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History Channel Ancient Astronaut Theory

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posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 03:30 AM
I just watched this on the history channel an hour ago. Its about the ancient astronaut theory and even if you dont believe the theory it covers alot of interesting topics. Most of the things in the video i was completely unaware of before watching it.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 03:36 AM
I watched it too. Very interesting show, and might I add, I love that History is showing UFO stuff all day

But yeah, I thought the last bit of the show, about the ruins of Puma Punku. That was incredible.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by Cannabis907
I watched it too. Very interesting show, and might I add, I love that History is showing UFO stuff all day

But yeah, I thought the last bit of the show, about the ruins of Puma Punku. That was incredible.

That is what i was originally going to make a thread about but then i just decided the whole show was worthy of one. Also i saw that device they found near athens on some other show and had always wondered if it had something to do with aliens.

[edit on 26-12-2009 by Shake]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 03:57 AM
I'm rather surprised that we haven't heard more about the Puma Punku ruins. This was the first I've heard of it, and it seems much more significant than many of the other important ruins and pyramids.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 04:19 AM
Interesting theories about this and ancient structures constructed from diarite. Suggesting that machined tools were used with diamond tipped blades.

However, I am very skeptical with some of this, specifically because they use Erich von Daniken to support their argument. For those of that that are unaware, von Dänikenn has been convicted of fraud several times, and served prison time for such crimes. I personally don't believe a word out of his mouth, but there are some very interesting connections made throughout this documentary that can only make you wonder....

[edit on 26-12-2009 by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 04:29 AM
I saw some of the show on history channel, but i thought it was a rerun until i saw the end of it with the astrological machine, pretty awesome stuff.

The pyramids were built by aliens i knew it! haha

I'll watch the rest of the vid's tomarrow, thanx for the post

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx
For those of that that are unaware, von Dänikenn has been convicted of fraud several times, and served prison

no he didnt. Im going to wager though, that you got your information from wikipedia
you may as well reference the national enquierer snip. Do some research for yourself for a change.

Mod Note: Please Review Courtesy Is Mandatory

[Mod Edit - name calling]

[edit on 26/12/2009 by Sauron]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 07:02 AM
I have done research on my own... This has been proven elsewhere on the web. Stop being so self conceded that you ignore the truth based on your own ignorant biased beliefs.

Sorry this wiki source was the first one that popped up, because I wanted to provide documentation. This is not where I originally heard of this. It is funny when peoples views of things are proven incorrect in front of their faces... They resort to "fasleifying" the truth, in defense to uphold their own egotistical idiotic distortions of reality!

If you actually knew ANYTHING about what the hell you were talking about you would see past your own IGNORANCE. Here are SEVERAL sources validating this, of which are just a handful of the THOUSANDS of other sources proving this!

SOURCE: Von Däniken wrote his second book in jail, serving three and a half years for fraud and tax evasion.



*Sorry for derailing your thread OP, anyways... back on Topic

[edit on 26-12-2009 by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 08:14 AM
That History channel documentary is pretty good for anyone who isn't familiar with the Ancient Astronaut Theory. It serves as a good beginners guide. Keep in mind though, they left out TONS of stuff.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 08:26 AM
Von Däniken's convictions had to be mentioned. It is also worth noting that his theories have been money-spinners on an unimaginable scale via his books and also his theme park, etc. Some might say 'convicted fraudster + big business = need for caution'.

Leaving the above aside, this program is addressing undeniably fascinating questions. It has brought together many of the most interesting archeological conundrums and presented them very well. (I was, however, just a little surprised that it didn't mention The Baalbek foundation stones.)

Presented with such glaring oddities it is not surprising that someone would come up with a theory along the lines of 'alien intervention'. And why not - if scientific consensus (based on peer review) won't go there, free thinkers often have a more open mind.

Yet there is a major flaw in the way the proponents of Von Däniken's theories put their case forward, namely that their explanation is the only possible alternative. This is not at all the case.

It was stated in the documentary that we should not presume that our ancestors who developed ancient civilizations were necessarily less intelligent than modern man. I believe there is indeed sufficient evidence to make that a reasonable statement. In fact I would go further: what if our ancestors managed through their own ingenuity to discover and develop knowledge and techniques that enabled them to attain insights in astronomy, physics, construction techniques, etc., that might rival or even transcend what we have today? Is it actually necessary to presume alien intervention?

Dead Men's Secrets by Jonathan Gray looks at the evidence presented in this documentary — and much more besides — and draws a very different conclusion to was was presented in the video.

It alludes to the idea, mentioned in the video in fact, that an ancient civilization/ancient civilizations may well have reached levels of attainment that standard historical theory would regard as fantastical — but were then, for whatever reason wiped out. In effect the human race had to start once again from scratch. But perhaps tantalizing pockets of that prior knowledge were handed down, initially by word of mouth, and bequeathed to subsequent generations in the form of legends...

A lot more could be said, but suffice it to say that encounters with beings from other planets is certainly not the only explanation. At the same time someone with acute business acumen could tap into the philosophical openness left by post-modern society by suggesting a radical new interpretation of history that resonates with popular culture, and make a killing.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 09:07 AM
So lets say that Stephen Hawking, didn't pay his taxes does that mean he can't be trusted, and is a liar? Erich Von Daniken might be exaggerating some of the stuff but at least he gets you thinking about the past and what we still don't know about other civilizations.

Personally I don't believe aliens made any of the stuff at all, I think that humans used to be a lot smarter in the past.

[edit on 26-12-2009 by nafiro]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by nafiro

Its definitely does get you thinking, which I absolutely think is great! Don't get me wrong. But that doesn't establish any credibility on his part whatsoever.

And of course we are entitled to our own opinions. But I sure as hell know that I am not going to trust somebody that is a proven liar and who has made fraudulent claims in his past for his own personal benefits and advancement. And the rest of his criminal record only add to the fact. If this doesn't bring up a red flag, then I don't know what does.

[edit on 26-12-2009 by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 09:41 AM
The Ancient Astronaut Theory I believe Is totally correct. How is this possible?

Thru recorded history man has been visited by superior intelligent beings

from outer space.

One of the greatest time lines is right in the open for the world to see but

most humans on Earth are blinded by their and others beliefs that nothing of

the sort happened.

These outer space beings left tremendous clues right here on this planet

Earth. Many are looking in the wrong places for the answers when the

answers are recorded right in front of their noses. ^Y^

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 12:52 PM
I knew this for a long time that ETs were are gods and still is

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx

He probably drilled them himself?

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[edit on 26/12/2009 by Sauron]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:23 PM
If the mayan god is ET, are they trying to say that the world will end in 2012??

[edit on 26-12-2009 by sam_inc]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Deny Arrogance

Haha, a great deal of skeptisim and whole-hearted sarcasm does go a long way my friend. Perhaps I failed to express my worlds with the same opinion that I voiced in my head.

Again, no way am I denying the true nature of what is really going on... I am not saying that this is not entirely possible, in fact, I do lean towards the idea that aliens might very well have had a great influcnce on the ancients. There are recordings everywhere of "aliens and ufos" throughout ancient records including cave drawings, the bible, paintings, and pretty much anything dating back to that time.

But that is not to discredit the ingenuity of such ancients or human race. I don't know how true the following statement is, and I don't exactly remember where I heard it, but I wholeheartedly believe.... That the ancients were just as capable of the complex thinking we do today. Just because they existed 1000's of years ago, doesn't really mean they were dumb.

Leading up to my next point, that a lot of these structures that we still have questions about were probably created by the human race. Just think about occams razor, what makes more sense? Aliens coming trillions of miles in space just to help the human race build a few pyramids and buildings, or great empires of ancient times constructing them?

I personally believe the latter statement, and again this is not grounds to say that aliens did not influence the ancients. However, I do feel as if their influence was in a more indirect way than most people want to think. That was a long time ago, and there are a handful of great mystery's that we still can not understand.

My underlying point: Question everything! Especially what you see on main steam TV. I know this isn't a shocker, but if you can agree with this, I think you can agree with the rest of my argument. But the sole purpose of MSM such as the history channel is profit. Yes, they are a for-profit company, and all that matters are ratings. I think many people can agree that TV is not necessarily the best place to get your information.

So with that said I am not discrediting the possibility. Just the authenticity of a few people in this documentary. Obviously, you have made your own decision, which is absolutely fine. I just hope that it is based off of hard physical data and personal research rather than gut opinions and the claims of others.

- aFTeRm4Th

[edit on 26-12-2009 by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by sam_inc

This is one possibility...


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by ch1ldofthe70s

I think this whole documentary makes sence. I mean how the mayans had knowledge to know about 2012 and the earth years? and this was thousands and thousands of year ago, How would they know? I dont think the world would end, but I think something is goin to happen in 2012 if the ancient theory is correct.

I think this is the most important subject we must discuss.

[edit on 26-12-2009 by sam_inc]

[edit on 26-12-2009 by sam_inc]

[edit on 26-12-2009 by sam_inc]

[Mod Edit - Replaced quote with Reply to tab]

[edit on 26/12/2009 by Sauron]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by sam_inc

Well for starters, the Mayans were amazing astronomers and mathematicians. But I'm sure you probably already know this, as it is fairly common knowledge. I do attribute the majority of their advancement to their ingenuity, rather than an outside source. I think a lot of people forget how much time the ancients had to gaze at the stars.

Sometimes in the modern world it is easy to overlook astronomy, simply because civilization prevents us from doing so. Specifically, the majority of the population of the world lives in large cities. And in these large cities, lights essentially blind the population for being able to look up and actually see the stars.

But, by mapping out the sky, night in and night out, with different constellations, planets, and other "heavenly" bodies they were able to create detailed records of the skies. Ultimately allowing them to construct such accurate calendar systems. That is my opinion.

[edit on 26-12-2009 by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx]

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