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How often do you meditate?

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posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:13 PM
How often do you meditate?
How often should a person meditate? Is every day of the week necessary?
In what position do you usually meditate?


I started meditating a month ago and been doing it every day. Starting to wonder if it's too much to meditate every day?

[edit on 28-12-2009 by sphinx551]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:19 PM
You are suppose to meditate everyday. A hardcore meditator will meditate 2 or 3 times a day. At other times you should maintain mindfulness/semi meditative state.

The more you naturalize the state of meditation the better. There is no such thing as meditating too much. However, don't push your mind and body too much either. If you can meditate for 5 hours on end, then by all means go for it. If you get uncomfortable after 30 min, then that is the best time to stop.

I meditate twice daily, but recently I have had a gap in my practice due to bad health. I intend to start again from New Years day.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

Thank you. I just wanted to make sure and I will just keep doing what I am doing. An hour of meditation a day is good enough for me.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:24 PM
I practice yoga every other morning, it feels great but i have been distracted from meditating.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
You are suppose to meditate everyday. A hardcore meditator will meditate 2 or 3 times a day. At other times you should maintain mindfulness/semi meditative state.

The more you naturalize the state of meditation the better. There is no such thing as meditating too much. However, don't push your mind and body too much either. If you can meditate for 5 hours on end, then by all means go for it. If you get uncomfortable after 30 min, then that is the best time to stop.

I meditate twice daily, but recently I have had a gap in my practice due to bad health. I intend to start again from New Years day.

Yes, I agree, in fact its hard to actually wish to stop, and not only is it nice to do one long session, or perhaps 1 hour, then 1/2 hour later, but there are wonderful 10 minute ones youtube, dolphins and whales and binaurals, that make the quest go on some days much longer.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:47 PM
People meditate in their own ways and forms by different means and methods.

I usually just listen to music, watch a documentary and have a smoke.

All it is, is a balancing of energy, a chill out time. Not sitting on the ground in a funny shape ranting all these random phrases.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by the_denv

Listening to music, watching a documentary and having a smoke is not meditation, they are activities. I am sorry to say, but I hear many people passing of every activity as meditation. This sends the wrong messages to people.

Meditation is a formal practice. You set aside some time and then during that time you maintain a state of quiet mind passively observing your thoughts or you concentrate on some object(word, sound, picture, concept, deity, breath, feeling)

Listening to music, watching a documentary/movie and having a smoke can be done in a meditative state by being mindful of it, but this is not really meditation. The purpose of meditation is shut off the mind, not to entertain the mind.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:43 PM
Indigo_Child, what do you think of these tracks on this website?:

I use them when I am meditating in bed.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

I usually meditate every day, but i have not been able to recently. i prefer the lotus positon, and oceanic sounds.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

I listened to a few yesterday. They don't do much for me I am afraid. I think binaural beats/isotones seem to work for some and not work for others. I have tried the past life regression one, out of body experience one, and the meet your guide one, nothing happened I am afraid. Nonetheless, I guess they were relaxing in some way.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

Did you try this track also?:

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:59 PM
I think people often get meditation and experiances mixed up, for instance. Taking peyote or smoking maurijuana, if taken to experiance life differently and not just to party or whatever, but to actually just sit and think, people often and i used to myself, call this meditation but it really isnt, its just experiancing life through a different set of eyes. I agree with what Indigo_Child said, "The purpose of meditation is shut off the mind, not to entertain the mind."

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 10:00 PM
I meditate daily and after some months at it have found that most times I can 'trigger' myself to 'drop' into that state very quickly ... this has led to me choosing to meditate a lot more often.
It really helps with 'processing' events in your life and keeping the balance.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 10:04 PM
Then I suppose fishing is meditating. Which I do a lot of.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by the_denv
Then I suppose fishing is meditating. Which I do a lot of.

-shakes head-
Yea meditating sure

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 10:16 PM
I've tried it so many times and never succeeded, tried meeting a spirit guide, going to the akashic records, and I just end up thinking about something completely different or I start going through conversations i've had through the day, just never works, my minds always to active!

Even had those cd's that semi hypnotise you, and they don't work, I start thinking to myself 'am I doing it right' so can never relax, just end up listening to some bloke talk to me for an hour.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 10:27 PM
2 x a day on average. Sometimes 4 x daily.

There is no harm in meditating very frequently. In fact, if anything, it is beneficial to the mind and entire organism.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by valiant

If you're having some problems I highly highly recommend these videos, meditations I've linked on Mr. Green's new thread.
They at the most last 10 minutes. I also highly recommend the thread Bach to the Future and the Binaurals there.

But about the short ones, you would be setting your intentions high, I'm not going to say too high, and I don't believe theres any limits. But I would, do it differently. Before a mindless, deep resting meditation with an mp3 player in bed, I would sit up with headphones at the computer and close your eyes. And I would use my imagination to leap into the water with the dolphins and whales, and explore how you might assist them. I would deepen my own intentions using affirmations, stating "I am , or I am manifesting this now"

ex. "I am aware, and know who I am in source, my cosmic nature, and my memories are returning, I am connecting to my higher self, and learning why I've come to this planet, my abilities and natural gifts are activated now, this is manifesting now, and grows stronger each and every day. I am light and love, and wish to see the light in everyone, under the masks we all wear, to reclaim and love every aspect of self in this game of oneness, facing the light the shadow and loving all to wellness. I am growing and evolving, my dna is healing and I will remember. I am tuning out the negative in order to pay attention to that which I need to see."

That kind of thing. And then listen. Perhaps you need to wear an mp3 with shorter meditaitons that contain frequencies, such as dolphins and whales while doing repitive tasks and chores, I would save the binaurals in particular the ones that take you deeply down for lying down, but there are many that are very good.

I often mix the sounds of the whales and dolphins, playing downloads from here:
the pure binaurals from here:

at the same time.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by Unity_99]

[edit on 28-12-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by '___'omino

Originally posted by the_denv
Then I suppose fishing is meditating. Which I do a lot of.

-shakes head-
Yea meditating sure

Your ignorance blinds you. Meditating is not sitting in a damn funny shape humming sounds.
Do you even know that the word "Om" is historically recorded to be the sound of the Sun. I don't condone weird freaky rituals.

If you have never sat in a dense forest, alone, fishing a river and no other humans around you for miles then you don't even know the concept of meditation.


Meditation is a mental discipline by which the practitioner attempts to get beyond the reflexive, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness.

So, your wrong. Stop shaking your head like an ignorant immature single minded child. Meditation can be anything as each and every single individual is different, which means each and every single person meditates differently and achieves the same.

But sure you think your great because you probably sit with your legs crossed, nodding back and forth or sitting still spewing random ancient sounds which you dont even know the origin of nor the meaning. For all you know, you could be inviting negative energy into your soul. I suppose you have a circle of candles around you while you are doing this? I suppose you also purchase those "Angel Cards" created by Doreen Virtue
Anyone see her on the Angels program in the UK? She wore all BLUE, with an Ishtar neck brace which has a black crystal heart in the center.
People are so damn naive and too quick to attack people for stating that the method they meditate is fishing

For a person who meditates, your very quick to SNAP at someone who just came in here to say how they meditate. I think you need to rethink your methods if this is the reaction you have to people.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 06:00 PM
Daily, usually once. Hardly ever much shorter than ten minutes, nor much longer than an hour. I've been doing it for years now. All sorts of ways, and no "way" at all.

Usually, I do some form of the three esses: Sit down, Shut up, and Stay that way for a while.

But some people don't sit down, and some people don't shut up.

Which brings us to:

People meditate in their own ways and forms by different means and methods.


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