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UFO Fleet Over Chile December 16,2009

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posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Happyfeet
Swamp gas.

It certainly would be likely to be terrestrial in origin, every saucer we have seen was not that bright and would fly in a decent formation, this is a clusterf%$k of white lights in a very disorganized, nonintelligent "formation" While I would like to know what this is, I do not think it is ET, though it might be bluebeam(insanely unlikely)

The swamp gas clearly flies away in an oranized way.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 07:38 AM
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?, no... It's a plane.

Thread successfully debunked.

For the record, I called Aeroplane before I read Phage's response and evidence, which BTW was classic!

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 07:40 AM
Probably like 3 cessnas flying into the city in sequence then circling out to the side to come in for a shot at the runway lol

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 07:45 AM
Fake as hell;
Look at how he pans the camera towards the objects before they even appear;

How did he know where the objects were going to appear before they even became visible?

[edit on 17-12-2009 by DjSharperimage]

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Grayelf2009

This is a post for lazy people who don't want to check sources, thanks to Phage!

Originally posted by Grayelf2009
Those are not planes

um, yes they are, see Same thread 08, retracted 09

Originally posted on Forgetomori
Those are the exact T-35 Pillán training airplanes, doing the exact same formation over the exact same demonstration area. Just a little closer, and with no X-Files music.

Lights were seen ... December 2002, December 2003, December 2004

Originally posted on Forgetomori

Doesn’t it look curious they are all in December? ...
FACH pointed it was a instruction formation of the Aviation School Capitán Manuel Avalos.


Originally posted by Jim.Hero
I saw the lights from my window... not a fake, but not u.f.o.
It happens every year, those are planes...

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:28 AM
Looks like the Flying-Spaghettimonster.
Sightings like this were predicted by the cave paintings and in various books I got from ebay.
This is a clear sign of an upcoming 2012 event.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:28 AM
Wow I respect this guy Phage but what I don't get is this utter fascination coming from other members. It's like all these people who can't think and reason for themselves have a Phage fetish. They can't form an opinion until Phage speaks up and then they troll and ruin perfectly fine threads.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Phage
December in Santiago again? Time flies...and so do airplanes.
Time for graduation at the FACH Aviation School again.

You can't see the nav lights because the quality of the video is so poor. I wonder if that's an accident.

[edit on 12/16/2009 by Phage]

Sorry I called you a disinfo agent, I should no better than to call names...its just your opinion...that I think is wrong, and is on purpose.

There I think that is the way to say it ? Right mod?

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by countercounterculture

Nice try ....I know better you guys...come on...I have seen them myself, durning the day,got a real good look.

Your wasting everyones time trying to convince us that they are not UFO's/magnetic field craft .

And by the way I didn't read the sourc news that your all were spoon fed, I made up my view by what I saw in the video.

star and flag for OP

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:39 AM
Heres an obvious question or statement that no-one is making.
If a UFO were to be flying around in our Atmosphere, would it not look like a plane anyway? If all we see on airplanes are the lights at night why would it be different for UFO's?
Im pretty sure they would look very similar, its not like the UFO's are going to have a lights that spell out UFO, they have lights, planes have lights? I fail to see a debunking.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by RamsOnTop
Wow I respect this guy Phage but what I don't get is this utter fascination coming from other members. It's like all these people who can't think and reason for themselves have a Phage fetish. They can't form an opinion until Phage speaks up and then they troll and ruin perfectly fine threads.

I have to agree there, i respect Phage as he is a smart fella, but im sure he would agree that its a little ridiculous when you see a thread and peoples comments are "i cant wait to see what phage says".
I agree with him alot and have dissagreed but i dont follow him around or wait for him to show me the light, i hope he doesnt want that either.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:49 AM
the mountains in the back look like the santiago video footage on u tube of the daylight sighting were ufos go in simlar fashion i think maybe real but if not it could be a distant road coming down mountains in the back . i mean car headlights comeing down a sharp left hand turn then a straight rd with slight decent the road down side of mountain..

like this type

ps .
ufo are real ive seen them are these like what i seen .sorta but these are very far away what i seen was close and bright orange the size of 2 storey house completley looks like a plasma or surface of sun but redish oscilating and i aint seen anything to match on tv or youtube . i have seen lanterns and they are like lanterns and small

[edit on 12/17/2009 by dashar]

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by countercounterculture

There is some really desperate wishful thinking going on with ATS of late. Its like people read the facts, said facts don't agree with what they want to believe so they throw them out and jump to the disinformation agent agenda.

The original video shows lights flying in formation, certainly not pulling any manuvers impossible for our current level of tech, in fact the manuvers are tame compared to what some modern fighter can perform. But they are true Unknowns at this point.

Then we get more information, more videos, articles etc. case closed, planes in formation.

There is a difference between disinformation and enlightenment, when we learn its enlightenment, when we deny the truth we ourselves become the "disinformation agents."

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Damian-007

I do not think it has been "debunked", there are differing opinions..but case not closed.

I find it difficult to believe that planes would fly in that close a formation at night..and do some of the maneuvers they did..

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:52 AM
This thread is the epitome of the secondary entertainment value I obtain from this site. A low quality video is presented as evidence of intelligently guided, other-worldly craft. Many users are convinced solely by this low quality video. Along comes Phage.

Phage presents evidence to the contrary. Solid and convincing; his evidence is of a more convicing quality than that which the presenter of the video is trying to convey. Along with the quotes from other threads including one of a person who has seen this aircraft with his own eyes.

Now the funny part... Users with blind faith, those with disgust towards Phage, people whose "unreality" keeps being shattered by someone who is really good at contributing critical analysis to these topics. You guys get so p*issed at critical analysis! Yet you blindly accept a low quality video which is presented the way you want it to be presented, showing you what you want to believe. Some of you remind me of religious zealots.

Thankyou for the entertainment and thankyou Phage for keeping it real. There must always be a balance.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:55 AM
It's CGI. You can notice that because the objects move weirdly if you watch closely, it's like they are "floaty" (yes i know how ridiculous this sounds having in mind that they're supposed to float) these weird movements are specially noticeable when the camera moves, because it's harder to place moving objects when the raw video is moving too. Also, they appeared conveniently behind a crane, the person choose that location because when you're positioning and animating the objects it is easier if you have a reference nearby.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:58 AM
off topic too

why don't you open a thread just on Phage
lots of thread are poluted by this kind of off topic phage related stuff
or just ignore him

really people will leave ATS cause of that. (my opinion)

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by believer81
This thread is the epitome of the secondary entertainment value I obtain from this site. A low quality video is presented as evidence of intelligently guided, other-worldly craft. Many users are convinced solely by this low quality video. Along comes Phage.

Phage presents evidence to the contrary. Solid and convincing; his evidence is of a more convicing quality than that which the presenter of the video is trying to convey. Along with the quotes from other threads including one of a person who has seen this aircraft with his own eyes.

Now the funny part... Users with blind faith, those with disgust towards Phage, people whose "unreality" keeps being shattered by someone who is really good at contributing critical analysis to these topics. You guys get so p*issed at critical analysis! Yet you blindly accept a low quality video which is presented the way you want it to be presented, showing you what you want to believe. Some of you remind me of religious zealots.

Thankyou for the entertainment and thankyou Phage for keeping it real. There must always be a balance.

100% agreement here. It reminds me of something I'd read before where a person stated that you can have 2 people staring at the same object at the same time. At first they'll both claim it's a UFO. After it flies overhead, it's landing gear is lowered, it's flaps are extended and it's landing lights are turned on, one person will still claim it's a UFO while the other will prove that it's United flight 119 from LA to Newark.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by believer81

Disgust towards Phage? Complete opposite i Highly respect Phage, but instead of waiting for another man to educate you on everything perhaps youd like to go out and do some of your own learning. Youd be amazed the opinion you can make with a little of your own knowledge.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Hack28
Heres an obvious question or statement that no-one is making.
If a UFO were to be flying around in our Atmosphere, would it not look like a plane anyway? If all we see on airplanes are the lights at night why would it be different for UFO's?
Im pretty sure they would look very similar, its not like the UFO's are going to have a lights that spell out UFO, they have lights, planes have lights? I fail to see a debunking.

Using the same logic, you could also argue that if planes look like UFOs at night, then it is totally rediculous to claim that it is a UFO, as you can only really go on what is more likely. To be fair, I recon a plane is more likely, don't you?

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I doubt it's going to be a pineapple.

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