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At the very top, less than 12 men control the world. A council of 7

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posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

hello proto thanks for the answers this was a good read and gave food for thought . I do believe that not all is wanting to be in on the game and after listening to the audio of him numerous times I am convinced of that , even If H.I.M Haile Selassie I was a part of it I do belive he sought to change that ...

in regards to being something better that is exactly what I think the Rastafari is all about even though they still follow a set of rules it is based upon being each others teachers as they believe the answers lies in the Human love If all loved each other no one would rage wars , but the system of today is based on competition and being number one. I saw a program of a family from some island, people can't seem to speel it ( papa new Ginea or something) were they visited an English family and was shown a game , they ask the English what point of it was , and the answers being to get to the other side before the others and win, the chief of the people then says but if I get first all the others will lose what good is that ? I think that just shows the difference in mentality of the western view and the more nature based one, also they had a much better family bond than what you see in the west
were family comes first here it is education then employment and send the old ones to a home when the time comes. I myself like my personal freedom and being Independent but I sometimes ponder the consequences.

Even If H.I.M was part of the Agenda which I doubt , then his words encompasses what I believe to be the first step in becoming better , he doesn't judge or cry wolf ,he simply says You have broken your own contracts if you make void that principle that which is at stake is international morality .

I was looking for the Italo-Ethiopian treaty of 1928 but I seem to be unable to find it , have you any suggestions as to were I should look ? Also the Paris treaty you talk about , among others were do I locate such documents are the available online? Atm I am trying to read the Lisbon treaty, and I can see its not just something you do IMO if you have no knowledge in the field ,why is it that you read a paragraph and the suddenly 10 paragraphs later it states that what you have read then is deleted and now this paragraph applies instead and the four pages in that which had been changed is now not paragraph 2 but is rewritten as paragraph 3. and just keeps going on this way ? if things have been deleted or changed why keep it in ?

you seem to be very knowledgeable in this field so thought I might ask
if there is a method to the madness or it simply is purposely to confuse and trick some into signing after only having read let say 50 pages out of the 304 ? thanks again for your answers

In regard to the secret technology could that not also be a purposely planted information to make them seem so powerful and unbeatable, here I talk about all the supposed wicked things they are said to posses like earthquake machines and time machines and what not , again playing on the element and notion of fear in us ?

lastly Why is the remains of their Christ so Important and the scepter of Rome so valuable to them ?

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by jackflap

Hey jack flap thanks for your input regarding Ethiopia, If you are interested in the tale of King solomon and the Queen of Sheba, I can recommend reading the Kebra Negast (the Glory of kings ) by Miguel F Brooks , I think I remember you talked about reading the Bible if it was not you i apologize for the mix up .. lets keep digging for the answers in all fields .. this is also biblical texts but its from Ethiopia

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 11:58 PM
It’s amazing really; the fact is that the evidence of how Religion specifically the Roman Concept of religion as put forth in the Holy Roman Bible is irrefutable.

The Pope has been established as the Vicar of Christ, God’s legal representative on earth. He is legally God on Earth.

Every last one, let me repeat every last one of our elected officials swears their oath of office on the Bible!

From the President of the United States on down they place one hand on the bible and raise the other in the air and swear an oath on that Bible, that Roman Bible, and to God that Roman concept of God as represented by the Pope who is legally God in a legal ceremony and pledge their obedience to the Pope who is legally God in upholding the duties of that office.

It is actually so in our faces that they don’t even hide it and we don’t think anything of it.

But that is what all of our elected officials do when they are sworn in to office.

We are a Roman state, a part of the Roman Empire, the Roman Empire that is, and has been working on setting up a one world government for 2,000 years.

I don’t care how you explain all the evidence away, what excuses you make for it; how a person lies to themselves and says it isn’t what it is.

That’s just how effectively we have been conditioned and brainwashed with centuries of lies.

Religion is not just a means and a concept to control us, and it is not just a means and a concept to control our governments, it is the actual mechanism of ultimate underlying control whether you are religious or not that allows Rome to rule the world, to rule us, to turn us into slaves, to tax us, to degrade us, to treat us like chattel and livestock, to profit off of our existence and to place in bondage so completely the vast majority of us don’t even know we are in Bondage.

Place your left hand on the Bible and raise your right hand in the air and repeat after me “I do solemnly swear…”

I do solemnly swear to make a legally binding oral contract under Roman Law by making a pledge through non-disclosure that I have absolutely no earthly idea of the significance of.

Wake up and rise up people of the earth, taste the sweetness of freedom, for it is sweet indeed, throw off your shackles and dare to dream, dare to live, dare for once to be your own Master!

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I want us to consider for a moment some things that are just swirling around my brain right now. I am going to reference the Bible but only because it may have viable clues. We have been touching on it without letting our emotions drive us into the irrational thought processes that it is designed to do.

We know the Hebrews began as slaves in Egypt. This was after the flood. Egypt is a world power at this point and they have some serious technology that we cannot figure out to this day. I reference the alignment of their pyramids and what not.

They now want to leave Egypt and with much fanfare they do. For some reason Egypt is angered by this and chases them to their demise. They wander around for some time and come across instructions as to how to build an ark to house some stones and other magical things.

They come upon their promised land and low and behold it is surrounded by giants. Weren't their giants before the flood? Weren't they wiped out by the flood? Did they survive the ancient flood? What are they protecting in the promised land?

This leads me to wonder, how far is Ancient Babylon from modern day Israel? Not far when we consider Saddam's scud missiles hitting them during the first gulf war. Could the technology or whatever they had during the building of the tower of babel have been washed to this location by the cataclysmic deluge?

Fast forward to two thousand years ago. Israel is under Roman occupation. For some reason the Romans destroy the place and send them into captivity. Many of them escape to other lands. The temple is sacked.

Now fast forward to world war two. The Nazi's are on a seek and destroy mission. They know that Israel is going to be a nation again in 1948. Are they trying to eliminate certain blood lines before they can return? We know of their deep interest in lineages and cloning.

They systematically slaughter as many as they could, aided by the Vatican I might add. We know how hotly disputed the territory is. We know that when the Templars went into Solomon's temple that they became very rich. So wealthy in fact that somone had them killed.

These are things I wanted to present because I know I'll forget them if I don't post them. Some things to consider as we try to unravel this devious plot that has befallen us. The thing is, we are right on track with their plan. I can see them laughing at our efforts.

I know the Temple is now under Muslim control. That does not mean a thing. The Vatican is in fact very much in concert with the Muslims as well. I know I don't have to post the picture of the Pope kissing the Quran do I? I remember reading as well, in my very own enormous Catholic Bible, that the Pope had something to do with creating the religion.

Could there be something so powerful or so valuable at the temple site? Can there be someone above even the Vatican? We know the public figures are puppets. So I am leaning that way. Help me out here.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by jackflap

It is a complete fiction that the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt and that's why the Bible is such a dangerous instrument of propaganda when it comes to History.

Older much older inscriptions in Rock and on Papyrus reveal the Hebrew to be the Habiru and Hapiri.

They were originally stone masons in Egypt and did not quarry the stone but actually were the masons that put it all together.

They eventually took Egypt over and were the Hyksos Dynasty. Moses was the last Hyksos Pharoa JackFlap.

They had taken over Babylon on other occassions and like in Babylon in Egypt eventually the people rebelled against their harsh rule and looting of the treaury.

They fled into the lands of the Caananites and simply set up shop there.

The Hapiru/Hapiri would not name their God(s) and they are believed to have more than one. The Hebrews do not name their God(s) still to this day.

The Hapiru/Hapir/Hebrew and their religion based on Romes did not predate Rome's version of the Bible, it was simply manipulated like it did to give added creedence to Rome's version.

It really is truly not what you imagine it to be. One of the reasons Egypt is paid so much money, Syria is a closed society, the Archeological sites in Iraq are so heavily gaurded and the Museum looted is that they are trying to erase all evidence of the Habiru and Habiri.

The Muslims don't like Jews for a reason and its because they actually know the truth of their origins.

They were a nomadic race of mercanaries, pirates, slave traders, theives, craftsman, money lenders, and political advisors that wandered in and out of every Kingdom in the Middle East robbing them until they eventually ended up in Jerusalem for all of a few hundred years.

The Biblical History of the Jews is complete fiction.

Complete, total, and utter fiction.

The Pharissees have been working with Rome for the better part of 2,000 years to sell the lie that benefits the Pharisees and Rome alike.

Hebrew Gold, Roman Arms.

[edit on 25/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Alright then, I'll have to reconsider my thoughts on the matter that I outlined above. It is very confusing my friend. They've done a good job selling the story and believe me their is no easy way to think around what you've been told for so long.

Every time I begin considering an avenue of approach, I am led to what I think I know as fact. You see what I mean? Is there a pill for this that I can take or something?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:25 AM
Has anyone ever been able to accurately identify the membership of The Council Of 7 and the Council Of 20?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by jackflap

One thing swirling around in my head is if there is some kind of long run race war through history.

Dont need to go over the history of genocides and ethnic cleansing. But obviously you have groups in the middle east killing each other, afro-americans still on average second class citisens (and not originally admitted in to the freemasons!), all of our and pope's Africa policies... look atthe debt Africa has to the west, they have paid the original money off many times it is just the interest that keeps it going. Look at the forced injection sterilisations in Africa in the (80s?), treatment of minorities pretty much everywhere...

I was wondering before I had peeled off more conspiracy layers, if the Jews set up a world domination plan, to kind of take revenge on the world for being slaves and after diaspora being mistreated everywhere.

Its often said the real Hebrews are actually African and have darker skin, whereas we tend to think in conspiracy the real Hebrews are middle eastern dark(er) skin, but Ive been wondering if the Egyptians were the Africans (as the Arabs living there now are not their real descendents) and the Hebrew were the WHITES.

I was reading a passage, damn my memory, but of a man who was gifted land by YHWH and travelling with his wife goes to Egypt, the pharoahs soldiers find them and tell him of this mans wife's beauty, they go in to ridiculous detail describing her and mention specifically white skin. So the pharoah sends for her and the man knows he will be killed so she says this man is her brother, and to spare him. So the pharaoh says he will marry this beautiful woman, the man prays to YHWH not to let them, some bad things happen and the pharaoh fetches his magicians. They flee knowing they can do nothing, so he goes to the man and begs him pray the plagues stop. Anyway he finds out he is the beautiful womans husband, they get released in exchange for stopping the plagues.

Do you remember the name? I think he was related to Enoch if it helps... I have not read the Bible since I was little and Catholic.

Point being, I was wondering if the Hebrew were originally white and slaves, and then set up a long world domination plan... and to cover their tracks the Romans an institution of this then assaulted the natives of Palestine and called them Hebrews...

Its strange but it make sense to me, I guess it would go something like this:
this white Hebrew tribe moves north and west, settles all Europe, and through Europe the rest of the world. Create various cultures which all have the same basis with one core ideology. Then begin to subjugate all the other peoples they encounter not descendent of this tribe.
Can see it happen in extermination of every 'aboriginal' group in the world... and look at the world now, white supremists will tell you white people are better, look at the world as proof with all the 1st world countries, I think it might be because they deliberately destroyed cultures though... then you have the Tribe of Dan as Proto mentioned could be a good candidate of this group and probably usurped Norse culture as their own to pretend they were natives of the region... as I have said before there is evidence we have lived in Scandinavia for 80,000 years and circumstantial we have been there far back as 200,000, I believe this, doesnt mean the tribe of Dan theory is disproven, they could both simultaneously be true.

Look who comes from the Germanic-Danish peoples, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, most -steins and -bergs and -golds and all. Seems to me, people say: its a Jewish conspiracy. Then we say: no its a zionist conspiracy, because they're white people posing as Jews.. Then I say: no its a German-nazi conspiracy. Then Proto says: no its a Roman conspiracy. Maybe these are all correct, maybe the white Hebrews moved north west, settled down, controlled the world and have racist policies... created empires and adapted to make them appear harmless, and now carry out the same policies as were originally planned...

Weird to think about... sorry its kind of all over the place but Im pretty tired.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 09:24 PM
When Bush launched a middle east war in 2001, was it because Rome ordered USA to do so? this Bush's tongue slip is really revealing...

[edit on 25-3-2010 by Investigateconspiracies]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

My god! Just read up to page 17 over the past couple of nights, in the end had to skip forward, had no idea how long it was!

First off, very intriguing ideas about ROME, very interesting and thanks for sharing them. I was wondering where you read about Julius Caesar surviving the senate attack? Did you read it somewhere or was it an idea you had?

Nothings changed much really, lol. Bigger, subtler circus' with a greater variety of food, but the principle is the same. Appeasement.


posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

First off, very intriguing ideas about ROME, very interesting and thanks for sharing them. I was wondering where you read about Julius Caesar surviving the senate attack? Did you read it somewhere or was it an idea you had?

Though many people would love me too, I can not at present divulge the source of that information.

All I can say is that it comes from a very highly placed personal source.

Thanks for asking.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Though many people would love me too, I can not at present divulge the source of that information. All I can say is that it comes from a very highly placed personal source. Thanks for asking.

It's strange but when I read your theories regarding this whole thing, it clicked. I remembered hearing the very same thing about Julius Ceasar. Don't ask me where I heard it but I know I've heard that before. I probably dismissed this at the time but when you tied it all together it made sense. I may have actually heard this from someone in the military come to think of it. Not anyone particularly important but someone. I forget.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by a-being-?

9) What do you believe the flood was and what caused it? (some have said post nuclear holocaust not here as far as I remember but hope you get my point when I ask what do you think the flood was)

Oh that’s easy a runaway planet that broke out of its orbit that legend calls Nibiru struck earth after every attempt was made to blow it up in space and save the planet. It crashed in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle!

It could have gone either way and by the time it was realized there was no stopping a major portion of it from hitting the planet it was too late to save most people.

These things happen in an imperfect universe.

I have a pretty difficult time with this theory. A whole planet? Chicxulub the asteroid thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs was likely only 6 miles across. A rogue planet may've collided with early Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. It would've been so cataclysmic that the debris formed the moon.

Anyhow I believe very strongly that the great flood did happen. You can't ignore the fact that almost all human civilizations have a deluge myth, even many remote tribal groups with limited Euro-centric contact have deluge myths.

I believe strongly that Great Flood was actually a series of catastrophic floods caused by the glacial melt at end of the Ice Age. The Ice Age climate went from mile thick glaciers covering most of North America, Europe, and Asia to present conditions in an extremely short period. The interesting thing is a lot of people don't put those events together. The dawning of civilization (as we know it) began 10,000 to 8,000BC the transitional period out of the last Ice Age was 12,000 to 10,000 years ago. Once you account for the Before Christ year offset (2000 years) it's the same exact time period!

This can't be a coincidence.

Moreover there is fully accepted geological evidence of super cataclysmic glacial floods during this transitional period all across the globe. Imagine lakes with volumes that rival the Great Lakes draining over the period of days. In some cases they happened repeatedly year after year as more glacial water would damn up at choke points during the winter, and then thaw and flood during the spring and summer.

Any ancient civilization along water ways during this period would've been completely and thoroughly wiped out in minutes. Even if they were situated hundreds (maybe even thousands) of miles down stream from the glacier.

Also far more gradually the global sea level rose significantly in this period as well. Ancient civilizations established along coast lines would've faced an ever encroaching sea on a global scale. Any low lying islands during that period are miles out to sea today (read Atlantis). It is believed that the oceans were ~400ft lower than they are today. Just think about how far out to sea you have to go in some places to get to 400ft. That's were the beaches were 12,000 years ago!

Anyhow, I do like the rest of your theories, pretty thought provoking. I have a deep interest in the last Ice Age and it's impact on ancient man, and also our future when the next glacial period begins.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

It’s amazing really; the fact is that the evidence of how Religion specifically the Roman Concept of religion as put forth in the Holy Roman Bible is irrefutable. The Pope has been established as the Vicar of Christ, God’s legal representative on earth. He is legally God on Earth. Every last one, let me repeat every last one of our elected officials swears their oath of office on the Bible!

It is a complete fiction that the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt and that's why the Bible is such a dangerous instrument of propaganda when it comes to History. Older much older inscriptions in Rock and on Papyrus reveal the Hebrew to be the Habiru and Hapiri. They were originally stone masons in Egypt and did not quarry the stone but actually were the masons that put it all together. They eventually took Egypt over and were the Hyksos Dynasty. Moses was the last Hyksos Pharoa JackFlap.

Well if we go this far my friend, let us consider yet something else. Think back to the tower again. Do you remember how you referenced our towers being knocked down as well? Relating our recent experience with the past. Well maybe it really wasn't so different.

All the evidence that points to what actually happened paints quite a picture for us. I mean in regards to the involvement of secret societies and men in power actually coordinating and carrying out those horrific attacks. The attacks themselves led us right to where we are now. Our situation is worsening and the faithful in all the major religions are at eachothers throats.

Bare with me a moment. We know the earth goes through cycles. Ice ages have been found to have occurred in the past and they usually come in ten to twelve thousand year cycles. We are actually due for one and you would expect an eventual thaw that would result in a deluge.

We know the glaciers are miles thick and scrape the earth clean as they migrate across continents while they destroy everything and kill most living things. All records are lost and mankind must begin again. Wondering where and when we came from.

We know right after the Tower thing in the Bible the flood was announced and occurred. We know these secret societies go way back. So far back we do not really know. What would you do to maintain a control mechanism for the next inhabitants?

You construct some archives that paint a very grim picture of mankind that needs to be controlled by a far superior power. For instance, our very own twin towers. How would you describe what they were and how they were brought down?

Example: United man built two identical towers that symbolized their power and strength but in their ignorance they were thinking evil continually and used the towers to torment other men by keeping them from Power. Power came from space and saw what they had accomplished and to teach them how to love and not hurt eachother, Power smashed the towers before their eyes and scattered them throughout the earth confusing their languages.

You know that mankind will speak different languages in different parts of the world as they naturally progress so you give an explanation for this. Not only do you give an explanation but you let them know that they are helplessly evil without the guidance of Power. Power is all knowing and everywhere at the same time and even knows what you think.

Thinking ahead, you even tell them that when they were united it was a bad thing because you don't want everyone thinking on the same level. The collective conscious would be very powerful. You need division and so you promote it. You promote it even further by creating different stories of the same thing and creating different Powers that do not like eachother.

The faithful would fight against a united mankind. The unfaithful would just go with the flow. It would culminate in a war whereby the faithful wipe themselves out eventually. It would leave you and yours at the top with all the resources and a small population that is driven to serve the only ones who can keep them alive.

Why would a united mankind be evil continually? Maybe it wouldn't be and maybe we would actually see what we are doing. That we don't need the PTB to remind us of how inept and incompetent we are. How helplessly lost we are without their 'guidance'. You see, in the plan you know that eventually man kind will unite, but you make sure that you're in control of it. Turn it into a war of religions and ideologies and fear and doubt.

How would you pass this control plan down through the ages and preserve it? How did Julius Ceasar end up with it and know how and when to execute? We know those secret societies are full of evil and religious overtones. We know what's right and we know what's wrong. They like to play both sides. So as to keep us guessing?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by jackflap

The problem with cults is, people believe it because 'it makes sense'. All you have to do is present information in an understandable and likeable way and people will be all over it. I read the Scientologist doctrines and full understand why people would join, they say a lot of 'universal truths'. Also, I had signed up for the 'Luciferian front' previous because maybe 2008 or so I got really interested in aliens for a brief time (again) and came across this site: it simply made too much sense and I joined.

But it doesnt make it true. There is cults everywhere that specifically use this psychological warfare tactic to sucker you in, show information that accepts your position and hide what doesnt, and make an argument that explained in a specific way makes logical sense, and people will believe it.

I call it the vodka effect (I am a vodka connoseur). So its easy for me to explain. Everyone drinks these popular vodkas, which by all means relativity, are terrible vodkas. So why do they still buy them? Because its the only thing (or best thing) they've been exposed to.

So Im still wary of all this Rome stuff. Protoplasmic traveler learned a lot of his theories from a Freemason (or other secret society guy) who he trusts and went against his oaths, in 'exposing' these theories. Leads me to believe a) he is not trustworthy as he turned on his oaths or b) they figured he would tell so they fed him false information.

You have to consider possibility that if we know about something, we are MEANT to know, secrets arent secrets when you know them. Maybe Romes just the next layer of the onion, not the last.

Sorry this started out only as one paragraph...

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Ridhya

But it doesnt make it true. There is cults everywhere that specifically use this psychological warfare tactic to sucker you in, show information that accepts your position and hide what doesnt, and make an argument that explained in a specific way makes logical sense, and people will believe it.

I understand exactly what you are saying my friend. I don't believe what is being presented here can be likened to a cult though. I mean, it is a conspiracy web site. We are discussing conspiracies and who knows what we'll uncover. Exciting isn't it? Nothing we are discussing should be accepted as absolute truth. One has to use their mind here.

Anyway I or anyone else should not commit these theories to their hearts and distort their own reality with them. This is in no way a place to come to for absolute truth of anything. It is a conspiracy web site where we can all explore different avenues of approach to such bizarre topics and I for one find it thoroughly entertaining and thought provoking. Cult? No way.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 05:42 AM
What an awesome thread to read.
It sounds like the ancient Jews are slowly and constantly at war against Rome.

What is your idea about the JFK assassination? Did the Jews do it, or did Rome do it?

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
What an awesome thread to read.
It sounds like the ancient Jews are slowly and constantly at war against Rome.

What is your idea about the JFK assassination? Did the Jews do it, or did Rome do it?

OR, are/is there other hidden or overt hand/s that control the battle between those ideological constructs that vie for overall power over all the Earth?

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 07:46 AM
Pardon me,I just want to "mark" this to remember to read more later!

Too bad this thread isn't in the form of a book...I never get tired of reading about this subject!(Just tire of sitting in this chair so long...!)

You guys have really outdone yourselves here. Excellent thread!

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
What an awesome thread to read.
It sounds like the ancient Jews are slowly and constantly at war against Rome.

What is your idea about the JFK assassination? Did the Jews do it, or did Rome do it?

Rome is the ultimate and original source of wealth for the International Banking Cartels.

The most widely accepted theory on the JFK assassination is that it was carried out by the CIA after the International Banking Cartel became displeased with Kennedy for wanting to put the U.S. Dollar on a Silver Standard.

Had he done that it would have severely threatened and impacted the global system of fiat de facto instrument of debt currency attached to nothing of intrinsic or real value that the International Banking Cartel worked so hard to create.

Our money only has a perceived value and is in essence just paper no different than monopoly money. It’s a system that is used world wide by all major currencies but the U.S. Dollar which is the de facto reserve currency around the world is the lynchpin to that system.

Had Kennedy succeeded in attaching the dollar to Silver it would have made just about every other currency around the globe worthless in comparison since they are not attached to anything of value either.

The whole system would have fallen apart and severely limited the power of the International Banking Cartel which had been building on and expanding its powers for centuries in an ongoing and tireless effort to enslave people and nations to debt.

What better way to enslave people to debt than by giving them currencies which are in all reality instruments of debt and not wealth?

At the heart of the Shadow Government which is a global government lays the International Banking Cartel. It is the Secret Societies of Rome that act as their chief enforcers and logistical agents. The CIA is a Roman Enterprise thanks in large part to the Skull and Bones 322, which is a Roman Enterprise.

The Zionists are a Roman Enterprise as well too.

The long and short of it is very little can happen on this planet without Rome’s blessing and whether it gives you the carrot (peace) to get what it wants, or gives you the stick (war) to get what it wants, it typically gets what it wants.

Where some people get a little confused is the fact that Rome is not just the Vatican, the Vatican just happens to be the most visible face of and to Rome. Throw in the International Banking Cartel, the Military Industrial Complex, the Secret Societies and the Jesuits and Zionists and you have a far more powerful, echeloned and tactically formidable beast with its tentacles everywhere and in everything.

All roads do lead to Rome and on April 25th, the 65th Anniversary of the United Nations I am going to unveil my All Roads Lead to Rome epic thread here on ATS.


Coming April 25th to the best conspiracy site on the Internet ATS!

[edit on 30/3/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

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