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International officials met with ETs in November?

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posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 09:35 PM
Did anyone ever think that the 1.8 megaton nuclear detonation that went off

near Johnston Island was a clean nuke. If the military said it was a nuclear

explosion with massive radiation everyone in the world would stay away from

the area and the aliens could go about their business without being disturbed

for years. You are thinking what about the high radiation readings in the area

and yes what about those high readings you were supposedly told about.

You are probably thinking that we did not know how to develop at that time

period Oct. 18th 1962 a clean nuke, but the aliens had the technology. ^Y^

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by amari

You are very wrong! There is no such thing as a "clean nuke"!
I have shown you only two examples of the 70-or-so nuclear tests that where done on, above, or near the island. I refrained from posting the images of deformities in children caused by similar tests during the same time frame.(not necessary) If you have any evidence to prove your claim of a "clean nuke" please present it! I bet you cannot!

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Helmkat

Helmkat, That would be the most plausible explanation for the extraterrestrials preoccupation with our testing
during those years.

The possible breeching of the fabric between the membranes of the multiverse, is a very real possibility.

Current leading theories of cosmology indicate that our universe is at least 11 dimensional!

The atom smashing of a thermonuclear detonation will have consequences in the realms of these dimensions that physicists are only currently beginning to comprehend.

Those early test detonations may have only been the proverbial pesky ant at the picnic to the beings.

But, what do you do to the pesky ants at your picnic?

I for one, normally don't warn them of their impending doom!

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Imagir

I have a friend who worked on the Johnson Atoll Island. They dispose of nuclear waste. She had to get a security clearance and told me anyone who puts one foot down on the runway gets immediately kicked off the island, no questions asked - no second chances.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by Zeptepi

I hate to break it to you and your horde of cyber-ninja pseudoscientists. There are no rifts being made between alternate universes by exploding bombs. I agree, extra terrestrial life does take an interest in our nuclear weapons. I think it's however more in the sense of you watching your kids if you know they have a loaded gun.

Yes, there are very bad side effects from large somatic doses of radiation. Ones most notable from exploding large nuclear weapons near PEOPLE. It's not good. It can actually cause cell mutation. It will NOT cause time warps, or worm holes. It won't cause aliens to mutate and come and get you. You can sleep well tonight.

Some of you people need to get in contact with reality. Either by visiting a shrink and asking for large doses of psychotic drugs, or telling your boss that these people on ATS can't be BS'ed with your senseless debunking and thread derailing technologies. You guys make me angry. You have got to be extremely NOT intellectual or out here trying to put out false information.

There are 102 operating nuclear reactors in the United States. It's safe to say that at any one point 90 percent of them are operating at all times. They have been since the mid seventies to early eighties. That is a very large constant expanding ripping and closing hyper vortex if you are correct that can't be closed. EVER.


Please let this thread get back on topic about world leaders meeting with ET. And not about false science.

By the way, if you are wondering about my ability to speak on this subject matter. I have been operating nuclear powerplants for the last 12 years. Whether that powerplant be on a submarine or a civilian plant. And for those who say that they are not the same. Fission is Fission, whether it be from a power plant or nuclear bomb. The same as a combustion engine is a combustion engine. Just because a Toyota Prius gets excellent gas mileage, doesn't mean that it isn't harming the environment. Thus, just because we are containing our reactions in a containment with cooling and high pressures, doesn't mean that it's anything less than fission. Anyway, you get my point. Please do me a favor and research a subject before you make wild accusations about something that you know nothing about. This is my livelihood. If you guys start salem witch trialing it like you did after TMI than I might have to look for a job. You wouldn't want me to start making false accusations about Big Mac's would you? You'd have to get another McJob.

/Just saying

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
If I were in the government and was talking to aliens, the first question I'd have is, "Can you show us how to get quick propulsion and yet land without airstrips?" It would save a lot of money for the government to not have to build giant airports for secret meetings like this. Interesting how the government always forgets that Google can show zoomed in landscapes.

The aliens would say, "Why don't you use your harrier jets?" The atoll has been slowly built up for decades, and paving it was really not a problem.

Google Earth is not live and the government knows whenever a civilian satellite is overhead one of their bases and possibly taking pictures. The government has never forgotten this fact. They don't expose anything at those bases while they are observable.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by Imagir
reply to post by DwaynetheSpecious

Your question is really "Specious".... DwaynetheSpecious.

I've only reported an interesting news from UFOdigest and "dig" about the island where the presumed ET meeting is happened.

And we find.......
Strange submerged struture,
no constitutional laws admitted on Atoll,
a military dominion,
a WWF restricted area (declared by Mr. Bush junior, the Worse enemy of the Environmet in the last century),
whit prohibition of to fish or to carry out any kind of activity,
prohibition to approach to any type of ships/planes (military or civilian) not preventively authorized, etc… etc… etc....

Only for this reason... specious...

Thanks for your reply.
I want to see some images of "Strange submerged struture", I can't see anything on the images you provided. It's just blurred out parts.
"prohibition to approach to any type of ships/planes (military or civilian) not preventively authorized, etc… etc… etc...." If you read up on things you would find out that this zone is prohibited because its a National Wildlife Refuge. You can get trips to the area and the only area that takes turists is the midway atoll. Read more about this here:

I really can't find a reason on why this area should be an area for Alien visitations, other than normal human "aliens" visiting the area.

Give me more of the facts you have. I will happily read them.

And you joking about my name, there's a reason I have that name, I want to "cut the cake right". This means I cut through all the bull# which is posted on ATS.

I am tired of these stupid sensational topics. There is NO scientific approach to these subjects, only a stupid discussion with no facts included, pure speculation.

[edit on 23-12-2009 by DwaynetheSpecious]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by DwaynetheSpecious
I am tired of these stupid sensational topics. There is NO scientific approach to these subjects, only a stupid discussion with no facts included, pure speculation.

I respect your personal opinion but...Yeah, well, you know. Its just like ahh, you're opinion man!

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by Imagir

Instead of coming with facts you now post a video from youtube, from possibly the best comedy ever made. This establishes the fact that ATS has become a place of the past.

Do you have nothing else to back your facts? Or did you just backfire on yourself?

[edit on 23-12-2009 by DwaynetheSpecious]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 05:46 AM
I don't know if Martinez said the truth about the meeting, but definitely there's SOMETHING in the depths of Johnston Atoll, besides coral reef. This video may help

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by ucalien

Thanks for this explicative video, ucalien!

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Barra

My gut feeling tells me both of these islands are not the one Good was told about by his navy contacts and there are no images of it!Still,there is a lot to meet the eye about this island mentioned in this thread

I think the USOs encountered by many deep out at see have underwater bases here on earth-perhaps they have always been here and only recently we have started to see them

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 01:28 PM
I have been to Kwajalein in the middle of the Pacific. I lived there for a month. ONLY military has access to the island and my Uncle, who is a Navy engineer, lived there for some years. I can tell you that Kwajalein is only 3 miles long and one mile wide. (look it up google earth) But, it has a grocery store, gift shop, movie theater, even a bowling alley. I say all this to say that during the war with the Japs, the USA developed these island as outpost and first contact for any threat coming from that side of the world. almost all those islands are developed out there. ALSO, I can tell you from personal expereince that those deep dark rectangle spots are called "artifical pools" The military would dynamite the reef to get building material and build up the islands. I have snorckled in many of them. THERE IS NOTHING DOWN THERE BUT EXTREMELY EXOTIC FISH. Just my thought. Peace

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 01:53 PM
There are civilians on Johnston Island. As I mentioned earlier a friend of mine worked there. I have lots of postcards sent from there, remember thinking what an ugly place to live. The airstrip is not so unusual since they are recycling and disposing of nuclear waste brought there from other places. Jan had to leave the island for a month, once every three months and she could fly as "cargo" on those jumbo jets she called them (Jan's from Kansas) anywhere she wanted in the world. She's an ask no questions, cheerful type gal and was a secretary.
Sadly Jan is battling cancer now though no way to tell it was related to the Island or inherited. she is surviving thankfully. I'll get a hold of her in the next couple days to see what they told her was going on, though it is I'm sure a cover.
If I were a high ranking military official a President or something I think you'd arrange a meeting outside of the biggest nuke waste dump site on the world.
I look at Jarvis Islands and around there. They all have airstrips...I mean at least one in the group will. Island called something like Nibiru (right around Christmas Island is in the google picture until you zoom) has purple, blue, red and orange patches like gardens outside it's perimeters, like no other island.
If you have a group of aliens living amongst some islands, only a minimum number of researchers will get clearance. Another facility (like another nearby island might be where you housed the bulk of researchers and personnel, groups of scientist, researchers and military) who are not allowed contact but assist in work on the project. Locations will be remote and paired with a secondary location.
Greenland, I think the whole continent belongs to aliens. Part of a treaty or something. lol Above that is Slavbard. All around there have been the oil companies, big money (only seven people rule the world) for decades. Aliens researchers everyone would go around where the food already is. Patches of light blue. Just outside our comfort zone.
I have noticed farthest from continents edges of Antarctica, many curious sights....looking for Nazi bases. Looking near isolated patches of blue for signs of life and what's with that circle hole? Why can't they get a shot over the top of the South pole?

I think the cigars are the greys and they are sub-terrestrial. If you are entering holes in the earth you'd want a cigar shaped craft over a triangle shape. Plus the grays have been depicted in the earliest art forms perhaps even predating modern man.
Plus the triangles have been pretty recent. Only (mostly) cigars and saucer or chariot in the clouds type UFO's were rendered in the past, no triangles as I remember. Perhaps even our aliens have advanced and upgraded the vehicles?
Who drives those triangles? Trying to remember the story about the man a security guard who was injured by a Tall White, saw Tall Whites kill people and said they were quite cold. He'd met a whole family, even children. He also worked on (or leaned on) one of their ships.
I can't remember if it was a triangle or a saucer. So the triangles might be the Tall Whites if so. Either way there are at least three types who are regulars here on terra firma, Earthlings (lg and small grays, though some of these might be droids controlled by a species that is lesser known because they cannot or will not live here) in the Cigars and they are probably the plasma balls of light as well, Triangles and Saucers. I think the rest of the craft are curious, harmless of just passing through. I know this is simplistic but we must start somewhere...?

If there is a "bad" one among them...I don't think he's here yet.

Supposedly the atomic blast of the 40's sent shock waves throughout the known and unknown universe. It is extremely likely (if we, ourselves are any example) some groups of unknown planetoids, a little backward space-wise, rednecks of the universe...perhaps not as technologically advanced as those already here

may actually be still en route to Earth ...making the long journey here to "kick our butts" because we upset something in their world
...or just woke the grouchy SOB's up.

Perhaps this is why all the hub bub now.
Everything in the UFO community does seem turned up a notch.

[edit on 23-12-2009 by rusethorcain]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Thanksfor you interesting comment and deep analysis.

One of your point makes to think me a lot: GREENLAND...

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by ucalien
but definitely there's SOMETHING in the depths of Johnston Atoll, besides coral reef. This video may help

So a video that shows dredging that has been there for years... how does that help?

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 07:28 PM
If it did happen, I don't think Obama took part.

Here was his schedule for that day.

Here's the full schedule from the White House (all times Eastern):

9:15AM: President Obama makes a brief statement to the press on the economy

9:30AM: President Obama departs The White House en route Andrews Air Force Base

9:50AM: President Obama departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Anchorage, Alaska

4:50PM: President Obama arrives in Anchorage, Alaska

5:10PM: President Obama meets with service members

5:30PM: President Obama delivers remarks at event with service members

6:55PM: President Obama departs Anchorage, Alaska en route Tokyo, Japan

[edit on 23-12-2009 by phrankie79]

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by Imagir

The name of the island with the curious coloring was
Niue, in the Cook Islands, other very remote locations I have been looking at are Motu Iti in the Marquesa Islands,
Pitcarn Island and Adamstown,
American Samoa
South Georgia and Sandwich islands
Franz Joseph Land
Hooker Island
Trinity Island
French Southern and Antarctica Lands

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Zeptepi
reply to post by amari

You are very wrong! There is no such thing as a "clean nuke"!
I have shown you only two examples of the 70-or-so nuclear tests that where done on, above, or near the island. I refrained from posting the images of deformities in children caused by similar tests during the same time frame.(not necessary) If you have any evidence to prove your claim of a "clean nuke" please present it! I bet you cannot!

You are correct I can not prove to the world there is such a thing as a clean

nuke made by humans on this Earth. I do not believe we as humans had the

technology back in the 1960s and 70s but I do in my own opinion believe

that the Greys have this technology.

There are rumblings what is being worked on is a hydrogen bomb that has

no fission in it's primary detonation stage. The possibilities are laser inertial

confinement to take the place of what would be called the primary fission

process stage. Lead shield housings can only absorb so much radiation.

I believe these Secrets when accomplished will never be released to the

public. ^Y^

[edit on 25-12-2009 by amari]

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by phrankie79
If it did happen, I don't think Obama took part.

Here was his schedule for that day.

Here's the full schedule from the White House (all times Eastern):

9:15AM: President Obama makes a brief statement to the press on the economy

9:30AM: President Obama departs The White House en route Andrews Air Force Base

9:50AM: President Obama departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Anchorage, Alaska

4:50PM: President Obama arrives in Anchorage, Alaska

5:10PM: President Obama meets with service members

5:30PM: President Obama delivers remarks at event with service members

6:55PM: President Obama departs Anchorage, Alaska en route Tokyo, Japan

[edit on 23-12-2009 by phrankie79]

I don't know of course but.........

6:55PM: President Obama departs Anchorage, Alaska en route Tokyo, Japan

In middle of this route (Alaska- Tokyo) there is, right in the middle of Pacific Ocean,...... Johnston Atoll........

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