Originally posted by heyo
reply to post by maybereal11
You basically said I could stick with whatever opinion fits my world view. You then said you, on the other hand would, would vet the science. I'd
be interested to see the science that shows CO2 is the cause of temperature rise. Honestly.
I would make the case that INCREASED CO2 (beyond what the planet would produce absent the sourcing and burning of ancient fossil fuel reserves that
have been stored from eons ago) is ONE of the factors causing temperature rises beyond what the natural system would typically produce.
CO2 is good and neccessary for the maintenance of a given temperature on our planet.
CO2 is naturally circulated regulated within the system to maintain the temperature that our current civilization has evolved in.
Tapping into ancient reserves and injecting that CO2 into the system elevates the CO2 beyond what nature would create otherwise.
This will not "destroy" the earth at all...but it will increase temperatures and human civilization is more fragile than we think.
We should not expect the planet to maintain the temperature that is best suited for us humans...nature doesn't care...Tsunamies, Hurricanes,
Tornados...nature isn't thinking about mankind first.
Nature does alter temperatures...but slowly...typically on a scale we can adapt to...injecting additional CO2 into the system...beyond the natural
levels that would exist absent drilling and adding fossil fuel CO2 from the past....accelerates temperature increases.
Imagine your house as a perfectly insulated entitiy.
You have vents in your attic that allow heat to escape that are relatively small in comparison to the rest of the house and all of the well insulated
walls and roof etc.
CO2 is a strong determinate of the size of those vents.
The more CO2...the smaller the vents...
less CO2 and the vents are larger...
If the vents were gigantic...Not enough CO2..too much heat escapes and the house is freezing..
If the vents are too small...the house gets too hot and wet...mold etc. Or in the case of the earth...species migration...melting glaciers..ocean
acidification...rising sea levels...all happening at a pace that would not happen without us adding more CO2.
Nature has systems in place to create and circulate CO2 which keep those vents the right size to keep our temperatures at a "natural" level....and
when those vents grow or shrink they are done gradually by nature over a very long period of time.
How does CO2 function as a vent? Heat from the earth (Albedo) radiates outward in the Infra-red spectrum...water (H20) in the atomosphere serves as a
great insulator and keeps a good deal of that heat from escaping into space.
Nature's genius is that in the IR Spectrum (Heat from earth) there is a window of wavelength where water (H20) does not stop the heat from escaping.
It is a window or vent that heat can escape through...and CO2 DOES cover that small window....this is the "attic vent"...so the more CO2 we put into
the system..this vent shrinks.
So yes..the planet will get hotter..some crops will improve...other regions will see severe droughts or increased rainfall, flooding, potentially more
eratic weather.
Honestly I think the Midwestern US might do Okay...but the coasts, Hawaii, Alaska etc. those regions are going to get hit hard...island nations are
going to shrink...all types of craziness around the world in ecosystems that aren't suited well for quickly rising temps.
These are predictions that may or may not happen, but that is what the science predicts...so we can do something now or roll the dice and see if the
scientists were wrong somehow. Climate policy is premised on the idea that the science is strong enough where they feel there is more risk to waiting
and dealing with the consequences than to acting now.
Personally I believe nature to be infinitely smarter than man.
I also don't think history shows that "nature" has any particular love or preference for mankind as a species.
The earth will be fine...us however...not so much. We will not be able to adapt quickly enough.
If the attic vent is set to a current level...then we should respect natures wisdom in that choice and not close that attic vent with CO2 and other
GHGs and somehow just assume nature will look out for mankind...she won't.
Here is a rough explanation of the attic window along with a graph showing the "attic vent". The window wher H2O doesn't stop escaping heat, but
CO2 and other ghg do.
[edit on 21-12-2009 by maybereal11]