People who have seen the pictures of the "portal over Norway" have brought up the question of asking if it could be in any way a portal, wormhole,
or otherwise anything UFO related. To talk about that we need to understand how spacecraft move, how wormholes work, and how space, time, and gravity
need to be manipulated to and how they cause phenomenon like this.
The poor job I did here with this image is because I feel that the time this post will be relevant to the threads I wish to link to this is short, I
can create a better set of diagrams in photoshop and upload them later.
OK, now lets jump right in by explaining what we know about ufo propulsion...oops, most of you don't even understand how terrestrial propulsion
works, oh well, I'll just give you a quick refresher on how rockets in space work.
All rockets created on earth rely on the ability to expel something out the back of the rocket engine or motor, literally this is the same thing as
you jumping on the floor, only at the top of your jump, you were to put another floor down to jump off of, continuing that into space. This is Newtons
law of motion, this is also why a gun kicks when it is fired. A rocket engine can be thought of as a machine gun, spitting out lots of bullets and
pushing against the spacecraft.
But I know you must be asking yourself what this has to do with portals, and besides, we almost have ION drives right?
A cool little protip, Ions have mass, that's how an ion engine works. We are still using the idea of pushing ourselves through space by expelling
something. Ion drive is more efficient and can be powered by electricity, but its the same concept as we are currently using on the space shuttle.
All "alien" propulsion systems are way beyond the need to expel something as in reaction engines. You see, the problem with reaction engines is that
you are pushing small parts of your total mass in the opposite direction of travel. To travel past the speed of light this way would require that you
keep throwing bits and pieces of your total mass away until there was nothing left to be pushed beyond the speed of light.
A better form of propulsion is what we see when people talk about UFO craft, making small balls of gravity around the craft in question in the
direction of desired movement. Literally, a disc UFO is falling around the sky, like a yoyo on a string, the person holding the string being the
source of gravity.
Gravity drives are a great form of propulsion, so long as you can maintain the energy needed to maintain the high gravity field needed to drag you
through space. This is not a bad technology at all, it will allow one to achieve incredibly high speeds, pull insane turns without being crushed, fly
through any atmosphere, including water if the structural integrity of the craft can handle the extreme forces.
Gravity drive has one drawback or flaw, it cannot go faster than light. By creating a source of gravity, you are moving the rest of space and time
around a bit, and that is the drawback. To go faster than light, you would have to push back against space/time hard enough to break through the
barrier that Einstein predicted. To illustrate crudely, if you had a balloon at the center of the earth and wanted to blow it up, you would have to
put enough energy into the balloon to overcome the gravity of the entire earth. This crude example is the same reason antigravity will not achieve FTL
travel, its pushing against infinity, and thus, would need an infinite amount of energy.
So how to achieve faster than light travel? Simply, ignore light and focus on getting from point A to B, as fast as possible, even if it means having
to bend reality a bit. Fig.3
So now we get down to the nitty gritty of "wormholes" "portals" or whatever else you want to call it. Wow I hate these terms, they are so hard to
equate with what I am describing here.
I want you to draw two dots on a piece of paper near each corner. now find the shortest distance between them by moving the paper around. The
shortest possible route is to fold the paper so the dots are touching. Now, all that little dot demonstration shows is that it is not about moving the
dots so much as it it moving the space between them. The point is, the key to faster than light travel, is not speed, but distance.
The reason we cannot travel faster than light is that we are pushing at a barrier. You know what happens when we hit the sound barrier, a massive
crack and powerful shockwaves are produced. How much greater would the consequences be if we brute forced our way through a much faster barrier? When
we finally got past the sound barrier, we did it not by making larger airplanes, but smaller, more streamlined, thinner wings that sliced through the
air, only after we thought about streamlined did we finally break the mystical barrier.
With FTL travel, one cannot brute force their way through to beyond the speed of light. You must create a tear in the space/time, slip in, slip
through, pop out. How? By creating a tear, and how do we do that? Gravity! If you can produce antigravity, you can produce gravity. If you can produce
gravity on hand, such as small black holes, you can tear holes in spacetime. By creating an odd number of areas of intense gravity around a center
point, you can pull apart spacetime.
Now I would like to explain how this corresponds with what happened over Norway.
Electric glow discharge is what we all were witness to, the cause of that, is something very few people would think of. It is very possible a
spacecraft warped out, not in(for clarification) too close to earth's atmosphere, possibly even in the Ionosphere. The result of the tearing of
spacetime I talked about caused a spiral of gasses to form in different densities, with all the energy used to create that rip, it is possible that
the area above Norway was glowing much like a neon light.
Why the spiral shape? When a ship creates the tear in spacetime, the area around the tear has a strange shape. Space is round, gravity is round, the
universe, is visually round. When you push a round water balloon, you get a doughnut shape. When a craft makes a tear in spacetime, it creates a
doughnut shaped ring around the tear of intense gravity.
[edit on 10-12-2009 by Happyfeet]
Mod edit: image tags corrected to show the whole image.
[edit on 11/12/2009 by ArMaP]