen the real picture!

Where is your sustainable evidence for this assumption? I do believe you may want to check your 'facts' before making statements like this. I'm not trying to correct you, but astonomy is older than the current 'establishment' and they (ancient astronomers) knew of the planets and named them according to how they resembled certain things in the sky. Sure, SOME color is washed out in the atmosphere, but the majority of our planet is blue, thus it would appear as one from afar.

Where is this 'real picture'? I'd love to see it if you have it...although I know the abilities of Photoshop and such programs, so even then I'll take it with a grain of salt.

By the way, NASA refers to Earth from afar commonly as 'a blue marble'.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Unleashed68

To: unleashed68

Interesting post. I am approaching geezer status and share your feeling
that I do not care who believes me. I had early childhood experiences
very much like what you wrote about.

As a young adult I shared a room in a DOD training program with another man who had interest in an apparent ability in the area of direct non spoken communication. We practiced a little and felt accomplished enough to demonstrate our skill to others in our group.

Everyone was sure it was just a trick and although they were entertained no one thought it was exceptional. I would draw symbols, numbers and short words on a pad and he would tell the group was I had drawn from accross the room with his view evidently blocked. I suspected it was a trick the details of which he did not share with me.

One night he woke me up to tell me he needed to awaken me because my violent dream was keeping him from sleep. He then told me in exact detail what I had been dreaming about. That made certain of his ability to know what others are thinking.

No real point to all this except you are not alone with your non verbal communications experience.

Now, Get off my lawn!

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 12:19 PM
personally, i think hes chatting out his arse.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Xterrain

Originally posted by Unleashed68
For those who really know, the Earth is a big bright white Moon to viewers from the Moon, not a colorful domain. The Earth, like Mars, Venus, the Moon and all the other planets reflects sunlight that washes out color to the naked eye.

The atmosphere layers of all planets reflect sunlight the same, all seem as stars to the viewers from another planet. Fact that has been lied about for decades, I have seen the real picture!

Where is your sustainable evidence for this assumption? I do believe you may want to check your 'facts' before making statements like this. I'm not trying to correct you, but astonomy is older than the current 'establishment' and they (ancient astronomers) knew of the planets and named them according to how they resembled certain things in the sky. Sure, SOME color is washed out in the atmosphere, but the majority of our planet is blue, thus it would appear as one from afar.

Where is this 'real picture'? I'd love to see it if you have it...although I know the abilities of Photoshop and such programs, so even then I'll take it with a grain of salt.

By the way, NASA refers to Earth from afar commonly as 'a blue marble'.

The earth isn't blue from the moon????
This is all I needed.
ATS is home to bunch of crazies and A LOT of disinfo.
Go back to the rock you crawled out from underneath of Unleashed.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 01:01 PM
wow this story has really got me thinking a lot i really enjoyed it and would like to dive deeper into it but as you stated it would be to much for most to handle... which i will not argue with because u definately know better than we do

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Astrobee
The earth isn't blue from the moon????
This is all I needed.
ATS is home to bunch of crazies and A LOT of disinfo.
Go back to the rock you crawled out from underneath of Unleashed.

I'll second that but more sensitivity. When I read that it was clear there are other issues at hand.

I mean, I can look in my own telescope and see planets looking very much like the NASA images, only smaller. They have an overall colored tint when I look at them with my naked eye. I can only infer that Earth would just look pretty much as it should.

The moon doesn't look like a bare, white orb in the sky anyway. Nothing in telescopic viewing seems to suggest anything beyond the slightest invisible whisp of an atmosphere either.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
What I have not mentioned as of yet in this report, is what exactly has been communicated to me since I was three, and for good reason, I have left this all out. I have left out both the general feelings of communication and the specific words spoken. No proof will ever be proof enough! This is why it is important not to mention what was said, simply because, you will question this report alone. I do not question writing this report, I know this report is as real now as my meeting with a friend for coffee, as my meeting with these beings were just as real in every way. I don’t believe, I know.
[edit on 1-1-2010 by Unleashed68]

BS - "No proof is enough" so you offer no proof and no practical information. There's nothing you could ever type into this forum that would cause anyone to have a mental breakdown - this isn't the 1950s where a skeleton in a closet would shock movie audiences. So, please stop making stupid excuses. You are just another attention seeker dropping generic new age nonsense in the hopes of catching a few fish. What a waste of everyone's time.

Why don't you take your "revolutionary" secrets and leave the forum? If you don't have anything meaningful to contribute, why even write a thread? The second you starting rambling on about the color of the planets is the second most figured out you're perpetrating another pathetic hoax grounded on poorly conceived science.

If you're going to make up nonsense, do a 2 minutes google search on why the earth appears blue? Even ancient astronomers were able to recognize the colors of planets - they don't appear white to anyone except you.

[edit on 2-1-2010 by andrewh7]

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 02:02 PM
Excuse me for not reading everyones response and IF i am repeating someone elses observation then I am sorry ahead of time. Knowing the wonderful minds of so many on this site I must say that this has probably been mentioned.

You described these original beings..."not greys" as being without mouths and speaking to you through thought and feelings.

Then you describe this grey interviewing you. You say that he speaks with thought, not with mouths as the others do.

So do your alien friends have mouths or not?

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by amari

What..and most of the world is optimistic about the future?

C'mon, if most of the world's governments aren't constantly trying to think up new and creative ways to separate us from our 'pocket money', or trying to spiritually or mentally shackle or mould us, they are thinking up ways to get us to kill each other off!

We have several wars, more on the horizon look fairly likely at some point.

The age of both manufactured - 'for profit' and natural pathogens, becoming ever more nasty is upon us now.
We are told by those we trust (?!) that our planet is being poisoned, and increasingly so.

Don't get me started on Nibiru or calendars!

So really, an intergalactic slaughter fest of epic proportions, is just one more thing to worry about isn't it.

People would carry on, they'd have no option.

These high ranking military folk that are thought to know what's happening, seem to be able to mentally carry the weight, and they are just as human as we are.

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