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Who say's it is better that Religion was banned Worldwide?

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posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 03:21 PM
If religion did not unite and could never do, would the solution be batter if there was no faith and it was just man verses nature without thinking there is a right God or a wrong one? Who would be happy and glad about such a world?

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 03:25 PM
Without organized religion, I believe we would advance as a species and a civilization much faster than we are now, and in a harmonious way. However, I don't think all the advancement or harmony in the universe is worth a pig fart if we are not free to choose for ourselves what we will believe and what we won't.

I think religion has done tremendous harm to civilization. However, it has also done tremendous good. Hope is a powerful thing, and religion gives its followers hope. It's when differing beliefs are not tolerated that it becomes a problem.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 03:30 PM
I dont agree with the term faith...but

If you mean get rid of organized religion, then im all for that. Probably be less wars and death. People would have more money because some greedy liar isnt taking it all from them. The "church" (or whatever "u" call it) has lied, stolen, manipulated and mudered its way to control of the people. So to get rid of that aspect of the equation would benefit us all greatly.

I dont see nothing wrong with people continuing to believe, worship or have faith in whatever they choose. It would be wrong to take that away from them.

Edit: By the way. To me, Jefferson said it all in my signiture.

[edit on 12/4/2009 by Termite197]

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 03:34 PM
Let us say that religion it self helped expand the spiritual self, it makes people more intelligent that the universe is part of something bigger. Religion helps in that sense to try and reach out to the heavens, if there never was religion would we care who is up there and how far away the stars and planets are?

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 03:35 PM
I expect MOOCOWMAN to be with you any minute on this .

...anyway as far as I can tell , satanism has it's fingers spread

worldwide right now , so your wish is already reality .!

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
Let us say that religion it self helped expand the spiritual self, it makes people more intelligent that the universe is part of something bigger. Religion helps in that sense to try and reach out to the heavens, if there never was religion would we care who is up there and how far away the stars and planets are?

I dont agree with this at all. Not one iota.

If anything, religion stops people from becoming more spiritual. Its a form of control that was created for that specific purpose. To limit what people really know. To limit discoveries. Religion is like the old ball on chain prison shackles.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 03:47 PM
I don't think that simply banning religion would change much. You would still have extremist and fringe groups everywhere. Look at the prohibition of drugs: there are still a high percentage of drug users on the planet, so simply outlawing wouldn't make any difference whatsoever. In fact, it would probably have a much more negative affect when you have people feeling repressed without having the ability to express their faith without being impacted negatively in some form.

I think the solution to our ideological wars is to just grow up and realize that everyone has a different view on reality (yeah right). In fact if we don't learn to get over our differences, we will never evolve as a civilization and the pursuit of truth through religion and science will forever be at odds with each other.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by The time lord

Well I think it was Jefferson. Yep, Jefferson that's my final answer.

Is it gonna happen? No! So then should I care ? No!

Nice talkin to ya!

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 04:02 PM
Personaly i feel any organized religon is a bad thing. It has been responsible for more deaths and wars throughout the ages than any other factor. all in the name of a fictisional theory.

I feel the strongly that the catholic church is especialy is culpable of genocide through its teachings in the developing world!

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 04:08 PM
Agreed, get rid of Organized Religions. Nothing worse than atrocities committed in the name of righteousness then hiding behind the shield of taboo: "You can't comment because you are attacking my belief!".

Faith is about not being certain. If you had demonstrative certainty you don't have faith, you have knowledge. In the meantime beliefs are used to justify all sorts of evils and people are just supposed to shrug and say 'oh well, its their faith, what are you gonna do?'.

When people let their kids die from neglect or just bad parenting we call them bad parents and demand repercussions. When someone lets their kids die because they wanted to pray instead we call it unfortunate and rarely do anything but usually look the other way.

And yes, I am aware these are for the most part exceptions and not the rule. The fact remains though that societies hold a blind spot just because someone uses the word "faith".

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 04:26 PM
I don't think banning organized religion would do any good. In some ways, banning a religious just ends up encouraging it, with people getting that "us versus them" mentality, and claiming, "If we weren't right, why would be be a threat? So we must be right!" Religions love their martyrs.

Besides, who would we get to enforce such a ban?

No, I think it's probably better in the long run to just allow people to believe whatever nonsense they want and just mock and ridicule their lack of logic and understanding. Until they start burning and shooting people who disagree with them. Then I think it's probably better just to shut up.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 04:47 PM
"Banning" religion has been tried many times (albeit not all of them at once), it will never work.
Fundamentalism and the lure of martyrdom would sustain them.
The general education level of the species would need to increase tremendously to obliterate superstition.
General standards of living would need to increase's hard to combat anything that promises reward after death for obedience now when the people being wooed are often poor and see little hope for their futures.

This obviously is a sweeping generalization..the basic facts are there to see however.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 04:58 PM
Just to make one thing clear which many people seem to have an issue with. RELIGION is NOT CHRISTIANITY. Most of the time people confuse the two. Christianity is a religion not religion.
Personally since we are dealing with hypothetical situations i think the world would be better without murder and theift i believe them both to be secular activities.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 05:00 PM
I think that sounds great in theory but bad in real world implementation.Who would decide what to do about them?

I really don't have problems with other people's imaginary friends until they try to tell me I'm evil for being a bartender(well,retired now)or smoking or fornicating(i really like fornicating).

I don't bother YOU with the voices in MY head do I?

I am an Altruistic Agnostic Hedonist.
Though I usually just say hedonist for short.As my screen name implies I am the Grand Pooh-Bah of this religion.Like a pope but with less hat.

I am calling it a religion but it's just a philosophy until god shows himself DIRECTLY,none of this stupid faith crap.

YOU(god)want MY soul's undying love and devotion,even my life and I can't even card you?not today mister...

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by radarloveguy
...anyway as far as I can tell , satanism has it's fingers spread worldwide right now , so your wish is already reality .!

If only that were true, we'd be in such a better place right now.

Religion for the most part is one of those necessary evils in the world, moreso in earlier and less sophisticated times. Back before the time of philosophy, you know those days, when men were men, women were property, and sheep were nervous.. yeah, we needed the fear of some omnipotent invisible man to keep the masses from falling into one century long gang rape and murder spree.

Since then, it has become less needed since in all it was a tool to teach morality and ethics. With philosophy, we're able to do that in a more secular manner.

Now, why satanism? oh you mean that crackpot religion out there that says to beleive what you want as far as deities? valuing freedom and choice over everything? Preaches responsibility for your actions? oh heavens forbid, we can't have that, don't say such a thing, there's democrats in the room.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 05:06 PM
Well - religion will never be banned...

- but certainly it will be a wonderful day when all humans can finally
take responsibility for who they are and their own actions - without involving an almighty fictional character.

Now, that's freedom.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by The time lord

Banning would be impossible. Religion is faith, thought, etc...IMPOSSIBLE to ban. Publicly practicing it could be outlawed, still wouldn't stop it...most that are religious are fanatic about, we just have to learn to live with it...and ignore it.

Just my 2-cents

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 05:13 PM
Just imagine a world then where it is banned and people no longer had religion or faith, no one would be allowed to even think there is a God or a creator, would the world be in perfect harmony or will it self implode with human dictatorships without the wisdom of past human learning?

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by spinkyboo

the romans tried and they lost.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by The time lord

damn i am a gentile and like a bit of bondage. i would hate to be free of it lol

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