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Pat Buchanan Taking Up The 911 Truth Cause?

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posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:52 AM
I am a hard-right sort of guy, so I monitor the right wing sites closely. But I never expected such gentle treatment of the Truth Movement at the PJB website.

In national polls from 2006, about one-third of Americans reported that 9/11 was orchestrated by the US government (here, here, here, here), while up to 84% state that our government is at least covering-up key facts of what happened. A CNN poll topped-out at 90% reporting that our government is covering-up elements of 9/11. In a 2004 Zogby poll, half of the residents of New York City reported that our government at least knew of the attacks and consciously did not prevent them, and two-thirds want a new and independent investigation. Half of victims’ family members conclude the US government was complicit in the attacks and deaths of their loved ones, according to the largest family group’s public representative. This “9/11 Truth Movement” is growing: over 1,400 people with impressive professional backgrounds in engineering, architecture, intelligence, military, government, and various Ph.D credentials publicly refute the official explanations. Professional scientists have published literally dozens of peer-reviewed papers in argument that the three World Trade Center (WTC) buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition rather than fire-induced structural failure. Over 800 professional architects and engineers have compiled impressive visual demonstrations. Professional pilots have done the same. Professional firefighters, lawyers, medical professionals, military veterans, scholars, and religious leaders have also created organizations for “9/11 Truth.”

Darn, they even posted an AE911 video at the bottom of the article

[edit on 5-12-2009 by 911files]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by 911files

Forget 911 for a week, we need to call Senators and stop Obama from giving away our country to a new world government.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by 911files

Buchanan has been on a credibility slide for the past 20 years. He's clearly an anti-semite and it would not be shocking to see him jump on the whole "Zionists were behind 911" bandwagon.

Regardless, I won't listen to anyone with a comb-over that blatant. He looks like a fool, swirling those 9 hairs around the top of his head.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by dolphinfan

Buchanan has been on a credibility slide for the past 20 years. He's clearly an anti-semite and it would not be shocking to see him jump on the whole "Zionists were behind 911" bandwagon.

Regardless, I won't listen to anyone with a comb-over that blatant. He looks like a fool, swirling those 9 hairs around the top of his head.

Let's not forget this whopper from PB to Nixon:

"There is a legitimate grievance in my view of white working-class people that every time, on every issue, that the black militants loud-mouth it, we come up with more money.... If we can give 50 Phantoms [jet fighters] to the Jews, and a multi-billion dollar welfare program for the blacks...why not help the Catholics save their collapsing school system."

Source: Boston Globe: 1/4/92

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 09:09 AM
I agree though... Buchanan would love to jump on the "Jews Did It" bandwagon.

PB on Hitler:

"an individual of great courage.... Hitler's success was not based on his extraordinary gifts alone. His genius was an intuitive sense of the mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness masquerading as morality that was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood in his path."

Source: Guardian, 1/14/92

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by dolphinfan
reply to post by 911files

Buchanan has been on a credibility slide for the past 20 years. He's clearly an anti-semite and it would not be shocking to see him jump on the whole "Zionists were behind 911" bandwagon.

Regardless, I won't listen to anyone with a comb-over that blatant. He looks like a fool, swirling those 9 hairs around the top of his head.

A pro-American is just that. Pat Buchanan is pro-American and has little patience or tolerance for what he refers to as hyphenated Americans. People who like to use that hyphen, Mexican-Americans, African-Americans, etc. etc. are often offended by the notion that someone would just want them to be Americans and identify themselves as just Americans.

Pat Buchanan knows or at least suspects that hyphenated Americans have loyalties beyond to just their nation, and loyalties that they often place first to the benefit of a minority and if need be to the detriment of the majority of Americans.

Sadly in today’s world of politically correct propaganda people who are in favor of something as common sense based as being pro (positive) American means to someone else who is pro Israel or pro Mexico that such pro American people are anti-Israel, or anti-Mexico.

Since Americans don’t live in Israel or Mexico but in America, that’s patently absurd. So was that post.

He simply favors the notion that if you live in America you simply are an American and that’s where your loyalties lay. Some people are obviously more concerned about nations like Israel and religions like Judaism than they are America and it shows in their posts!

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

A pro-American is just that. Pat Buchanan is pro-American and has little patience or tolerance ....snip

....for ANYONE that is not an American Christian. How can he be pro American if he does not believe in the Constitution of the United States?

Let's not forget his ridiculous statements about homosexuals:

"The poor homosexuals -- they have declared war upon nature, and now nature is extracting an awful retribution (AIDS)." (Los Angeles Times, 11/28/86)

Let that year he told New York City Mayor Ed Koch and New York Gov. Mario Cuomo cancel the Gay Pride Parade or else "be held personally responsible for the spread of the AIDS plague."

"With 80,000 dead of AIDS, our promiscuous homosexuals appear literally hell-bent on Satanism and suicide,"

Are women Americans?

"Rail as they will about 'discrimination,' women are simply not endowed by nature with the same measures of single-minded ambition and the will to succeed in the fiercely competitive world of Western capitalism."

"The real liberators of American women were not the feminist noise-makers, they were the automobile, the supermarket, the shopping center, the dishwasher, the washer-dryer, the freezer."

The guy is a douche.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by ImAPepper

Actually like it or not the reality is that the Constitution was written by White Anglo Saxons for White Anglo Saxons. Whether you agree with it or not is neither here nor there, but women, and blacks weren’t considered equal, and like it or not the reality is that women think differently than men, and blacks often think differently than whites.

Some would call such statements racist but the reality is scientist can identify physiological differences that do attribute to different thought patterns and perspectives.

Now is it fair that a group of very dominant and domineering White Anglo Saxons founded the nation to their own posterity in such a way that it led to the wholesale disenfranchisement of entire sexes and races?

Well considering that people of all races and backgrounds can come here to enjoy the fruits of that labor probably makes up for that.

Yet it was those core values that made the nation a destination of choice for many.

Today those core values are diluted by a plethora of special interest groups who would prefer this be that way, and that be this way, often in stark contrast to those founding values. Those various groups would all love the Constitution rewritten for their own benefit, even when it’s to other group’s detriments. So much so that many people can’t even bear to hear common sense truths uttered anymore.

Aids really was a gay epidemic in the early 1980’s. If you were gay in the 1980’s and engaged in frequent unprotected sex you were at great risk of contracting the disease. That really is a fact, the morality of Christians is a strange and questionable thing but that convoluted and often hypocritical morality as hurtful as it might seem still didn’t remove the fact that it was at that point primarily a gay epidemic. Personally I think it was a government created and introduced virus aimed at targeting certain segments of society.

The point is if you are going to dye your hair purple and then cry every time someone points out the novelty of your purple hair that’s ridiculous.

Don’t dye your hair purple!

The other point is that as various special interest groups destroy the cohesiveness and the functional ability of the Constitution with no thought besides their own special interest group the nation continues on a downward spiral of turning into a thought and speech controlled police state where despite the fact that no one has been tried or convicted for 9-11, and Zionist Israel as did many other groups have many things to gain in pulling it off its practically a crime to question that.

That’s rubbish. No one group of people should ever be above suspicion and if that core founding group of White Anglo Saxons who birthed the nation and gave us the Constitution aren’t above suspicion or reproach then certainly Zionists should not be either.

We have lost all common sense in this country because people diminish it simply by diminishing the messenger of it.

Pat Buchannan is as functionally tolerant in his own ways as you likely are in yours. The difference being that in your estimation yours are above and beyond reproach and his very much are reproachable.

So the solution as is often the case is to throw the baby (the common sense) out with the bathwater (the person you don’t like who says it).

It’s just a form of denial that angry people who want to get common sense results without exercising common sense try to overcome by pitching fits, deflecting, and defaming other people in a squeaky wheel gets the grease type of way.

It’s funny how people always see it as an ugly thing in any group but their own!

9-11 does need more thoroughly investigated and the fact that the thread becomes a bash Pat Buchanan for thinking it should based on the interests of Zionists, and gays and other minorities really is frankly as self defeating and destructive as it is sad and comical.

It’s just more of attack the messenger to try to defeat the message. That just leads common sense people scratching their head wondering what such people are so fearful of and have to hide.

Evolution is a harder process when people seek silly forms of devolution to achieve it!

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Go read Abraham Lincoln's Coopers Union speech.
In it, he as the first Republican president explains slavery, in the minds of the framers of our constitution.
Ever hear of the "Great Compromise?"

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

We all understand when and by whom the Constitution was written by. Where in it does it say that the Jews should be left out? The Muslims? The Buddhists?

Thank you for the history lesson. Now, lets get back to the modern era.

Buchanan is a racist, a homophobic, and thinks women are only good for housework. You can suck up to this old goat all you want. He will more than likely be dead in 10-15 years. Hopefully his hatred will not have reached too many more gullible, naive, Americans.

BTW, do you shave your head?

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by fmcanarney
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Go read Abraham Lincoln's Coopers Union speech.
In it, he as the first Republican president explains slavery, in the minds of the framers of our constitution.
Ever hear of the "Great Compromise?"

The agrarian economy of the South wanted slaves. The more industrial geared economy of the North didn’t want them and agree with the practice. The founders felt that there could be no Union that would achieve a Constitution and a new nation that included all the existing colonies unless the issue was more or less tabled and deferred.

Ultimately it was left as an issue that everyone at the time knew had divisive potential. The war wasn’t fought over slavery but was added to make it more politically popular in the North where Christian Groups were against the practice.

It wasn’t so much as a compromise as it was putting off an issue that the North knew it could eventually win out on economically and from an industrial standpoint as the South was setting up a poorer agrarian economy and society that would not breed dominant numbers, technology or banks. The reality is famed abolitionist John Brown was hung by the United States Government for attempting to lead a slave rebellion just months before the outbreak of the civil war. Clearly it didn’t bother the Federal Government that much at that time that it wouldn’t hesitate to hang a white man and shoot fleeing blacks in the back.

The war for states rights was about dominance and submission, primarily that dominance being the northern industrial and banking interests over the southern agrarian interests.

The truth is no one was freed in the civil war, we were all just enslaved to the start of a dominant military industrial complex that still rules and controls government to this day and was behind 9-11 to provide the pretext for a profitable war. We have all become indentured servants (slaves) to our government’s massive debt. Over 50% of our incomes goes to various taxes, fees, and insurances to keep the military industrial complex and bankers in power and rolling in the dough.

We as citizens are only as free as the amount of money in our pockets allows us to be. For most people there is scant little and scant freedom as a result, meanwhile 150 years later the United States Government still is operating under an Emergency War Time Government and Corporate Code Law and has all but abandoned its lofty constitutional principles. I live in Military Government District 11. All of the Southern United States is still considered to be under Military Occupation technically by statute and treaty.

9-11 is just one of the perverse truths our government hides and omits.

The main point I am trying to make though in regards to this Thread is one doesn’t try to disprove that if you stick your hand in an open flame it burns just because the person who told you that it does is a child molester, serial killer and bank robber. The fact that person leads there life in a pitiful way doesn’t mean that the common sense things ANYONE is capable of saying and understanding aren’t common sense things.

Common sense dictates that the government is hiding many aspects regarding what really happened on 9-11.

Uncommon sense is not questioning things for the sake of political correctness and not hurting someone’s feelings.

As an example 19 alleged Muslim Extremists supposedly perpetrated the attacks. Holding all Muslims to account for that is nonsensical. Should it be that 19 Zionists carried off the attack holding all Zionists responsible for it is nonsensical.

The Zionists love in fact to often paint every Muslim as being guilty or complicit in 9-11. The fact that Zionists bristle at the notion that Zionist could be involved as some form of insult to their group only shows that they place that group ahead of America and that there identities are framed by that group, as are there agendas.

In reality if you weren’t one of the 19 Zionists involved why would you care? If you weren’t one of the 19 Muslims involved why would you care?

America for Americans it’s really simple. The truth should always be the truth not for who it serves or who it upsets but because it is the truth. We are not being told the truth about 9-11.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by ImAPepper

Buchanan is a racist, a homophobic, and thinks women are only good for housework. You can suck up to this old goat all you want. He will more than likely be dead in 10-15 years. Hopefully his hatred will not have reached too many more gullible, naive, Americans.

Just so you know my friend I was Bay Buchanan’s (Pat’s sister) Travel Agent for a decade. That included the period when she was Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America and signing your dollar bills. I really don’t think Pat was upset that his sister was Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America and was disappointed that she wasn’t at home making cookies.

Bay is staunchly conservative herself though not so much the Christian extremist.

Answer me this though how do Gay politics really differ from Christian politics? Gay politics are all about making the world user friendly to gays. Christian politics are all about making the world user friendly to Christians.

Same nonsense different agendas, me, me, me, the world should all be about me.

But I tell you what, get all the gay people together ( I lived in West Hollywood California while I was Bay Buchanan’s Travel Agent, in fact I owned the agency and the agent I often had service her account was gay and was suffering from AIDS which she was aware of on both scores by the way) have them take over some other nation through violent means like the founders of this country did and establish a gay government, and a gay nation, and then let me know how you plan to repopulate it!

Special interests are just that, special to a limited group of people who just think about themselves. Makes no difference what group it is Christian, Gay, Black, it’s all about them.

A lot of people in fact do nothing but promote their own agendas at the expense of other people and love to defame them even though they don't even really know the person.

Know anyone like that friend?

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by factbeforefiction

Yeah, forget about 9/11 for a week, a month or how about forever?
Maybe we could forget about it if my fellow Americans were not so against getting us the truth.
Maybe we could forget if we got just a drop of justice.
Before you start blabing about how I will never get justice I would kindly ask that you keep you opinions to your self, as they are just like those of the Blacks who told the Blacks who fought for their freedom that their efforts were in vain.

I dont care if it takes until the day that I die.

You can talk to these people till you are blue in the face, they are killers.

I hope nobody ever kills your friends, gets away with it and then you have to read comments from idiots who say making phone calls to other idiots is more important than getting justice for your dead friends.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:25 PM
He did a Bush background check for Alex Jones or Alex Jones
stuck his video into one of his.
Only claim to fame in recent years.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

And if there were a few people who were Semites who were involved in the planning and implementation of the scheme? Clearly Larry Silverstein is a Semite. What then?

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:19 PM
You know, I've been thinking about the overarching problem we as humanity face from the bankers. As Thomas Jefferson clearly stated, if we are under the thumb of private bankers as to the value of currency we work for, they can manipulate it up and down, using the timing to make certain they are always the elite, and thus control the governments of the world, the communications, etc.
Who are the people who would put an operation like 9/11 into effect, and what are their motives? For one, Larry Silverstein couldn't have operated on his own, I don't believe. To put in an insurance policy and put that much forward signifies he had prior information as to what exactly would go down. He still received a 1.3 billion if I remember correctly, after demanding 7 billion.
If you believe the claims of a stockpile of gold from the Philippines being in one of the towers, then there's even more value, value that was protected against the inflation they put into effect.
Further, by propagating the story that it was terrorists, they could use the military and launch a war on, obviously, any middle eastern country they chose. So, count in some oil fields into the potential profit, above the insurance policy and gold. Also count in the profits from military contracts.
I'm probably missing some here. For instance, having an attack like that will change the political character of the country, and you can have politicians who are ready to go for that initial period after the attack, once they get elected on pro-war platforms, all the other priorities that they carry with them - there's more profit for you.
So, trillions (multiple trillions) of dollars of profit, that's what 9/11 as a black-flag operation was worth.

Every election opens the stage for these people to play games.
Also, whether it's kidnapping a spiritual leader of one country or another and forcing them to succumb to their agenda, planting a revolutionary with enough funds in a country to stage a successful coup, controlling the drug trade, human trafficking trade, and weapons trade, keeping mindless drones off to one side for political assassinations, etc...or just simply using intelligence agencies to change a government so that the favored set of international corporations can enter the country and do business.
For the evil nature within the worst of us, we need to look no further than the reasoning behind many CIA operations which have been publicized, or the way the Church of Scientology runs.

How can we as a people get inside the decision loop and start to shut down these types of predatory operations? We need to start thinking about all of humanity and what is good for the totality of us. We cannot enforce it through courts and law, as it looks like our legal systems do not have the power even address some of the worst crimes of our government (torture, operations of all kinds which are blatantly wrong, etc - if there's no accountability, you can do anything you like). We need to place ourselves in advantageous positions and each do what we can to slow them down.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:28 PM
911 plan simulation by the think tankers:

guaranteed the US has to be hit by an enemy
(no matter how weak or non existent or far away in Tibet)
background: Spanish American War, WWII, Nam

the attackers will have to constructed from known lunatics and
given a threatening position with help if need be
(the enemy country to be attacked from a pool of likely suspects)

the official story would hold as all hijackers would be destroyed
and no trace of collaboration

So only undercover help was needed and none of the vast conspiracy
of airlines, TV networks, aircraft mods or suicide mk ultra pilots or
scalar or longitudinal waves or planted explosives or missing passengers
and all the rest of the complex undertaking.


Some how it all went down by people just taking a plane ride a few
times and able to steer airliners.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:50 PM
The only thing I have to say is what did he have to lose...?
there is going to be a lot of the Politicans spelling the wind for
opportunity... deny them. and reward those who speak for us.

[edit on 5-12-2009 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
The only thing I have to say is what did he have to lose...?
there is going to be a lot of the Politicans spelling the wind for
opportunity... deny them. and reward those who speak for us.

[edit on 5-12-2009 by Anti-Evil]

How bold will the truthers get to move Obama out and to
settle things out the way JFK JR might have done in his time
in the White House.
The Illuminati saved themselves a "JFK JR II" and potential
CIA crash and burn.

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