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Bacteria from Mars found inside ancient meteorite

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posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Millions

Yes -- I think it is possible that both Mars and Earth were seeded with life from a third source.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 06:55 PM
So, I've seen from a few sources that the announcement will be made tomorrow - Nov. 30 - can we confirm this?

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 06:58 PM
Cant believe there's people on here saying that it isnt that an important (possible) discovery/they suspected it anyway so who cares!

Yea intelligent life would be a huge deal, but not that big a step up from ANY life. Are people not interested because bacteria doesnt allow them to fantasize over 'close encounters of the third kind'/'independence day' scenarios?
Bacteria is a huge deal, alot more so than just suspecting it. It would be confirmation that life isnt just some freak accident here on earth.
And assuming it does get confirmed, it'll lead the way to finding out what life existed there & give us some idea of maybe how diverse life can be.

[edit on 29/11/09 by Bluebelle]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Bluebelle
...Bacteria is a huge deal, alot more so than just suspecting it. It would be confirmation that life isnt just some freak accident here on earth...

I agree, but any life found on Mars would need to be shown to have developed independently from life on Earth (i.e., it's possible that one planet seeded the other with life).

If life is discovered that arose spontaneously and independently twice in the same solar system, then that could mean that life is very common in the universe. However, if potential life on Mars is shown to be similar to life on Earth, then it can't be said definitely that life in the universe is ubiquitous.

[edit on 11/29/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Millions

Mr Mask, you seem to be missing the point a little in your criticism of other posters.
No, I assure you, I was not.

What they were pointing out is that this - if this find indeed turns out to be proof of life on Mars - it isn't necessarily proof of an independent genesis of life on another planet.
It "does" prove life existed on another planet. No one (not NASA, not me) are saying the "origin of life is coming from NASA any time soon.

On the contrary, if a sample of bacteria from Mars has found its wau here this time, then it is likely that this has happened many times before. And it is therefore possible that life started on one planet and then jumped to another planet via meteor collision.
Again, proving that life existed on another planet...and again, no one claimed this breaking news has anything to do with "pin pointing" life's ultimate origin.

So while I agree that this is a massive discovery and conclusion, I think you are drawing inaccurate conclusions if you think that this proves life on Mars and earth originated seperately.
I do not know the meaning of the word "seperately", and I am still sure it was not my original point.


Hi John...just so you "get" the jib I am dropping here...nowhere did NASA say/claim they "may have found" the "original place where life began in the Universe". If such a claim was coming from NASA I would surly be the first to "be very excited" about that...I would also be clear in stating "my reasons" for being so excited about "that".

But...if you look at what I have shared here, it is ME being excited about "life from space" possibly being "disclosed" by NASA.

Seeing as that is what I wrote, I do not see how you gathered I was "misunderstanding" the posts that say "this is no huge discovery".

Now I am not one of these guys who "assumes" NASA is hiding "talking-aliens" because a circle of conspiracy people "say so". I take NASA's information as "much more valued" then people who insist on "secret cover ups of what-not and so-on".

So...for me...this news, if it comes, will be earth shaking.

It will also rock the scientific world around us, opening new doors and amazing new insights into "what you assumed I was talking about"-

"where did life begin"? is not what I am thinking this is about, and I thought I would spend a little energy to "explain" what I said...even if I was clear the first time, I know many folks do not pay attention well enough.

Good day.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 09:11 PM
Some of you sharp-shooters are forgetting that the British million is an American billion, among other things. Remember, we're dealing with two different languages that appear quite similar

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
didnt read all comments, but did anyone have a wtf moment?

1) how do they know where the rock came from. I know they theorize where meteorites come from based on factors such as crystal growth and such that is barely science imo (read it..its very shaky science)

2) 16 million years ago the solar system was formed almost as it is today...what the hell are they talking about anyhow. from what my science class taught me, the solar system is several billion years old...well, the sun anyhow, and the planets not too far after that event.

this is like saying 30 years ago when the united states was forming...

It doesn't say that. It says this on the times version:

According to scientists, the meteorite was broken off the surface of Mars by the impact of an asteroid, and reached Earth after floating through space for about 16 million years. It landed in Allan Hills in Antarctica. Scientists were able to trace the meteorite back to Mars, as its chemical composition matched the relative proportions of various gases measured in observations of the atmosphere of Mars made by the Viking spacecraft in the 1970s.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by jaktenstid
Some of you sharp-shooters are forgetting that the British million is an American billion, among other things. Remember, we're dealing with two different languages that appear quite similar

Nah, we still say 1,000,000 (10^6) is a million, 1,000,000,000 is a billion (10^9), and 1,000,000,000,000 (10^12) is a trillion.

The traditional English billion is the same as the American trillion, but we just never use it in England. Imagine if we did, every bit of Maths would be out by factors of 1000 or more in large calculations - that would be crazy, and there would be mass confusion.

It made me wonder for a second about the US debt figure in the trillions would actually be a billion to us - but it isn't!

Anyway the source meant that the meteorite took 16 million years to travel here from Mars, so this figure has nothing to do with the age of the solar system, which is of course in the billions.

I think the only noticable differences in the English traditional, and English US version, that are still used: is the letter swaps or missing letters, e.g. color & colour, standardize & standardise.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by john124]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Very cool, and IF true, the greatest news I have ever heard from any scientific study ever produced from anywhere. And...again...IN YOUR FACE anti-disclosure people (me included, I laughed at the disclosure people, just not openly).

The question is not if they will disclose, but it is when.
This has been slowly culminating and fed to us through the propaganda matrix since the Roswell incident.
Think about it.

Where do you get your information from?
Do you know who owns Reuters and the AP? (who, by the way, are the gatekeepers to just about every single piece of news that 99% of Americans receive)

Find out for yourself, but I will give you a hint. It is the same people... That own both of them.

Find out who is at the top of the media empires that dominate the Western Landscape. Want a hint?

It all boils down to 5 people that you probably will not know.

Pay attention and ask yourself.
Why do they want us to know about "Alien life" NOW?

Where is this information leading the public opinion? (Once again, this is all controlled through the propaganda matrix of media. If you don't believe me, google Albert Bandura and read about his work.)

Learned Helplessness....

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 10:10 PM
Regardless of how the Vatican tries to spin this topic, ET life will one day deliver the death blow to organized religion. After all, if life is so common, I guess humanity is no longer God's precious and unique snow flake. The existence and extinction of a species is hard enough for creationists to explain on one planet, but now they will have to explain a whole planet, Mars, coming to life, supposedly as a result of God's "perfect and infallible" will, and then being summarily wiped out by some disaster. The fairytale is over. It's time to abandon archaic superstitions and grow up as a species. There is no Santa Clause. Two planets with life in one solar system in one galaxy among hundreds of billions of galaxies. There may not be a UFO landing on the White House lawn - but they are out there somewhere.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by gazerstar

i think it was misleading wording.... but technically the solar system is still forming...we are just witnessing its current form. eventually the solar system will change in some form or orbit changes..who knows

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:59 PM
Just wanted to show my support to your thread. Way to go.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Josephus23

5 people?

Can you give us any hints?

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:25 AM
link has arisen on both the two planets we know most about..and on both the planets that we can really check.....out of billions and say thats quite big news..and obviously means life is EVERYWHERE...

for many people at ATS this shouldnt be big news..i 'knew' all my life that this was the case...but its still cool to have it proven...

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Josephus23

Sigh...sorry man, I only respect proven facts.

What you are "dishing" on me IS the media/circus that has been programmed into the populace IMHO.

I know "buzz words" and catchy sounding "boogiemen stories" are ALL the rage these days, but I am sorry to say "I've been sucking the conspiracy berry" for two decades and I am not "buying" the razzle-dazzle "hum-dinger" explanation of-

"this is all a seed planted by the evil hidden minions of the Illuminati to prepare us for whatever-n-such".


I think NASA just got some new information, it has been cleared for declassifying, and here it hidden brainwashing agenda to get us ready for space-robot-monsters or anything else you picked up along your adventures in sewers of "silly nonsense".

Not everything is a conspiracy.

Also...keep in mind I said all this as "my humble opinion". Notice how I didn't make a factual statement? Know why? Because I am not "careless with what I say" and I sure don't go around posting speculation as fact.

You may want to try that when you post to the public about your personal "unverified" beliefs.

Just so you know...people who make factual statements about "secret organizations" and "goblins", are always looked at as "silly" by those who spend serious time researching matters.

Try works great and won't get you a reputation as a "crap-babbler" who spreads "unverified speculation" as "God's truth on Earth".

You may earn "proper respect" from "more in-the-know-type-folks", instead of eye-rolls and a write-off as a kook.

Just a thought you "may" want to consider while your presenting all that hip conspiracy talk like you actually "know" something.

[edit on 30-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

MrMask, Just think about this for a moment.... for centuries we have been told that "we" are the only life in the "universe", then we are told we are the only "intellligent" life in the universe... then we are told we are the only "life" in this galaxy, then solar system... etc...

then alot of us grew up beleiving that water does not exist anyplace else in our solarsystem except earth... now we find out that is not true... and the fact that liquid water elswhere in our own solar system is becoming a "ho hum" discovery.... so "microbiological" life forms in our own solarsystem being discovered or confirmed now, to most people nowadays is not a big deal..... we have been desensitized.... unless it shows up with lasers, and body snatching abilities, we are no longer impressed..... very sad that most people can not grasp the implications of even one microbe from "mars" being confirmed....

End of rant....

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:39 AM
Now this should be fun to watch, if they do indeed anounce it.

NASA press Release:

Oh guess what guys we found a rock with bugs on it!! oh and just so you know your entire life was based on a lie...

Ye har!

[edit on 30-11-2009 by 13579]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by SideWynder

Oh, I so agree with you on "its a shame people are not more interested in what this discovery would mean".

But if you think I'm going to go "whooooa dude, the media is owned by 0.3% of the richest people in the world SO THIS MUST MEAN DISCLOSURE IS COMING because NASA must be a BLACK-OP-TACTICAL-AGENT leading us down the road to INTELLIGENT VISITORS!!!"

Then you expect way too much from a man who spent way too many years doing his "research".

I am the first to admit that there are conspiracies that need DREADFUL attention but fail to get it because people are "dumbed down" by various elements in today's society.

But you are barking up the wrong tree if you think I am some shiny wide-eyed kid who just started "adopting" this recent influx of "nut jobs" acting like they "know aliens are here".

Sorry...I'm no 911/truther all hopped up on my Alex-J juice, and I sure as hell ain't rolling with no Project Lie-a-lot.

If you want to see a Hollywood movie in every discovery released, be my guest.

Just know, for every hour you waste "joining bad band wagons" the real "bad guys" are laughing to the bank with stolen goods saying things like-

"HA! People are so dumb...look at them looking for clues in the toilet".

Sorry...IMHO, this is just not "a trail to open Pandora's Landing Pad".

If you get me.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:53 AM
Mars was inhabited,and many fossils have been found,and ALL of you came from "Seeds" that were your familys heritage here. There was no creation event here,everyone came here originally in a lifter.
There is no big bang that created the universe,men did, I assure you,scientists,real scientists.
Lifters are everywhere and people arrive here and deploy out weekly,I assure you.
You cannot rely on a radar signature with a frequency field providing anti grav for a lifter,I assure you.
Check out the book on Vimanas found in India and deciphered into English from old sanscrit,it will give you a bit of foundation,but tht is old tech.
Each genetic field was originally protocoled in a different universe or galaxy and each was brought here as miners.
Now here is a statement that I can prove very easily with a conversation,"There are NO natural mountains on this planet" and each place such as the great salt lake was built here for those processes.
I can also accurately explain hthe what ,why and how of the Nazca lines,but usually get a large amount of static attack when I make statements of fact.
Im from a specific science department that is constantly under siege here,were from here,and task here to try and keep processes whole for the systems and eco-systems.
Knowing how to identify lifters would help the nay sayers discern better and just simply shut up..They are all over the planet and the cloaking mechanism is very,very simple as well as the anti -grav system.
The Gov. has re-completed them and the boys from somewhere else control that faction of the system now,therefore absolutely no dis-closure.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by EarthScientist
Mars was inhabited,and many fossils have been found,and ALL of you came from "Seeds" that were your familys heritage here. There was no creation event here,everyone came here originally in a lifter.
There is no big bang that created the universe,men did, I assure you,scientists,real scientists.
Lifters are everywhere and people arrive here and deploy out weekly,I assure you.
You cannot rely on a radar signature with a frequency field providing anti grav for a lifter,I assure you.
Check out the book on Vimanas found in India and deciphered into English from old sanscrit,it will give you a bit of foundation,but tht is old tech.
Each genetic field was originally protocoled in a different universe or galaxy and each was brought here as miners.
Now here is a statement that I can prove very easily with a conversation,"There are NO natural mountains on this planet" and each place such as the great salt lake was built here for those processes.
I can also accurately explain hthe what ,why and how of the Nazca lines,but usually get a large amount of static attack when I make statements of fact.
Im from a specific science department that is constantly under siege here,were from here,and task here to try and keep processes whole for the systems and eco-systems.
Knowing how to identify lifters would help the nay sayers discern better and just simply shut up..They are all over the planet and the cloaking mechanism is very,very simple as well as the anti -grav system.
The Gov. has re-completed them and the boys from somewhere else control that faction of the system now,therefore absolutely no dis-closure.

This is the kind of person you come off as "when you share baseless speculation" as "fact".

Understand my point now?

Total poppycock (badly presented, at that).

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