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Depressing Christmas for us soldiers

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posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Drexl

Two words... American Airpower, The millions that you talk about dieing didn't die while fighting....

Yes the Russian winter hurt the Germans, just like it did to the French in the past, but Russia had little offense, England was stuck on an island at the whim of German bombers/V2, and the rest of Europe was on their knees.

I'm sure they would have overcome...

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Wasted
sorry to hear it's a depressing christmas for you soldiers. however, it was a badass holiday for the contractors!! i know a guy working over there. (can't say what he's doing but anyway) long story short, this little kid got shot because he was acting up at a checkpoint.

guess what my contractor friend got for christmas?? that little kid's penis on a necklace. LOL. that's crazy, huh? anyway, support your troops and god bless america

And you got a load of bullshat for Christmas from him I see....

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by Wasted

Ive seen some gory images in my last deployments, but ill be damned if I ever get a necklace like that

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Drexl
How you even dare to mention cambodia . It is a product of your american school of disinformation . The CIA took out Sahounek for keeping them out of the vietnamese war . Replacing him with the puppet Lon Nol who throws cambodians into the battle at the cia / americans request . The unpopularity of this puppet gives rise to the Khmer Rouge who massacre millions. All from your meddling.

"ALL from your meddling"

biggest load of BS eva

yeah, meddling that pooped on the parade of other meddlers

Quite hypocritical how eggheads ignore the meddling of those they align themselves with. Anyone in this vain are idealistically retarded to fact and reality placing attention on a few anecdotal examples of US malfeasance to cloak the indictment of their own improprieties and indiscretions.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 02:11 PM
Merry Christmas to the Heroes In Iraq and Afghanistan. I tried but it is the democratic intelligence of ron wyden that leaves me to die of MRSA(I turned in the real people who where setting up 9-11) I swore that I would donate most the money from a book to the wounded warrior fund but the group in Oregon that set up a guy on tv making millions while we all just die decide I dont get to help you or the wounded warriors.. they even had the nerve to tell me they would wt until I am dead make the book and keep the
I want to make sure that f a senator or congressman came forward and let me live.. that is the one who should be the troops Heros because that person or persons really love you like me!( dont worry i am straight)

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by zeuseadam

merry christmas to you as well. May truth be told and the people aware.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Stop-loss!

Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ ....

no wonder you're depressed ..... you appear to hate God...

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by radarloveguy
reply to post by Stop-loss!

Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ ....

To you it might be

But to us unreligious people, its a time we can get the whole family together and celebrate another year

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 04:53 PM
Merry Late Christmas to you all over there fighting this senseless war, I just wish it would all end and that humanity could just unite and be peaceful with one another. But then I think back to the Bible why this all happened. And the account of the tower of Babel comes to mind! Huh what a revelation that is why we are warring with eachother because we were giving all different languages to speak with and seperated which has caused wars amongst us. And I ask why?

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 06:57 PM
So how do you get internet access in Iraq?

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Stop-loss!

Thank you so much for your service! As the mother of a soldier in Kirkuk, I sympathize with your post. I wish you well and a safe return. I can only laugh at some of the other posters. The ones that claim to be vets-HAHA Every soldier I know defends one of his band of brothers. All you proclaimed vets-- do you degrade your fellow soldiers unlucky enough to be diagnosed with PTSD or realize that they've been lied to by recruiters? And you haters of the military-- Just so you know, soldiers don't really give one dam about anything you have to say. You have no clue as to the caliber of men and women who join to serve. They'll laugh at you and ridicule you even as you do them. The one poster was correct in saying 'you have a choice to, stop paying your taxes'.
That guy Drexl, from Europe, justs sounds envious of the American way of life. Stay where you are, Drex. In America, we'd kick your little pansy arse!
Also, to the guy that complains about the NCO's-- I wish you could be in my son's unit. He steps up and stands up to the higher ups even if it means his arse. His guys love him.

Sorry, Stop Loss, just letting off a little steam. I hope your remaining time goes by fast and I hope you return to the US safe and sound. Remember, you're loved and respected by millions of people that don't even know you. Keep your chin up and be proud.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 07:30 PM
not relevant to the holiday

[edit on 26-12-2009 by LadySkadi]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by die_another_day

The internet is available on a lot of PB's and FOB's. I know alot of the smaller patrol bases in Afghanistan have the internet. It is monitored though.

[edit on 26-12-2009 by Volksgeist]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Stop-loss!

Too many people have been deceived for too long. There is no sin and no need to feel guilt or shame as all good souls are eternal and will reincarnate back here on Earth until they find their peace. All the demon souls this time around are going to be written from the Book of Life over the next few years.

I found a lot of peace myself as I was watching an American solider on youtube on the Alex Jones channel tell everyone how all the guns and tanks were worthless if everyone refused to follow order and pick them up. If everyone dropped their weapons around the world and gave all the people they had been taught to hate just one big hug the world would be healed. Just try as hard as you're able to help or heal others less fortunate than yourself and know that the future is just going to get better and better as each new day dawns

Peace and light and love. We are all brothers and sisters of God and we will all find our peace soon.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by lovethyneighbor

To you who calls yourself lovethynighbour and then spits out revolting trash as what you have at this time of year - be advised you should really spend then next 3 years looking at your own soul and cleaning it up. The youngest of the three brothers or kings or white magi or whatever you want to call us is endlessly forgiving especially to Christians but I was tricked and sent to rule over the underworld well before the Levites and Akhenaton dreamt up the concept of Judeo Christianity and this time around I'm f**king pissed at the state of affairs and have next to no forgiveness left in my soul.

I would recomend that you purify your soul and purify it fast over the next few years and pray like f**k that JC pays you a visit before I do

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Stop-loss!

No, you're the only donkey here. You're crying and wussing over your spoiled holiday season, but you forget the FACT that you are there by your own hand. Accept your fate, sport. You made your bed now take your nap.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:07 PM
All the haters on here are funny. Most of you are sitting on your cushy a$$es in your nice, comfortable homes b!tching about a lonely soldier. Regardless of who or what has a hand in the cause of this war, this note has nothing to do with them, you know, *wink* the elites *wink*. My only concern in this was to wish this person a merry christmas (even though he already stated that it sucks), and that he has a happy & safe new year-- which is an intention that he deserves to hear.

As far as I'm concerned it's all of us who are at fault for voting the D-bag into office in 2000. (Actually I was 17 back then, so it wasn't my fault). Our crappy politics are just a reflection of our crappy selves. Get over it and grow from it.

Wishing a random soldier on the ATS shouldn't be political. I mean I realize that anyone who puts themselves --out there-- should expect some trolls to spew negative comments. It all sounds like displaced anger at someone who does not yield enough power to make major changes anyway. If you really want to see a change, then do something WITH YOURSELVES, don't just stew in hatred over some radom soldier that you know NOTHING about.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

You and your troll ilk have always done shady stuff like this during the holidays, and you say I whine. How about you come here in my place so I can get some down time at home

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by radarloveguy

Isnt his absence slighty odd? Maybe hes forgotten you

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Stop-loss!
reply to post by EMPIRE

You and your troll ilk have always done shady stuff like this during the holidays, and you say I whine. How about you come here in my place so I can get some down time at home

Me and my troll ilk? Shady stuff? Friend, you're crying for sympathy yet you are the one who placed yourself in the current situation. No one held a gun to your head and said to join. You were blinded by a false sense of patriotism, were dupped by your agents of socialization and basically failed to think for yourself. You're to blame here, friend. Yes you're whining, and this is coming from a person who doesn't celebrate the "holidays", you know why? Because everyday I'm striving to do something for those who clearly can't do for themselves, and it doesn't involve bullets, bombs or fighting for so-called freedom.

In closing, I'm not stupid enough to go where you are as inductive and deductive logic prohibit me from doing so.

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