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Why the United States is Dying!!!!

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posted on May, 23 2004 @ 07:21 PM
What do I think about the United States? I think she is a Titanic. And I have
just reasons to be concerned. The national debt is in the stratosphere, enemies
are everywhere and nowhere seems to be justice. In my humble opinion, the US is
treading on thin ice. I am convinced that the model of America as a government
is flawed.

In fact, I don't think that America as a business model, is a failure. I personally
question the existence of America. I base my decision on several factors. First
the decay of morals. Morals are the glue to the world. The continued decline
of morality in this nation has been a disaster. The United States has forgotten
history. If anything, great civilizations have fallen from a lack of morality.
Just take my word for this. The lack of morality is as safe as a nuclear weapon
depot right next door.
The increase of sexual crimes have already been having a
disastrous approach for America. At the rate of HIV spreading in the nation I
do see the collapse of health insurance. I personally think that the flu
epidemic is but Hawaii not seeing the huge underwater platform it is standing
on. Juvenile Crime is 6,773 per 100 thousand.
Corporate America is corrupt. Whether you pay attention to the fact that the NYSE
may be fined for it's lack of policing their members who short changed America, or
the ongoing fraud at the mutual fund industry. It really does concern me what the
heck is going on. Our corporate officers were once celebrities who learned that being
a celebrity can be a disaster should your corporate image hit an iceberg.
Gay marriage is in. The ten commandments are out. Does that sound like a sound
judicial system? The judicial system has so altered the American Landscape that
George Washington would probably lead Americans into Civil War II if he could.

The second reasoning is that we have an enormous deficit. Spending is out of
control and we can't see to fix it. I think this is a disaster because of what
is going on. Social Security is broke. The US does not have the financial
infrastructure to carry out this tasks. George Washington, if he were alive,
probably regretted rebelling against Great Britain. Look I don't like it any way
and that is why I suggest that we prepare to leave the United States. The ax will
have to fall somewhere. Either the United States goes bankrupt, declares a sovereign
default or hyperinflation and high taxation, something must give.

My third reason is the failure of our legal system. Every day useless suits are
being fired at corporate America or someone else. EEOC suits drug in 148.7 million
last year. The crime rate skyrocketed to 13.7 million arrests last year. At the
same time, our guns are being confiscated by law.
The fourth reasoning is the continued assault on your national sovereignty. The
terrorists are more skilled in evading US troops than previously thought.
We should not be the police for the world. Yet for no reason we are being attacked.
All of our freedom is being lost by the courts and I can see America being the
next Cuba. You ever read 1984? Ever hear the term Big Brother. That is what is
happening now. The government continually taps our phones and invades on our
privacy in the name of self defense.
My fifth reason is the destruction of our health care system. There were 461.6
cases of cancer per 100,000. In 2000, the demand for health care reached 13.3%
of GDP costing America $4,672 per head. Forty-four thousand Americans die from
preventable problems. No wonder we have such a health care problem.
My final opinion is based on my religion. Jesus Christ spells out what would
happen if Israel did not obey him in Deuteronomy 28. Upon reading this passage,
the only conclusion is that it applies too well to our current situation.
Here is my opinion. The Supreme Courts's decision to kick Jesus out of the schools
is a disaster. I think the almighty's anger is being flexed at us. We are looking
at what could be the downfall of Washington. Here is my opinion: move to Israel
it is a lot safer there. for bibliography

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 07:29 PM
wow... a lot of info
dont really know what to say.....

but what do you think the timeframe for the actual fall is?

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 08:04 PM
Yes there are some good reasons as to why this country is turning to crap
. Though there are more...

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 08:12 PM
I would agree generally that the USA is going down the drain and I would say the main reasons are:

The USA is protecting Israel and it appears to the world that this is the only reason Israel remains in existence. God intends to show the world that He alone is protecting Israel and to do this he must cause the USA to be unable to come to Israel's aid.

For this reason we will see the USA in economic collapse due to either war, terrorist strikes or energy problems.

Ultimately its in God's timing but it looks like this is likely to happen in the next 3 years.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 08:32 PM
My final opinion is based on my religion. Jesus Christ spells out what would
happen if Israel did not obey him in Deuteronomy 28. Upon reading this passage,
the only conclusion is that it applies too well to our current situation.
Here is my opinion. The Supreme Courts's decision to kick Jesus out of the schools
is a disaster. I think the almighty's anger is being flexed at us. We are looking
at what could be the downfall of Washington.

Why did you have to ruin your post with that buloney. It was interesting until then, I guess thats why you put it at the end. Congratulations, you fooled me.
Next time please put the religious affiliations at the beginning so the smart know when to stop taking you serious.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 08:53 PM
Whoa man, lay off the caffiene a bit.

In many ways this country is much more "moral" than it was even 100 years ago. When was the last time you were able to run down to the local brothel during your lunch break.

You want to combat HIV and sex crimes in this country? Keep the churchies out of public education and lets get some sensible sex ed in our schools.

There has always been coruption in corporate America and always will be. but overall a pretty good job has been done, and the new commissioner of the IRS is a pretty sharp cookie. Look at the recent work done on offshore accounts.

"Gay marriage is in. Ten commandments are out." Sounds good to me. Keep your religion in your church and out of my courtrooms. Now don't get me wrong here buddy, I'm not Rant or Bout Time, I'm a supporter of Dubya. But I have about as much use for the religious right as I do for PETA.

Yes, we do have a deficit and there will be problems for social security. But we will see our way through these things, just look at the current recovery (yes, there is one, in spite of what Kerry might tell you).

Sensible legislation limiting tort and malpractice settlements, and punishing folks that bring frivolous lawsuits will go along way to solve bothe the legal and medical problems you cite. Duyba has some good ideas here.

Crime rate? yeah we have crime here but the crime rate is actually trending down and has been for 10 years or so.

Um, I have a pretty good gun collection and nobody has confiscated even one.

Though it is not a popular opinion on thsi board, I think great things have been done in the war on terror, and you just have to look at that idiot in Libya to see the results, and ignore purely political propaganda like that of Michael Moore.

And finally, if your almighty is angry at you, thats someting you should deal with on a personal level. I'm 5 by 5 on that score.

Look, I'm sorry if you're so unhappy here. If I may make a personal suggestion, Cuba is just down and to the "left".

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 08:58 PM
Although I believe the U.S. is stronger militarily, economically and morally than any other nation, the writer has several good points.

However, the United States is not alone facing the final curtain. No other nations have a chance either.

For a complete reply, go to

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 09:24 PM
I will respond by taking your first point first. Decay of morals? Yes, I agree that there seems to be a correlation between that and the downfall of past empires. But it had more to do with an overall lack in leadership and the morals of the majority.

The US is no worse than any country when it comes to decline of morals. Name one country that stands on a higher, more solid moral foundation than the US.

HIV/AIDS explosion is of epidemic proportions in Africa. We send crates of condoms over there, as well as thousands of health workers to educate the people. Can you guess why the condoms are not working? Because they only work if you wear them. Can you guess why the African men will not wear them? Because many cultures view it as a less than manly thing to do.

That's what "culture" will do for you. Or to you.

from flyby:
I personally think that the flu
epidemic is but Hawaii not seeing the huge underwater platform it is standing

I tried to parse this but was unsuccessful. What does this mean?

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 09:32 PM
flyby you could easily use that argument for every country on earth, the majority of nations are in plenty of debt, have flawed legal institutions, etc, etc, etc..

[Edited on 23-5-2004 by namehere]

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 10:12 PM
This is just some guy from another country who is pissed. We have seen many like him in the past and continue will to into the future.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 10:48 PM
I see gay marriages as a good thing morally, not a bad thing.

Taking Jesus out of the school system is also a good thing, it stops brainwashing kids into thinking that christianity is the only and right religion.

And if god intended to show he was protecting Israel, he would've helped them by ensuring their actions weren't pissing the world off.

Other than these religion fueled opinions, i agree with the rest, and that the USA is bound to fall in the not too distant future, if not with this generation, the next.

It will be gradual but in time the world will turn its back on the USA and that will be a day for celebration

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 10:52 PM
I'm not playing this one.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 11:03 PM
This country is falling because of social programs and over-taxation. I think all problems boil down to those 2 things. Social programs encourage a reliance that is not healthy. Taxation to fund anything other than the services the taxpayer requires only results in resentment.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:48 AM
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Democracy SIMPLY doesn't work."
- Kent Brockman (The Simpsons)

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:23 AM
War in it in the Bible??? :

Habbuak 1: 5 to 12 ?????

Reading this carefully..note the Eagle (USA ?)..from the West...scoff at Kings and Princes (no one wanted Iraqi War except USA)...cruel and bitter (torture etc), hasty...dont touch the ground when they move to war (aircraft). And the final thing is in the beginning! It says this will happen in the LAST the END IT WILL COME...and though it looks like it takes its time (tarrys) it will happen! But? But the heathen WONT BELIEVE IT! God is doing a work NO ONE BELIEVES!

Fate of a NATION (not system!) called Babylon for the last days:

Revelations 18
Isaiah 47
Jeremiah 51:8 to 14

Ok Ive posted this stuff several times. Read it , dont read it..up to you!

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:28 AM
All good things must come to an end. I'll miss her when she's gone. But until that day comes, LONG LIVE DemoCRAZY, where the big business rules supreme and the small fry will be just that!

Oh and...

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:38 AM
You cant really point the finger at other countries because other countries are all tied into the financial system which is based in New York USA.
Other countries use the American ideals and democracy as a blueprint for their own governments.

It doesnt take a genius to figure it out, a little child could see it. The entire world is reliant on USA. The world economic system IS the American system! Not to mention culture, films, another country in the entire world that markets its entire lifestyle choices to the world as successfully as America???

The Biblical point ..if USA is Babylon? Its about PRIDE. Its about ARROGANCE.Its about being a WHORE. Saying in your heart I AM and none before me...I WILL NEVER SUFFER...and of course GOD DOES NOT SEE ME.
God doesnt see the evil flowing from America? God hasnt seen the witchcraft ? The Occult? The abominations ? 90% of world porn comes from? Greatest consumer of illegal drugs in the world...the greatest narcotics market?? Its so obvious!!! God knows all..he created life itself! He sees the end from the beginning! What nation is as powerful as America? No nation in HISTORY!!!

Anyway im not gonna plough on about this...just remeber PRIDE, ARROGANCE...I AM AND NONE BEFORE ME!! Remeber that in your posts! Think about it!

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by flyby
What do I think about the United States? I think she is a Titanic. didn't like that movie And I have just reasons to be concerned...goes on to make some good pessimistic points... Gay marriage is in. The ten commandments are out. Does that sound like a sound judicial system? yes, this isn't a f**ing church The judicial system has so altered the American Landscape that George Washington would probably lead Americans into Civil War II if he could. George Washington is dead

The second reasoning is that we have an enormous deficit.$50 billion and growing, war cripples a country Spending is out of control and we can't see to fix it. you have Bush/Cheney to thank for that I think this is a disaster because of what is going on. Social Security is broke. The US does not have the financial infrastructure to carry out this don't know that, where's the proof George Washington popular president that has his picture on modern currency, if he were alive, probably regretted rebelling against Great Britain. not necessarily, situation was different Look I don't like it any way and that is why I suggest that we prepare to leave the United States.I don't care, I'm in Canada The ax will have to fall somewhere. Either the United States goes bankrupt, declares a sovereign default or hyperinflation and high taxation, something must give.not with Bush/Cheney in power

My third reason is the failure of our legal system. Every day useless suits are
being fired at corporate America or someone else. not necessarily useless, because the court costs are overwhelming, not to mention bad publicity EEOC suits drug in 148.7 million last year. The crime rate skyrocketed to 13.7 million arrests last year. At the same time, our guns are being confiscated by law. A sign of improvement, Americans have voiced their concerns over Bowling for Colombine The fourth reasoning is the continued assault on your national sovereignty. The terrorists are more skilled in evading US troops than previously thought. yes by hijacking a civillian airplane, very intelligent, breath taken We should not be the police for the world.listen to other countries Yet for no reason we are being attacked. All of our freedom is being lost by the courts and I can see America being the next Cuba. America stopped trade to Cuba and crippled its economy, laid the blame on communism You ever read 1984? Ever hear the term Big Brother. That is what is happening now. The government continually taps our phones and invades on our privacy in the name of self defense. They have better things to do My fifth reason is the destruction of our health care system. There were 461.6 cases of cancer per 100,000. people don't realize the Seinfeld sitcom was a joke, "playing the field" became popular In 2000, the demand for health care reached 13.3% of GDP costing America $4,672 per head. Forty-four thousand Americans die from preventable problems. like obesity and smoking, stupid Americans No wonder we have such a health care problem.
My final opinion is based on my religion. Jesus Christ spells out what would happen if Israel did not obey him in Deuteronomy 28. I don't follow religous texts(controversial), but they make for good stories Upon reading this passage, the only conclusion is that it applies too well to our current situation.
Here is my opinion. The Supreme Courts's decision to kick Jesus out of the schools is a disaster. go to a catholic school and see the kids molested by the priests that may visit I think the almighty's anger is being flexed at us. this is not gods doing We are looking at what could be the downfall of Washington. Here is my opinion: move to Israel it is a lot safer there. ISRAEL IS NOT A COUNTRY, GET A F***ING LIFE for bibliography
don't feeling like read more of this

I'll say it before and I'll say it again the UN wasn't ready for a war on Iraq, and apparently neither was the Bush/Cheney administration.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 05:55 PM
Societies don't fall for social & financial reasons. While social & financial reasons may disrupt life and make the society weaker, it's not what kills a society.

What causes a society to fall is when it becomes so large that it spreads itself too thin; then, other societies invade their physical territory from all sides while the original society is unable to defend itself from all angles at once.

What killed the Roman Empire was not its immoral behavior. While it certainly weakened their position, it was the Roman Empire spreading itself too thin, and thus making it unable to defend itself when it was attacked from all sides by Barbarian tribes.

Also, once spread too thin, invasion can happen from within (illegal immigration, ideological revolution [like Russia in 1918], seperatist groups, and so on)...

There are VERY few modern nations that are on the verge of ceasing to exist. Compared to past human history, most modern nations (the U.S. included, of course) are built to last, even during tough times like these days...

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by specialasianX

Taking Jesus out of the school system is also a good thing, it stops brainwashing kids into thinking that christianity is the only and right religion.

but having the ACLU make a school study islam is ok then?

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