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Another Muslim Hijacking Dry Run?: [HOAX]

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posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by downisreallyup
reply to post by JohnWorfin

What are you doing here on ATS? Really? ATS is the king of "alternative" news and conversation sites. You talk as if people here are the normal sleeping sheeple. Are you here to try and convince everyone that conspiracies don't exist, that all Muslims are peace-loving people, that Israel has no influence on U.S. policy, that all Christians are whack jobs, that 911 was caused by a few men hoping for 70 virgins, that all UFO's are swamp gas, that HAARP is just a harmless science tool, that chem trails are all just contrails, and that global warming is going to kill us all by 2012?

I hope you're getting paid well by your CIA masters!

As for what my extremely well paying CIA handlers have me doing here, I would love to tell you but then I would have to send a latin american death squad to kill you. Yes really. And no, ats is not an "alternative" news outlet, it an internet forum where conspiracies are discussed. Remember the login? or did you set your browser to "remember me" When you signed up? Where are the journalists or breaking stories that are not quotes from other sites?
As for my personal reasons for being here, I just wanted to point out a certain hypocrisy that self identified conservative folks have when it comes to "terrorism" namely that the world only suffered from terrorism at the hands of muslims and completely ignores the protestants in ireland, the born agains in america, and all of the latin american separatists who use terrorism as a tactic and are NOT muslim.
As for israel and AIPAC, its not a conspiracy, they operate in the open, thats why people in america are AWARE of the $3 to $6 BILION in "Aid" that goes to israel. It's on the books, not in a slush fund. Our politicians speak openly of the "special relationship" between the US and Israel, but you would never know that because you never read anything like news, not even to see what the "other side" is saying.
Yes, all christians are whack jobs, just like all muslims are terrorists. And on a similar note, why are you so quick to lump every muslim into a western hating jihadist yet can't seem to fathom that a bunch of those same muslims could plot to, and then hijack a few planes and then fly them into buildings? (how they came down not included).
As for the ufos, i'm sorry the probe hurt your butt so much, i will see what my cia bosses can do when the next delegate arrives from Serpo. I've never smelled a contrail before but I do suggest you look at your tiny little nation on a map, As the sea rises (you know, where all those people came to your country from because theirs is underwater now) Kiwi land will only get smaller. At least I have thousands of square MILES of land to move to when my beautiful CIA funded beachfront house subsides into the sea. How many square Kilometers does your country have?
Does that answer your question?

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Well, yes, in general terms that could be what happened, but then again, that could also just be rationalization, the very kind that prevented anyone from connecting the dots for 911. This same stunt of going into an airplane and becoming abusive and loud was used in 1999 by two Muslim students, and then again in 2006 by the 6 Emams. One who is wise to these tactics will see immediately that it is not as innocent as you would like to portray.

I happen to believe that anyone who is in the USA that doesn't speak any English at all, most likely came to the USA by AIRPLANE, which means they have flown before, which means they most likely know the drill, and claiming they had no idea that they should turn off their phones, well that is just ridiculous.

To believe that 13 grown adult men in this modern day and age would be traveling throughout America and not know any English, well that is just not very believable. How did they buy their tickets or check their baggage? How did they read the signs to know what gate to go to? How did they get to the airport?

So, even though there has been many attempted attacks since 911, you want to believe that everything in this world is okay now? You think the Arab world loves America now? You think there is no longer any danger? You want to believe that there is no need for people to be vigilant and to report suspicious behavior, especially people who may come from places in the world where they routinely blow themselves up to make a political statement?

That is not bigotry...that is using wisdom and carefulness. Calling this type of wise action "bigotry" is only a deflection technique, designed to cast unfounded negativity on those who are attempting to be wise. Anyone who is versed in fighting a battle using techniques of public opinion and image attack, knows full well that playing the "race card" or the "nationality card" is only used as a ploy by those who have an opposing agenda.

Political correctness only goes so far, and should be dispensed with when it comes to protecting life and property.

If I was in charge of security at an abortion clinic, I would warn everyone who worked there to watch carefully anyone who is caring a Bible and hovering around the building or who looks like they may be looking to do harm. This would only be prudent to do, because it is well established that the usual people who attack these places or the doctor's that work in them are fanatical Christians. Does that mean that all or most Christians would do that? No, of course not, but of the ones who would do it, they are most likely Christian zealots.

As an aside, you should watch the show "Lie to Me" which presents great information on reading the micro-expressions on people's faces to see what they are really thinking. It is indeed possible to see when a person is intending to do harm, if one knows what to look for.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by JohnWorfin

Excuse me, but ATS does portray itself as a news site as well as a forum. Just ask Johnny Anonymous if you don't believe that is true. Do you really think that any of the news networks author all their news? Obviously you have never heard of the "wire" or Reuters.

If you look at all my posts, I'm the first to admit that each religious group has it's ZEALOTS that want to force the rest of the world to follow their particular religion. The story that is at issue here is the story of men who boarded an airplane, and who dressed with Arab garb. If they were men wearing Yarmulkas on their head, and long curls on the sides of their faces, I would say they COULD HAVE BEEN (repeat COULD HAVE BEEN) Jewish terrorists, but that is not what was reported in the story.

As far as the MSM is concerned, it is so amazing how most of the time people here on ATS hate the MSM, and claim that it is totally in the pocket of the NWO, but when it comes to stories like this, they claim that "if it were real, the MSM would be all over it." Well, not really, since the MSM is pretty much OFF of the anti-arab stories, for obvious political reasons. Mr. Obama and his handlers have given the word that anything anti-Muslim is OUT, while Christian bashing is IN... nobody here on ATS has a problem with bashing Christians (except the Christians of course), but they are so up in arms with ANY comments against ANY Arabs/Muslims...even the ones who ARE blowing themselves up for political purposes.

I'll repeat... I have no problem with anyone from any religious group, or from any ethnic group, or from any nation, who acts like a decent human being, showing genuine respect for all people in general. That being said, however, I do not consider the act of calling a "spade" a "spade" to be disrespectful at all, and all fanatical zealots, regardless of their religion, pose a threat to all of humanity.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by JohnWorfin

By the way, if you read this article from WorldNetDaily, it presents some very interesting historical facts concerning this new type of technique used by certain middle eastern operatives:


posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:37 AM
I don't know what to believe anymore. Ever since I found out that 9/11 was an inside job, I hope the pilots have enough common sense to always keep the cockpit door closed regardless of what is going on.

I wouldn't be surprised if all the news hype about passengers being thrown off the plane all time for too short of a skirt of whatever makes the pilots drop their guard and then the plane really gets hijacked.

If this happens don't expect to fly into a building though, but expect to be shot the hell down as soon as you are over a field. Kinda like 93, except it was not shot down nor downed by the terrorists/passengers.

[edit on 12/5/2009 by nightmarehalo]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by downisreallyup

Now I'm not going to pretend there aren't any extremists out there that do want to hurt this country, I just don't think that every single Muslim you meet is out to kill you.

It's asinine and reeks of cold war paranoia.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
This may be true but I have some issues with it. Why is it being repetedly targeted at 'muslims'? Even going so far as to say that one is in the whitehouse now. Any reasonable person knows that this has nothing to do with muslims but with a tiny fraction of islamic extremists. Painting with an inaccurate and overly broad brush accomplishes nothing.

And seriously, overtly watching porn and yelling 'shut up you infidel dog'?? Really. Why does that sound like something out of a 'B' movie?

So the entire flight crew up and leaves and the airline is able to not only rescedule a crew but have it on-board within 5mins? Just getting through the rescheduling paperwork takes longer than that.

I don't know... it's all so over the top. Maybe it's true but I have a healthy measure of scepticism on this one.

Sometimes, things really are the way they seem. And yes, we have an issue with Islamic extremism. It's a threat to international security, not just national.

Also, did you just say we have a Muslim in the white house? Right there, I stopped taking your post seriously.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by downisreallyup
reply to post by JohnWorfin

Excuse me, but ATS does portray itself as a news site as well as a forum. Just ask Johnny Anonymous if you don't believe that is true. Do you really think that any of the news networks author all their news? Obviously you have never heard of the "wire" or Reuters.

If you look at all my posts, I'm the first to admit that each religious group has it's ZEALOTS that want to force the rest of the world to follow their particular religion. The story that is at issue here is the story of men who boarded an airplane, and who dressed with Arab garb. If they were men wearing Yarmulkas on their head, and long curls on the sides of their faces, I would say they COULD HAVE BEEN (repeat COULD HAVE BEEN) Jewish terrorists, but that is not what was reported in the story.

As far as the MSM is concerned, it is so amazing how most of the time people here on ATS hate the MSM, and claim that it is totally in the pocket of the NWO, but when it comes to stories like this, they claim that "if it were real, the MSM would be all over it." Well, not really, since the MSM is pretty much OFF of the anti-arab stories, for obvious political reasons. Mr. Obama and his handlers have given the word that anything anti-Muslim is OUT, while Christian bashing is IN... nobody here on ATS has a problem with bashing Christians (except the Christians of course), but they are so up in arms with ANY comments against ANY Arabs/Muslims...even the ones who ARE blowing themselves up for political purposes.

I'll repeat... I have no problem with anyone from any religious group, or from any ethnic group, or from any nation, who acts like a decent human being, showing genuine respect for all people in general. That being said, however, I do not consider the act of calling a "spade" a "spade" to be disrespectful at all, and all fanatical zealots, regardless of their religion, pose a threat to all of humanity.

A lot of places "portray" themselves as news sites when they are not, just look at Fox news or Rush Limbaugh, this does not make them news sites. What these fake news places have in common is a consistent fear-mongering that plays to the base feelings of the ignorant. Questioning the motivations behind what you read is supposed to be what people do here. Nobody in this thread has denied muslim terrorism, only the tactics, motivations and integrity of the people who published this story. Actually, a lot of news outlets up until recently had huge reporting staffs, going all over the world to seek a story. In the last 15 years, as budgets shrank readership in newsprint has fallen the reliance of wires like the AP and Reuters has increased dramatically, but that is a subject for another post. As for obama, did you know he is one of those whacky christians? Did you know that the PASTOR of obama's former church Jerimiah Wright was torn several new a$$holes by the msm because of his belief that 911 was punishment from god for the sins of america. Yes he was black but that does not always mean muslim.
The article that started this thread was heavily biased and some of the responses were scary ignorant rants. The history of the world is peppered with scapegoats. In america, if it wasn't for the muslims, we would be in a new cold war with china. You would hear the same rhetoric about the chinese, how 75% of commies in china believe that america and the west should be nuked and how the chinese want to dominate the world. This is how the the sheeples are manipulated, by fear. It can be scary when large groups of people get together, thats why the chinese govt. hates falun gong, because they organize. The stories like these are meant to keep our fear focused on an outside source, so we ignore the real problems we have in day to day life and keep the same people in power.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by mikelee

that " article " is just the opinion peice of another idiot with a adjenda - appepting to portray his views as ` official `

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by downisreallyup
reply to post by JohnWorfin

By the way, if you read this article from WorldNetDaily, it presents some very interesting historical facts concerning this new type of technique used by certain middle eastern operatives:


Interesting read, but the ads about intelligent design really turned me off. I guess people really believe that back asswards fire and brimstone stuff. The basis for the article is a book, that i have not read, but a pdf or "evidence" is available to download. It fails to inspire fear in me. If this was the first "test" of two over three years, al queda needs to get their act together. But that website sucks. It is another conservative republican bible thumping mouthpiece. Trust it as far as you can throw it.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 04:09 AM

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 04:16 AM
I have no idea as to the validity of this story but an interesting debunking comes courtesy of Snopes.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:27 AM
um I didn't know the new 24 plot was leaked already

(that's how apparent it is that this is fake)

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
In my opinion,

This is hogwash. more fearmongerin.

THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!! lOOK UNDER YOUR SEATS!! They're under your bed!! careful!!!

Thats all good to say till you're on the bus/train/plane that goes kaboom.

Then it's all WHY WAS NOTHING DONE!!!!11

The allah winfrey show, "Hey everyone, check under your seats, I've got a surprise for youuuu!!!"

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:22 AM
Gee America is paranoid....

Maybe you are all subconciously feeling guilty because America has no problem killing innocent Muslims....and youare fearful that "what comes around goes around.."

I knew you the Conservatives were "different" but really, come on....

Dry run??

Terrorists dont use such hilarious methods....
Why would they tip you off that they had evil muslim jihadi intentions??

Can you not hear how ridiculous this seems!!??

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 07:40 AM
...and he also did not say that he didn't trust them becauses they are liberal. It is because they have been liars in the past, therefore you try to give the benefit of the doubt to the unknown people. The liars are already known and discredited. The fact that they are also liberal, should make one wonder about lberal/Progressives/communists/Democrats.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 08:40 AM
So I'm supposed to believe there aren't large groups of Arab Muslims who want to kill us and destroy our civilization by any means necessary?

As someone pointed out earlier, part of Fard'Ayn is using any means -- economic, democratic, political, intimidation, even outright destruction -- anything to chip away at the West.

It's almost like the terrorists have already got you so afraid to speak out against them and they've already won. Fort Hood was just 2 weeks ago and no one cares about the brave soldiers who were murdered by Nidal Hasan?

Yelling "Allahu Akbar" then unloading their clips at American soldiers, or blowing themselves up killing thousands of innocent civilians?

Do you not realize these Muslims have connections to drugs and weaponry? What makes you think they're too poor and too stupid to think of ousting the West. These Muslims are a real threat! Anyone who says otherwise is a terrorist sympathasizer and, whether you know it or not, supporting the likes of the Taliban.

I'd venture to say the ones who don't see the threat probably don't even know Muslims in real life.

If you did, you would know they're not stupid, poor, or incompetent. And they have already told us they want to enslave us and kill us like dogs.

Well I have this to say, I'm an infidel and if I see any of you terrorists I'm going to personally show you a nice beatdown (from the first-person perspective)! Tedd Petruna is a brave man, a patriot, and he stopped a bad situation before it got worse.

When the Muslims start turning in their own, I'll be satisfied.

[edit on 5-12-2009 by ForAiur]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by ForAiur
So I'm supposed to believe there aren't large groups of Arab Muslims who want to kill us and destroy our civilization by any means necessary?

[edit on 5-12-2009 by ForAiur]

You do realize that the current world population is over 6.5 billion people, of which the entire US is a mere 6%, you concept of a "large group" is a drop in the ocean by comparison.

There is an even larger group of Christians who wish the same destruction, they are however a much lower priority in the media and get much less air time.

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by prof-rabbit

I'm talking about America. You know that. Why you choose to point out irrelevant facts is beyond me but leads me to believe you sympathize with the terrorists.

I'll stop short of calling you a coward because I don't know your motives. You might be one of them.

What you could possibly hope to gain from backwards Islamic radicals is a question that has no answer, obviously you hate America.

What country are you from? Because Britain has already been sieged by Islam and every British person I've talked to has said, Do NOT let it happen IN AMERICA

They've even told us what strategies the Muslims are using, and part of it is gaining sympathies because in America we respect religion. So they mask their agenda for world domination under the guise of religion.

Our tolerance is our weakness. You can't tolerate intolerance (Islam)

[edit on 5-12-2009 by ForAiur]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by johnny2127

Originally posted by Donny 4 million

Originally posted by dgtempe
In my opinion,

This is hogwash. more fearmongerin.

THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!! lOOK UNDER YOUR SEATS!! They're under your bed!! careful!!!

How true! Good to see the OP can relate to the fact that he jumped the gun here. To bad some others here would endanger an entire aircraft full of passengers just to satisfy their own prejudice.
One thing for sure. Folks need to sort this stuff out.
The real enemy will win if this crap continues.

LOL, got to love the backwards logic of those that call the guys that stood up to these people as the real threat. Just another person spewing the 'No Muslims are radical' and 'Everything is the fault of the US' crap. Got to wonder about the mental state of some backwards thinking 'progressive' liberals some times.

LOL your own self,
Where were you and your flag waving chumps on 911 when a couple go go
boys took out all the defense you and your company could muster.
You sir do not live up to the scrutiny.Lets go back to Granada they got shrimp.

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