posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 05:09 PM
I think we all know where this 2 party system is headed. i think for the last 10 years the republicans have proved how inept, corrupt and disgusting
they are at running the country.. criminals in suits... and now with the democrats having a congressional majority and the presidency they seem
to be steering the country to socialism and putting the country so far in debt we will never get out of the hole. So!... in 2010 and 2012 you
literally have the choice of, and weve all heard this before, having to pick the lesser evil... I say we put into congress, into the presidency
people who are in touch with the sentiments of the people they represent. common people, not rich people, not washington insiders, not generals....
independents who are just that, independent from the tenticles of corruption that has a stranglehold on this nation. what the hell is the point of
voting if we have to choose between 2 corrupt institutions? your only throwing your vote away if you vote republican or democrat in the next national