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Barack Obama, a Fabian Socialist

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posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:45 PM

So what is the Fabian society?

The Fabian Society is a British Intellectual Society established in 1884 to further the plan of creating a world socialist democracy through gradualist and reformist means. The Fabian Society have been the main force/think tank behind the New Labour Movement, as well as having provided the foundations for the original Labour Party.

The name of the society is derived from the Roman general Fabius Cunctator, whose patient and elusive tactics in avoiding pitched battles secured his ultimate victory over stronger forces. Its founding is attributed to Thomas Davidson, a Scottish philosopher, and its early members included George Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb, Annie Besant, Edward Pease, and Graham Wallas. Shaw and Webb, later joined by Webb’s wife, Beatrice, were the outstanding leaders of the society for many years. In 1889 the society published its best-known tract, Fabian Essays in Socialism, edited by Shaw. It was followed in 1952 by New Fabian Essays, edited by Richard H.S. Crossman.

The emblem of the Fabian Society is the WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING:

and this emblem is part of a larger piece of creepy art:

Above on the top it reads: "REMOULD IT NEARER TO THE HEARTS DESIRE"
and beneath the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing part is two men hammering away at the world.

The following is a picture of Tony Blair [Fabian member] chillin by the stained glass piece.

Anyways, let us get to the juicy parts:

Recently, the Fabian Society published a book entitled "The Change We Need", which basically exalts Obama, and includes a forward from unelected British Prime Minister Gordon Brown [aka Tony Blair 2.0]

So you can see here that Obama's policies are at the very least highly supported by the Fabian Society.

Here's something more interesting:

Over a year ago, 11/03/08, Forbes published the following article, entitled "Barack Obama, Fabian Socialist."

It reads:

Barack Obama is a Fabian socialist. I should know; I was raised by one.
Fabians believed in gradual nationalization of the economy through manipulation of the democratic process. Breaking away from the violent revolutionary socialists of their day, they thought that the only real way to effect "fundamental change" and "social justice" was through a mass movement of the working classes presided over by intellectual and cultural elites. Before TV it was stage plays, written by George Bernard Shaw and thousands of inferior "realist" playwrights dedicated to social change. John Cusack's character in Woody Allen's "Bullets Over Broadway" captures the movement rather well.


So here is the playbook: The left will identify, freeze, personalize and polarize an industry, probably health care. It will attempt to nationalize one-fifth of the U.S. economy through legislative action. They will focus, as Lenin did, on the "commanding heights" of the economy, not the little guy.

So the question is - IS Obama a Fabian Socialist?

[edit on 29-11-2009 by italkyoulisten]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 04:06 PM
If Obama was a socialist, then he wouldn't be empowering the capitalist system with bailouts. His healthcare 'reforms' wouldn't prop up the insurance system. He'd put an end to the Federal Reserve.

Barack Obama isn't a socialist. I should know; I am one.

Of course, you couldn't call Tony Blair or Gordon Brown socialists either. I wouldn't even consider the Fabians socialists; it's often regarded a ploy to save capitalism from the working class.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by Someone336]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Someone336

Well I never said Obama was a socialist.. but that he was a Fabian socialist.

What the Fabians want is not literal socialism but more of a synthesis between socialism and capitalism, the two political/economic poles. Tony Blair calls it "Communitarianism."

What the Fabians want is a socialism "for the poor" or really that the elites own everything, control the economy, and choose what to ration out what they want to the rest of the world.

The bailouts is not to feed the capitalist system but to bury it. How much in bailout money has been passed? How many tens of TRILLIONS? Gerald Celente of Trends Research is predicting total economic collapse due to this massive amount of magic money being pumped into the system.

The Federal Reserve fits right into the plan, because the whole goal is to be in control of the economic system. G20 is already trying to plan and set up a world currency system under the World Bank and IMF, or basically to give these same intellectual elites more power over the world economy.

--edit to add--
This isn't so much hating on socialism, but to show that at the very least Obama's policies are highly supported by the Fabian Society, which is a society that calls for a New World Order.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by italkyoulisten]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by italkyoulisten

I would definitely agree with you that there is a difference between Fabian Socialism and socialism, as there is a difference between socialism, communism, Marxism, etc... Trotsky said this of the Fabians:

Those British labour organizations that are the most unalloyed in class composition, namely the trade unions, have lifted the Labour Party directly upon their own shoulders. This expresses the profound changes in Britain's situation: her weakening on the world market, the change in her economic structure, the failing out of the middle classes and the break-up of Liberalism. The proletariat needs a class party, it is striving by every means to create it, it puts pressure on the trade unions, it pays political levies. But this mounting pressure from below, from the plants and the factories, from the docks and the mines, is opposed by a counter-pressure from above, from the sphere of official British politics with its national traditions of 'love of freedom', world supremacy, cultural primogeniture, democracy and Protestant piety. And if (in order to weaken the class consciousness of the British proletariat) a political concoction is prepared from all these components -- then you end up with the programme of Fabianism.

The Fabian 'theory' of socialism

H.G. Wells, who first coined the term "New World Order", had ties to the Fabians:

Wells was somewhat of an establishment figure and is even known to have visited a dinner of the Pilgrims of Great Britain in November 1913. In the years before, he was a member of the Coefficients, a 14-member pro-Empire dining club consisting of rather notable figures. Among the members were Sidney and Beatrice Webb, leading Fabian socialists; Sir Edward Grey, of Quigley's Rhodes Secret Society and the Milner Group; Viscount Alfred Milner, of Quigley's Milner Group; Leopold James Maxse, brother of Violet Cecil, who was married to Lord Edward Cecil, the son of the 3rd Marquess, and from 1921 to Lord Milner; and Lord Leopold Amery, another member of Quigley's Round Table. The members of this group do not appear to have been particularly involved in the Pilgrims.

The "Pilgrims" mentioned above is the Pilgrims Society, an elite Anglo-American organization who is currently tied to the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, JP Morgan, Citibank, GE, GM, and AIG. The Pilgrims are, in the truest sense of the word, arch capitalists. Not the milieu of socialism in any form.

The bailouts is not to feed the capitalist system but to bury it. How much in bailout money has been passed? How many tens of TRILLIONS? Gerald Celente of Trends Research is predicting total economic collapse due to this massive amount of magic money being pumped into the system.

The bailouts may have been a miscalculation, but they were engineered by the Wall Street masters... every government official responsible for the bailouts can be tied to the companies on the receiving end of the money. Wall Street simply isn't going to tear itself down, especially not for some global 'conspiracy' to enslave humanity. Keep in mind that Marx's criticism of capitalism is that it breeds two social classes; the proletariat, or working class, and the bourgeois, the elite ruling class who exploits the proletariat.

The Federal Reserve fits right into the plan, because the whole goal is to be in control of the economic system. G20 is already trying to plan and set up a world currency system under the World Bank and IMF, or basically to give these same intellectual elites more power over the world economy.

The Federal Reserve is not a government run central bank (as it should be), but instead a private corporation consisting of Wall Street banks and companies. That is pure capitalist control of the financial direction of the United States. The World Bank is simply an overseas extension of the Federal Reserve, working hand in hand with those bumbling buffoons over at the IMF, whose goal would appear to be keeping the Third World in tatters for First World exploitation.

The name of game is indeed global, but not in the socialist sense: globalized capitalism. Globalization is not something to be feared; it is inevitable and should be embraced. But we can't let it be at the behest of the Wall Street cabal and it's revolving door in Washington.

As for the Fabians, maybe Obama is one. But I'd wager that the Fabians are akin to the Federal Reserve in the sense that on the surface it would appear to be left leaning concept, but at the core it's the same crew of rich fat cat capitalists looking to exploit the poor.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by Someone336]

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