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Obama’s Only Real Accomplishment

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posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:08 PM

By Daniel Greenfield Thursday, December 31, 2009
Let’s get it straight, behind all the hubbub and noise, the international trips and summits, the TV specials and constant addresses to the nation and any other nation that would let him in, the huge spending plans and the photoshoots—Barack Hussein Obama has accomplished only one thing in his first year in office.

Obama’s only real accomplishment is that he took hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money, and directed them to his donors on Wall Street, in the unions and the insurance industry. Barry Hussein took in nearly 15 million dollars in donations from securities and investments companies, and his first priority was to pay it back with a massive bailout that has exploded the deficit.

As the number one recipient of funds from securities and investments companies, Obama made sure they were paid off first. In exchange for a mere 14 million dollars, the industry received as much as a hundred thousand times that much from the government. And we aren’t done yet. And that is even without counting Cap and Trade, a plan set to enrich certain key Wall Street backers of Obama and the Democratic party, at the expense of the last remaining shreds of America’s manufacturing sector.

And then there were the unions. Not only did Obama keep the UAW around through the effective bailout and takeover of GM and Chrysler, but his next priority was delivering the SEIU’s health care plan. And while the SEIU appears to have lost out on the public option, unlike the AFL-CIO which has turned on the bill, SEIU President Andrew Stern is still expressing his support for Obama.

But while SEIU may not have gotten the government health care holiday they wanted, the insurance industry, which donated millions to Obama, got a bill which forces every American to buy insurance from them, or be fined and jailed. It’s not quite marching customers over to them at gunpoint, but it’s the next best thing.

Obama’s big donors are throwing extra large parties to celebrate their windfall
While ordinary voters are complaining that they got screwed by Obama, his big donors are throwing extra large parties to celebrate their windfall. While 2009 has been a terrible year for most Americans, insurance company stocks are rising and Wall Street is anticipating a chance to nickel and dime every American through Cap and Trade.

And that is the simple and ugly truth behind Obama’s first term. Ignore the empty speeches and the even more meaningless summits. Behind the facade is the same stale old brand of Chicago politics, if you want something you gotta pay for it. If you want a street cleaning contract, then you better pay. And once you pay, the city will pay you twice the cost, even if none of the streets are ever clean. If you want to supply safety gear for the fire department, money better change hands. And then it doesn’t matter if the gear works or how much you overcharge for it.

But at the national level, it isn’t about municipal services or a state contract here and there, the kind of corruption that is bankrupting cities and states all across America. It’s about a truly grand level of corruption, because the budget at Obama’s disposal is virtually infinite. The money may not be there, but as long as the Chinese keep lending, Barry Hussein and his staff will keep on spending. Because when the bill comes due, they know they won’t be there.

Obama has no personal investment in America. It’s a resource to him like everything else. And when a con artist gets into a bank vault, he steals it clean, and then moves on. Unless he can be made dictator for life, Obama doesn’t care much what happens after he’s out of office. And if he is made dictator for life, that just means more wealth redistribution. The Chicago way is to treat taxes as a way to pay back favors and set yourself up for life. That mixture of left wing radicalism and organized crime that defines Obama’s political background has no room in it for any kind of fiscal responsibility.

War on Terror and Afghan surge
Once in office, Barry Hussein could barely be bothered to care about the War on Terror, only announcing an Afghan surge after he had been shamed into it. His international trips accomplished nothing except to give Michelle Obama a chance to pick up more expensive and ugly souvenirs. Abusive to allies and slavish to enemies, Obama’s foreign adventures impressed no one at all and accomplished even less.

Domestic security naturally went by the wayside. Obama’s tossed wreath at Ground Zero demonstrated how well he had absorbed the contemptuous attitude of his mentor, Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright. Neither a New Yorker nor an American, terrorism was nothing to Obama, except a chance to recite a homily about the virtues of Islam. The mosques of Mecca and the Madrassas of Asia had far more emotional resonance for Obama than the Twin Towers.

His Homeland Security Chief, Janet Napolitano, quickly reverted back to Janet Reno’s approach to domestic security with alarmist rhetoric about the dangers of right wing extremism. Meanwhile Reno’s own second in command, Attorney General Eric Holder hardly bothered to hide his sympathy for the terrorists. And so the 3AM phone call to Obama never came. Instead a passenger subdued the latest Al Queda terrorist, while Obama drowsed peacefully in his White House bed, visions of spending bills dancing in his head.

Now just as it had been with Afghanistan a few months back, Obama has been caught by surprise as an issue that he had demonstrated his unconcern for is coming back to bite him on the #####. Naturally the reflexive Chicago tactic is to blame it on the Republicans. The problem is that the nameplate says Barack H. Obama, not George W. Bush. And by now it’s clear even to Obama’s supporters, that the man will go on blaming Bush even after 8 years in office, without taking responsibility for the consequences of his own policies.

Creating jobs was an inside joke between Obama and his donors, where the punchline was “Green Jobs”
But Obama isn’t stupid or incompetent. He proved quite capable of obsessively pursuing and shoving through legislation on the issues he cared about. Of course the legislation he cared about was passing kickbacks to his donors and enacting socialism for America. National security wasn’t on the list. Defending America wasn’t even gifted with a single checkmark. Creating jobs was an inside joke between Obama and his donors, where the punchline was “Green Jobs”.

When Cheney calls out Obama for abandoning national defense and the War on Terror, the White House has no response except to issue sanctimonious statements bemoaning finger pointing. Which is par for the course when the fingers are being pointed at you. But Obama is not a big believer in Truman’s aphorism. If Harry’s desk said, “The Buck Stops Here”, Obama’s desk says, “The Bucks Are Spent Here”.

Forget national security. Obama’s key interests are “reform” plans that benefit him personally. Next up will either be Cap and Trade or legalizing enough illegal aliens to outweigh all the out of work Americans just waiting for a chance to vote him out of office in 2012. (Lawyers after all formed the largest base of his contributors.) The buck doesn’t stop in the Oval Office anymore. The moral compass does.


Why does our own MSM not call it like it is?

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:16 PM
Daniel Greenfield is another closet conservative spitting whatever the CONSERVATIVE MASS MEDIA is telling him ..

Just another Robosheep in the horrible campaign the Right-wings are staging ..

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by jerico65

Shush!!!! You are liable to awaken some liberals to the truth. You don't really want that now do you?
The fact of the matter is they all suck!!! Obama is just the latest figurehead in a long line of theiving A**HOLES in Washington. All the Obama butt kissers need to go down with the ship!!!!

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:46 PM
Nice post!

I remember hearing Obama say,"America is a handy political football"!
That's how he sees this country!

Apalling,isn't it?

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:53 PM
Talk about not wanting to anger the Obama supporters!


(I guess they stopped counting! Look at the date this was written!)

..."Monday, August 11, 2008
Obama's Documented Lies: 158 and remarkably still growing

158 Obama claims he wrote letter to US Treasurer to try to prevent the housing crisis; but he acted only AFTER he had caused it by blocking McCain's bill
157 Obama claims he is bipartisan ; Congressional Quarterly shows he voted with his party 97% of the time
156 Obama's dirty lie scares seniors: falsely claims McCain plans to cut $880 billion from Medicare: liar liar liar says Annenberg Factcheck
155 Obama lies about his mother turning to food stamps AND still sending him to top schools; his grandmother paid for education
154 Obama lied about being asked to wear dead soldier's bracelet: family had asked Obama to stop wearing it

153 Obama claimed all new spending is economic plan was self-funding; short by $3.5 Trillion says nonpartisan Tax Policy Center
152 Obama denied Admiral Mike Mullen had called Obama's Iraqi troop plan "dangerous"; Mullen made comment on Fox in July 2008 according to WaPo
151 Obama lied about Kissinger's views of diplomacy during first debate; Kissinger confirms the lie
150 During Debate 1 Obama denied voting to tax some people making $42000 a year: Annenburg Factcheck,org confirms Obama is lying
149 After Debate 1, Team Obama denied Obama ever said, "Iran's not a threat": Video proves Obama DID say "Iran is NOT a threat."
148 Obama claims under McCain employers would be taxed on the health care benefits it grants to workers; he's lying
147 Obama refers to an Iraqi surplus of $79 billion and says US should have it; its $60 billion and dwindling
146 Obama claims only 5% of Americans would see tax increase; he's grossly understating the number of people effected
145 Obama accuses McCain of lying about Biden being against clean coal; video proves Obama is lying
144 Obama claims McCain is opposed to abortion in cases of rape or incest; McCain has never held that position.

143 Obama accuses McCain of making an ad about Obama's vote to approve leaving babies who survive abortion procedures to die; McCain did not make the ad

142 Obama's ad on abortion claims BHO always supported medical care to protect infants; text of the Bill he supported shows he wanted babies born alive after abortions to be left to die

141 Obama's ad on abortion uses quotes by journalists who made negative comments about a McCain ad; but Obama is misleading because both journalists have been proven to be incorrect

140 Obama's lying when he says McCain's ad misstated BHO's Sex Ed for Kindergartners Bill: McCain's ad was accurate; here's the Sex Ed Bill text
139 Obama and Biden both truncate McCain's comments on the strength of the economy's fundamentals: deliberate distortion
138 Biden claims McCain tried to hurt our veterans by denying them educational benefits; NewsWeek confirms Biden is lying
137 Obama claims under McCain, Elderly would have had Social Security tied up in the Stock market; Newsweek cries BS
136 Obama claims his opponent will cut social security in half: NOT true; Obama guilty of scare-mongering aimed at Seniors
135 Biden claims McCain wouldn't help small borrowers hurt by housing crisis; this is untrue according to Newsweek
134 Obama claimed during the primary he had more Ex President Clinton Foreign Policy advisers than Sen. Clinton; she had 70% more
133 Obama claimed his father served in World War 2: his Kenyan-born father never served
132 Obama grossly misquoted Sen.Clinton about her vote on a banking bill; BHO used the false quote to show why voters don't trust Government
131 Obama claimed employers are more likely to be struck by lightning than be prosecuted for employing illegals; Gov stats prove he's lying
130 Pushing his Green agenda Obama claimed Japanese Car average 45 mpg fuel efficiency; its actually around 29 mph
129 Obama disparaged the President saying he hadn't met with auto makers until the sixth year of his presidency; GWB met automakers in April 2003
128 Obama disparaged the efficiency of our healthcare system saying the U.S. spends twice per capita than other countries: WaPo proves he's lying
127 Obama claims President Clinton's Labor Secretary said BHO's healthcare plan, "Does more than anybody to reduce costs"; Robert Reich did NOT say it
126 Obama falsely claimed he won the Michigan Democrat primary: he was not on the ballot
125 Obama's Spanish language ad lies about McCain's position on immigration; tries to stir race-war: lies debunked by ABC
124 Obama lies about his interference in Iraqi negotiations; but his campaign admits his treachery

123 Obama took credit for the economic stimulus package passed in Feb 08; BHO's colleagues on Capitol Hill cry BS
122 Obama claims Big Oil is ignoring 68 million acres of oil fields they could be drilling; most fields are being worked
121 Obama claims never questions his opponent's patriotism; asks of McCain "WHICH country first?": ABC says he's questioning McCain's patriotism

120 Obama claims personal savings rates are lowest since the Great Depression; currently higher than under President Clinton
119 Obama claims on this video that he doesn't switch positions; list of 31 flip flops show he's lying
118 In the Primaries Obama puffed his resume claiming he was a "Professor"; State Senate bio shows he was not ; he now agrees
117 When Obama ran for US Senate his web site claimed "5 years as a community organizer"; he admits it was only 3 years
116 Obama's attack ad in Michigan claims McCain doesn't support loan guarantees for auto-industry. McCain DOES support them
115 Obama says "if we're STILL in recession when he takes office...etc"; the economy is NOT in recession
114 Obama claims he signed up for Selective Service when he graduated from High School; records show he did NOT until he'd been at college 1 year
113 Attacking Palin, Obama has the audacity to claim,"Words mean something; you can't just make things up "; BHO makes stuff up
112 Biden claims McCain will increase taxes for workers & Obama will only increase taxes on those making $435k: he's lying
111 Biden claims Obama drew the Nation's attention to problems at Walter Reed Army Hospital; it was two WaPo reporters that reported the issues to the Nation
110 to make Obama seems more American/less exotic, Biden tells Scranton crowd Obama grew up in Kansas; BHO grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia

109 Obama lies yet again to disparage Gov. Palin; ignores her executive experience as Governor of Alaska

108 Obama says the US economy has failed under Bush; World Bank stats proves Obama's been lying; US a world leader in growth, employment, incomes
107 Obama claims if you are born into poverty in America you are on your own: there are many government programs
106 Obama claims he's bi-partisan: voting records prove Obama is #11 most partisan

105 Claimed Hillary would be on anyone's short-list; Hillary wasn't on Obama's short-list
104 Obama claims abortion rates have not gone down under the Bush Administration; stats show they have gone down
103 Obama dismissed Bomber Bill Ayers as "some guy who lives in the neighborhood";they had a close working relationship
102 Obama claims there's no charge to attend his acceptance speech: CBS 4 in Denver proves he's lying; some tickets cost $1000
101 Obama used being a first-time-buyer to justify consulting with Rezko before he bought his house; BHO had already purchased a residence
100 Obama lies about his support for infanticide; campaign concedes in 03 he opposed a bill stopping the killing of kids born alive after abortions ..."

to be continued

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:54 PM
99 Obama overstates Oil Industry's contributions to McCain; ignores cash the Oil industry gave BHO; Newsweek debunks
98 To belittle America,Obama exaggerated the growth in Debt under the current Administration; debunked by WaPo
97 Obama claims President George W Bush had not left the country before he became President; WaPo confirms he's lying
96 To promote "green", Obama claimed he drove a vehicle that uses ethanol; GM confirmed the model was NOT ethanol-ready
95 Obama claims he's taking his family for a week's rest in Hawaii with no campaigning; schedules a rally for first day

94: Obama claims "properly inflating tires" will save as much energy as we could drill offshore; analysis shows not even close
93 Obama denies accusing McCain of using race against him; ABC, NYT confirm Obama did accuse McCain of making racial attacks

92 Obama claims he's not being political when he's flip-flopping; timing & direction of major flip-flops show he's lying
91: Obama INVENTS a wall between Christians and Jews; deceptively omits the major religious wall is caused by a "fatwah" to kill American Christians and Jews
90 Obama claims he made a substantive call for Germany to help in Iraq; Berlin speech transcript proves he's lying
89: Obama admits he underestimated the decline in violence from the Surge; falsely claims McCain made same mistake
88 Obama turned a disappointing crowd of 20,000 into media reports of 200,000

87 Obama lied about his father's religious upbringing! half-brother confirms Obama's father was "RAISED Muslim"
86 Obama claimed we only made one fundraising trip to Florida during the Primary; Florida papers proved he lied

85 Claims reducing obesity to 80's levels would save Medicaid ONE TRILLION DOLLARS; not even close
84 To make Iraq/Afghan Wars look bad, Obama claimed demands on Nat Guard personnel hurt flood relief; Guards prove lying
83 Claimed due to overseas commitments, too few helecopters were available to help with Midwest flood relief; now concedes not true
82 Starting in Iowa, Obama claimed Clinton's healthcare plan would "punish families that couldn't afford healthcare"; NYT calls BS
81 Obama claims McCain's tax plan will do nothing to help the middle-class: The Tax Policy Center proves he's lying
80 claims the use of an Email with a big red DONATE button is NOT a fundraising solicitation
79 Obama claims his trip to Europe was non-political: uses video of Berlin speech to raise money within hours
78 Tells NBC that during the debate on the Surge he said the Surge would work in Baghdad; video proves during the debate he said the opposite

77 Obama's "Changing World" ad claims he'll fast-track alternatives to oil to stop us buying from hostile nations; "fast track" is totally misleading
76 Obama tells Israeli media that he's a member of the Senate Banking Committee; CNN confirms he's delusional
75 Obama claims Lou Dobbs caused hate crimes against Latinos to double; the FBI and CNN confirm Obama is lying
74 Obama claims the military brass think like he does; top US commanders say his plan for Iraq is unworkable
73: Obama promised to filibust FISA; later Obama voted for FISA and now denies changing his position
72 Obama belittles Americans claiming we can't speak European languages; he's talking merde; mierda; Scheiße
71 Obama denied he accused President Bush of starting the War for political reasons; Russert transcript proves Obama made that false claim
70 Obama claims there has been substantial job losses from NAFTA; Independent studies show its at least" job neutral"
69 Claimed in Feb 08 he got 90% of funds from donors giving $25, $50; fed filings show he got only about a third from donors below $200
68 Obama rewrites history about what specifically he had said during his October 2002 anti-war speech
67 Obama claimed in 04 that he had never supported bringing troops out of Iraq; rare video of 03 Teamsters rally shows he's lying
66 Obama lied about the softness of the Stock Market to support his false claim the War was being used to distract the public
65 To justify move to private funds, Obama claims McCain's campaign is" fuelled" by PACs and Lobbyists; its less than 2% of McCain's money
64 Obama's "Dignity" ad claims he "worked his way" thru college and law school; campaign admits only two summer jobs
63 Obama's "Dignity" ad gives him credit for reducing Welfare rolls by 80%: he's deceptive as he was opposed to Fed Welfare Reform in '96
62 In Obama's The Country I love ad, he takes credit for passing a healthcare bill he did NOT vote for
61 Claims he first ran in Chicago as an unendorsed candidate; his '96 election questionnaire proves he had several
60 Obama claims he wants a vigorous and open debate on the issues: then goes out of his way to avoid it
59 Obama omits key details about a false rumor re video of Michelle's "whitey" rant to justify breaking his public funding promise
58 Obama tries to deceive about why he voted "present" more than 100 times in the Illinois Senate; Chicago paper reveals the truth
57 Trying to claim patriotism Obama says his grandad signed up the day after Pearl Harbor; army records disagree
56 Claims race and party not important to how people vote as they put America first; 93% block vote disproves
55 On June 5, Obama stated that Israel must remain undivided; June 6 on CNN he reversed his position, but denied he had done so

54 To further his own agenda, Obama grossly overstates the number of potential African-American votes in MS, GA, SC
53 Promise of $2500 reduction in Healthcare premiums needs billions in Admin cost savings by 2012: not possible
52 Obama omits to mention his 3 week trip to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan until it slips out trying to out-do Clinton
51 Obama claims McCain wants to wage a lengthy war in Iraq: Video proves Obama's lying
50 Obama claimed he never prayed in a mosque; his campaign had to retract that statement
49 Obama dishonestly used endorsements in ads to pump up his healthcare plan
48 Claims he never discussed politics with Pastor; rebutted by photo of Obama with team of lobbyists led by Wright
47 Obama, an expert at parsing words, claimed he wasn't familiar with the word "Clintonian"; then changed his story
46 Despite reeking of cigarettes, Obama denied smoking to ABC; now admits smoking on MSNBC
45 Obama said he'd meet unconditionally with Leader of Iran: now claims he "didn't have Ahmadinejad in mind"
44 Obama claims he is using public financing to avoid special interests: WSJ nails his switcheroo
43 Obama's rhetoric claims more young black men in jail than college: BoJ Stats disprove
42 Claims he never said he was a proponent of single-payer universal healthcare; Video proves he did
41 Obama claims remarks to industrialists were greeted with silence, shows he can deliver tough message: video of ovation
40 Obamas claim you dont rip opponents & leave on roadside:he did to Alice Palmer
39 Obama denies saying Indiana could be tie-breaker: he did
38 Obama omits that Pastor Wright led divestiture campaign from Israel
37 Obama claims Church not controversial; he knew it was controversial since 86
36 Lied about intention of taking US out of NAFTA
35 Obamas claim poverty growing up: both distort reality
34 Obama denies meeting Saddam's Auchi; sworn Fed. witness places Obama at undisclosed party for Auchi at Rezkos
33 Obama lies about not attacking Clinton over her Bosnia lies
32 Obama claims he passed ethics reform; ABC News shows he lied
31 Obama says he's consistently opposed NAFTA; in October 2007 he supported expansion to Peru
30 Obama claims he's above dirty political tricks; Clinton proves he lies
29 Obama claims his "bitter" remarks were mangled; then repeats attacks on guns religion and angry people
28 Obama claims never said he wouldn't wear US flag-pin; video shows he did
27 Obama says he did no favors for Rezko;untrue; he lobbied for him

[edit on 1-1-2010 by On the Edge]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:57 PM
Well,I don't really need to continue!

It's so obvious!

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by jerico65

Obama’s only real accomplishment is that he took hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money, and directed them to his donors on Wall Street, in the unions and the insurance industry.

Here is how Obama did it: Please read Obama's Big Sellout

Obama had a clear mandate to rein in Wall Street and remake the entire structure of the American economy. What he did instead was ship even his most marginally progressive campaign advisers off to various bureaucratic Siberias, while packing the key economic positions in his White House with the very people who caused the crisis in the first place. This new team of bubble-fattened ex-bankers and laissez-faire intellectuals then proceeded to sell us all out, instituting a massive, trickle-up bailout and systematically gutting regulatory reform from the inside.

Here's a list of kickbacks and payoffs to the Obama team:

Even the members of Obama's economic team who have spent most of their lives in public office have managed to make small fortunes on Wall Street. The president's economic czar, Larry Summers, was paid more than $5.2 million in 2008 alone as a managing director of the hedge fund D.E. Shaw, and pocketed an additional $2.7 million in speaking fees from a smorgasbord of future bailout recipients, including Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. At Treasury, Geithner's aide Gene Sperling earned a staggering $887,727 from Goldman Sachs last year for performing the punch-line-worthy service of "advice on charitable giving." Sperling's fellow Treasury appointee, Mark Patterson, received $637,492 as a full-time lobbyist for Goldman Sachs, and another top Geithner aide, Lee Sachs, made more than $3 million working for a New York hedge fund called Mariner Investment Group. The list goes on and on. Even Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, who has been out of government for only 30 months of his adult life, managed to collect $18 million during his private-sector stint with a Wall Street firm called Wasserstein-Perella.

Ever hear about these in the Media? Outrageous? Embarrassing?

It appears that Obama is so drunk with awarding kickback, contracts and grants to his political allies that he has completely ignored his obligation for regulatory reform of Banking and the Derivatives Market. We appear to be worse off now than before the collapse. Meanwhile the Media turns a blind eye and continues its slobering love affair with their hero!

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by On the Edge
Well,I don't really need to continue!

It's so obvious!

Quite obvious!!!! When he says "Let me be clear on this" that's where the lie begins.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 08:12 PM
So you are saying that with our current President it is more normal for him

to lie then tell the truth?

How can this possibly be happening and how did people elect someone like


This seems like a bad dream that we are all caught up in and can not


When a President constantly is proven to lie before and after being elected

who holds him accountable?

If this President lies as much as you show he does what is his ultimate

motive money and power? ^Y^

[edit on 1-1-2010 by amari]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 08:30 PM
Now people are waking up....
Two Lines.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Polynomial C
Daniel Greenfield is another closet conservative spitting whatever the CONSERVATIVE MASS MEDIA is telling him ..

Just another Robosheep in the horrible campaign the Right-wings are staging ..


Where is the negative star button?

[edit on 1-1-2010 by Traffic]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 08:50 PM
Following in Bush's footsteps is bad I take it?

Lets be serious, lets just say he has no accomplishments if you want to go this route. The bank bailout started under the last administration.

He also expanded the war on terror, o right, nevermind.

Actually you know what, it seems like he's spent most of his tie either continuing or reversing the last administration.

I would like to point out that he did build his girls a nice swingset.

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