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Depressing Christmas for us soldiers

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posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by factbeforefiction

it Who cares? you sure seem to be butthurt over some online BS. You need to lighten up a little bit. Maybe then you'll realize that all this hate, and even war itself is OBSOLETE in the world in which we view everyone as ourselves. Whether You believe he served or not, you should still look at him as if he is your brother, same goes for everyone else you encounter. QUIT CRYING about dumb
and do something constructive. Exit the realm of fear and Learn to love yourself and EVERYONE else. They are simply extensions of yourself

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by ThePeoplesSoldier
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

As I said to you in the U2U I sent you for OBVIOUS reasons I will not provide personal information over the internet, which is what you would need to validate who I am. Also since im an MP and I know that you have to have a legal reason before you can run personal information through ANY government system I would ask you how you planned on doing this legally? Read my threads that I have posted that should be enough info for you to see im not blowing sunshine, and that I am a United States Army SGT. If thats not enough then I suppose you will just have to wonder. Either way if this guy IS a soldier or NOT hes still a D-Bag, either way DOESN'T MATTER

Well, I'll tell you what sergeant. I am a MMA trainer here in Bloomington Indiana. I have trained the military in hand to hand combat in jujitsu, bushido, jeet kune do, and hapkido and also train regular cage fighers and worked a contract owned by Tony Brown through Crane Indiana and Cample Pendleton. If you're feeling like a tough guy, you are welcome to come here and ask for the lead trainer of Club Dominion...That would be me. I would be more than happy to go one on one in front of a camera that would demonstrate how tough the military is against an average civilian like myself. I will post this demonstration online on youtube to show how tough the military is (without their M16's) is against the normal Joe on the streets. Keep in mind that I've put many of you down within the first 30 seconds of the battle which is the very reason why I've trained much of you PROPERLY in the skills of hand to hand battle. If you survive the first 30 seconds, no matter what weight class, I will be utterly surprised at your current training.

Feel free anytime...I'm always there. My cohorts inlude...Jason Winkle of Martial Concepts (former trainer of West Point Academy), Patrick Kelley, Head of the marital arts dept. at Indiana University, Tony Brown, John Hampton, etc etc etc...

this isn't about who's tougher...its about who has the most respect. The OP never trounced on your beliefs and opinons. He wished you a merry Christmas. Why don't you show the same respect.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

wtf are you talking about I never said I wanted to fight you? lol Thanks for training the troops?

All I am saying is this troop is a douche bag for attempting to get the American people to pitty him. Since you work with soldiers you know that this is not the additude of a soldier, EXPECIALY one you want watching your back in combat. This guy needs serious mental help or he needs to get out of the service.

Oh and ya about my current level of hand to hand training im only a level 1 I suck. Im sure there are alot of people in the Army that can ball me up but its not about that. Its about leading from the front, bringing honor to the service, and using your inteligence in battle not your brawn. Shoot man read the art of war! lol

[edit on 25-12-2009 by ThePeoplesSoldier]

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by someguy420
reply to post by factbeforefiction

it Who cares? you sure seem to be butthurt over some online BS. You need to lighten up a little bit. Maybe then you'll realize that all this hate, and even war itself is OBSOLETE in the world in which we view everyone as ourselves. Whether You believe he served or not, you should still look at him as if he is your brother, same goes for everyone else you encounter. QUIT CRYING about dumb
and do something constructive. Exit the realm of fear and Learn to love yourself and EVERYONE else. They are simply extensions of yourself

Dude don't you get it yet with everything all of us real Vets have said here. Nobody is more against war than a Vet. Try to walk away from an order that says you need to evacuate a group of enemy combatants but in order to give them your bunks they need to first clear out their magazines, and at the same time you have every civilian there trying to get those beds but your orders say you cant take them. So you have to watch these guys empty these magazines into women holding babies right in front of you that are trying to get out, and an hour later you're standing there with empty M-14s and pieces of babies all over your face, and the people who did it get to take your bunks for an evac. If you haven't done it, you can't get it, and don't tell me that some poser pretending to be there is a Vet. These guys and girls like me can see through that in a heart beat, so yes it does matter to us. God Bless - Merry Christmas.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by ThePeoplesSoldier
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

All I am saying is this troop is a douche bag for attempting to get the American people to pitty him. Since you work with soldiers you know that this is not the additude of a soldier, EXPECIALY one you want watching your back in combat. This guy needs serious mental help or he needs to get out of the service.

[edit on 25-12-2009 by ThePeoplesSoldier]

I don't think he's going for pitty. He Is Human... and Humans have things called emotions. Is that what's wrong with his attitude? Oh Yeah I forgot Soldiers are supposed to be robots, blindly doing what they're told, with little or no human like attributes. Is that the definition of a good soldier? If your running the military it is.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Whine Flu

Originally posted by Mr_skepticc
You sound more like a 12 year old than a die hard American soldier, man up a little would you. I served for 14 years, so I know the drills, with that being said, thank you for your service, hooah!

Goddamnit, why are military types so stereotypical?

warriors fight...kill

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by factbeforefiction

Originally posted by someguy420
reply to post by factbeforefiction

it Who cares? you sure seem to be butthurt over some online BS. You need to lighten up a little bit. Maybe then you'll realize that all this hate, and even war itself is OBSOLETE in the world in which we view everyone as ourselves. Whether You believe he served or not, you should still look at him as if he is your brother, same goes for everyone else you encounter. QUIT CRYING about dumb
and do something constructive. Exit the realm of fear and Learn to love yourself and EVERYONE else. They are simply extensions of yourself

Dude don't you get it yet with everything all of us real Vets have said here. Nobody is more against war than a Vet. Try to walk away from an order that says you need to evacuate a group of enemy combatants but in order to give them your bunks they need to first clear out their magazines, and at the same time you have every civilian there trying to get those beds but your orders say you cant take them. So you have to watch these guys empty these magazines into women holding babies right in front of you that are trying to get out, and an hour later you're standing there with empty M-14s and pieces of babies all over your face, and the people who did it get to take your bunks for an evac. If you haven't done it, you can't get it, and don't tell me that some poser pretending to be there is a Vet. These guys and girls like me can see through that in a heart beat, so yes it does matter to us. God Bless - Merry Christmas.

I understand completely, I for one can't say I know what it's like. it just seemed that if this guy IS or ISN'T telling the truth it seems that you were using a lot of your own energy in a negative way. Don't waste your energy in the negative spectrum.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by someguy420

You don't want to know what it's like brother. Merry Christmas

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:45 AM
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you have plenty of Ho's over there. lol, jk

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by Stop-loss!

I wish you so much love on this christmas day!

I think I can speak for everone in saying we are proud to have people like you serving our country especially on a day such as this one!

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:55 AM
I found this pretty relevant

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 04:58 AM
Just to let people know, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful in my previous post.
) Just did it for laughs. Happy Holidays everyone.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 05:07 AM
by 'fighting for freedom' did you mean fighting for military industrial complex's freedom to invade other countries, kill millions of people, steal their natural resources and making huge profits from all of it?

[edit on 25-12-2009 by donhuangenaro]

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by donhuangenaro

yeah, something like that....esp if that country is comprised of commie bastids

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Stop-loss!

Thank you Stop-loss, for the job you continue to do; I know it t'ain't an easy one.

I'm sorry the care packages and greetings have slowed to a trickle -- I'd guess that's more of a commentary on the economy than an uncaring nation. Hell of a thing anyway, to just get a ziplock with bathroom sundries in it for Christmas, but better than nothing, I suppose; Those simple, common things that many of us take for granted, that your government should provide for you, but doesn't. Razors are getting damn scarce in some place. No giant supermarket stack of body/foot powder or deoderant is there?

On top of that, we're encouraged to send small packages, and no more than a few to any one location (unless going through anysoldier or treatanysoldier.

Well, I want you to know you are appreciated, and cared about. Many people choose dangerous professions, and we laud them as heroes, but for some inexplicable reason, some folks don't extend the same respect to you all overseas doing the tough work.

Stay safe Stop-loss. Come home soon, and keep in touch. I wish you and yours a quiet and clear-skies New Year.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 06:37 AM
My sons in the army (british) and he accepts, as I do, that it's a job that he volunteered for and as such has to take whatever comes his way. Like his THIRD term in Afghanistan.

If you are that bitter why the hell did you join? Why the hell have you not left? Sorry but things don't make sense.

I think this is a political thread started by somebody NOT in the army. Shame on you because it demeens the dedication shown by those who are in the army. Shame on you who agree with his bitterness you should be supporting your soldiers who do a job without whining. Sure there may be political decisions you don't agree with but that's part of the job. You know that when you sign up.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by factbeforefiction
reply to post by dragonridr

Our Master Chief was the best damn cook i ever knew and his motto was that the last person in line would never get less then the first person.

funny how the quiet soldiers always seem to be of the most admirable behaviour, see when I think of soldiers, I think about if I was in a post apocalyptic world, with only my property to call safe, which soldiers would i want in my team helping to defend it and keep things running, who's gonna look out for his fellow man? that chef has the right attitude


P.S) war is complex. there are no easy answers.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by malcr

When I first joined, I though I was fighting for people's freedom, I though I was making a difference for Iraq, and I though that this war was about bringing peace to the middle east. Its funny how fast we learn things when were actually there instead of watching it in the news. Why I havent left? Simply because I am not here on my own will, I have been stop-lossed in late july and am still here till next year so no need for you to be a negative nancy about it.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 08:02 AM
a soldier's Christmas....

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 08:03 AM
come on man! stand up proud and be counted as one of the FEW heroic
type of people that choose not to opt out of duty and take the easy route
but choose the hard testing road that offers salvation to others as well as yourself!!

i am grateful that you are there doing what is needed even when you should be at home with your loved ones.

you ARE strong you have NO fear you SHALL overcome and god willing you will return home to celebrate at a later time.


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