posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 03:45 PM
Hi, there
i'am new here, because i have same "problem" i try to find some logical answer on internet, and during my search i find out this forum.
i'am also occasionally receiver of those high pitch tones, ( i'am in telecommunication business, so i'am familiar with frequencies and from my
point of hearing l say it somewhere around 1000 Hz or 1 KHz range), lasting about 5-10 seconds.
in my country, people define this as a "voice", when you hear it with left ear, its "voice" from female side, and when you hear it with right
ear, its "voice" from male side... this is local explanation.
so, i hear those "voices" or as you call it "high pitch tone" since i was a kid and i pay attention on it.
usually , when i hear "voice", ill expect, call, letter or visit from someone depending of left-right ear, female or male.
so, usually is about that, but, what stoned me, was a very "sad voice", which i define as a very low frequency, around
400-500Hz. during this "voice" my very close neighbor died, i find that next morning, she died around the time when i was hear that strange sad
this is my explanation or testimonial about high pitch sound, occasionally hear in left-right ear.
people, pay attention on this voices and follow what happened aftermath.